590 research outputs found

    Fully-implicit log-conformation formulation of constitutive laws

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    Subject of this paper is the derivation of a new constitutive law in terms of the logarithm of the conformation tensor that can be used as a full substitute for the 2D governing equations of the Oldroyd-B, Giesekus and other models. One of the key features of these new equations is that - in contrast to the original log-conf equations given by Fattal and Kupferman (2004) - these constitutive equations combined with the Navier-Stokes equations constitute a self-contained, non-iterative system of partial differential equations. In addition to its potential as a fruitful source for understanding the mathematical subtleties of the models from a new perspective, this analytical description also allows us to fully utilize the Newton-Raphson algorithm in numerical simulations, which by design should lead to reduced computational effort. By means of the confined cylinder benchmark we will show that a finite element discretization of these new equations delivers results of comparable accuracy to known methods.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figure

    Boundary-Conforming Finite Element Methods for Twin-Screw Extruders: Unsteady - Temperature-Dependent - Non-Newtonian Simulations

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    We present a boundary-conforming space-time finite element method to compute the flow inside co-rotating, self-wiping twin-screw extruders. The mesh update is carried out using the newly developed Snapping Reference Mesh Update Method (SRMUM). It allows to compute time-dependent flow solutions inside twin-screw extruders equipped with conveying screw elements without any need for re-meshing and projections of solutions - making it a very efficient method. We provide cases for Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids in 2D and 3D, that show mesh convergence of the solution as well as agreement to experimental results. Furthermore, a complex, unsteady and temperature-dependent 3D test case with multiple screw elements illustrates the potential of the method also for industrial applications

    Automatic implementation of material laws: Jacobian calculation in a finite element code with TAPENADE

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    In an effort to increase the versatility of finite element codes, we explore the possibility of automatically creating the Jacobian matrix necessary for the gradient-based solution of nonlinear systems of equations. Particularly, we aim to assess the feasibility of employing the automatic differentiation tool TAPENADE for this purpose on a large Fortran codebase that is the result of many years of continuous development. As a starting point we will describe the special structure of finite element codes and the implications that this code design carries for an efficient calculation of the Jacobian matrix. We will also propose a first approach towards improving the efficiency of such a method. Finally, we will present a functioning method for the automatic implementation of the Jacobian calculation in a finite element software, but will also point out important shortcomings that will have to be addressed in the future.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figure

    Combining Boundary-Conforming Finite Element Meshes on Moving Domains Using a Sliding Mesh Approach

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    For most finite element simulations, boundary-conforming meshes have significant advantages in terms of accuracy or efficiency. This is particularly true for complex domains. However, with increased complexity of the domain, generating a boundary-conforming mesh becomes more difficult and time consuming. One might therefore decide to resort to an approach where individual boundary-conforming meshes are pieced together in a modular fashion to form a larger domain. This paper presents a stabilized finite element formulation for fluid and temperature equations on sliding meshes. It couples the solution fields of multiple subdomains whose boundaries slide along each other on common interfaces. Thus, the method allows to use highly tuned boundary-conforming meshes for each subdomain that are only coupled at the overlapping boundary interfaces. In contrast to standard overlapping or fictitious domain methods the coupling is broken down to few interfaces with reduced geometric dimension. The formulation consists of the following key ingredients: the coupling of the solution fields on the overlapping surfaces is imposed weakly using a stabilized version of Nitsche's method. It ensures mass and energy conservation at the common interfaces. Additionally, we allow to impose weak Dirichlet boundary conditions at the non-overlapping parts of the interfaces. We present a detailed numerical study for the resulting stabilized formulation. It shows optimal convergence behavior for both Newtonian and generalized Newtonian material models. Simulations of flow of plastic melt inside single-screw as well as twin-screw extruders demonstrate the applicability of the method to complex and relevant industrial applications


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    У статті досліджено життєвий і трудовий шлях засновника і першого керівника Криворізького вечірнього робітничого технікуму В.І. ЖигаловськогоThe article studied the life and career of the founder and first director of Krivoy Rog evening working college V.I. Zhigalovskiy

    Simplex space-time meshes in thermally coupled two-phase flow simulations of mold filling

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    The quality of plastic parts produced through injection molding depends on many factors. Especially during the filling stage, defects such as weld lines, burrs, or insufficient filling can occur. Numerical methods need to be employed to improve product quality by means of predicting and simulating the injection molding process. In the current work, a highly viscous incompressible non-isothermal two-phase flow is simulated, which takes place during the cavity filling. The injected melt exhibits a shear-thinning behavior, which is described by the Carreau-WLF model. Besides that, a novel discretization method is used in the context of 4D simplex space-time grids [2]. This method allows for local temporal refinement in the vicinity of, e.g., the evolving front of the melt [10]. Utilizing such an adaptive refinement can lead to locally improved numerical accuracy while maintaining the highest possible computational efficiency in the remaining of the domain. For demonstration purposes, a set of 2D and 3D benchmark cases, that involve the filling of various cavities with a distributor, are presented.Comment: 14 pages, 11 Figures, 4 Table

    Wavelet-based Adaptive Techniques Applied to Turbulent Hypersonic Scramjet Intake Flows

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    The simulation of hypersonic flows is computationally demanding due to large gradients of the flow variables caused by strong shock waves and thick boundary or shear layers. The resolution of those gradients imposes the use of extremely small cells in the respective regions. Taking turbulence into account intensives the variation in scales even more. Furthermore, hypersonic flows have been shown to be extremely grid sensitive. For the simulation of three-dimensional configurations of engineering applications, this results in a huge amount of cells and prohibitive computational time. Therefore, modern adaptive techniques can provide a gain with respect to computational costs and accuracy, allowing the generation of locally highly resolved flow regions where they are needed and retaining an otherwise smooth distribution. An h-adaptive technique based on wavelets is employed for the solution of hypersonic flows. The compressible Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes equations are solved using a differential Reynolds stress turbulence model, well suited to predict shock-wave-boundary-layer interactions in high enthalpy flows. Two test cases are considered: a compression corner and a scramjet intake. The compression corner is a classical test case in hypersonic flow investigations because it poses a shock-wave-turbulent-boundary-layer interaction problem. The adaptive procedure is applied to a two-dimensional confguration as validation. The scramjet intake is firstly computed in two dimensions. Subsequently a three-dimensional geometry is considered. Both test cases are validated with experimental data and compared to non-adaptive computations. The results show that the use of an adaptive technique for hypersonic turbulent flows at high enthalpy conditions can strongly improve the performance in terms of memory and CPU time while at the same time maintaining the required accuracy of the results.Comment: 26 pages, 29 Figures, submitted to AIAA Journa


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