2,993 research outputs found

    Disrupting Invisibility Fields : Provincializing ‘Western Code’ Trans* Narratives

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    Unsichtbarkeitsfelder stören – Die Provinzialisierung von 'Western Code' trans*-Narrativen. In diesem Beitrag stellen wir ‚Western Code‘ trans*-Narrative in Frage, indem wir das koloniale Projekt der Medikalisierung, Pathologisierung und Disziplinierung von trans* Körpern beleuchten. Wir untersuchen zunĂ€chst verschiedene Kontrollsysteme – Biologisierung, Zeitlichkeit, Klassifizierung und Pathologisierung – die in Bezug auf (trans*)gender in ‘Western codes’ wirken. Danach befassen wir uns mit Aspekten trans*spezifischer Gesundheitsversorgung und ihres kolonialen Erbes. In beiden Abschnitten konzentrieren wir uns dabei auf „Unsichtbarkeitsfelder“ (in Deutschland und SĂŒdafrika) – die verborgenen Machtstrukturen, die das koloniale Projekt als das Problem anderer Leute verschleiern. In dem Versuch „Western Code“ trans* Narrative zu provinzialisieren und zu unter_brechen eröffnen wir am Ende alternative ErzĂ€hlungen und Geschichten des Widerstands

    Ageing analysis of the giant radio galaxy J1343+3758

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    Deep 4860 and 8350 MHz observations with the VLA and 100-m Effelsberg telescopes, supplementing available radio survey maps at the frequencies of 327 MHz (WENSS survey) and 1400 MHz (NVSS survey), are used to study the synchrotron spectra and radiative ages of relativistic particles in opposite lobes of the giant radio galaxy J1343+3758 (Machalski & Jamrozy [CITE]). The classical spectral ageing analysis (e.g. Myers & Spangler [CITE]) with assumption of equipartition magnetic fields gives a mean separation velocity (⟹vsep⟩\langle v_{\rm sep}\rangle) of about 0.16 c and 0.12 c measured with respect to the emitting plasma, and suggests a maximum particle age of about 48 and 50 Myr in the NE and SW lobes, respectively. On the contrary, a mean jet-head advanc

    CKIɛ/discs overgrown Promotes Both Wnt-Fz/ÎČ-Catenin and Fz/PCP Signaling in Drosophila

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    SummaryThe related Wnt-Frizzled(Fz)/ÎČ-catenin and Fz/planar cell polarity (PCP) pathways are essential for the regulation of numerous developmental processes and are deregulated in many human diseases. Both pathways require members of the Dishevelled (Dsh or Dvl) family of cytoplasmic factors for signal transduction downstream of the Fz receptors. Dsh family members have been studied extensively, but their activation and regulation remains largely unknown. In particular, very little is known about how Dsh differentially signals to the two pathways. Recent work in cell culture has suggested that phosphorylation of Dsh by Casein Kinase I epsilon (CKIɛ) may act as a molecular “switch,” promoting Wnt/ÎČ-catenin while inhibiting Fz/PCP signaling [1]. Here, we demonstrate in vivo in Drosophila through a series of loss-of-function and coexpression assays that CKIɛ acts positively for signaling in both pathways, rather than as a switch. Our data suggest that the kinase activity of CKIɛ is required for peak levels of Wnt/ÎČ-catenin signaling. In contrast, CKIɛ is a mandatory signaling factor in the Fz/PCP pathway, possibly through a kinase-independent mechanism. Furthermore, we have identified the primary kinase target residue of CKIɛ on Dsh. Thus, our data suggest that CKIɛ modulates Wnt/ÎČ-catenin and Fz/PCP signaling pathways via kinase-dependent and -independent mechanisms

    Magnetic fields and star formation in low-mass Magellanic-typeand peculiar galaxies

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    Aims. We investigate how magnetic properties of Magellanic-type and perturbed objects are related to star-forming activity, galactic type, and mass. Methods. We present radio and magnetic properties of five Magellanic-type and two peculiar low-mass galaxies observed at 4.85 and/or 8.35 GHz with the Effelsberg 100 m telescope. The sample is extended to 17 objects by including five Magellanic-type galaxies and five dwarf ones. Results. The distribution of the observed radio emission of low-mass galaxies at 4.85/8.35 GHz is closely connected with the galactic optical discs, which are independent for unperturbed galaxies and those which show signs of tidal interactions. The strengths of total magnetic field are within 5−9 ΌG, while the ordered fields reach 1−2 ΌG, and both these values are larger than in typical dwarf galaxies and lower than in spirals. The magnetic field strengths in the extended sample of 17 low-mass galaxies are well correlated with the surface density of star formation rate (correlation coefficient of 0.87) and manifest a power-law relation with an exponent of 0.25 ± 0.02 extending a similar relation found for dwarf galaxies. We claim that the production of magnetic energy per supernova event is very similar for all the various galaxies. It constitutes about 3% (1049 erg) of the individual supernovae energy release. We show that the total magnetic field energy in galaxies is almost linearly related to the galactic gas mass, which indicates equipartition of the magnetic energy and the turbulent kinetic energy of the interstellar medium. The Magellanic-type galaxies fit very well with the radio-infrared relation constructed for surface brightness of galaxies of various types, including bright spirals and interacting objects (with a slope of 0.96 ± 0.03 and correlation coefficient of 0.95). We found that the typical far-infrared relation based on luminosity of galaxies is tighter and steeper but more likely to inherit a partial correlation from a tendency that larger objects are also more luminous. Conclusions. The estimated values of thermal fractions, radio spectral indices, and magnetic field strengths of the Magellanic-type galaxies are between the values determined for grand-design spirals and dwarf galaxies. The confirmed magnetic field-star formation and radio-infrared relations for low-mass galaxies point to similar physical processes that must be at work in all galaxies. More massive, larger galaxies have usually stronger magnetic fields and larger global star formation rates, but we show that their values of magnetic energy release per supernova explosion are still similar to those of dwarf galaxies

    LÔhnaained - pÔllumajandusest ja tööstusest

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    TĂ€istekstEbameeldivate lĂ”hnade tekkeallikad ja -pĂ”hjused on erinevad – nĂ€iteks vĂ”ivad need olla seotud tööstuse, aga ka pĂ”llumajandustegevusega. Kuigi lĂ”hnade kahjulik mĂ”ju inimeste tervisele vĂ€ljendub ainult teatud lĂ”hnavate saasteainete vĂ”rdlemisi kĂ”rge kontsentratsiooni saavutamise puhul, siis tekitavad paljud lĂ”hnaainete koosseisus olevad komponendid inimesele psĂŒhholoogilist ebamugavust juba vĂ€hese kontsentratsiooni korral. Tihedalt asetsevates tööstus-, pĂ”llumajandus-, trans pordi piir kondades ning prĂŒgilate lĂ€heduses on lĂ”hnast tulenev keskkonnahĂ€iring sageli ĂŒsna oluline. Esimesi lĂ”hna kĂ€sitlevaid regulatsioone vĂ”ime leida juba keskajast. Üldiseks soovituseks oli tollal halvasti lĂ”hnavate ettevĂ”tete-töökodade paigutamine keskusest kaugemale. Samas oli keskaegse linna ĂŒldsanitaarne olukord vaatamata sellele kĂ”ike muud kui hea. Esimene tĂ”sisem teadaolev „lĂ”hnajuhtum“ leidis aset 1858. aastal Londonis, kus haisev Thames muutis parlamendi töö vĂ”imatuks ning linnavĂ”imud asusid otsima vĂ”imalusi lĂ”hna vĂ€hendamiseks.11 1960-ndatel keelati Ameerika Ühendriikides kompostimine just tĂ€nu ebameeldivale lĂ”hnale, mis levis kompostimisvĂ€ljakutelt. TĂ€napĂ€evaseid lĂ”hnaalaseid mÀÀramismeetodeid on Euroopas loodud alates 1970-ndatest. Seda eelkĂ”ige loomapidamishoonetest pĂ€rinevate lĂ”hnade mÀÀramiseks. Nende seas ĂŒks levinumaid on organo leptiliste (haistmis- ja maitsmismeele abil seisundi vĂ”i omaduse hindamine) meetodite kasutamine. LĂ”hn, kui hĂ€iriv faktor, kerkib paratamatult esile seoses riikide majandusarenguga. Mida intensiivsem on tootmine ja töötlemine, seda suurem on oht selle probleemiga kokku puutuda.4 Eestis reguleerib vĂ€lisĂ”hus levivaid ja elanikkonnale ebameeldivust vĂ”i Ă€rritust tekitavaid lĂ”hnaaineid ĂŒldiselt VĂ€lisĂ”hu kaitse seadus ja selle alamakt – keskkonnaministri mÀÀrus nr. 50 „LĂ”hnaaine esinemise mÀÀramise ekspertrĂŒhma moodustamise kord, ekspertrĂŒhma liikmele esitatavad nĂ”uded, lĂ”hnaaine esinemise mÀÀrmise kord ja mÀÀramiseks kasutatavate meetodite loetelu“ – sĂ€testab lĂ”hnaainete hĂ€irivuse mÀÀramise. Nimetatud seadus kehtib alates 01.05.2004, seega on lĂ”hnaainete regulatsioon Eesti jaoks uus nĂ€htus. Paraku nĂ€itavad ĂŒsnagi sagedased elanikkonna kaebused ebameeldivate vĂ”i Ă€rritavate lĂ”hnaainete esinemise kohta vĂ€lisĂ”hus jĂ€tkuvalt teema aktuaalsust ning regulatsiooni vajalikkust.24 Selle trĂŒkise eesmĂ€rgiks on anda teavet vastavate seadusandluse nĂ”uete kohta Eestis ning edendada lĂ”hnade leviku piiramist pĂ”llumajanduses ja tööstuses kui Eesti jaoks olulistes ebameeldivat lĂ”hna pĂ”hjustavates valdkondades, soodustades seega sellel alal eduka praktika nĂ€idete juurutamist. VĂ€ljaande sihtrĂŒhmaks on pĂ”llumajandus- ja tööstusettevĂ”tted, kohalikud omavalitsused ning keskkonnakaitsega tegelevad asutused ja organisatsioonid. Selles on toodud peamised lĂ”hna reostuse pĂ”hjused, siseriiklik seadusandlus ning lĂ”hnade mÀÀramise vĂ”imalused Eestis. PĂ”llumajandus- ja tööstusettevĂ”tetele on antud soovitused ja parimate praktikate nĂ€ited lĂ”hnade leviku vĂ€hendamiseks. VĂ€ljaanne annab lugejale ĂŒlevaate omavalitsuste ja kohalike keskkonnaasutuste rollist, mis tulenevad vastavatest Ă”igusaktide nĂ”uetest

    The PCNA interaction protein box sequence in Rad54 is an integral part of its ATPase domain and is required for efficient DNA repair and recombination

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    Rad54 is an ATP-driven translocase involved in the genome maintenance pathway of homologous recombination (HR). Although its activity has been implicated in several steps of HR, its exact role(s) at each step are still not fully understood. We have identified a new interaction between Rad54 and the replicative DNA clamp, proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). This interaction was only mildly weakened by the mutation of two key hydrophobic residues in the highly-conserved PCNA interaction motif (PIP-box) of Rad54 (Rad54-AA). Intriguingly, the rad54-AA mutant cells displayed sensitivity to DNA damage and showed HR defects similar to the null mutant, despite retaining its ability to interact with HR proteins and to be recruited to HR foci in vivo. We therefore surmised that the PCNA interaction might be impaired in vivo and was unable to promote repair synthesis during HR. Indeed, the Rad54-AA mutant was defective in primer extension at the MAT locus as well as in vitro, but additional biochemical analysis revealed that this mutant also had diminished ATPase activity and an inability to promote D-loop formation. Further mutational analysis of the putative PIP-box uncovered that other phenotypically relevant mutants in this domain also resulted in a loss of ATPase activity. Therefore, we have found that although Rad54 interacts with PCNA, the PIP-box motif likely plays only a minor role in stabilizing the PCNA interaction, and rather, this conserved domain is probably an extension of the ATPase domain III

    Majorana Neutrino, the Size of Extra Dimensions, and Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay

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    The problem of Majorana neutrino mass generated in Arkani-Hamed--Dimopoulos-Dvali model with n extra spatial dimensions is discussed. Taking into account constraints on neutrino masses coming from cosmological observations, it is possible to obtain lower limits on the size of extra dimensions as large as 10^{-6} mm. In the case of n=4 it is easy to lower the fundamental scale of gravity from the Planck energy to electroweak scale \~TeV without imposing any additional constraints. A link between the half-life of neutrinoless double beta decay and the size of extra dimensions is discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, using RevTEX. Units conversion correcte
