52 research outputs found

    Implicancias políticas de la idea de geofilosofía de Deleuze y Guattari

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    Esta investigación presenta una lectura de los efectos políticos de la idea de geofilosofía concebida por Deleuze y Guattari. La perspectiva que guía esta tesis radica en la relación de inmanencia y ciudad propuesta en ¿Qué es la filosofía? Allí se defiende que la ciudad crea y ofrece, desde su emergencia en Grecia, un medio inmanencia y heterogeneidad radical beneficioso para el pensamiento filosófico y la política. Pero, si la ciudad aparece para la filosofía como medio o atmósfera que hace posible la heterogeneidad y el conflicto, al mismo tiempo, como para el pensamiento de Platón o sus herederos, el conflicto y la heterogeneidad se presentan como los elementos que deben ser controlados, domesticados o expulsados de la ciudad perfecta para alcanzar el orden superior. Considerando lo anterior, decidimos mantener en pie esas dos ideas u posiciones contrarias para analizar tres momentos históricos: Mundo griego; Renacimiento y modernidad; Mundo contemporáneo. Por un lado, el desarrollo de nuestra investigación intenta comprender y explicar el control de la heterogeneidad a través de la concepción y práctica de la idea de Organismo en filosofía and arquitectura-urbanismo. Por otro lado, intentamos hacer visible la expresión del conflicto en la ciudad como un devenir singular de la inmanencia

    Reproductive capacity of the red cusk-eel Genypterus chilensis (Guichenot, 1848) in captivity

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    Genypterus chilensis is a marine fish of high gastronomic demand, whose capture has declined in recent years due to overfishing. In the development of the farming technology, high mortalities were obtained during egg incubation. The objective of this study is to contribute to the knowledge of fecundity and eggs viability of G. chilensis in captivity. The spawns of G. chilensis were analyzed over a period of 2 years and 3 months. The total fecundity was estimated by counting the masses and eggs produced monthly throughout the period. The results confirm that G. chilensis is a partial spawner, since a female may more than two masses of eggs per day, due to a large amount of mass spawned per season (621 average). The total production of masses of the Farming Centre during the period was 2,290; of these, only 7% (166) corresponding to 15,330,517 eggs were incubated. Because of its high fecundity, G. chilensis produces numerous masses of eggs, of which only a small percentage reaches incubation, as well as it occurs in other marine fish

    Biological bases for whitebait culture Galaxias maculatus (Jenyns, 1842): a review

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    Galaxias maculatus (Jenyns, 1842) es un pez gourmet de importancia comercial cuyas pesquerías están sobre-explotadas, siendo esencial el estudio de su biología para desarrollar su tecnología de cultivo (galaxicultura), que se encuentra en etapa piloto. Los objetivos de éste trabajo son: 1) entregar una síntesis de la información de la literatura sobre la biología de la especie, y 2) identificar la carencia de conocimiento científico y puntos críticos para el desarrollo de su tecnología de cultivo comercial. G. maculatus es un pequeño pez carnívoro, con poblaciones eurihalinas diferenciadas en diadrómicas y dulceacuícolas. Las poblaciones diadrómicas desovan en los estuarios y la larva migra al mar, retornando a la edad de seis meses para metamorfosearse en adulto. Son escasos los estudios de su sistemática, poblaciones y estado larvario en aguas chilenas, pero los correspondientes a alimentación, reproducción y enfermedades son más numerosos. Las hembras de un año desovan, aproximadamente, 1.200 huevos adhesivos pero un número importante muere después del primer desove (40%). La especie tiene un crecimiento rápido (1,1% dia-1) y alto metabolismo, con un promedio de vida de dos años. Se puede cultivar en cautividad, desovar, incubar sus huevos y obtener larvas; los adultos comen starter pelletizado de salmón y crecen en estanques. El protozoo ciliado Ichtyophthirius multifilis (ich) produce altas mortalidades, en ejemplares en cautiverio, que pueden ser controladas con baños de sal. Los problemas de investigación a resolver para una futura piscicultura comercial son: identificar y seleccionar las poblaciones adecuadas para cultivo, aumentar el número de huevos desovados por hembra, desarrollar alimentos para larvas y reproductores, y controlar las enfermedades ectoparasitarias. El punto crítico es la masificación de la producción mediante el mejoramiento de las técnicas de reproducción y larvicultura.Galaxias maculatus (Jenyns, 1842), is a gourmet fish of great commercial importance with overexploited fisheries. So, studies of its biology are essential in order to develop a technology for its cultivation (galaxiculture), which is at a pilot stage. The goals of this work are: 1) to provide a synthesis of the literature information on the biology of the species, and 2) to identify the lack of scientific knowledge and critical points for the development of a technology for mass commercial culture. G. maculatus is a small carnivorous fish with euryhaline populations differentiated between diadromic and freshwater. Diadromic populations spawn in the estuaries, and then the larvae migrates to the sea, returning aged 6 months and metamorphosing into adults. Studies of their systematic, populations and larvae stage in Chilean waters are scarce, but studies on feeding, reproduction and diseases are more numerous. One year old females lay about 1,200 adhesive eggs and an important number of them die after the first spawning (40%). G. maculatus has rapid growth (1.1% day-1) and a high metabolism, with an average life of 2 years. They can be cultivated in captivity, spawn and incubate their eggs to obtain larvae; adults eat salmon starter pellets and grow in tanks. The ciliate protozoa Ichtyophthirius multifilis (ich) produces high mortality in larvae and adults in confinement; mortality can be controlled with salt bath. The problems to be solved by research for future commercial fish farming are: recognising and selecting suitable populations for cultivation; increasing the number of eggs spawned by females; develop suitable diets for larvae and broodstock; and controlling ectoparasitic diseases. The critical point is achieving mass production by improving the techniques of reproduction and larviculture

    Evaluation and comparison of the efficiency of two incubation systems for Genypterus chilensis (Guichenot, 1848) eggs

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    Indexación: Web of Science; ScieloActualmente la tendencia de la acuicultura mundial está orientada hacia la diversificación de los cultivos, principalmente de especies nativas. El congrio colorado Genypterus chilensis es un pez nativo de alta demanda gastronómica y explotación estacional que lo proyecta como candidato para el desarrollo de su tecnología de cultivo. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la eficiencia de dos sistemas de incubación de masas de huevos de G. chilensis, uno con circuito cerrado de agua (SICC) y el otro con circuito abierto (SICA); su eficiencia fue medida por el porcentaje de eclosión de huevos. Dos ensayos fueron realizados midiendo y comparando los porcentajes de fecundación y eclosión de huevos en cuatro réplicas entre los dos sistemas, encontrándose solo diferencias significativas entre los porcentajes de fecundación del bioensayo 2. El bioensayo 1 tuvo un 81% promedio de fecundación de los huevos y el porcentaje promedio de eclosión para el SICC fue 42,9 ± 34,5% y para el SICA fue 0,0 ± 0,0%. El bioensayo 2 tuvo un porcentaje promedio de fecundación de los huevos de 87,3 ± 2,6% para el SICC y 79,8 ± 3,2% para el SICA y el porcentaje promedio de eclosión para el SICC fue 27,9 ± 33,7% y para el SICA fue 4,8 ± 5,6%. Se discuten los parámetros de incubación para obtener una máxima eclosión y se entrega una proposición para mejorar el sistema SICC. El sistema de incubación con circuito cerrado de agua generó mayores sobrevivencias en los huevos de G. chilensis.The current trend in world aquaculture is towards the diversification of cultures, mainly native species. The red cusk eel Genypterus chilensis is a native Chilean species of high gastronomic demand and seasonal exploitation that is projected as a candidate for the development of farming technology. The objective of this study was to test the efficiency of two incubation systems for G. chilensis egg masses, one with a closed water circuit (SICC) and the other with an open water circuit (SICA). Efficiency was measured by the percentage of eggs hatched. Two assays were performed, measuring and comparing the percentages of egg fecundation and hatching in four replicates between the two incubation systems. Significant differences were only found between the percentages of fecundation of bioassay 2. On average, in bioassay 1, egg fecundation reached 81%, and the average of hatching for the SICC was 42.9 ± 34.5% and for the SICA was 0.0 ± 0.0%. Bioassay 2 had an average fecundation of 87.3 ± 2.6% for the SICC and 79.8 ± 3.2% for the SICA, and the average for hatching was 27.9 ± 33.7% for the SICC and 4.8 ± 5.6% for the SICA. Incubation parameters for maximum hatching were discussed and a proposal was made for improving the SICC system. The incubation system with a closed water circuit generated greater survival of G. chilensis eggs.http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0718-560X2012000100018&nrm=is

    Characterization of whitebait (Galaxias maculatus) respiratory rates to optimize intensive culture carrying capacities

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    Galaxias maculatus is an osmeriform native fish of the Southern Hemisphere, in which the crystalline larvae is considered as a luxury delicacy, for this reason, it has been commercially exploited in Chile, Argentina and New Zealand. However, the fisheries have been rapidly decreasing due to the overexploitation and the predation of introduced species. Because of these events, there is a need to determine a carrying capacity for an intensive fish culture. In order to optimize stocking densities for fish culture, this paper proposes objectives to determine oxygen consumption (OC) rates, dissolved oxygen concentrations that produce signs of hypoxia and the average time elapsed between food intake and peak OC in G. maculatus. In the oxygen experiments under routine metabolism conditions, we found that G. maculatus adults and whitebait showed signs of asphyxia at dissolved oxygen concentrations between 1.3 and 2.2mgL-1 and that adults tolerated dissolved oxygen levels as low as 1.3mgL-1. The results showed that G. maculatus individuals with an average weight of 0.04g consumed 0.048mgO2h-1, whereas individuals with an average weight of 1.4g consumed 0.345mgO2h-1. Galaxias maculatus increased the OC rate by 31%, from 0.39 to 0.51mgO2h-1g-1, occurring 14min after food intake. The carrying capacities for industrial cultures of G. maculatus, were estimated using an allometric equation (OC=0.2363 ×W0.612), a water flow rate of 1m3h-1 and an input oxygen concentration of 10mgL-1 at 12°C. The density culture of whitebait (4g) can be allowed to reach 8-11kgm-3; therefore, these stocking densities reduce the risk of hypoxia and mortality, ensuring the appropriate growth and feed conversion rates. © 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

    Cultura padrão de Paratanytarsus grimmii Schneider, 1885 (Diptera: Chironomidae), para uso em bioensaios de toxicidade

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    The management and use of native species under laboratory conditions is the main difficult for species proposal for its use in bioassays. The present study showed the results about management under controlled conditions of Paratanytarsus grimmii (Diptera: Chironomidae), that is a parthenogenetic species with wide geographical distribution. It obtained its eggs from a pre Andean river from Araucania region (39 degrees S), and it determined the conditions for larval rearing under artificial food, adults getting (manipulation), eggs (hatching sincronization) and larvae getting after hatching. The Pgrimmii life cycle had larvae that late 23 days in get the pupa stage (stage Ito IV), the adult within the next 48 hours deposits the eggs that hatched at 72 hours. It stablished laboratory conditions: incubation room temperature, water pH, and artificial feeding, photoperiod and larvae and eggs management techniques. In according to obtained results it managed all life cycles under laboratory conditions that can propose the use of this species as potential biological material for toxicity bioassays

    Determinação da toxicidade aguda do amônio em Babosas-da-Patagônia (Eleginops maclovinus) juvenis

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    A toxicidade aguda (LC50-96h) de amônia deionizada (NH3 ) em Babosas-da-Patagônia (Eleginops maclovinus) juvenis foi avaliada. As concentrações de sal de amônia deionizada em água foram preparados com 24,09 ± 2,1 g de cloreto de amônio (NH4Cl). Os peixes foram expostos em triplicata a diferentes concentrações de amônia: 0,05; 0,094; 0,175; 0,325 e 0,605 mg L-1 de NH3. Além disso, um grupo de controle foi incluído. Peixes experimentais foram mantidos em fotoperíodo de 16: 8h. As temperaturas médias foram 16,24 + 1,40 °C. A concentração de oxigênio foi 16.24 +1.40°C mg L-1 . O pH da água foi de 7,89 + 0,2. h LC50-96h, foi estimada usando o método estatístico de Probit (intervalos de 95%) usando o software EPA (1993). E. maclovinus juvenis apresentaram uma LC 50-96h de 0.413mg NH3 L-1 valor diferente da maioria das espécies marinhas. Este estudo apresenta o primeiro registro de toxicidade amónio em espécies marinhas do Chil

    Avaliando o crescimento do Charr Ártico (Salvelinus alpinus) (Linnaeus, 1758) em quatro salinidades, sob condições experimentais

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    Studies in Salvelinus alpinus, Arctic charr, indicate that it has a low capacity to hyposmorregulatory or adaption to sea in winter periods in Arctic waters. The investigation finds to determinate the rank optimum of salinity to can cultivate this species at Chile. The weight adequate was determined to join on the sea by analysis of gill Na+, K+-ATPase activity, that it was found between the ranks 80-130 g, with 14.5 U/mg. It underwent evaluation of fish growth of 72 g salinities from 0 (control), 18, 25 and 33 g/L (sea water) for 94 days. The results indicate that the largest increases were obtained in brackish water. T18 gl and T25 g/L achieved growth of 25% and 19% on day 94 and term sampling respectively. It is important to mention that the 8% that survived in seawater introduced percentages growth 16.6% equivalent to brackish water and control. These results suggest that Salvelinus alpinus can grow in seawater, with levels of Na+, K+-ATPase similar to those submitted by Salmo salar with a weight not less than 80 g