218 research outputs found


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    Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa adalah kegiatan untuk memperoleh Barang dan Jasa yang prosesnya dimulai dari perencanaan kebutuhan sampai diselesaikannya kegiatan untuk mendapatkan suatu barang atau jasa, Pengadaan barang dan jasa yang pembiayaanya baik sebagian atau seluruhnya bersumber dari Anggaran pendapatan dan belanja Negara/Anggaran pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah (APBN/APBD) merupakan pengadaan barang dan jasa di lingkungan pemerintah yang bertujuan untuk menyediakan barang jasa pablik. Badan Kesatuan Bangsa dan Politik merupakan unsur pelaksana fungsi penunjang urusan pemerintahan bidang kesatuan bangsa dan politik. Badan Kesatuan Bangsa dan Politik dipimpin oleh seorang Kepala Badan yang berkedudukan dibawah dan bertanggung jawab kepada Gubernur melalui Sekretaris Daerah. Badan Kesatuan Bangsa dan Politik dalam melaksanakan tugas dan fungsinya dikoordinasikan oleh Asisten Pemerintahan. Dalam melakukan kegiatan barang dan jasa Kesatuan Bangsa dan Politik masih sering kesulitan dalam menentukan harga barang dan jasa hal ini dibuktikan dengan adanya kesalahan yang ada dalam pencatatan laporan keuangan dari pihak Kesbangpol dan pihak Commanditaire Vennootschap (CV). Tujuan Penulisan Laporan Tugas Akhir ini adalah untuk membuat Aplikasi Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa Pada Kantor Badan Kesatuan Bangsa dan Politik Provinsi Sumatera Selatan Berbasis Web Mobile untuk badan kesatuan bangsa dan politik provinsi sumatera selatan yang berguna untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang ada, untuk mengetahui metode CSM yang diterapkan didalam aplikasi. Sistem ini terdiri dari tiga aktor yaitu Admin, Panitia, dan Peserta/Rekanan.tugasnya antara lain menambahkan user yang dapat hak akses web yaitu admin, input data dokumen syarat, dan input data jadwal pengadaan, mengelolah data-data mengenai pengadaan untuk melakukan proses pengadaan yang ditugaskan oleh panitia, dan peserta/rekanan yaitu seorang yang mengikuti proses pengadaan

    Factors contributing to recidivism of adult male offenders

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    South Africa is one of the countries that have a high rate of recidivism, especially amongst adult male 1offenders; this is evident in the large numbers flocking into the prisons. The high rate of recidivism is a serious problem in that it not only affects the offender and his immediate family, but also other vulnerable groups in society, as well as the government. The study intended to uncover various factors which contribute to this recidivism, as a phenomenon; South Africa has a notable dearth of research on factors contributing to recidivism. Unavailability of scientific research data has a negative impact on the fight against recidivism because it is empirical findings that can inform appropriate efficient and effective remedies to the challenge of recidivism. This qualitative study utilised explorative, contextual, phenomenological and descriptive research designs with the ecological system theory as a framework. Data were collected by means of semi-structured, face-to-face interviews with adult males who have re-offended after being reintegrated with their families. Data analysis was guided by thematic analysis (Braun & Clarke, 2013:175) while Lincoln & Guba’s model in Bryman (2012:392) was employed for data verification. Ethical considerations were upheld throughout this study.Social WorkM.A. (Social Work

    Transmembrane anion transport mediated by halogen-bond donors

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    In biology and chemistry, the transport of anions across lipid bilayer membranes is usually achieved by sophisticated supramolecular architectures. Significant size reduction of transporters is hampered by the intrinsically hydrophilic nature of typical anion-binding functionalities, hydrogen-bond donors or cations. To maximize the atom efficiency of anion transport, the hydrophobic nature, directionality, and strength of halogen bonds seem promising. Unlike the ubiquitous, structurally similar hydrogen bonds, halogen bonds have not been explored for anion transport. Here we report that transport across lipid bilayers can be achieved with small perfluorinated molecules that are equipped with strong halogen-bond donors. Transport is observed with trifluoroiodomethane (boiling point=−22 °C); that is, it acts as a 'single-carbon' transporter. Contrary to the destructive action of small-molecule detergents, transport with halogen bonds is leakage-free, cooperative, non-ohmic and highly selective, with anion/cation permeability ratios <37

    Organic Chemistry à la Genevoise

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    This article describes the situation of Department of Organic Chemistry in the year of the 450th anniversary of the University of Geneva

    Artificial tongues and leaves

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    The objective with synthetic multifunctional nanoarchitecture is to create large suprastructures with interesting functions. For this purpose, lipid bilayer membranes or conducting surfaces have been used as platforms and rigid-rod molecules as shape-persistent scaffolds. Examples for functions obtained by this approach include pores that can act as multicomponent sensors in complex matrices or rigid-rod π-stack architecture for artificial photosynthesis and photovoltaic

    Ordered and Oriented Supramolecular n/p-Heterojunction Surface Architectures: Completion of the Primary Color Collection

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    In this study, we describe synthesis, characterization, and zipper assembly of yellow p-oligophenyl naphthalenediimide (POP-NDI) donor−acceptor hybrids. Moreover, we disclose, for the first time, results from the functional comparison of zipper and layer-by-layer (LBL) assembly as well as quartz crystal microbalance (QCM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), and molecular modeling data on zipper assembly. Compared to the previously reported blue and red NDIs, yellow NDIs are more π-acidic, easier to reduce, and harder to oxidize. The optoelectronic matching achieved in yellow POP-NDIs is reflected in quantitative and long-lived photoinduced charge separation, comparable to their red and much better than their blue counterparts. The direct comparison of zipper and LBL assemblies reveals that yellow zippers generate more photocurrent than blue zippers as well as LBL photosystems. Continuing linear growth found in QCM measurements demonstrates that photocurrent saturation at the critical assembly thickness occurs because more charges start to recombine before reaching the electrodes and not because of discontinued assembly. The found characteristics, such as significant critical thickness, strong photocurrents, large fill factors, and, according to AFM images, smooth surfaces, are important for optoelectronic performance and support the existence of highly ordered architectures

    Ab initio investigations of perhydrotriquinacenyl and other bridgehead carbocations

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    Ab initio MO calculations at the SCF level using 6–31 G* basis sets show that only 2.1 kcal mol–1 more energy is needed to form perhydrotriquinacenyl cation 1 from the corresponding hydrocarbon than to form the tert-butyl cation from 2-methylpropane; such a stabilisation energy is comparable to those computed for 1-noradamantyl cation 2, 3-noradamantyl cation 3, and bicyclo[3.2.1]octan-1-yl cation 4, which are shown to be stabilized efficiently by C–C hyperconjugation

    Web application for smoking cessation using web progressive framework

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá zmapováním existující mobilní aplikace pro odvykání kouření a následným návrhem a implementací webové aplikace sloužící převážně jako doplnění pro uživatele preferující počítače oproti telefonům. Stěžejním rozdílem implementované aplikace oproti standarním aplikacím na stejné téma je série interaktivních sezení, které napodobují schůzku s odborníkem na danou závilost za účelem dodávání motivace, pomáhají kuřákovi vytvořit si svůj vlastní plán k odvykání a poskytují mu odpovědi na jeho případné dotazy. Součástí práce je také prozkoumání progresivních webových aplikací a zkušební implementace vybraných prvků této technologie. Ve svém závěru se práce zabývá otestováním aplikace cílovou skupinou uživatelů a reakcemi na případné připomínky za účelem zlepšení uživatelského prožitku.This bachelor thesis focuses on analysis of existing mobile application for smoking cessation followed by design and implementation of web application serving as a complementing solution to its mobile counterpart for people favoring desktops over phones. The important difference between this application and other applications focusing on the same topic is series of interactive appointments which mimic meeting with real expert on tobacco addiction in order to encourage smoker to stop, help him create his own plan and provide him with answers to frequently asked questions. Part of this thesis also aims to explore progressive web apps and attempts to implement chosen elements of this technology. In the end, this thesis records testing of the application by target audience and offers an overview of improvements made based on feedback from user testing