10 research outputs found

    Lipidomic Analysis Reveals Serum Alteration of Plasmalogens in Patients Infected With ZIKA Virus

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    Zika virus (ZIKV) is an arthropod-borne virus (arbovirus) in the Flavivirus genus of the Flaviviridae family. Since the large outbreaks in French Polynesia in 2013–2014 and in Brazil in 2015, ZIKV has been considered a new public health threat. Similar to other related flavivirus, ZIKV is associated with mild and self-limiting symptoms such as rash, pruritus, prostration, headache, arthralgia, myalgia, conjunctivitis, lower back pain and, when present, a short-term low grade fever. In addition, ZIKV has been implicated in neurological complications such as neonatal microcephaly and Guillain–Barré syndrome in adults. Herein, serum lipidomic analysis was used to identify possible alterations in lipid metabolism triggered by ZIKV infection. Patients who presented virus-like symptoms such as fever, arthralgia, headache, exanthema, myalgia and pruritus were selected as the control group. Our study reveals increased levels of several phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) lipid species in the serum of ZIKV patients, the majority of them plasmenyl-phosphatidylethanolamine (pPE) (or plasmalogens) linked to polyunsaturated fatty acids. Constituting up to 20% of total phospholipids in humans, plasmalogens linked to polyunsaturated fatty acids are particularly enriched in neural membranes of the brain. The biosynthesis of plasmalogens requires functional peroxisomes, which are important sites for viral replication, including ZIKV. Thus, increased levels of plasmalogens in serum of ZIKV infected subjects suggest a link between ZIKV life cycle and peroxisomes. Our data provide important insights into specific host cellular lipids that are likely associated with ZIKV replication and may serve as platform for antiviral strategy against ZIKV


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    A ciclagem de matéria orgânica (MO) no ambiente marinho é um processo-chave para o ciclo global de carbono. Os sedimentos costeiros são de suma importância para a ciclagem de carbono pois atuam como receptores de grandes quantidades de MO alóctone (i.e. terrestre) e autóctone (i.e. marinho). A miríade dos componentes orgânicos e suas diferentes características dificultam o entendimento das fontes de MO em ambientes costeiros. Este trabalho visou entender a origem e a composição da MO (através de biomarcadores lipídicos) e a dinâmica da comunidade microbiana (método ATP) em sedimentos superficiais de diferentes ecossistemas marinhos da costa sudeste do Brasil: (i) margem continental de Cabo Frio; (ii) sistema lagunar de Saquarema; (iii) áreas costeiras e a plataforma continental de Ubatuba; (iv) e a plataforma adjacente ao estuário de Santos. Os resultados apontaram uma origem predominantemente autóctone para a MO nestes sistemas, com contribuição terrestre reduzida e limitada à áreas próximas à costa. Processos oceanográficos e forçantes ambientais são cruciais para a composição da MO sedimentar e são discutidas para cada um dos ecossistemas estudados.The cycling of the organic matter (OM) in the marine environment is a key process in the global carbon cycle. Coastal sediments are important to the global carbon cycle, since they receive large inputs from both marine and terrestrial OM. The myriad of organic compounds and their spectrum of reactivity complicate the understanding of OM sources in coastal environments. In this work, we aimed to access the origin and composition of the OM (through lipid biomarkers) and the microbial dynamics (ATP method) in surface sediments of diverse marine ecosystems from the SE Brazilian coast: (i) the continental margin off Cabo Frio; (ii) the lagoonal system of Saquarema; (iii) coastal and shelf areas from Ubatuba; and (iv) the continental shelf adjacent to Santos estuary. The results showed a dominance of autochthonous OM, with a minor fraction of the OM derived from terrestrial sources and restricted to areas close to the coast. Oceanographic processes and environmental forces are crucial to the composition of sedimentary OM and are discussed for each of those ecosystems

    Seabed pockmarks associated with deepwater corals off SE Brasilian continental slope, Santos Basin

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    Several factors bear evidence of chemosynthetic ecosystem occurrence in the Brazilian coast; these motivated our investigation to sample three pockmarks located on the continentalslopeoffSE Brazil (26°S and 46°W) at ∼700 m depth. The crater-like features were ∼1 km in diameter and 100 m in depth, and were identified with an echo-sounder (EK-500). They were sampled along two transects using a rectangular dredge. Our main objective was to identify possible evidence of a seep-related community. The surrounding sediments of the pockmarks seem to be filled with coral rubble harboring a rich fauna of metazoans including epilithic and chasmolithic organisms. A total of 9565 organisms were sampled. The most abundant group was the Ophiuroidea, followed by Cirripedia and Polychaeta. A number of new occurrences and new species were registered. The polychaete worm Amelinna was the first record for the Atlantic Ocean, which has been found in reducing habitats such as wood islands. The echo-sounder records also showed the presence of big deepwatercoral mounds associated with the edge of the pockmarks. These features are ∼ 20 m in height and from 180 to 360 m wide. Records of demersal fishes were also registered right above coral mounds. The presence of deepwatercoral mounds at the edge of pockmarks may be related to the flow of the cold, oxygen-rich Antarctic Intermediate Water over the bottom, or else may benefit from the fertilization of the water by the microseepage of hydrocarbons from the sediment. We suggest a more thorough survey in order to map and recognize these environments. Furthermore, our findings may shed some light on new research perspectives concerning the ecology, biogeography and evolution of reducing habitats off the Brazilian coast

    Concentration of archaeal intact polar lipids (IPLs) of ROV sediment core GeoB12315-9

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    Here we report the amount of archaeal cardiolipins analogues in a cold seep off Pakistan (Makran accretionary prism). The published data (Yoshinaga et al., 2012) describes a series of tentatively identified cardiolipin analogues (dimeric phospholipids or bisphosphatidylglycerol), which represented 0.5% to 5% of total archaeal intact polar lipids

    (Figure 4) Stable carbon isotopic values and relative contents of biphytanes and sugars from sediment sample from the Peru margin and from the Pakistan margin

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    Glycolipids are prominent constituents in the membranes of cells from all domains of life. For example, diglycosyl-glycerol dibiphytanyl glycerol tetraethers (2Gly-GDGTs) are associated with methanotrophic ANME-1 archaea and heterotrophic benthic archaea, two archaeal groups of global biogeochemical importance. The hydrophobic biphytane moieties of 2Gly-GDGTs from these two uncultivated archaeal groups exhibit distinct carbon isotopic compositions. To explore whether the isotopic compositions of the sugar headgroups provide additional information on the metabolism of their producers, we developed a procedure to analyze the d13C values of glycosidic headgroups. Successful determination was achieved by (1) monitoring the contamination from free sugars during lipid extraction and preparation, (2) optimizing the hydrolytic conditions for glycolipids, and (3) derivatizing the resulting sugars into aldononitrile acetate derivatives, which are stable enough to withstand a subsequent column purification step. First results of d13C values of sugars cleaved from 2Gly-GDGTs in two marine sediment samples, one containing predominantly ANME-1 archaea and the other benthic archaea, were obtained and compared with the d13C values of the corresponding biphytanes. In both samples the dominant sugar headgroups were enriched in 13C relative to the corresponding major biphytane. This 13C enrichment was significantly larger in the putative major glycolipids from ANME-1 archaea (~15 per mil) than in those from benthic archaea (<7 per mil). This method opens a new analytical window for the examination of carbon isotopic relationships between sugars and lipids in uncultivated organisms

    Oxygen-induced pathological angiogenesis promotes intense lipid synthesis and remodeling in the retina

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    Summary: The retina is a notable tissue with high metabolic needs which relies on specialized vascular networks to protect the neural retina while maintaining constant supplies of oxygen, nutrients, and dietary essential fatty acids. Here we analyzed the lipidome of the mouse retina under healthy and pathological angiogenesis using the oxygen-induced retinopathy model. By matching lipid profiles to changes in mRNA transcriptome, we identified a lipid signature showing that pathological angiogenesis leads to intense lipid remodeling favoring pathways for neutral lipid synthesis, cholesterol import/export, and lipid droplet formation. Noteworthy, it also shows profound changes in pathways for long-chain fatty acid production, vital for retina homeostasis. The net result is accumulation of large quantities of mead acid, a marker of essential fatty acid deficiency, and a potential marker for retinopathy severity. Thus, our lipid signature might contribute to better understand diseases of the retina that lead to vision impairment or blindness

    Polar membrane lipids and elemental composition of Thermococcus kodakarensis cells according to growth stage and phosphorus supply

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    We observed significant changes in the elemental and intact polar lipid (IPL) composition of the archaeon Thermococcus kodakarensis (KOD1) in response to growth stage and phosphorus supply. Reducing the amount of organic supplements and phosphate in growth media resulted in significant decreases in cell size and cellular quotas of carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P), which coincided with significant increases in cellular IPL quota and IPLs comprising multiple P atoms and hexose moieties. Relatively more cellular P was stored as IPLs in P-limited cells (2-8%) compared to control cells (<0.8%). We also identified a specific IPL biomarker containing a phosphatidyl-N-acetylhexoseamine headgroup that was relatively enriched during rapid cell division. These observations serve as empirical evidence of IPL adaptations in Archaea that will help to interpret the distribution of these biomarkers in natural systems. The reported cell quotas of C, N, and P represent the first such data for a specific archaeon and suggest that thermophiles are C-rich compared to the cell carbon-to-volume relationship reported for planktonic bacteria

    Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus modulates its membrane lipids in response to hydrogen and nutrient availability

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    Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus strain AH is a model hydrogenotrophic methanogen, for which extensive biochemical information, including the complete genome sequence, is available. Nevertheless, at the cell membrane lipid level, little is known about the responses of this archaeon to environmental stimuli. In this study, the lipid composition of M. the rmautotrophicus was characterized to verify how this archaeon modulates its cell membrane components during growth phases and in response to hydrogen depletion and nutrient limitation (potassium and phosphate). As opposed to the higher abundance of phospholipids in the stationary phase of control experiments, cell membranes under nutrient, and energy stress were dominated by glycolipids that likely provided a more effective barrier against ion leakage. We also identified particular lipid regulatory mechanisms in M. thermautotrophicus, which included the accumulation of polyprenols under hydrogen-limited conditions and an increased content of sodiated adducts of lipids in nutrient-limited cells. These findings suggest that M. thermautotrophicus intensely modulates its cell membrane lipid composition to cope with energy and nutrient availability in dynamic environments

    Forever panting and forever growing : physiology ofsaccharomyces cerevisiae at extremely low oxygen availability in the absence of ergosterol and unsaturated fatty acids

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    We sought to investigate how far the growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae under full anaerobiosis is dependent on the widely used anaerobic growth factors (AGF) ergosterol and oleic acid. A continuous cultivation setup was employed and, even forcing ultrapure N-2 gas through an O-2 trap upstream of the bioreactor, neither cells from S. cerevisiae CEN.PK113-7D (a lab strain) nor from PE-2 (an industrial strain) washed out after an aerobic-to-anaerobic switch in the absence of AGF. S. cerevisiae PE-2 seemed to cope better than the laboratory strain with this extremely low O-2 availability, since it presented higher biomass yield, lower specific rates of glucose consumption and CO2 formation, and higher survival at low pH. Lipid (fatty acid and sterol) composition dramatically altered when cells were grown anaerobically without AGF: saturated fatty acid, squalene and lanosterol contents increased, when compared to either cells grown aerobically or anaerobically with AGF. We concluded that these lipid alterations negatively affect cell viability during exposure to low pH or high ethanol titers196COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPnão tem2015/14109-0; 2018/17172-

    Plasma lipidome profiling of newborns with antenatal exposure to Zika virus.

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    The 2015-2016 Zika virus (ZIKV) outbreak in Brazil was remarkably linked to the incidence of microcephaly and other deleterious clinical manifestations, including eye abnormalities, in newborns. It is known that ZIKV targets the placenta, triggering an inflammatory profile that may cause placental insufficiency. Transplacental lipid transport is delicately regulated during pregnancy and deficiency on the delivery of lipids such as arachidonic and docosahexaenoic acids may lead to deficits in both brain and retina during fetal development. Here, plasma lipidome profiles of ZIKV exposed microcephalic and normocephalic newborns were compared to non-infected controls. Our results reveal major alterations in circulating lipids from both ZIKV exposed newborns with and without microcephaly relative to controls. In newborns with microcephaly, the plasma concentrations of hydroxyoctadecadienoic acid (HODE), primarily as 13-HODE isomer, derived from linoleic acid were higher as compared to normocephalic ZIKV exposed newborns and controls. Total HODE concentrations were also positively associated with levels of other oxidized lipids and several circulating free fatty acids in newborns, indicating a possible plasma lipidome signature of microcephaly. Moreover, higher concentrations of lysophosphatidylcholine in ZIKV exposed normocephalic newborns relative to controls suggest a potential disruption of polyunsaturated fatty acids transport across the blood-brain barrier of fetuses. The latter data is particularly important given the neurocognitive and neurodevelopmental abnormalities observed in follow-up studies involving children with antenatal ZIKV exposure, but normocephalic at birth. Taken together, our data reveal that plasma lipidome alterations associated with antenatal exposure to ZIKV could contribute to identification and monitoring of the wide spectrum of clinical phenotypes at birth and further, during childhood