290 research outputs found

    The joint effects of apolipoprotein B, apolipoprotein A1, LDL cholesterol, and HDL cholesterol on risk: 3510 cases of acute myocardial infarction and 9805 controls†

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    AIMS: Plasma levels of apolipoprotein B (apoB), the main surface protein on LDL particles, and LDL-C, the amount of cholesterol in those particles, are closely correlated and, considered separately, are positive risk factors. Plasma levels of apolipoprotein A(1), the main surface protein on HDL particles, and HDL-C, the amount of cholesterol in those particles, are also closely correlated with each other and, considered separately, are negative risk factors. The interdependence of these four risk factors is unclear. METHODS AND RESULTS: Case-control study among 3510 acute myocardial infarction patients (without prior vascular disease, diabetes, or statin use) in UK hospitals and 9805 controls. Relative risks (age, sex, smoking, and obesity-adjusted) were more strongly related to apoB than to LDL-C and, given apoB, more strongly negatively related to apoA(1) than to HDL-C. The ratio apoB/apoA(1) was uncorrelated with time since symptom onset in cases, was reproducible in samples collected a few years apart in controls (correlation 0.81), and encapsulated almost all the predictive power of these four measurements. Its effect was continuous, substantial throughout the UK normal range [relative risk, top vs. bottom decile of this ratio, 7.3 (95% CI 5.8-9.2)] and varied little with age. The ratio apoB/apoA(1) was substantially more informative about risk (chi(1)(2) = 550) than were commonly used measures such as LDL-C/HDL-C, total/HDL cholesterol, non-HDL cholesterol, and total cholesterol (chi(1)(2) = 407, 334, 204, and 105, respectively). Given apoB and apoA(1), the relationship with risk of LDL-C was reversed, and this reversal was strengthened by appropriate allowance for random measurement errors in two correlated variables. Given usual apoB, lower LDL-C (consistent with smaller LDL particles) was associated with higher risk (P < 0.0001). During the first 8 h after symptom onset HDL-C increased by about 10%, precluding reliable assessment of the joint relationship of apoA(1) and pre-onset HDL-C with risk in such retrospective case-control studies. CONCLUSION: Apolipoprotein ratios are more informative about risk than lipid fractions are. This suggests that, among lipoprotein particles of a particular type (LDL or HDL), some smaller and larger subtypes differ in their effects on risk. Direct measurements of even more specific subtypes of lipoprotein particles may be even more informative about risk

    Obesity and Albuminuria Among Adults With Type 2 Diabetes: The Look AHEAD (Action for Health in Diabetes) Study

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    This is an uncopyedited electronic version of an article accepted for publication in Diabetes Care. The American Diabetes Association, publisher of Diabetes Care, is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it by third parties. The definitive publisher-authenticated version will be available in a future issue of Diabetes Care in print and online a

    Apolipoprotein C-II deficiency: detection of immunoreactive apolipoprotein C-II in the intestinal mucosa of two patients

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    Recent data suggest that mutant immunoreactive forms of apolipoprotein C-II (apoC-II) can be detected in the plasma of patients with the apoC-II deficiency syndrome. We studied the possible presence of apoC-II mutants in the plasma of two patients with apoC-II deficiency by immunological means. The patients were hypertriglyceridemic, and apoC-II was undetectable in plasma as determined by radial immunodiffusion, electroimmunoassay, and immunonephelometry. Furthermore, apoC-II was undetectable either by electrophoresis or by immunoblotting in the plasma of the probands, while apoC-II was present in the plasma of their parents, although at less than half-normal concentration. Immunochemical localization of apoC-II, however, showed that the apoprotein could be detected within the enterocytes obtained from the intestinal mucosa of the patients. From these data we conclude that the patients synthesize apoC-II, at least in the intestine

    Characterizing the weight-glycemia phenotypes of type 1 diabetes in youth and young adulthood

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    Introduction Individuals with type 1 diabetes (T1D) present with diverse body weight status and degrees of glycemic control, which may warrant different treatment approaches. We sought to identify subgroups sharing phenotypes based on both weight and glycemia and compare characteristics across subgroups. Research design and methods Participants: with T1D in the SEARCH study cohort (n=1817, 6.0-30.4 years) were seen at a follow-up visit >5 years after diagnosis. Hierarchical agglomerative clustering was used to group participants based on five measures summarizing the joint distribution of body mass index z-score (BMIz) and hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) which were estimated by reinforcement learning tree predictions from 28 covariates. Interpretation of cluster weight status and glycemic control was based on mean BMIz and HbA1c, respectively. Results: The sample was 49.5% female and 55.5% non-Hispanic white (NHW); mean±SD age=17.6±4.5 years, T1D duration=7.8±1.9 years, BMIz=0.61±0.94, and HbA1c=76±21 mmol/mol (9.1±1.9)%. Six weight-glycemia clusters were identified, including four normal weight, one overweight, and one subgroup with obesity. No cluster had a mean HbA1c <58 mmol/mol (7.5%). Cluster 1 (34.0%) was normal weight with the lowest HbA1c and comprised 85% NHW participants with the highest socioeconomic position, insulin pump use, dietary quality, and physical activity. Subgroups with very poor glycemic control (ie, ≥108 mmol/mol (≥12.0%); cluster 4, 4.4%, and cluster 5, 7.5%) and obesity (cluster 6, 15.4%) had a lower proportion of NHW youth, lower socioeconomic position, and reported decreased pump use and poorer health behaviors (overall p<0.01). The overweight subgroup with very poor glycemic control (cluster 5) showed the highest lipids and blood pressure (p<0.01). Conclusions: There are distinct subgroups of youth and young adults with T1D that share weight-glycemia phenotypes. Subgroups may benefit from tailored interventions addressing differences in clinical care, health behaviors, and underlying health inequity. © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2020. Re-use permitted under CC BY-NC. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ

    Buffy coat specimens remain viable as a DNA source for highly multiplexed genome-wide genetic tests after long term storage

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Blood specimen collection at an early study visit is often included in observational studies or clinical trials for analysis of secondary outcome biomarkers. A common protocol is to store buffy coat specimens for future DNA isolation and these may remain in frozen storage for many years. It is uncertain if the DNA remains suitable for modern genome wide association (GWA) genotyping.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We isolated DNA from 120 Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes (ACCORD) clinical trial buffy coats sampling a range of storage times up to 9 years and other factors that could influence DNA yield. We performed TaqMan SNP and GWA genotyping to test whether the DNA retained integrity for high quality genetic analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We tested two QIAGEN automated protocols for DNA isolation, preferring the Compromised Blood Protocol despite similar yields. We isolated DNA from all 120 specimens (yield range 1.1-312 ug per 8.5 ml ACD tube of whole blood) with only 3/120 samples yielding < 10 ug DNA. Age of participant at blood draw was negatively associated with yield (mean change -2.1 ug/year). DNA quality was very good based on gel electrophoresis QC, TaqMan genotyping of 6 SNPs (genotyping no-call rate 1.1% in 702 genotypes), and excellent quality GWA genotyping data (maximum per sample genotype missing rate 0.64%).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>When collected as a long term clinical trial or biobank specimen for DNA, buffy coats can be stored for up to 9 years in a -80degC frozen state and still produce high yields of DNA suitable for GWA analysis and other genetic testing.</p> <p>Trial Registration</p> <p>The Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes (ACCORD) trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number <a href="http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT00000620">NCT00000620</a>.</p

    The association between blood glucose and oxidized lipoprotein(a) in healthy young women

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Oxidized lipoproteins play important roles in the atherosclerotic processes. Oxidized lipoprotein(a) (oxLp(a)) may be more potent in atherosclerotic pathophysiology than native Lp(a), a cardiovascular disease-relevant lipoprotein. Increased blood glucose concentrations can induce oxidative modification of lipoproteins. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between circulating oxLp(a) and cardiometabolic variables including blood glucose in healthy volunteers within the normal range of blood glucose.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Several cardiometabolic variables and serum oxLp(a) (using an ELISA system) were measured among 70 healthy females (mean age, 22 years).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Lp(a) and glucose were significantly and positively correlated with oxLp(a) in simple correlation test. Furthermore, a multiple linear regression analysis showed oxLp(a) to have a weakly, but significantly positive and independent correlation with only blood glucose (<it>β </it>= 0.269, <it>P </it>< 0.05).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These results suggest that increased glucose may enhance the oxidization of Lp(a) even at normal glucose levels.</p

    Comprehensive Analysis of Established Dyslipidemia-Associated Loci in the Diabetes Prevention Program

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    Background-We assessed whether 234 established dyslipidemia-associated loci modify the effects of metformin treatment and lifestyle intervention (versus placebo control) on lipid and lipid subfraction levels in the Diabetes Prevention Program randomized controlled trial. Methods and Results-We tested gene treatment interactions in relation to baseline-adjusted follow-up blood lipid concentrations (high-density lipoprotein [HDL] and low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol, total cholesterol, and triglycerides) and lipoprotein subfraction particle concentrations and size in 2993 participants with pre-diabetes. Of the previously reported single-nucleotide polymorphism associations, 32.5% replicated at PP>1.1×10-16) with their respective baseline traits for all but 2 traits. Lifestyle modified the effect of the genetic risk score for large HDL particle numbers, such that each risk allele of the genetic risk scores was associated with lower concentrations of large HDL particles at follow-up in the lifestyle arm (β=-0.11 μmol/L per genetic risk scores risk allele; 95% confidence interval,-0.188 to-0.033; P=5×10-3; Pinteraction=1×10-3 for lifestyle versus placebo), but not in the metformin or placebo arms (P>0.05). In the lifestyle arm, participants with high genetic risk had more favorable or similar trait levels at 1-year compared with participants at lower genetic risk at baseline for 17 of the 20 traits. Conclusions-Improvements in large HDL particle concentrations conferred by lifestyle may be diminished by genetic factors. Lifestyle intervention, however, was successful in offsetting unfavorable genetic loading for most lipid traits. Clinical Trial Registration-URL: https://www.clinicaltrials.gov. Unique Identifier: NCT00004992

    Burden of Cardiovascular Risk Factors Over Time and Arterial Stiffness in Youth With Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus: The SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth Study

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    Background: The incidence of type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) in children is increasing, resulting in higher burden of cardiovascular diseases due to diabetes mellitus–related vascular dysfunction. Methods and Results: We examined cardiovascular risk factors (CVRFs) and arterial parameters in 1809 youth with T1DM. Demographics, anthropometrics, blood pressure, and laboratory data were collected at T1DM onset and 5 years later. Pulse wave velocity and augmentation index were collected with tonometry. ANOVA or chi�square tests were used to test for differences in measures of arterial parameters by CVRF. Area under the curve of CVRFs was entered in general linear models to explore determinants of accelerate vascular aging. Participants at the time of arterial measurement were 17.6±4.5 years old, 50% female, 76% non�Hispanic white, and duration of T1DM was 7.8±1.9 years. Glycemic control was poor (glycated hemoglobin, 9.1±1.8%). All arterial parameters were higher in participants with glycated hemoglobin ≥9% and pulse wave velocity was higher with lower insulin sensitivity or longer duration of diabetes mellitus. Differences in arterial parameters were found by sex, age, and presence of obesity, hypertension, or dyslipidemia. In multivariable models, higher glycated hemoglobin, lower insulin sensitivity, body mass index, blood pressure, and lipid areas under the curve were associated with accelerated vascular aging. Conclusions: In young people with T1DM, persistent poor glycemic control and higher levels of traditional CVRFs are independently associated with arterial aging. Improving glycemic control and interventions to lower CVRFs may prevent future cardiovascular events in young individuals with T1DM

    Preservation of  -Cell Function in Autoantibody-Positive Youth With Diabetes

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    OBJECTIVETo determine the extent of β-cell function in youth with diabetes and GAD65 and/or IA2 autoantibodies.RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODSFasting C-peptide levels from 2,789 GAD65- and/or IA2 autoantibody-positive youth aged 1–23 years from the SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth study were used. Preserved β-cell function was defined on the basis of cut points derived from the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT) (fasting C-peptide ≥0.23 ng/ml) and from the U.S. adolescent population of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 5th percentile for fasting C-peptide (≥1.0 ng/ml). We compared the clinical characteristics between those with and without preserved β-cell function.RESULTSWithin the first year of diagnosis, 82.9% of youth had a fasting C-peptide ≥0.23 ng/ml and 31.2% had values ≥1.0 ng/ml. Among those with ≥5 years of diabetes duration, 10.7% had preserved β-cell function based on the DCCT cutoff and 1.0% were above the 5th percentile of the NHANES population.CONCLUSIONSWithin the 1st year of diagnosis, four of five youth with autoantibody-positive diabetes have clinically significant amounts of residual β-cell function and about one-third have fasting C-peptide levels above the 5th percentile of a healthy adolescent population. Even 5 years after diagnosis, 1 of 10 has fasting C-peptide above a clinically significant threshold. These findings have implications for clinical classification of youth with diabetes as well as clinical trials aimed to preserve β-cell function after diabetes onset

    Lipid and Lipoprotein Profiles in Youth With and Without Type 1 Diabetes: The SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth Case-Control Study

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    OBJECTIVE The purpose of this study was to compare the lipid profile and the prevalence of lipid abnormalities in youth with and without type 1 diabetes and explore the role of glycemic control on the hypothesized altered lipid profile in youth with type 1 diabetes. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS - We conducted a cross-sectional analysis of 512 youth with type 1 diabetes (mean duration 4.22 years) and 188 healthy control subjects aged 10-22 years in Colorado and South Carolina. SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth (SEARCH) participants with type 1 diabetes and healthy control subjects recruited from primary care offices in the same geographic regions were invited to attend a research visit. Fasting lipid profiles were compared between youth with type 1 diabetes (stratified according to categories of optimal [AlC <7.5%] and suboptimal [AlC ≥7.5%] glycemic control) and healthy nondiabetic youth, using multiple linear and logistic regression. RESULTS - Youth with type 1 diabetes and optimal AlC had lipid concentrations that were similar (total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and LDL particle size) or even less atherogenic (HDL cholesterol, non-HDL cholesterol, triglyceride, and triglyceride-to-HDL cholesterol ratio) than those observed in nondiabetic youth, whereas youth with suboptimal glycemic control had elevated standard lipid levels (total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and non-HDL cholesterol). Youth with type 1 diabetes also had significantly elevated apolipoprotein B levels and more small, dense LDL particles than nondiabetic youth, regardless of glycemic control. CONCLUSIONS Youth with type 1 diabetes have abnormal lipid levels and atherogenic changes in lipoprotein composition, even after a relatively short disease duration. As in adults, glycemic control is an important mediator of these abnormalities