1,662 research outputs found

    Social care and integration of asylum-seekers and beneficiaries of international protection in Hungary

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    Impact of Ageing Populations on Silver Economy, Health and Long-Term Care Workforce

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    The socio-ecological transition will led to an overall change in the supply and demand of goods and services and therefore to a change in consumption as well as production structure at national level, but also to changes in the single sectors. It is expected that in particular three sectors will show a high dynamic caused by the demographic change: the health sector, the long-term care sector as well as change in demand and supply for goods and services for the elderly. This policy brief summarize the findings of Work package 12 of NEUJOBS project: \u201cHealth care, goods and services for an ageing population\u201d. Main attention is related to current employment situation within these sectors and exploration of possible changes in employment structure across European countries in following 15 years.This publication was produced as part of the NEUJOBS project, funded by the European Commission through the 7th Framework Programme under contract no. 266833 (http://www.neujobs)

    Intercultural competence of medical students in Hungary

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    Building migrant-sensitive healthcare systems: The role of human resources

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    Orvostanhallgatók interkulturális kompetenciáinak önértékelése

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    Influence of iron ore works in Nižná Slaná on the atmospheric deposition of heavy metals

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    The contribution deals with an evaluation of atmospheric deposition monitoring in 2001–2009 which was realised in the vicinity ofsiderite mining and processing works. Besides of gaseous emissions the works also produced the solid compounds of iron oxides and otherheavy metals. The iron ore plant worked up to August 2008. The atmospheric deposition (wet and dry) was determined by the modified bulkdeposition methodology. The samples were collected from seventeen monitoring sites, which are located maximally up to 8 km from the mainpollution source. Together with the deposition fluxes of heavy metals (Fe, Mn, Zn, Pb, Cu,Cr, Cd, As), the mineralogical composition,dispersion and size characteristics of solid particles were studied in selected samples. The volume content of respirable solid particles withthe diameter under 5 μm was from 6.7 to 13.2 %. Nanoparticles with the average hydrodynamic diameter in the interval of 242–558 nm werefound. High values of the deposition (median) of iron - 4111 mg.m-2.year -1, manganese - 236.6 mg.m-2.year -1 and especially toxic arsenic -8.05 mg.m-2.year -1 were measured in the area of Nižná Slaná in the years 2001–2008 and compared with other areas. A correlation betweenemissions of solid pollutants in particular years and the deposition for these metals was observed. In 2009, after shutdown of the works,a decrease of values at the most contaminated sites of deposition by arsenic, manganese and iron about 90 % was recorded. Sucha significant change was not recorded for other studied metals

    Impact of Ageing on Curative Health Care Workforce in Selected EU Countries

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    Population ageing combined with a shrinking potential workforce are main factors influencing future socio-economic development and the labour market. This paper has the objective to show the impact of population change on one important sector of the economy, the health care market. As the need for health care services increases with age, the population ageing is expected to have a direct influence on the demand for services and the workforce needed. The shrinking labour force and the currently high share of elderly health professionals will have an impact of the future supply of health workforce. Based on the NEUJOBS demographic scenarios tough and friendly and age- and gender specific utilization rates the changes in the health workforce needed are calculated. Changes in labour supply and employment are shown using the results of the econometric model NEMESIS. In both scenario a decline in population size and an ageing of the population is expected. In the friendly scenario the demand for health care services is expected to increase, although the population size declines. The population ageing has a higher effect on the demand as the shrinking population size. In the tough scenario the significant decline in population dominates the demand for health workforce. Due to the demographic change also a decline in labour supply is calculated, while the employment in health care is estimated to increase in both scenarios. In 2025, the estimated employment is higher than the demand for health workforce. But on the demand side the calculations show only the pure demographic effect. Due to data restrictions we could not take into account the technological medical progress, changes in health utilization behaviour or changes in health status of the population. All these factor have an influence on the future health workforce demand.This publication was produced as part of the NEUJOBS project, funded by the European Commission through the 7th Framework Programme under contract no. 266833 (http://www.neujobs)

    The experience of exercise: women survivors of sexual violence

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    Doctor of PhilosophySchool of Family Studies and Human ServicesJoyce BaptistSexual violence is pervasive in the lives of women across the globe. Survivors commonly experience a range of mental health conditions following sexual trauma, rendering the development and examination of effective treatments to be critical. Preliminary research supports the use of adjunct exercise interventions for the treatment of trauma. In order to explore the impact of exercise interventions for the treatment of sexual violence, specifically, it is necessary to first come to understand survivors’ experiences of exercise. To better understand the experience of exercise among women survivors of sexual violence, a phenomenological study, informed by a feminist perspective, was conducted with survivors of sexual violence receiving services at a rape crisis center. Data analysis uncovered four themes that capture the survivors’ experience: exercising (and avoiding exercising) fosters safety, exercising is risky, past trauma restricts exercise choices, and exercising is beneficial. Survivors’ choices related to exercise were found to be conscious and deliberate and were impacted by their stage of recovery. Implications for future research and practice are discussed

    Előítéletek és hatásaik az egészségügyi ellátásban : Egy felmérés tanulságai = Prejudices and their healthcare implications : Lessons learnt from a national survey

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    Bevezetés: Kutatásaink során egészségügyi dolgozók körében vizsgáltuk a legnagyobb hazai etnikai kisebbséggel, a roma populációval kapcsolatos előítéletek jelenlétét az egészségügyi ellátás során. Célkitűzés: Válaszokat kerestünk arra, hogy az ellátórendszerben esetlegesen jelen lévő előítélet mennyire befolyásolhatja ezen csoportok ellátáshoz való hozzáférését, az ellátás minőségét és ezeken keresztül a páciensek egészségét. Módszer: Félig strukturált interjúkat készítettünk 2017. június és 2018. május között 13 interjúalannyal. A diktafonnal rögzített interjúk leiratát kvalitatív módszerekkel értékeltük. Eredmények: Válaszadóink általánosságban megerősítették az előítéletek jelenlétét az egészségügyi ellátórendszerben. Kevéssé jellemző az előítéletes attitűd és diszkriminatív magatartás azokon az osztályokon, ahol eleve gyakoribb a hátrányos helyzetű (HIV-pozitív, hajléktalan) betegek előfordulása (például infektológia). Az előítéletesség nem kifejezetten a roma etnikai kisebbség felé irányul, hanem kiterjed olyan populációkra is, amelyek rossz társadalmi-gazdasági körülmények között, mélyszegénységben élnek, vagy amelyek rossz egészségi állapotának hátterében önromboló magatartásformák feltételezhetők (alkoholizmus, droghasználat). Válaszadóink határozott véleménye szerint az esetleges előítéletesség nem vezet a mindenki számára hozzáférhetőnél rosszabb ellátáshoz, sőt gyakran inkább pozitív diszkrimináció valósul meg. Az előítéletesség közvetlenül nem vezet rosszabb egészségi állapothoz, az azonban nem zárható ki, hogy közvetve hozzájárulhat, amennyiben a beteg egy korábban megélt vagy vélt negatív tapasztalat miatt a későbbiekben nem fordul időben orvoshoz. Következtetés: Felméréseink megerősítették a romák iránti előítéletesség alkalomszerű jelenlétét a hazai egészségügyi ellátórendszerben, vizsgálatunk alapján azonban a roma populáció rosszabb egészségi mutatóihoz ez kevéssé járul hozzá. Eredményeink felhívták a figyelmet arra is, hogy a megelőzés szempontjából kulcsfontosságú mindkét fél edukációja, valamint az ellátók kiégésprevenciója. Introduction: The presence and recognition of prejudice during care were examined among healthcare professionals towards the Roma population, the largest ethnic minority in Hungary. Aim: The aim of this study was to explore the extent to which prejudice in the Hungarian healthcare system might affect the quality of care and, thereby, the health of the Roma patients. Method: Semi-structured interviews were conducted between June 2017 and May 2018 with 13 interviewees. Qualitative methods were applied to analyse the transcripts. Results: Our respondents generally confirmed the presence of prejudices in the healthcare system. Prejudicial attitudes and discriminatory behaviour are less common in wards where the prevalence of disadvantaged patients (HIVpositive, homeless) is high (e.g., infectology). Prejudice is not specifically directed at the Roma ethnic minority, but also extends to populations living under poor socio-economic conditions, or with underlying self-destructive behaviour (alcoholism, drug use). In the opinion of our interviewees, occasional prejudicial behaviour does not lead to sub-standard care, but, on the contrary, to positive discrimination. Prejudice does not directly lead to poorer health, but it cannot be ruled out that it may indirectly contribute to it, in the case if the patient does not seek medical attention due to a former negative experience within healthcare. Conclusion: Our results confirmed the occasional presence of prejudice against the Romas in the healthcare system, however, this may not directly contribute to Romas’ poorer health status. Our results also highlighted the importance of prevention, including the education of both parties and the prevention of the burnout of care providers