8 research outputs found

    Spontaneous fracture of the femoral neck following PFN removal

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    A fratura do colo femoral, sem trauma associado, após a consolidação da fratura transtrocantérica é um evento raro. Os autores relatam um caso de fratura transtrocantérica tratada com PFN, que duas semanas após a retirada da síntese, apresentou fratura do colo femoral, que foi tratada com artroplastia parcial.Femoral neck fracture without associated trauma following consolidation of a transtrochanteric fractureis a rare event. The authors report a case of transtrochanteric fracture that was treated with PFN and which presented fracturing of the femoral neck two weeks after removal of the device. This occurrence was treated with partial arthroplasty

    Transtibial technique versus two incisions in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: tunnel positioning, isometricity and functional evaluation

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    ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: To compare the transtibial and two-incision techniques for anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction using a single band. METHODS: A prospective and randomized study was conducted in blocks. Patients underwent ACL reconstruction by means of two techniques: transtibial (group 1: 20 patients) or two incisions (group 2: 20 patients). The radiographic positioning of the tunnel, inclination of the graft, graft isometricity and functional results (IKDC and Lysholm) were evaluated. RESULTS: The positioning of the femoral tunnel on the anteroposterior radiograph, expressed as a mean percentage relative to the medial border of the tibial plateau, was 54.6% in group 1 and 60.8% in group 2 (p < 0.05). The positioning of the femoral tunnel on the lateral radiograph, expressed as a mean percentage relative to the anterior border of Blumensaat's line, was 68.4% in group 1 and 58% in group 2 (p < 0.05). The mean inclination of the graft was 19° in group 1 and 27.2° in group 2 (p < 0.05). The mean graft isometricity was 0.96 mm in group 1 and 1.33 mm in group 2 (p > 0.05). Group 2 had better results from the pivot-shift maneuver (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: The technique of two incisions allowed positioning of the femoral tunnel that was more lateralized and anteriorized, such that the graft was more inclined and there was a clinically better result from the pivot-shift maneuver. There was no difference in isometricity and no final functional result over the short follow-up time evaluated

    Surgical Technique: Anatomic Medial Patellofemoral Ligament Retensioning Repair

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    The medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL) and the MPFL/vastus medialis obliquus complex are essential for patellar stability. Insufficiency of the MPFL can lead to altered biomechanics and patellofemoral joint contact pressure, high recurrence rate, osteochondral lesions, compromised knee function, and patellofemoral osteoarthritis. Most frequently surgical reconstruction of the MPFL is performed to address patellar instability; however, open physis and donor site morbidity can be a concern. This Technical Note presents a surgical technique to identify the insufficient MPFL and describes in detail an anatomical retensioning repair of the MPFL to restore patellar stability

    Sutura de menisco com implantes absorvíveis Meniscus suture with absorbable implants

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    Os autores avaliam clinicamente 19 pacientes (19 joelhos - 15 meniscos mediais e 5 laterais) submetidos à sutura de menisco, utilizando 2 tipos de implantes absorvíveis (ácido polilático) Arrow® e Clear fix®. O estudo compõe-se de 15 homens e 4 mulheres com idades entre 16 e 44 anos, com média de 26,8 anos. O tempo de seguimento médio foi de 24 meses, com mínimo de 18 e máximo de 32 meses. A técnica operatória constituiu-se da sutura de um ou ambos os meniscos (1 caso), via artroscópica com Arrow® em 15 pacientes e Clear fix® em 4. Dos 19 indivíduos, 6 foram submetidos à sutura meniscal isolada, 11 associada à reconstrução do LCA e 2 à reconstrução do LCA com osteotomia valgizante da tíbia. Os resultados foram avaliados segundo exame físico incluindo as manobras de Appley e Mc Murray. A avaliação funcional pré e pós-operatória do joelho foi realizada pela escala de Lysholm modificada. Todos os pacientes tiveram suas manobras meniscais negativadas no pós-operatório. A pontuação média pré-operatória segundo a escala de Lysholm foi de 39,8 subindo para 91,5 no pós-operatório. Os autores concluem que a sutura de menisco, utilizando implantes absorvíveis, tem se mostrado eficiente até o momento, e que tecnicamente ela é mais simples que a sutura convencional.<br>The authors clinically assessed 19 patients (19 knees - 15 medial meniscus and 5 lateral meniscus) submitted to meniscus suture using 2 kinds of absorbable implants (polylactic acid) Arrow® and Clear fix®. The study is composed of 15 males and 4 females, ages ranging 16 - 44 years old (average = 26.8 years old). The mean follow-up time was 24 months, ranging from 18 to 32 months, at most. The surgical technique was constituted of a suture in one or both meniscus (1 case), through arthroscopy with Arrow® in 15 patients and Clear fix® in 4. From the 19 individuals, 6 were submitted to isolated meniscal suture, 11 combined to ACL reconstruction and 2 to ACL reconstruction with tibial valgusing osteotomy. The results were assessed according to physical examinations including the maneuvers of Appley and Mc Murray. Pre- and postoperative functional evaluation of the knee was performed using a modified Lysholm scale. All patients had negative meniscal maneuvers postoperatively. The average preoperative score according to Lysholm scale was 39.8 reaching 91.5 postoperatively. The authors conclude that the meniscus suture using absorbable implants has shown to be efficient so far, and that, technically, it is simpler than conventional suture