16 research outputs found
Estratégias de educação permanente em saúde na percepção dos profissionais de Vigilância Sanitária
This is a study that addresses the expansion of a service as a result of decentralization of actions of Sanitary Surveillance (VISA) to the municipal level. Objectives: To identify the use of continuing health education in the VISA of a municipality in Rio de Janeiro. Method: The study is descriptive and employs a qualitative approach. Information was gathered during the first half of 2014 through focus groups connected with a municipality’s VISA team. As inclusion criterion for participation in the research was established professionals crowded in the municipal VISA and the exclusion criterion was that employees do not have availability to participate in the data collection. The data collected was analyzed using Bardin’s content analysis method. The results indicated the use of traditional teaching methods in educational processes, with limited dialogue and no proposal for the construction of collective spaces for reflection, far from the ‘problematization’ of the work process and concepts that are not desirable to the permanent health education (EPS). The research aims to contribute to EPS inserting VISA service, providing meetings which permit the exercise of an educational model different from those whose the professionals are accostumed.Trata-se de um estudo que aborda a expansão de um serviço em consequência da descentralização das ações de Vigilância Sanitária (VISA) para a esfera municipal. Objetivo: Identificar a utilização da Educação Permanente em Saúde na VISA de um município do estado do Rio de Janeiro. Método: Estudo descritivo, com abordagem qualitativa. A coleta de informações aconteceu no primeiro semestre de 2014, por meio de grupo focal com a equipe de VISA de um município. Como critério de inclusão para participação na pesquisa estabeleceu-se os profissionais lotados na VISA municipal e o critério exclusão utilizado foi funcionários que não tiverem disponibilidade para participarem da coleta de dados. Para tratamento dos dados foi utilizada a análise de conteúdo método proposto por Bardin. Os resultados traduziram a presença da utilização de metodologia tradicional de ensino nos processos educativos, com limitação para o diálogo e sem proposta para construção de espaços coletivos de reflexão, distantes da problematização do processo de trabalho e de concepções que não são desejáveis para a EPS. Espera-se que a pesquisa possa contribuir para a inserção da EPS no serviço de VISA, proporcionando encontros que permitam o exercício de um modelo educativo diferente daquele que os profissionais estão habituados
Professional development in the health system: re/guarding processes of education and work
O autor traça um perfil do setor saúde, em um contexto da crise do Estado, que sob a ordem mundial de globalização da economia está associada, no Brasil, a reforma neoliberal. Fatos geoeconômicos e político- institucionais, são confrontados com as múltipras determinações históricas e culturais que configuram a pós-modernidade. O estudo do inter-relacionamento das áreas de educação, saúde e trabalho, com suas singularidades, revelou, ao longo do tempo, a reprodução de modelos de desenvolvimento para a instituição e para os profissionais, ou a emergência de situações determinantes de novos modelos. Através de pesquisa qualitativa, realizada durante 1995, como um estudo de caso, busca-se compreender e interpretar no conflito de cotidiano, a realidade e as representações imaginárias dos profissionais, acerca do trabalho, num serviço básico e regionalizado de saúde de Niterói, na área metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro. A análise dos documentos escritos e de conteúdos de discursos colhidos nas entrevistas dos indivíduos e no grupo focal, apóia-se, fundamentalmente, numa linha de pensamento hermenêutica-dialética. Os resultados revelaram dimensões do dia-a-dia da \"equipe\" de saúde, que permitiram a criação de novas categorias analíticas, em especial àquelas inerentes à ação comunicativa entre os sujeitos sociais, à mudança de paradigmas da atenção à saúde e à articulação intra e intersetorial. O autor, através das falas dos servidores e das suas próprias análises, tenta apresentar a lógica do desenvolvimento institucional e profissional. O processo de formação dos profissionais se dá no cotidiano, que ora promove, ora oculta, um desenvolvimento educacional latente, que mantém uma relação intrínseca com o poder simbólico e as condições materiais, do trabalho e de vida dos participantes da investigação. O autor conclui que determinadas questões, de ordem sócio-econômica e antropológico-cultural, desempenham relevante papel no enfrentamento, ou na superação, de problemas vivenciados pelos profissionais e pela comunidade, no espaço das instituições,e assim, podem ampliar as bases de luta por uma vida melhor.The author outlines a profile of the health sector in a context of the State crisis, that, under the world order of economical globalization, is associated, in Brazil, with a neoliberal reform. Geoeconomic and politicoinstitutional facts are confronted with the multiple historical and cultural determinants that configure postmodernity. The study of the interrelation of the education, health and work areas revealed the reproduction of models of development of institution and professionals, or the emergence of situations that determine new models. By means of a qualitative research - performed in the year of 1995, as a case study - the author tries to understand and interpret the reality and the imaginary representations, concerning their own work, of the professionals; the research was conducted in a basic, regionalized, health service, in Niterói, in the metropolitan area of Rio de Janeiro. The analysis of written documents and of the contents of the speeches obtained through interviews of individuais and of the focal group, relies, in essence, in an hermeneutic-dialectical line of thought. The results of the study revealed dimensions, in the conflict of the quotidien activities of the health \"team\" that permitted the creation of new analytical categories, in special those inherent to the communicative action of the social actors, to the changing of paradigms in the field of health care and to the articulation inside and outside this field. According to the author, the process of formation of the professionals occurs through quotidien activities that reveal, or occult, a latent educational development and that maintain an intrinsical relationship with the symbolic power and with the material conditions, of work and life, of the participants. In the conclusions, the author indicates socioeconomical and anthropological situations that perform a relevant role in the confronting, or in the superation, of problems that professionals and community face in the space of the institution, and that may, so, amplify the foundations of the continuous effort towards the improvement of life
Professional development in the health system: re/guarding processes of education and work
O autor traça um perfil do setor saúde, em um contexto da crise do Estado, que sob a ordem mundial de globalização da economia está associada, no Brasil, a reforma neoliberal. Fatos geoeconômicos e político- institucionais, são confrontados com as múltipras determinações históricas e culturais que configuram a pós-modernidade. O estudo do inter-relacionamento das áreas de educação, saúde e trabalho, com suas singularidades, revelou, ao longo do tempo, a reprodução de modelos de desenvolvimento para a instituição e para os profissionais, ou a emergência de situações determinantes de novos modelos. Através de pesquisa qualitativa, realizada durante 1995, como um estudo de caso, busca-se compreender e interpretar no conflito de cotidiano, a realidade e as representações imaginárias dos profissionais, acerca do trabalho, num serviço básico e regionalizado de saúde de Niterói, na área metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro. A análise dos documentos escritos e de conteúdos de discursos colhidos nas entrevistas dos indivíduos e no grupo focal, apóia-se, fundamentalmente, numa linha de pensamento hermenêutica-dialética. Os resultados revelaram dimensões do dia-a-dia da \"equipe\" de saúde, que permitiram a criação de novas categorias analíticas, em especial àquelas inerentes à ação comunicativa entre os sujeitos sociais, à mudança de paradigmas da atenção à saúde e à articulação intra e intersetorial. O autor, através das falas dos servidores e das suas próprias análises, tenta apresentar a lógica do desenvolvimento institucional e profissional. O processo de formação dos profissionais se dá no cotidiano, que ora promove, ora oculta, um desenvolvimento educacional latente, que mantém uma relação intrínseca com o poder simbólico e as condições materiais, do trabalho e de vida dos participantes da investigação. O autor conclui que determinadas questões, de ordem sócio-econômica e antropológico-cultural, desempenham relevante papel no enfrentamento, ou na superação, de problemas vivenciados pelos profissionais e pela comunidade, no espaço das instituições,e assim, podem ampliar as bases de luta por uma vida melhor.The author outlines a profile of the health sector in a context of the State crisis, that, under the world order of economical globalization, is associated, in Brazil, with a neoliberal reform. Geoeconomic and politicoinstitutional facts are confronted with the multiple historical and cultural determinants that configure postmodernity. The study of the interrelation of the education, health and work areas revealed the reproduction of models of development of institution and professionals, or the emergence of situations that determine new models. By means of a qualitative research - performed in the year of 1995, as a case study - the author tries to understand and interpret the reality and the imaginary representations, concerning their own work, of the professionals; the research was conducted in a basic, regionalized, health service, in Niterói, in the metropolitan area of Rio de Janeiro. The analysis of written documents and of the contents of the speeches obtained through interviews of individuais and of the focal group, relies, in essence, in an hermeneutic-dialectical line of thought. The results of the study revealed dimensions, in the conflict of the quotidien activities of the health \"team\" that permitted the creation of new analytical categories, in special those inherent to the communicative action of the social actors, to the changing of paradigms in the field of health care and to the articulation inside and outside this field. According to the author, the process of formation of the professionals occurs through quotidien activities that reveal, or occult, a latent educational development and that maintain an intrinsical relationship with the symbolic power and with the material conditions, of work and life, of the participants. In the conclusions, the author indicates socioeconomical and anthropological situations that perform a relevant role in the confronting, or in the superation, of problems that professionals and community face in the space of the institution, and that may, so, amplify the foundations of the continuous effort towards the improvement of life
Educative practices and attitudes within the pre-school environment: evaluating the education professionals
School and family together play an important role in the individual development of children. Therefore, this study aimed at evaluating the practices and attitudes towards oral health care of 245 education professionals working in 24 public municipal pre-schools in Niterói, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The data were obtained from self-questionnaires consisting of both open and closed questions. The methodology was both quantitative and qualitative, and the quantitative analysis was based on frequency (%). Regarding oral health practices, it was observed that the majority of the education professionals emphasized toothbrushing as a vital method of oral hygiene. In addition, 70.7% of the education professionals performed other types of oral hygiene activities with the schoolchildren, and 17.1% did so with the children's families. All the participants of the study considered that education professionals have a key role in promoting healthy oral habits amongst the schoolchildren and they believe that involving the dentist in educative programs is important. It was therefore concluded that the education professionals surveyed have positive practices and attitudes regarding the children's care, and they recognize their role in fostering healthy habits and developing integrated pedagogic oral health programs
Fatores associados à necessidade de tratamento odontológico: estudo transversal na Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro, 2013
Resumo Objetivo: analisar fatores associados à necessidade de tratamento dentário devida a cárie e edentulismo em adultos. Métodos: estudo transversal, realizado com amostra aleatória de adultos atendidos em ambulatórios da Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, RJ, entre julho e dezembro de 2013; utilizaram-se dados coletados em prontuários clínicos; aplicou-se questionário, por meio de entrevistas, e regressão logística para obter odds ratio (OR) brutas e ajustadas. Resultados: participaram do estudo 212 indivíduos, sendo 71,7% mulheres; a prevalência de necessidade de tratamento odontológico foi de 56,1% (IC95% 49,4;62,7); a necessidade de tratamento foi menor em indivíduos com maior renda familiar (OR=0,53 - IC95% 0,28;0,98) e maior entre mulheres (OR=2,28 - IC95% 1,21;4,32). Conclusão: a prevalência de necessidade de tratamento em adultos atendidos foi elevada, principalmente em mulheres e indivíduos com menor renda familiar
Dental Caries and its Conditioned Factors in Children from a Municipal Public School in Niterói, RJ, Brazil
Purpose: To evaluate the manifestation of dental caries in 4-12-year-old schoolchildren from a municipal public school at the city of Niterói, RJ, Brazil, in the years 1990 and 2005, and to identify the most frequent feeding and oral hygiene habits among the children in 2005.Method: The study population comprised 370 individuals allocated into 3 groups: Group 1 (G1) with 150 4-12-year-old children of both genders that studied in the referred public school in 1990; Group 2 (G2) was similar to Group 1 but with children that studied in 2005; Group 3 (G3) composed of 70 parents/caregivers of G2 children, who answered a questionnaire arguing on feeding and oral hygiene habits. The mean DMF-T (decayed, missing and filled teeth) index, the statistical relationship as detected by Mann-Whitney nonparametric test and the percent frequencies for feeding and oral hygiene habits were calculated.Results: Dental caries was the most expressive value at both studied periods. However, there was decline in caries experience comparing 1990 and 2005 (p<0.05). There was no significant alteration in the number of missing and filled teeth between both periods (p>0.05). Regarding the feeding and oral hygiene habits, most children were bottle fed up to 1 year of age or a little longer, consumption of sugar-containing foods and drinks occurred 3 to 4 times a day, and the most frequent moment was between meals. In most children, toothbrushing started when the children already had several erupted teeth, the children themselves usually brushed their teeth with their own toothbrush and most of them did not use dental floss.Conclusion: Educational and preventive programs conducted at school are important and should be adjusted to the reality of each population because health is a relevant indicator of life quality
Evaluation of the Perception of the Children and Knowledge of the Educators on Buccal Health, Diet and Hygiene
Objective: The purpose was to evaluate the level of perception and knowledge on buccal health, diet and hygiene in children and educators of a public school of Niterói-Rio de Janeiro. Method: The sample constituted by 60 children (4 7 years) subdivided in two groups of analysis (G1- 4 to 5 years and G2- 6 to 7 years) and 25 teachers. For collection of the data two forms had been used (F1- children and F2- educators); F1 contain figures of the food and hygiene resources, while F2 presented questions regarding buccal health, diet and hygiene. The data had been tabulated and analyzed (SPSS 11.0). Results: It was identified that only 24% of the educators presented knowledge necessary on hygienic cleaning to guide parents and children. Although 76% know the importance of foods for teeth, 47.36% didn´t know what kind of food were more healthful (p < 0.05). About the children, 83.3% of G1 and 93.3% of G2 had perceived the importance of the hygiene for teeth, and only 13.3% of G1 and 16.7% of G2 had even so recognized the diet as a representative factor for the buccal health. Conclusion: The authors concluded that even so the majority of the children perceives the importance of the buccal hygiene, these do not recognize the paper of the diet for the maintenance of the health, what it comes to the meeting of the lack of preparation of the educators to guide them, having the necessity of bigger integration school-dentist through lectures and instructions