58 research outputs found

    Change of support correction in mineral resource estimation

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    The success of any mining operation greatly, if not entirely, depends on the accuracy of prediction of recoverable mining reserves. However, prior to mining, knowledge about the distribution of the Selective Mining Unit (SMU) is limited. The SMU represents the volume on which extraction of ore takes place and on which recoverable mining reserves are based. Realistic recoverable reserve estimates can be obtained from the grade-tonnage curve that corresponds to the unknown distribution of the SMU rather than to the distribution of exploration sample data. In general, if the reserve calculation, at the given cut-off grade, is based upon exploration drill samples, with much smaller support than the SMU, then there is a high probability of incorrect estimation of the tonnage and the grade of ore, and this can have serious implications for the economic side of the mining project. Various techniques for correction for the change of support of data, in other words change of the volume on which the data are defined, enable more accurate estimates of the distribution of the variable of interest (that is grade of a precious metal). The fact that the volume (support) represented by the variable is taken into account makes the estimates more reliable and, as we will show in the study, closer to reality. The distribution of the SMU is derived from the known distribution of samples by applying a correction model. Among these techniques arc two recent methods these arc a conditional simulation method detailed by I. Glacken and a kriging method due to A. Arik. This study aims to examine these two methods and compare them with the standard techniques. The methods will be applied to real data acquired from the Boddington Gold Mine in the south-west of Western Australia. In addition to accuracy, the practicality and simplicity of implementation of each method will also be discussed

    Spatio-temporal image correlation (STIC) in evaluation of advanced neuroendocrine tumours

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    Introduction: 4D Ultrasound technology merging the Power Doppler option called High-Definition Flow (HDF) with Spatio-Temporal Image Correlation (STIC) is used in gynaecology and obstetrics. It seems to be a promising tool in assessing tissue vascularisation. The aim of the paper was to assess whether HDF STIC technique could be a useful tool for the evaluation of gastro-entero-pancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasm (GEP-NEN) advancement. Material and methods: Forty-eight patients [mean age 57.7 ± 10.3 years; male 40.9% (n = 18)] diagnosed with metastatic GEP-NENs were included in the analysis. All subjects were enrolled in the Department of Endocrinology and Neuroendocrine Tumours, Medical University of Silesia, Katowice. We analysed liver metastases. Patients with G3 grading or faintly vascularised lesions were excluded. HDF STIC volumes were acquired during USG examination. 4D indices [volumetric pulsatility index (vPI) and volumetric systolic/diastolic index (vS/D)] were calculated using dedicated software. Results: There were no correlations between vS/D and Ki-67 [p = 0.67; r = –0.19; (–0.28–0.19)], CgA [p = 0.47; r = –0.11; (–0.38–0,19)], 5-HIAA [p = 0.52; r = –0.09 (–0.37–0.2)], serotonin [p = 0.83; r = –0.03 (–0.32–0.26)], and VCAM-1 (p = 0.62; r = 0.09 (–03–0.47)]. The were no correlations between vPI and Ki-67 [p = 0.29; r = –0.16 (–0.45–0.14)], CgA (p = 0.46; r = –0.11 (–0.39–0.19)], 5-HIAA [p = 0.52; r = –0.09 (–0.37–0.2)], serotonin [p = 0.82; r = –0.03 (–0.32–0.26)], and VCAM-1 (p = 0.62; r = –0.09 (–03–0.47)]. There was no significant difference between carcinoid versus non-carcinoid patients if compared by vS/D and vPI (p = 0.62, p = 0.61, respectively). Conclusions: HDF STIC seems not to be an efficient marker to assess advancement of NENs, due to lack of correlation with widely used and approved markers of progression.


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    Background: The attitudes of schizophrenic patients toward medications directly impact the treatment compliance. Although noncompliance represents a serious concern in long-term schizophrenia treatment, a detailed information on the factors that impair compliance is still limited. The present study aims to assess the factors related to noncompliance with antipsychotics agents, in longterm treated chronic paranoid schizophrenia patients. Subjects and methods: Two groups of such patients (total number n=162) were analyzed and compared: 1). patients with symptomatic remission on haloperidol (n=32), clozapine (n=40) or olanzapine (n=45), and 2). drug resistant patients (n=45). The mean duration of the disease was 19.3 years. Results: Altogether, in our patient sample, a better drug attitude was found in the olanzapine and clozapine groups. Our findings have also revealed that worse attitude toward antipsychotics correlated with an earlier onset of schizophrenia, younger patient age, shorter duration of the disease, higher burden of symptoms, treatment with a typical antipsychotics, and higher severity of akathisia. Conclusion: Our results suggest that detecting factors that influence the patient’s attitude toward medications might be helpful for designing targeted educational strategies in chronic schizophrenia patients (particularly those with the high risk of noncompliance), and further trials are warranted to explore this topic


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    Background: The attitudes of schizophrenic patients toward medications directly impact the treatment compliance. Although noncompliance represents a serious concern in long-term schizophrenia treatment, a detailed information on the factors that impair compliance is still limited. The present study aims to assess the factors related to noncompliance with antipsychotics agents, in longterm treated chronic paranoid schizophrenia patients. Subjects and methods: Two groups of such patients (total number n=162) were analyzed and compared: 1). patients with symptomatic remission on haloperidol (n=32), clozapine (n=40) or olanzapine (n=45), and 2). drug resistant patients (n=45). The mean duration of the disease was 19.3 years. Results: Altogether, in our patient sample, a better drug attitude was found in the olanzapine and clozapine groups. Our findings have also revealed that worse attitude toward antipsychotics correlated with an earlier onset of schizophrenia, younger patient age, shorter duration of the disease, higher burden of symptoms, treatment with a typical antipsychotics, and higher severity of akathisia. Conclusion: Our results suggest that detecting factors that influence the patient’s attitude toward medications might be helpful for designing targeted educational strategies in chronic schizophrenia patients (particularly those with the high risk of noncompliance), and further trials are warranted to explore this topic

    Blood Pressure Variability, Metabolic Profile and Target Organ Damage in Patients with Essential Hypertension

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    Cel pracy PrĂłba okreĹ›lenia powiÄ…zaĹ„ miÄ™dzy ciĹ›nieniem tÄ™tniczym krwi, jego zmiennoĹ›ciÄ… a profilem metabolicznym i zmianami narzÄ…dowymi u chorych z Ĺ‚agodnym i umiarkowanym nadciĹ›nieniem tÄ™tniczym. MateriaĹ‚ i metody Badanie przeprowadzono u 71 mężczyzn z nadciĹ›nieniem tÄ™tniczym pierwotnym Ĺ‚agodnym i umiarkowanym w wieku 20–60 lat. U wszystkich badanych wykonano 24-godzinnÄ… automatycznÄ… rejestracjÄ™ ciĹ›nienia (ABPM). Ocena zmian narzÄ…dowych obejmowaĹ‚a badanie echograficzne, ultrasonograficzne badanie tÄ™tnic szyjnych i ocenÄ™ dobowego wydalania albumin z moczem. Oznaczono stężenie lipidĂłw we krwi, cholesterolu caĹ‚kowitego (TC), cholesterolu frakcji HDL i LDL, triglicerydĂłw (TG) oraz glukozy i insuliny na czczo, a takĹĽe po 1 i 2 godzinach od obciÄ…ĹĽenia glukozÄ… (INS 0, INS 1, INS 2). Wyniki GrupÄ™ arbitralnie podzielono wedĹ‚ug stężenia INS 0 – 12 j.m./ml i 25 j.m./ml oraz INS 1 poniĹĽej i powyĹĽej Ĺ›redniej (102,1 j.m./ml). Chorzy z INS 0 powyĹĽej 12 j.m./ml charakteryzowali siÄ™ wyĹĽszym wskaĹşnikiem masy ciaĹ‚a (BMI), wiÄ™kszym wymiarem lewej komory w rozkurczu (LVIDD) oraz wiÄ™kszÄ… masÄ… lewej komory (LVM). Spadek nocny ciĹ›nienia rozkurczowego byĹ‚ w tej grupie niĹĽszy. W grupie z INS 0 powyĹĽej 25 j.m./ml stwierdzono wiÄ™ksze BMI oraz wyĹĽsze wartoĹ›ci odchyleĹ„ standardowych ciĹ›nienia skurczowego i rozkurczowego w nocy. Chorzy ze stężeniem INS 1 przekraczajÄ…cym Ĺ›redniÄ… charakteryzowali siÄ™ wiÄ™kszym odchyleniem standardowym ciĹ›nienia rozkurczowego w ciÄ…gu dnia oraz wiÄ™kszym BMI. U chorych z mikroalbuminuriÄ… stwierdzono wyĹĽsze wartoĹ›ci ciĹ›nienia skurczowego i rozkurczowego oraz mniejszy spadek nocny ciĹ›nienia rozkurczowego. W ocenie niezaleĹĽnych czynnikĂłw ryzyka rozwoju powikĹ‚aĹ„ narzÄ…dowych nadciĹ›nienia tÄ™tniczego wykorzystano metodÄ™ regresji logistycznej. ZarĂłwno INS 0, jak i INS 1, cholesterol caĹ‚kowity, frakcji LDL, niskie stężenie cholesterolu frakcji HDL oraz wartoĹ›ci ciĹ›nienia skurczowego i rozkurczowego wydajÄ… siÄ™ być niezaleĹĽnymi czynnikami ryzyka przerostu bĹ‚ony Ĺ›rodkowej i wewnÄ™trznej tÄ™tnic (IMT). Ryzyko wystÄ…pienia mikroalbuminurii wiÄ…ĹĽe siÄ™ z wartoĹ›ciami ciĹ›nienia skurczowego w ciÄ…gu dnia i odchylenia standardowego ciĹ›nienia skurczowego w nocy. Wnioski: Chorzy z wyĹĽszymi stężeniami insuliny, w porĂłwnaniu z pacjentami ze stężeniami niĹĽszymi, charakteryzujÄ… siÄ™ wiÄ™kszÄ… zmiennoĹ›ciÄ… ciĹ›nienia w godzinach nocnych, mniejszym spadkiem nocnym ciĹ›nienia rozkurczowego oraz bardziej zaawansowanymi zmianami narzÄ…dowymi. U chorych z nadciĹ›nieniem Ĺ‚agodnym i umiarkowanym oraz mikroalbuminuriÄ… stwierdza siÄ™ wyĹĽsze wartoĹ›ci ciĹ›nienia skurczowego i rozkurczowego oraz niĹĽszy spadek nocny ciĹ›nienia rozkurczowego. Czynnikami ryzyka powikĹ‚aĹ„ naczyniowych sÄ…: hiperinsulinemia, podwyĹĽszone stężenie cholesterolu caĹ‚kowitego i frakcji LDL, obniĹĽone stężenie cholesterolu frakcji HDL, wartoĹ›ci ciĹ›nienia skurczowego i rozkurczowego w ABPM oraz zmienność ciĹ›nienia skurczowego w godzinach nocnych. Czynnikiem ryzyka wystÄ…pienia mikroalbuminurii jest zmienność ciĹ›nienia skurczowego w ciÄ…gu dnia i wartoĹ›ci ciĹ›nienia skurczowego w godzinach nocnych.Background To assess the connection between metabolic profile, blood pressure and blood pressure variability, and target organ damage in patients (pts) with essential hypertension. Material and methods 71 men with mild-to-moderate essential hypertension (HT) (age 20–60 years). In all pts 24 hour blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) was performed. Echocardiography, Doppler ultrasound examination of common carotid artery intima-media thickness (IMT) and microalbumin excretion (MA) were performed to evaluate target organ status. Blood sample were taken to assess cholesterol — total (CHOL), LDL, HDL, trigliceryde (TG) level, glucose serum concentration and insulin during the glucose load test (INS 0, INS 1, INS 2). Results According to the insulin level 3 groups of pts were analyzed — group one: INS 0 above vs. below 12mIU/ml, group two: INS 0 above vs. below 25mIU/ml and group three: INS 1 above vs. below mean values for the whole group — 102mIU/ml. The pts in group one with INS 0 above 12 uIU/ml were characterized by higher BMI, left ventricle diastolic diameter (LVIDD) and left ventricle mass (LVM) and decreased fall of blood pressure at night in comparison to pts with INS 0 below this level. In group two increased BMI and higher systolic and diastolic blood pressure variability at night were observed in patients with INS 0 above 25 uIU/ml. In group three greater BMI and greater diastolic blood pressure variability during the day were observed in pts with INS 1 above mean values. According to the albumin excretion two groups of pts were assessed — with MA above and below 30 mg/24 h. Pts with MA above 30 mg/24 h were characterized by higher systolic and diastolic blood pressure during the day and the night as well as by lower night fall of diastolic blood pressure. To assess independent risk factors of target organ damage, the logistic regression was applied. It seems probable that high level of INS 0, INS 1, total cholesterol, LDL–cholesterol as well as low level of HDL–cholesterol are risk factors for hypertrophy of carotid artery wall in pts with hypertension. The risk of MA seems to be connected with values of systolic blood pressure during the day and systolic blood pressure variability at night. Conclusions The hypertensives with higher insuline levels are characterized by higher blood pressure variability and lower diastolic blood pressure fall at night as well as more pronounced target organ lesions than hypertensives with lower insulin levels. In hypertensives with MA higher systolic and diastolic blood pressure values and lower diastolic blood pressure fall at night are observed. Hyperinsulinemia, high level of cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, and low level of HDL-cholesterol seem to be the independent risk factors of vascular complications in hypertensive pts. LDL-cholesterol, and low level of HDL-cholesterol seem to be the independent risk factors of vascular complications in hypertensive pts. The risk of microalbuminuria is connected with systolic blood pressure during the day and with systolic blood pressure variability at nigh


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    Backgroud: Emotional intelligence (EI) is described as the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one\u27s emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically. It is considered as one of the most important predictors of success, quality of relationships, and overall happiness. Dynamically changing environment of the youth and young adults in recent years may influence their EI development, affecting their lives significantly. The purpose of this study was to analyse the way how the Internet is used by high school students, to determine the amount of time they spend on the Internet, identify the level of EI and to explore if there is any correlation between those factors. Subjects and methods: 1450 high school students from Katowice, at the age from 18 to 21 years took part in an anonymous survey consisting of three parts: The Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire – Short Form (TEIQue-SF), Internet Addiction Test and authorial test giving information about the way of spending time online. The questionnaires were collected from May 2018 to January 2019. Results: 1.03% of the respondents fulfilled the Internet addiction criteria. Students at risk for addiction (33.5%) turned out to be a larger group. A statistically significant correlation between TEIQue-SF and Internet Addiction Test score (P<0.0001, r=-0.3308) was observed. Another significant correlation was found between TEIQue-SF score and amount of time spend on the Internet (p<0.0001, r=-0.162). Conclusion: A significant part of high school students used Internet excessively. Such behaviours were positively correlated with lower EI test results


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    Backgroud: Emotional intelligence (EI) is described as the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one\u27s emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically. It is considered as one of the most important predictors of success, quality of relationships, and overall happiness. Dynamically changing environment of the youth and young adults in recent years may influence their EI development, affecting their lives significantly. The purpose of this study was to analyse the way how the Internet is used by high school students, to determine the amount of time they spend on the Internet, identify the level of EI and to explore if there is any correlation between those factors. Subjects and methods: 1450 high school students from Katowice, at the age from 18 to 21 years took part in an anonymous survey consisting of three parts: The Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire – Short Form (TEIQue-SF), Internet Addiction Test and authorial test giving information about the way of spending time online. The questionnaires were collected from May 2018 to January 2019. Results: 1.03% of the respondents fulfilled the Internet addiction criteria. Students at risk for addiction (33.5%) turned out to be a larger group. A statistically significant correlation between TEIQue-SF and Internet Addiction Test score (P<0.0001, r=-0.3308) was observed. Another significant correlation was found between TEIQue-SF score and amount of time spend on the Internet (p<0.0001, r=-0.162). Conclusion: A significant part of high school students used Internet excessively. Such behaviours were positively correlated with lower EI test results

    Patient- and lesion-tailored algorithm of endovascular treatment for arterial occlusive disease of extracranial arteries supplying the brain : safety of the treatment at 30-day follow-up

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    Introduction: Although surgical endarterectomy remains the treatment of choice for carotid artery stenosis, stenting plays an important role as an alternative treatment modality, especially in high-risk patients. The actual safety profile associated with stenting procedures is probably better than that reported by randomized controlled trials. Aim: To assess the safety of stent implantations in extracranial arteries supplying the brain, and also to identify risk factors associated with this procedure. Material and methods: This was a post hoc analysis, with 30-day follow-up. We analyzed the results of treatment of 372 patients who underwent 408 procedures, 197 such procedures in asymptomatic, and 211 in symptomatic individuals. Stenting procedures were performed using a technique and armamentarium which were tailored to the type and anatomy of lesions. Results: There were 6 (1.5%) strokes, including 2 (0.5%) major strokes, 1 ipsi- and 1 contralateral, and 4 (1.0%) minor strokes. In asymptomatic patients there was 1 (0.3%) minor stroke. Transient ischemic attacks occurred in 5 (1.2%) patients. There were 2 (0.5%) non-STEMI myocardial infarctions and 2 (0.5%) non-stroke related fatalities. Risk factors of these adverse events were diabetes mellitus, lesions localized in a tortuous segment of the artery, embolic material in the filter and bilateral stenoses of carotid arteries. Additional risk factors in asymptomatic patients were renal impairment and advanced coronary artery disease; and in symptomatic patients, grade 3 arterial hypertension, dislipidemia, cigarette smoking and lesions requiring predilatation. Conclusions: Stenting procedures of extracranial arteries supplying the brain, which are tailored to the type and anatomy of lesions, seem to be relatively safe


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    Introduction: Deficits in area of communication, crucial for maintaining proper social bonds, may have a prominent adverse impact on quality of life in patients with schizophrenia. Social exclusion, lack of employment and deterioration of family life, may be consequences of aggravated social competencies, caused by inability to properly exhibit and interpret facial expressions. Although this phenomenon is known since first clinical descriptions of schizophrenia, lack of proper methodology limited our knowledge in this area. Aim of our study was to compare facial expressivity of the patient with schizophrenia, and the healthy individual. Methods: 47-years old patient suffering from schizophrenia, and 36-years old healthy individual were invited to participate in our study. They underwent the examination in Human Facial Modelling Lab in Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology in Bytom (Silesia, Katowice). Both participants were presented with two video materials, first one contained different facial expressions, which they had to imitate. Second one a part of comedy show, during which spontaneous reactions were recorded. Acquisition of facial expressions was conducted with marker-based technology of modelling. Obtained data was analyzed using Microsoft Excel. Results and conclusions: An overall facial expression intensity, expressed as an average value of distances traveled by markers during shifts from neutral position was higher in case of a healthy participant during both part of the study. The difference was especially visible in case of an upper half of the face. Utilization of marker-based methods in analysis of human facial expressions seem to be reliable and remarkably accurate
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