1,428 research outputs found

    Weak proton capture on 3He

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    The astrophysical S-factor for the proton weak capture on 3He is calculated with correlated-hyperspherical-harmonics bound and continuum wave functions corresponding to realistic Hamiltonians consisting of the Argonne v14 or Argonne v18 two-nucleon and Urbana-VIII or Urbana-IX three-nucleon interactions. The nuclear weak charge and current operators have vector and axial-vector components, that include one- and many-body terms. All possible multipole transitions connecting any of the p 3He S- and P-wave channels to the 4He bound state are considered. The S-factor at a p 3He center-of-mass energy of 10 keV, close to the Gamow-peak energy, is predicted to be 10.1 10^{-20} keV b with the AV18/UIX Hamiltonian, a factor of about 4.5 larger than the value adopted in the standard solar model. The P-wave transitions are found to be important, contributing about 40 % of the calculated S-factor. The energy dependence is rather weak: the AV18/UIX zero-energy S-factor is 9.64 10^{-20} keV b, only 5 % smaller than the 10 keV result quoted above. The model dependence is also found to be weak: the zero-energy S-factor is calculated to be 10.2 10^{-20} keV b with the older AV14/UVIII model, only 6 % larger than the AV18/UIX result. Our best estimate for the S-factor at 10 keV is therefore (10.1 \pm 0.6) 10^{-20} keV b, when the theoretical uncertainty due to the model dependence is included. This value for the calculated S-factor is not as large as determined in fits to the Super-Kamiokande data in which the hep flux normalization is free. However, the precise calculation of the S-factor and the consequent absolute prediction for the hep neutrino flux will allow much greater discrimination among proposed solar neutrino oscillation solutions.Comment: 54 pages RevTex file, 6 PostScript figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    The parity-violating asymmetry in the 3He(n,p)3H reaction

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    The longitudinal asymmetry induced by parity-violating (PV) components in the nucleon-nucleon potential is studied in the charge-exchange reaction 3He(n,p)3H at vanishing incident neutron energies. An expression for the PV observable is derived in terms of T-matrix elements for transitions from the {2S+1}L_J=1S_0 and 3S_1 states in the incoming n-3He channel to states with J=0 and 1 in the outgoing p-3H channel. The T-matrix elements involving PV transitions are obtained in first-order perturbation theory in the hadronic weak-interaction potential, while those connecting states of the same parity are derived from solutions of the strong-interaction Hamiltonian with the hyperspherical-harmonics method. The coupled-channel nature of the scattering problem is fully accounted for. Results are obtained corresponding to realistic or chiral two- and three-nucleon strong-interaction potentials in combination with either the DDH or pionless EFT model for the weak-interaction potential. The asymmetries, predicted with PV pion and vector-meson coupling constants corresponding (essentially) to the DDH "best values" set, range from -9.44 to -2.48 in units of 10^{-8}, depending on the input strong-interaction Hamiltonian. This large model dependence is a consequence of cancellations between long-range (pion) and short-range (vector-meson) contributions, and is of course sensitive to the assumed values for the PV coupling constants.Comment: 19 pages, 15 tables, revtex

    3D #DigitalInvasions: a crowdsourcing project for mobile user generated content

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    This paper introduces the #InvasioniDigitali project which is an online crowdsourcing initiative started in Italy in 2013 with the aim to promote the value of and engagement with local heritage. The paper focuses on two case studies of pilot ‘invasions’ using 3D data capture by students at museums and heritage sites in Sicily

    On the current circulation about a high-voltage s/c: Two more case-studies by the TSS-1R tethered satellite mission

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    Magnetic field observations by the TEMAG experiment on the TSS-1R satellite for two events of constant stimulated current along the tether are discussed. Previous evidence of a complex, unexpected, electric azimuthal current circulation in close proximity of the high-voltage spacecraft is further supported and complemented. While previous events cover time intervals shorter than a spin cycle, the two new ones allow a complete coverage for a full spin cycle. The need of deeper theoretical approach as well as of more experimental observations is stressed

    Dynamical changes of the polar cap potential structure: an information theory approach

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    Some features, such as vortex structures often observed through a wide spread of spatial scales, suggest that ionospheric convection is turbulent and complex in nature. Here, applying concepts from information theory and complex system physics, we firstly evaluate a pseudo Shannon entropy, <i>H</i>, associated with the polar cap potential obtained from the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN) and, then, estimate the degree of disorder and the degree of complexity of ionospheric convection under different Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) conditions. The aforementioned quantities are computed starting from time series of the coefficients of the 4th order spherical harmonics expansion of the polar cap potential for three periods, characterised by: (i) steady IMF <i>B<sub>z</sub></i> > 0, (ii) steady IMF <i>B<sub>z</sub></i> < 0 and (iii) a double rotation from negative to positive and then positive to negative <i>B<sub>z</sub></i>. A neat dynamical topological transition is observed when the IMF <i>B<sub>z</sub></i> turns from negative to positive and vice versa, pointing toward the possible occurrence of an order/disorder phase transition, which is the counterpart of the large scale convection rearrangement and of the increase of the global coherence. This result has been confirmed by applying the same analysis to a larger data base of about twenty days of SuperDARN data, allowing to investigate the role of IMF <i>B<sub>y</sub></i> too

    Dynamical changes of the polar cap potential structure: an information theory approach

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    Abstract. Some features, such as vortex structures often observed through a wide spread of spatial scales, suggest that ionospheric convection is turbulent and complex in nature. Here, applying concepts from information theory and complex system physics, we firstly evaluate a pseudo Shannon entropy, H, associated with the polar cap potential obtained from the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN) and, then, estimate the degree of disorder and the degree of complexity of ionospheric convection under different Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) conditions. The aforementioned quantities are computed starting from time series of the coefficients of the 4th order spherical harmonics expansion of the polar cap potential for three periods, characterised by: (i) steady IMF Bz > 0, (ii) steady IMF Bz < 0 and (iii) a double rotation from negative to positive and then positive to negative Bz. A neat dynamical topological transition is observed when the IMF Bz turns from negative to positive and vice versa, pointing toward the possible occurrence of an order/disorder phase transition, which is the counterpart of the large scale convection rearrangement and of the increase of the global coherence. This result has been confirmed by applying the same analysis to a larger data base of about twenty days of SuperDARN data, allowing to investigate the role of IMF By too

    Observations of IMF coherent structures and their relationship to SEP dropout events

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    Abstract. The solar energetic particle (SEP) events from impulsive solar flares are often characterized by short-timescale modulations affecting, at the same time, particles with different energies. Several models and simulations suggest that these modulations are observed when SEPs propagate through magnetic structures with a different connection with the flare site. However, in situ observations rarely showed clear magnetic signatures associated with these modulations. In this paper we used the Grad–Shafranov reconstruction to perform a detailed analysis of the local magnetic field topology during the SEP event of 9–10 January 1999, characterized by several SEP dropouts. An optimization procedure is used to identify, during this SEP event, the magnetic structures which better satisfy the Grad–Shafranov assumptions and to evaluate the direction of their invariant axis. We found that these two-dimensional structures, which are flux ropes or current sheets with a more complex field topology, are generally associated with the maxima in the SEP counts. This association suggests that the SEPs propagate within these structures and, since their gyration radii is much smaller than the transverse dimension of these structure, cannot escape from them

    Different responses of northern and southern high latitude ionospheric convection to IMF rotations: a case study based on SuperDARN observations

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    Abstract. We use SuperDARN data to study high-latitude ionospheric convection over a three hour period (starting at 22:00 UT on 2 January 2003), during which the Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) flipped between two states, one with By&amp;gt;&amp;gt;|Bz| and one with Bz&amp;gt;0, both with negative Bx. We find, as expected from previous works, that day side ionospheric convection is controlled by the IMF in both hemispheres. For strongly northward IMF, we observed signatures of two reverse cells, both in the Northern Hemisphere (NH) and in the Southern Hemisphere (SH), due to lobe reconnection. On one occasion, we also observed in the NH two viscous cells at the sides of the reverse cell pair. For duskward IMF, we observed in the NH a large dusk clockwise cell, accompanied by a smaller dawn cell, and the signature of a corresponding pattern in the SH. On two occasions, a three cell pattern, composed of a large clockwise cell and two viscous cells, was observed in the NH. As regards the timings of the NH and SH convection reconfigurations, we find that the convection reconfiguration from a positive Bz dominated to a positive By dominated pattern occurred almost simultaneously (i.e. within a few minutes) in the two hemispheres. On the contrary, the reconfiguration from a By dominated to a northward IMF pattern started in the NH 8–13 min earlier than in the SH. We suggest that part of such a delay can be due to the following mechanism: as IMF Bx&amp;lt;0, the northward-tailward magnetosheath magnetic field reconnects with the magnetospheric field first tailward of the northern cusp and later on tailward of the southern cusp, due to the IMF draping around the magnetopause.</p
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