33 research outputs found

    Tettigoniidae (Orthoptera: Ensifera) do Parque Nacional do Iguaçu, Brasil: diversidade, bioacústica e descrição de novas espécies

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    Dissertação apresentada ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biodiversidade Neotropical, do Instituto Latino-Americano de Ciências da Vida e da Natureza da Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana, como requisito parcial à obtenção do título de Mestre em Biodiversidade Neotropical. Orientador: Luiz Roberto Ribeiro Faria Junior e Coorientador: Neucir SzinwelskiTettigoniidae é a família mais diversa de Orthoptera, seus representantes ocupam todos os extratos vegetacionais, da serrapilheira ao dossel florestal, e grande parte das espécies são florestais, e utilizam sinais acústico para comunicação. O objetivo deste trabalho foi fazer um inventário faunístico das espécies de Tettigoniidae para o Parque Nacional do Iguaçu, incluindo descrição de espécies novas e descrição da bioacústica das espécies. Para isso coletamos em três cidades que compõe o ParNaIguaçu, Foz do Iguaçu, Serranópolis do Iguaçu e Céu Azul, os indivíduos coletados foram mantidos em laboratório e o som de chamado produzido pelos machos foi registrado com gravador Tascam e AudioMoth em configurações específicas. Registramos 83 táxons, destes 62 identificados em nível de espécie, 11 que correspondem a espécies novas para a ciência e 9 identificados a nível de gênero, que podem vir a corresponder espécies novas para a ciência. A subfamília mais abundante foi Phaneropterinae, com 52 táxons, seguida de Conocephalinae com 22, Pseudophyllinae e Meconematinae com 4 cada e Pterochrozinae com 2. Registramos e descrevemos o som de chamado para 36 táxons de Tettigoniidaae, destes 31 ainda não registrados e formalmente descritos na ciência. Destes sons, oito correspondem a espécies de Conocephalinae, um à Meconematinae, 25 a espécies de Phaneropterinae, três à Pseudophyllinae e um a Pterochrozinae.Tettigoniidae is the most speciose family within Orthoptera, occupying all vegetational strata, from litter to canopy. Most katydids are related to forests, and the production of acoustic signals is paramount to their biology. This work aimed at inventoring the species of Tettigoniidae occurring at the Iguaçu National Park, a large remnant of Atlantic forest in southern Brazil, besides describing new species and the calling songs of collected katydids. Collected specimens were maintained in the laboratory for sound recording in Tascam and AudioMoth devices, using specific configurations. A total of 83 species (62 of them identified in species level), 11 of them corresponding to undescribed species (new to science). The most abundant subfamily was Phaneropterinae (52 taxa), followed by Conocephalinae (22), Pseudophyllinae and Meconematinae (four each), and Pterochrozinae (two species). We were also able to record and describe the calling songs of 36 species, 31 unknown to science until then. Sounds were recorded for species of Phaneropterinae (24), Conocephalinae (8), Pseudophyllinae (3) and Pterochrozinae (1)

    A tritrophic interaction at the Brazilian triple frontier: new record of parasitism on Conocephalus saltator (Sausurre, 1859) (Orthoptera, Tettigoniidae)

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    ABSTRACT We report for the first time a tritrophic relationship (host-parasitoid-hyperparasitoid) among Conocephalus saltator (Sausurre, 1859) (Orthoptera, Tettigoniidae), Ormia cfr. crespoi Tavares, 1965 (Diptera, Tachinidae), and Perilampus sp. (Hymenoptera, Perilampidae). Specimens of C. saltator were collected at the Parque Nacional do Iguaçu (Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná, Brazil) and reared in the laboratory, in order to detect eventual parasitoids. We collected and reared 904 katydids, with 113 of them parasitized, producing 123 fly puparia, and 18 puparia that developed to adults of Ormia cfr. crespoi. We also recorded the emergence of four hyperparasitoid wasps, Perilampus sp., from the fly puparia

    Anaulacomera (Oecella) Kirby 1890

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    <i>Anaulacomera</i> (<i>Oecella</i>) Kirby, 1890 <p> <b>Type species:</b> <i>Oecella furcifera</i> Kirby (= <i>Anaulacomera harpago</i>), by original monotypy.</p>Published as part of <i>Fianco, Marcos, 2021, Nine new species of the Anaulacomerina subtribe of katydids (Orthoptera Tettigoniidae: Phaneropterinae: Phaneropterini) from Brazil, pp. 33-54 in Zootaxa 4952 (1)</i> on page 43, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4952.1.2, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/4671657">http://zenodo.org/record/4671657</a&gt

    Separatula Gorochov. As 2020

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    <i>Separatula</i> Gorochov, 2020 <p> <b>Type species:</b> <i>Separatula adunca</i> Gorochov, by original designation.</p> <p> <b>Type information:</b> Holotype male, Russia, St. Petersburg, Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institute (ZIN).</p>Published as part of <i>Fianco, Marcos, 2021, Nine new species of the Anaulacomerina subtribe of katydids (Orthoptera Tettigoniidae: Phaneropterinae: Phaneropterini) from Brazil, pp. 33-54 in Zootaxa 4952 (1)</i> on page 50, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4952.1.2, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/4671657">http://zenodo.org/record/4671657</a&gt

    Anaulacomera (Anallomes) sylviae Fianco 2021, sp. n.

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    <i>Anaulacomera</i> (<i>Anallomes</i>) <i>sylviae</i> sp. n. <p>Figures 1B, 2, 6A</p> <p> <b>Diagnosis:</b> The new species can be easily differentiated from its congeners by the form of male cerci, bearing ten curved minute teeth on apex, and the internal medial process, dotted with small spines, and curved posteriorly.</p> <p> <b>Etymology:</b> The specific name honours Sylvia Rivera (July 2, 1951 – February 19, 2002), a trans woman activist, who led the LGBTQI+ liberation movements that started in June of 1969, in the United States of America.</p> <p> <b>Description: Holotype male (2, 6A):</b> Small, yellowish, probably green in life. <b>Head (Fig. 2B, C):</b> Fastigium of the frons triangular and projected; with a golden ocellus on middle; touching the fastigium of the vertex. Antennal sockets a little dilated near apex and at the beginning of the fastigium of the frons. Fastigium of the vertex hourglass shaped; globose at apex; with a small sulcus on middle that not reaches apex; crimson in the dorsal surface proximally. <b>Thorax:</b> Pronotum with several reddish punctations on pronotal disc. Pronotal disc (Fig. 2C) with brownish stains (Fig. 2C); anterior margin concave; posterior margin convex; furcal sulci triangular; enlarging from anterior to posterior region. Lateral lobes (Fig. 2D) smaller than pronotal disc, longer than wide; anterior margin straight with a depression on middle, posterior margin convex and semilunar; humeral sinus presenting an angle of <i>ca.</i> 85º. Tegmina shorter than hindwings (Fig. 2A, 6A); anal and costal margins parallel; Sc almost straight; R with 6 major branches that reaches costal margin; M long, following R in all extension; MP leaving M in the middle of tegmina; MA with one bifurcation at the apex; CuA very long almost straight, with ten bifurcations; A1 brown, stridulatory area with brownish stains (Fig. 2F, G). Mesobasisternum (Fig. 2E) elevated at the middle; anterior margin straight; lateral lobes small, triangular and obtuse, with the apices widely separated. Metabasisternum (Fig. 2E) triangular, elevated at the middle; anterior margin convex; lateral lobes demilune shaped, with posterior margin widely separat- ed. <b>Abdomen:</b> Tergite X projecting posteriorly; the middle curved ventrad, with small appendage, dorsal to cercus. Cercus (Fig. 2H, I) long; curved upwards and inwards; proximal prosses before middle of its length, bearing several minute spines; main branch with a deep sulcus; convoluted after middle; apex with a protuberance on ventro-lateral surface; apex with ten curved minute spines. Subgenital plate trapezoidal (Fig. 2H, I); posterior processes triangular, as long as large.</p> <p> <b>Type Material:</b> <i>Holotype male</i>, ‘ DPTO ZOOL \ UF –PARANÁ’ ‘ S. José Pinhais — PR \ Brasil (Br277–Km54) \ 28.II.1985 \ C.I.I.F. (Luminosa)’, ‘ DZUP 366826 ’. <b>Paratypes</b>: One male, same data, except ‘ 13.III.1985 ’, ‘ DZUP 366825 ’; one male, same data, except ‘ 22.III.1985 ’, ‘ DZUP 366827 ’; and one male, same data, except ‘ 21.III.1985 ’ ‘ DZUP 366885 ’.</p> <p> <b>Measurements (mm):</b> <i>Holotype</i>: BL: 11; TegL: 22; HW: 2.1; PrL: 2.2; PrH: 2.6; FLiii: 15; TLiii: 19; SPL: 1; CL: 4.1; SFL: 0.8; TN: 106.</p> <p> <b>Remarks:</b> The new species is close to <i>A.</i> (<i>Anallomes</i>) <i>antillarum</i> Brunner von Wattenwyl, but it does not present other prolongations rather than the medial process of the cerci, whereas <i>A.</i> (<i>Anall.</i>) <i>antillarum</i> bears two more spines that are similar to prolongations. The apex of the cerci is rhomboid, as in <i>A</i>. (<i>Anall</i>.) <i>richteri</i> Cadena- Castañeda. The stature of the species resembles <i>A</i>. (<i>Anall</i>.) <i>richteri</i>, but it varies a lot in the Lanceolata group, that composes the <i>Anallomes</i> subgenera.</p>Published as part of <i>Fianco, Marcos, 2021, Nine new species of the Anaulacomerina subtribe of katydids (Orthoptera Tettigoniidae: Phaneropterinae: Phaneropterini) from Brazil, pp. 33-54 in Zootaxa 4952 (1)</i> on pages 36-37, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4952.1.2, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/4671657">http://zenodo.org/record/4671657</a&gt

    Anaulacomera (Oecella) marshae Fianco 2021, sp. n.

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    <i>Anaulacomera</i> (<i>Oecella</i>) <i>marshae</i> sp. n. <p>Figures 1B, 7, 12A</p> <p> <b>Diagnosis:</b> <i>Anaulacomera marshae</i> <b>sp. n.</b> is promptly distinguished from all other members of <i>A.</i> (<i>Oecella</i>) by the male cerci, which is thick, robust, and with apex expanded giving it the resemblance of an oven glove.</p> <p> <b>Etymology:</b> The specific name honours Marsha P. Johnson (August 24, 1945 – July 6, 1992), a black trans woman activist, who led the LGBTQI+ liberation movements that started in June of 1969, in the United States of America, and then spread across the world.</p> <p> <b>Description: Holotype male (Fig. 7, 12A):</b> Medium sized, yellowish, probably green in life (Fig. 7A). <b>Head (Fig. 7B, C):</b> fastigium of the frons triangular, apex rhomboid, with an ocellus on middle; antennal sockets dilatated in ventrolateral margin; fastigium of the vertex conical, dilatated at apex, with a sulcus on middle that does not reach the apex. <b>Thorax:</b> Pronotum with several purplish dots. Pronotal disc (Fig. 7C) with posterior margin convex; anterior margin concave; furcal sulci flattened; anterior and posterior margin enlarged when compared to middle region. Lateral lobes (Fig. 7D) smaller than pronotal disc, longer than wide; anterior margin straight, posterior margin convex and semilunar; humeral sinus presenting an angle of <i>ca.</i> 85º. Tegmina (Fig. 7A, 12A) shorter than hindwings; anal and costal margins almost parallel; R with seven bifurcations that reach costal margin; M long, following R in all extension; MA with one bifurcation, anterior branch not reaching the tegmen margin, posterior branch reaching the posterior border; MP with one bifurcation; CuA almost straight, with two bifurcations; stridulatory area of left tegmen whitish in proximal area, brownish in middle area, and plain tegmen colour in distal area greyish in the centre (Fig. 7F, G). Mesobasisternum (Fig. 7E) with anterior margin almost straight; lateral lobes small, with rhomboid apex, without overlapping in the posterior margin. Metabasisternum (Fig. 7E) triangular, with a straight anterior margin; lateral lobes demilune shaped, almost touching in the posterior margin. Mid and hind leg with purplish punctations. <b>Abdomen:</b> with small and spaced purplish punctuations. Tergite X large, concave and in a downwards triangular projection in posterior margin. Epiproct quite long, curving anteriorly; apex bifid, branches laterally directed; middle of bifurcation globose with several setae. Cercus (Fig. 7H, I) robust, similar to an oven glove; with one bifurcation, the ventral triangular and more sclerotized at apex, the dorsal oblong. Subgenital plate (Fig 7H, I) longer than wide, emarginated posteriorly, with two acute projections separated by a deep U-shaped sinus.</p> <p> <b>Type Material:</b> <i>Holotype male</i>, ‘ S. José Pinhais — PR \ Brasil (Br277–Km54) \ 23.III. 1985 \ C.I.I.P (Luminosa)’ ‘DPTO ZOOL \ UF –PARANÁ’, ‘ DZUP 366866 ’. <b>Paratypes</b>: One male, same data, except ‘ 10.IV.1985 ’, ‘ DZUP 366881 ’, and one male ‘ P. Grossa \ V. Villela \ G. Chuva \ 9–67 \\ ♂ \ 7140 \\ Coleção \ F. Justus’ ‘ DZUP 366576 ’.</p> <p> <b>Measurements (mm):</b> <i>Holotype</i>: BL: 18.2; TegL: 3.6; HW: 2.7; PrL: 4; PrH: 3.8; FLiii: 19.2; TLiii: 22.5; SPL: 3.9; CL: 3.2; SFL: 1.24; TN: 44.</p> <p> <b>Remarks:</b> Within the subgenera, <i>A.</i> (<i>O.</i>) <i>marshae</i> <b>sp. n.</b> cannot be placed in any group, remaining with <i>A.</i> (<i>O.</i>) <i>confusa</i> Piza, <i>A.</i> (<i>O.</i>) <i>lingulata</i> Piza, and <i>A.</i> (<i>O.</i>) <i>maculifemora</i> Piza. These species are closely related, and may form a separated group from the other two in the subgenera, Furcata and Juanchoi species group. Within these three species, the most closely related is <i>A.</i> (<i>O.</i>) <i>maculifemora</i>. The new species possesses a medial prosses of the cercus after the middle, as the other ungrouped species of <i>A.</i> (<i>Oecella</i>). The new species can be differentiated from these species by the form of male cerci, which is thicker in the new species and thinner in the remaining, additionally, the apex of the cerci is expanded, and this does not occur in the aforementioned species.</p>Published as part of <i>Fianco, Marcos, 2021, Nine new species of the Anaulacomerina subtribe of katydids (Orthoptera Tettigoniidae: Phaneropterinae: Phaneropterini) from Brazil, pp. 33-54 in Zootaxa 4952 (1)</i> on pages 43-45, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4952.1.2, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/4671657">http://zenodo.org/record/4671657</a&gt

    Anaulacomera (Anaulacomera) Stal 1873

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    <i>Anaulacomera</i> (<i>Anaulacomera</i>) Stål, 1873 <p> <b>Type species:</b> <i>Phaneroptera submaculata</i> Stål, 1861 by subsequent designation.</p>Published as part of <i>Fianco, Marcos, 2021, Nine new species of the Anaulacomerina subtribe of katydids (Orthoptera Tettigoniidae: Phaneropterinae: Phaneropterini) from Brazil, pp. 33-54 in Zootaxa 4952 (1)</i> on page 37, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4952.1.2, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/4671657">http://zenodo.org/record/4671657</a&gt

    Anaulacomera (Anaulacomera) rubrovittata Fianco 2021, sp. n.

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    <i>Anaulacomera</i> (<i>Anaulacomera</i>) <i>rubrovittata</i> sp. n. <p>Figures 1A, 4, 6C</p> <p> <b>Diagnosis:</b> <i>Anaulacomera</i> (<i>Anaulacomera</i>) <i>rubrovittata</i> <b>sp. n.</b> can be differentiated from its congeners by the combination of the following characters: tegmina much shorter than hindwings, 1.5x longer than body; bearing a red stripe on abdominal tergites; cercus tapering gradually, with principal curvature in the last third.</p> <p> <b>Etymology:</b> The specific epithet derived from Latin (rŭber = red; vittātus = stripe), in allusion to the presence of a red stripe on dorsally of abdominal tergites.</p> <p> <b>Description: Holotype male (Fig. 4, 6C):</b> Small, yellowish with several reddish punctations, probably green in life, bearing a reddish stripe in dorsal tergites of abdomen. <b>Head (Fig. 4B, C):</b> Fastigium of the frons triangular, longer than wide; apex in a rhomboid; with a golden and large ocellus on middle. Antennal sockets dilated at base and apex. Fastigium of the vertex triangular; globose at apex; with none sulcus on middle. <b>Thorax:</b> Pronotum plain colour. Pronotal disc (Fig. 4C) with anterior almost straight and posterior margin convex; furcal sulci bell-shaped; wider in the anterior region. Lateral lobes (Fig. 4D) smaller than pronotal disc, longer than wide; anterior margin straight; posterior margin convex, demilune shaped; humeral sinus presenting an angle of <i>ca.</i> 80º. Tegmina (Fig. 4A, 6C) much shorter than hindwings; anal and costal margins parallel; Sc almost straight; R without bifurcations; M long, following R in all extension; MP leaving M in the middle of tegmina; MA with two bifurcations; CuA almost straight; stridulatory area yellowish, with a brown spot on begging and end of A1 (Fig. 4F, G). Mesobasisternum (Fig. E) not elevated on middle; anterior margin concave; lateral lobes small, demilune shaped, distant in the posterior margin. Metabasisternum (Fig. 4E) triangular, moderately elevated on middle; anterior margin convex; lateral lobes demilune shaped, distant in the posterior margin. <b>Abdomen:</b> With a red stripe on dorsal surface of all tergites. Posterior margin of tergite X straight. Epiproct rectangular, apical part with a deep groove on middle, as large as long. Cercus (Fig. 4H, I) long; curved, principal curvature in the last third; ending in a spine-like process. Subgenital plate (Fig. 4H, I) trapezoidal; moderately long; posterior processes rhomboid, as large as long.</p> <p> <b>Type Material:</b> <i>Holotype male</i>, ‘ DPTO ZOOL \ UF –PARANÁ’ ‘ B. Guandú –ES Brasil \ 4–7–X–1970 \ Tadeu & C. Elias col’ ‘ DZUP 366671 ’. <b>Paratype</b>: One male, ‘GUARAPARI E. Santo \ Brasil \ IX–1960 \ M. Alvarenga leg.’ ‘ DZUP 366678 ’.</p> <p> <b>Measurements (mm):</b> <i>Holotype</i>: BL: 11; TegL: 15.5; HW: 2.98; PrL: 2.4; PrH: 2.2; FLiii: 15.4; TLiii: 16.5; SPL: 1.6; CL: 2; SFL: 0.9; TN: 76.</p> <p> <b>Remarks:</b> <i>Anaulacomera</i> (<i>Anaulacomera</i>) <i>rubrovittata</i> <b>sp. n.</b> belongs to the Uncinata species group, since the male cercus is curved sickle-like, and can be differentiated from all species of the group distinct red stripe on tergites of abdomen, the small body length and the tegmina much smaller than hindwings. From the eight species of the Uncinata group, this new species is probably closer to <i>A.</i> (<i>Anaul</i>.) <i>bovicula</i> Rehn and <i>A.</i> (<i>Anaul</i>.) <i>surdastra</i> Piza, recognized by the not so curved cerci as in <i>A.</i> (<i>Anaul</i>.) <i>bovicula</i> and a more curved cerci than <i>A.</i> (<i>Anaul</i>.) <i>surdastra</i>. Additionally, the cercal thickness decreases gradually from base to apex, whereas in <i>A.</i> (<i>Anaul</i>.) <i>surdastra</i> it abruptly tapers at the apex, and in <i>A.</i> (<i>Anaul</i>.) <i>bovicula</i> it abruptly tapers at the base. The subgenital plate is very similar to <i>A</i>. (<i>Anaul</i>.) <i>acutangulata</i> Márquez Mayaudón, long and curved upwards, but in the new species it is wider and the apex is not expanded. On the other hand, in all other species the subgenital plate is small, and does not curve upwards, and as in <i>A.</i> (<i>Anaul</i>.) <i>rubrovittata</i> <b>sp. n.</b> it does not widen apically.</p>Published as part of <i>Fianco, Marcos, 2021, Nine new species of the Anaulacomerina subtribe of katydids (Orthoptera Tettigoniidae: Phaneropterinae: Phaneropterini) from Brazil, pp. 33-54 in Zootaxa 4952 (1)</i> on pages 39-40, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4952.1.2, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/4671657">http://zenodo.org/record/4671657</a&gt

    Anaulacomera (Analaucomera) caudata Fianco 2021, sp. n.

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    <i>Anaulacomera</i> (<i>Analaucomera</i>) <i>caudata</i> sp. n. <p>Figures 1B, 3, 6B</p> <p> <b>Diagnosis:</b> The new species can be readly distinguished from its congeners by the form of male cerci, that possess the apex truncated, dilated, with a lateral triangular spine-like process, and a medial triangular process, much larger than lateral, with apical margin dentate.</p> <p> <b>Etymology:</b> The specific epithet derived from Latin (caudātus = tail) refers to the form of male cerci, similar to a tail of a fish.</p> <p> <b>Description: Holotype male (Fig. 3, 6B):</b> Medium-sized, somewhat yellowish greenish, probably green in life. <b>Head (Fig. 3B,C):</b> Fastigium of the frons triangular; apex in a protuberance; with a golden oval ocellus on middle. Antennal sockets dilated at base. Fastigium of the vertex triangular; globose at apex; with a large sulcus on middle that not reaches apex. <b>Thorax:</b> Pronotum plain colour. Pronotal disc (Fig. 3C) with anterior margin concave and posterior margin convex; furcal sulci bell-shaped; same width in all extension. Lateral lobes (Fig. 3D) smaller than pronotal disc, longer than wide; anterior margin concave with a depression on basal part, posterior margin convex but almost straight; humeral sinus presenting an angle of <i>ca.</i> 90º. Tegmina (Fig. 3A, 6B) shorter than hindwings; anal and costal margins almost parallel; Sc almost straight; R with three major bifurcations, only the proximal reaches costal margin; M long, following R in all extension; MP leaving M after the middle of tegmina; MA with two bifurcation; CuA very long and curved, with three bifurcations; four veins between MP and CuA; A1 yellowish, stridulatory area with brownish stains in the proximal region (Fig. 3F, G). Mesobasisternum (Fig. 3E) elevated on middle; anterior margin convex; lateral lobes small, distant in the posterior margin. Metabasisternum (Fig. 3E) triangular, elevated on middle; anterior margin straight; lateral lobes demilune shaped, almost touching in the posterior margin. <b>Abdomen:</b> Tergite X large, posterior margin straight. Epiproct moderately large, as broad as long. Cercus (Fig. 3H, I) not as long; apex dilated with one lateral triangular spine-like process; medial process triangular, much larger than lateral, apical margin dentate. Subgenital plate (Fig. 3H, I) trapezoidal; posterior processes rhomboid, larger than long. <i>Genitalia</i> (Fig. 3J, K): Phallus, rounded, membranous but titillator and anterophallic apodemes sclerotized; titillator’s sclerites fused on middle, with tip exposed and more sclerotized, possessing teeth like microstructures; sclerites of ventral fold of dorsal lobe quite large, tips more sclerotized and exposed in the basal area; lower fold of ventral lobe quite large; dorsal lobe as large as ventral lobe.</p> <p> <b>Female:</b> As large as male, general characteristics as in male. Tergite X not expanded. Ovipositor slightly curved up, twice longer than pronotum; lateral margins of dorsal and ventral valves brownish, with small serrulations. Cercus conical, as long as subgenital plate. Subgenital plate wider, at base, than long; triangular; apex bifid; posterior processes touching in the apex.</p> <p> <b>Type Material:</b> <i>Holotype male</i>, ‘ DPTO ZOOL \ UF –PARANÁ’ ‘ Morretes – PR Brasil \ (IAPAR) \ 10– 17.IX.1984 \ C.I.I.F. (Luminosa)’ ‘ DZUP 366828 ’. <b>Paratypes</b>: One male, same data, except ‘ 11.III.1985 ’, ‘ DZUP 366796 ’; one male, same data, except ‘ 02–03.XII.1984 ’, ‘ DZUP 366799 ’; one male, same data, except ‘ 18.IV.1985 ’ ‘ DZUP 366800 ’; one male, same data, except ‘ 21–27.VIII.1984 ’ ‘ DZUP 366801 ’; one male, same data, except ‘ 03– 10.IX.1984 ’ ‘ DZUP 366888 ’; one male and one female, same data, except ‘ 17. V.1985’ ‘ DZUP 366747 ’; one male, same data, except ‘ 19.IV.1985 ’ ‘ DZUP 366882 ’; one male, same data, except ‘ 20.XII.1984 ’ ‘ DZUP 366857 ’; one male, same data, except ‘ 22.IV.1985 ’ ‘ DZUP 366889 ’; one female, same data, except ‘ 27.III.1985 ’ ‘ DZUP 366782 ’; one female, same data, except ‘ 13.III.1985 ’ ‘ DZUP 366795 ’, and one female, same data, except ‘ 16–23.VII.1984 ’ ‘ DZUP 366783 ’.</p> <p> <b>Measurements (mm):</b> <i>Holotype</i>: BL: 16.2; TegL: 29.3; HW: 2.4; PrL: 3.2; PrH: 3; FLiii: 15.5; TLiii: 19; SPL: 2.5; CL: 2.3; SFL: 1.28; TN: 37.</p> <p> <b>Remarks:</b> <i>A.</i> (<i>Anaul.</i>) <i>caudata</i> <b>sp. n.</b> undoubtedly belongs to the Subinermis species group of <i>Anaulacomera</i> (<i>Anaulacomera</i>), and among the seven species of the group, it is closest related to <i>A.</i> (<i>Anaul.</i>) <i>metropolitana</i> Piza. The new species can be differentiated from the latter species by the form of: male cercus, thicker in <i>A.</i> (<i>Anaul.</i>) <i>caudata</i> <b>sp. n.</b>; the external process of the cercus, short and triangular with large base in the new species, and in <i>A.</i> (<i>Anaul.</i>) <i>metropolitana</i> it is long and triangular with thin base; the subgenital plate, short and wide with apex bidentate in the new species, while it is long, thin and tridentate in <i>A.</i> (<i>Anaul.</i>) <i>metropolitana</i> (see Fig. 4 in Piza (1952)). The presence of two apical processes or branches on the male cercus also distinguishes the new species from all the other species of the group. This unique process of the other species is not undivided nor undifferentiated, as it is possible to see in <i>A.</i> (<i>Anaul.</i>) <i>spatulata</i> Hebard and <i>A.</i> (<i>Anaul.</i>) <i>subinermis</i> Caudell. In the OSF some photos of individuals of <i>A.</i> (<i>Anaul.</i>) <i>metropolitana</i> are helpful, however they clearly do not belong to this nominal species, not withstanding that they were identified by S. Toledo Piza.</p>Published as part of <i>Fianco, Marcos, 2021, Nine new species of the Anaulacomerina subtribe of katydids (Orthoptera Tettigoniidae: Phaneropterinae: Phaneropterini) from Brazil, pp. 33-54 in Zootaxa 4952 (1)</i> on pages 37-39, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4952.1.2, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/4671657">http://zenodo.org/record/4671657</a&gt

    Anaulacomera (Oecella) mediastina Fianco 2021, sp. n.

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    <i>Anaulacomera</i> (<i>Oecella</i>) <i>mediastina</i> sp. n. <p>Figures 1A, 8, 12B</p> Diagnosis: <p> <b>Etymology:</b> The specific name derived from Latin (<i>medius</i> = in between, intermediate), refers to the species relation with Furcata and Juanchoi species group, with characteristics of both.</p> <p> <b>Description: Holotype male (Fig. 8, 12B):</b> Small to medium, yellowish, probably green in life (Fig. 8A). <b>Head (Fig. 8B, C):</b> Fastigium of the frons triangular; apex protruding; with an ocellus on middle. Antennal sockets a little dilatated at the curvature near base of the fastigium of the frons and in the apex of the fastigium of the frons. Fastigium of the vertex conical; a little dilatated at apex; with a sulcus on middle reaching apex. <b>Thorax:</b> Pronotum plain colour. Pronotal disc (Fig. 8C) with posterior margin convex; anterior margin concave; furcal sulci bell-shaped; with the same width from anterior to posterior region. Lateral lobes (Fig. 8D) smaller than pronotal disc, longer than wide; anterior margin straight; posterior margin convex and semilunar; humeral sinus presenting an angle of <i>ca.</i> 85º. Tegmina (Fig. 8A; 12B) shorter than hindwings; anal and costal margins parallel; Sc with one bifurcation; R with 12 bifurcations that reaches costal margin; M long, following R in all extension; MA with one apical bifurcation; MP with one bifurcation after half of its length; CuA almost straight, with none bifurcations; stridulatory area of left tegmen with brownish stains, A1 brown (Fig. 8F, G). Mesobasisternum (Fig. 8E) a little elevated on middle; anterior margin almost concave; lateral lobes small, demilune shaped, posterior margins very distant from each other. Metabasisternum (Fig. 8E) triangular; very large; with a straight anterior margin; lateral lobes demilune shaped, not so distant in the posterior margin. <b>Abdomen:</b> Tergite X fused to epiproct; posterior margin projected posteriorly and downwards, depressed on medial region. Cercus (Fig. 8H, I) not very long; bifurcation on apex, giving a shallow cup aspect; the ventral process longer than others, curved upwards and to the middle region; medial process shorter than others, triangular; dorsal process as long as half of ventral process, pointed, ending in a spine, moderately curved to the medial region. Subgenital plate (Fig. 8H, I) very long; triangular shaped; medial region depressed; posterior processes long, curved upwards and to the medial region, touching in apex. <i>Genitalia</i> (Fig. 8J, K): Phallus symmetrical with exception to titillator’s sclerites, rounded, membranous but with two titillator sclerites that is quite big and curves in a U form; and titillator’s tips exposed and more sclerotized.</p> <p> <b>Type Material:</b> <i>Holotype male</i>, ‘ DPTO ZOOL \ UF –PARANÁ’ ‘Cáceres, MT. \ 14.XI.1984 \ Buzzi, Mielke, Elias \ Casagrande leg. \\ PROJ. POLONOROESTE’, ‘ DZUP 366621’.</p> <p> <b>Measurements (mm):</b> <i>Holotype</i>: BL: 17.1; TegL: 27; HW: 2.6; PrL: 2.9; PrH: 3.3; FLiii: 16; TLiii: 18.2; SPL: 3.4; CL: 3.2; SFL: 1; TN: 29.</p> <p> <b>Remarks:</b> Within the subgenera <i>A.</i> (<i>Oecella</i>), <i>A.</i> (<i>O.</i>) <i>mediastina</i> <b>sp. n.</b> cannot be exactly placed in any species group, since it differs from <i>A.</i> (<i>O</i>.) <i>marshae</i> <b>sp. n.</b>, possessing characteristics of both groups of <i>A.</i> (<i>Oecella</i>), <i>i.e.</i>, Furcata and Juanchoi species group. This new species confirms the proximity of Furcata and Juanchoi species group, and its positioning in the <i>A.</i> (<i>Oecella</i>), when the subgenera was described, by Gorochov (2020), the author comments that the Juanchoi species groups possibly belongs to the aforementioned subgenus. Additionally, this species gives clues that the Furcata and Juanchoi species group are indeed related. From the Juanchoi species group, <i>A.</i> (<i>O.</i>) <i>mediastina</i> <b>sp. n.</b> is closely related to <i>A.</i> (<i>O</i>.) <i>zebrina</i> <b>sp. n.</b>, since the apex of male cerci presents three processes, and have a cup-like aspect. From the Furcata species group the closest relative is <i>A.</i> (<i>O.</i>) <i>darwinii</i> Scudder, specially for the thickness of the cerci. Besides being placed in any group of <i>A.</i> (<i>Oecella</i>), the <i>A. mediastina</i> <b>sp. n.</b> is more related to the aforementioned species groups of the subgenera than the ungrouped species of the subgenera (<i>A.</i> (<i>O</i>.) <i>confusa</i>, <i>A.</i> (<i>O</i>.) <i>lingulata</i>, <i>A.</i> (<i>O</i>.) <i>mediastina</i>, and <i>A.</i> (<i>O</i>.) <i>marshae</i> <b>sp. n.</b>)</p>Published as part of <i>Fianco, Marcos, 2021, Nine new species of the Anaulacomerina subtribe of katydids (Orthoptera Tettigoniidae: Phaneropterinae: Phaneropterini) from Brazil, pp. 33-54 in Zootaxa 4952 (1)</i> on pages 45-47, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4952.1.2, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/4671657">http://zenodo.org/record/4671657</a&gt