676 research outputs found

    Relativistic particle transport in extragalactic jets: I. Coupling MHD and kinetic theory

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    Multidimensional magneto-hydrodynamical (MHD) simulations coupled with stochastic differential equations (SDEs) adapted to test particle acceleration and transport in complex astrophysical flows are presented. The numerical scheme allows the investigation of shock acceleration, adiabatic and radiative losses as well as diffusive spatial transport in various diffusion regimes. The applicability of SDEs to astrophysics is first discussed in regards to the different regimes and the MHD code spatial resolution. The procedure is then applied to 2.5D MHD-SDE simulations of kilo-parsec scale extragalactic jets. The ability of SDE to reproduce analytical solutions of the diffusion-convection equation for electrons is tested through the incorporation of an increasing number of effects: shock acceleration, spatially dependent diffusion coefficients and synchrotron losses. The SDEs prove to be efficient in various shock configuration occurring in the inner jet during the development of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability. The particle acceleration in snapshots of strong single and multiple shock acceleration including realistic spatial transport is treated. In chaotic magnetic diffusion regime, turbulence levels ηT=/(B2+)\eta_T=/(B^2+) around 0.2−0.30.2-0.3 are found to be the most efficient to enable particles to reach the highest energies. The spectrum, extending from 100 MeV to few TeV (or even 100 TeV for fast flows), does not exhibit a power-law shape due to transverse momentum dependent escapes. Out of this range, the confinement is not so efficient and the spectrum cut-off above few hundreds of GeV, questioning the Chandra observations of X-ray knots as being synchrotron radiation. The extension to full time dependent simulations to X-ray extragalactic jets is discussed.Comment: Astronomy & Astrophysics (in press), 18 page

    Non-resonant magnetohydrodynamics streaming instability near magnetized relativistic shocks

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    We present in this paper both a linear study and numerical relativistic MHD simulations of the non-resonant streaming instability occurring in the precursor of relativistic shocks. In the shock front restframe, we perform a linear analysis of this instability in a likely configuration for ultra-relativistic shock precursors. This considers magneto-acoustic waves having a wave vector perpendicular to the shock front and the large scale magnetic field. Our linear analysis is achieved without any assumption on the shock velocity and is thus valid for all velocity regimes. In order to check our calculation, we also perform relativistic MHD simulations describing the propagation of the aforementioned magneto-acoustic waves through the shock precursor. The numerical calculations confirm our linear analysis, which predicts that the growth rate of the instability is maximal for ultra-relativistic shocks and exhibits a wavenumber dependence ∝kx1/2\propto k_x^{1/2}. Our numerical simulations also depict the saturation regime of the instability where we show that the magnetic amplification is moderate but nevertheless significant (ÎŽB/B≀10\delta B/B\leq 10). This latter fact may explain the presence of strong turbulence in the vicinity of relativistic magnetized shocks. Our numerical approach also introduces a convenient means to handle isothermal (ultra-)relativistic MHD conditions.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, MNRAS (in press

    Radiation processes around accreting black holes

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    Accreting sources such as AGN, X-ray binaries or gamma-ray bursts are known to be strong, high energy emitters. The hard emission is though to originate from plasmas of thermal and/or non-thermal high energy particles. Not only does this emission allow to probe the unique properties of the matter in an extreme environment, but it also has a crucial backreaction on the energetics and the dynamics of the emitting medium itself. Understanding interactions between radiation and matter has become a key issue in the modelling of high energy sources. Although most cross sections are well known, they are quite complex and the way all processes couple non-linearly is still an open issue. We present a new code that solves the local, kinetic evolution equations for distributions of electrons, positrons and photons, interacting by radiation processes such as self-absorbed synchrotron and brems-strahlung radiation, Compton scattering, pair production/annihilation, and by Coulomb collisions. The code is very general and aimed to modelled various high energy sources. As an application, we study the spectral states of X-ray binaries, including thermalization by Coulomb collisions and synchrotron self-absorption. It is found that the low-hard and high-soft states can be modelled with different illumination but the same non-thermal acceleration mechanism.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, proceedings of the SF2A conference 200

    Transport of positrons in the interstellar medium

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    This work investigates some aspects of the transport of low-energy positrons in the interstellar medium (ISM). We consider resonance interactions with magnetohydrodynamic waves above the resonance threshold. Below the threshold, collisions take over and deflect positrons in their motion parallel to magnetic-field lines. Using Monte-Carlo simulations, we model the propagation and energy losses of positrons in the different phases of the ISM until they annihilate. We suggest that positrons produced in the disk by an old population of stars, with initial kinetic energies below 1 MeV, and propagating in the spiral magnetic field of the disk, can probably not penetrate the Galactic bulge.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in the proceeding of the 6th INTEGRAL worksho

    Cosmic-ray acceleration and gamma-ray signals from radio supernovae

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    In this work the efficiency of particle acceleration at the forward shock right after the SN outburst for the particular case of the well-known SN 1993J is analyzed. Plasma instabilities driven by the energetic particles accelerated at the shock front grow over intraday timescales and drive a fast amplification of the magnetic field at the shock, that can explain the magnetic field strengths deduced from the radio monitoring of the source. The maximum particle energy is found to reach 1-10 PeV depending on the instability dominating the amplification process. We derive the time dependent particle spectra and the associated hadronic signatures of secondary particles arising from proton proton interactions. We find that the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) should easily detect objects like SN 1993J in particular above 1 TeV, while current generation of Cherenkov telescopes such as H.E.S.S. could only marginally detect such events. The gamma-ray signal is found to be heavily absorbed by pair production process during the first week after the outburst. We predict a low neutrino flux above 10 TeV, implying a detectability horizon with a KM3NeT-type telescope of 1 Mpc only. We finally discuss the essential parameters that control the particle acceleration and gamma-ray emission in other type of SNe.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures (Note: conflict of .sty file version explains the problems with journal title and the abstract, apologies for any inconvenience). Appears as Nuclear Physics B Proceedings Supplement 2014 Proceedings of the workshop "Cosmic Ray Origin beyond the standard models", San Vito (2014), ed. by O.Tibolla, L. Drur

    Protostars: Forges of cosmic rays?

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    Galactic cosmic rays (CR) are particles presumably accelerated in supernova remnant shocks that propagate in the interstellar medium up to the densest parts of molecular clouds, losing energy and their ionisation efficiency because of the presence of magnetic fields and collisions with molecular hydrogen. Recent observations hint at high levels of ionisation and at the presence of synchrotron emission in protostellar systems, which leads to an apparent contradiction. We want to explain the origin of these CRs accelerated within young protostars as suggested by observations. Our modelling consists of a set of conditions that has to be satisfied in order to have an efficient CR acceleration through diffusive shock acceleration. We analyse three main acceleration sites, then we follow the propagation of these particles through the protostellar system up to the hot spot region. We find that jet shocks can be strong accelerators of CR protons, which can be boosted up to relativistic energies. Other promising acceleration sites are protostellar surfaces, where shocks caused by impacting material during the collapse phase are strong enough to accelerate CR protons. In contrast, accretion flow shocks are too weak to efficiently accelerate CRs. Though CR electrons are weakly accelerated, they can gain a strong boost to relativistic energies through re-acceleration in successive shocks. We suggest a mechanism able to accelerate both CR protons and electrons through the diffusive shock acceleration mechanism, which can be used to explain the high ionisation rate and the synchrotron emission observed towards protostellar sources. The existence of an internal source of energetic particles can have a strong and unforeseen impact on the ionisation of the protostellar disc, on the star and planet formation processes, and on the formation of pre-biotic molecules.Comment: 22 pages, 15 figures, accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    The Monoceros very-high-energy gamma-ray source

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    The H.E.S.S. telescope array has observed the complex Monoceros Loop SNR/Rosette Nebula region which contains unidentified high energy EGRET sources and potential very-high-energy (VHE) gamma-ray source. We announce the discovery of a new point-like VHE gamma-ray sources, HESS J0632+057. It is located close to the rim of the Monoceros SNR and has no clear counterpart at other wavelengths. Data from the NANTEN telescope have been used to investigate hadronic interactions with nearby molecular clouds. We found no evidence for a clear association. The VHE gamma-ray emission is possibly associated with the lower energy gamma-ray source 3EG J0634+0521, a weak X-ray source 1RXS J063258.3+054857 and the Be-star MWC 148.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, Contribution to the 30th ICRC, Merida Mexico, July 200

    Fermi Acceleration at relativistic Shocks

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    International audienceAfter a successful development of theoretical and numerical works on Fermi acceleration at relativistic shocks, some difficulties recently raised with the scattering issue, a crucial aspect of the process. Most pioneering works were developed assuming the scattering off magnetic fluctuations as given. Even in that case, when a mean field is considered, its orientation is mostly perpendicular to the shock normal in the front frame, and this tends to quench the scattering process. Solving this difficulty leads to address the issue of the generation of very intense magnetic fluctuations at short wave lengths. The relativistic motion of the shock front let the cosmic rays to visit upstream during a very short time only, making this generation of magnetic fluctuations very challenging. Anyway there is some hope to solve the problem. Thanks to a recent work by Spitkovsky (2008) \cite{AS}, we know that the process works without any mean field and now we have to investigate up to which intensity the mean field can be amplified for allowing Fermi process with appropriate fast instabilities. In this presentation, the collisionless shock structure in relativistic regime is sketched, the scattering issue is presented, and the instabilities that can provide the expected magnetic field amplification are presented as well. Although there exists observational evidence that particles are accelerated in relativistic flows and are distributed according to a power law suggesting a Fermi process, the drastic conditions for Fermi process to work are not always clearly fulfilled
