4 research outputs found

    Como o tamanho da empresa modera o conhecimento e afeta o desempenho em inovação? Evidências das empresas manufatureiras do Brasil

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    Objective: Consists in explore the relationship between firm size and knowledge to capture the firm innovation performance in Brazilian manufacturing industries.Methodology: Using the production function approach and following the Resource-Based-View – RBV theory, we investigate how the firm internal R&D and the degree of intangible assets are moderated by firm size.Originality: The literature in the past decades has tried different methods to find strategies that improve the innovation of a large number of firms in different countries and regions. Yet, there is a large number of firms from emerging economies looking forward to improve productivity and the firm innovation performance.Main results: The results indicated that investment in R&D is relevant to the firm performance. Nonetheless, the relationship between R&D and firm size showed negative results. In the case of the degree of intangible resources, the same was observed, but the interaction between firm size and intangible assets showed positive effects on the firm performance. Finally, other important characteristics were observed, such as firm age and technology intensity, which showed positive influence over the firm performance.Theoretical contributions: The study showed that the degree of intangible assets is relevant for the firm, as the theory predicts, and it has become valuable for emerging enterprises, once not all firms may conduct R&D activities.Social contributions: The findings update the understanding about R&D and other intangible assets and provide new information to managers, researchers, and policymakers to develop new policies to promote and finance these activities.Objetivo del trabajo: El objetivo es explorar la relación entre el tamaño de la empresa y el conocimiento para capturar el desempeño en innovación de las empresas manufactureras brasileñas.Metodología: Utilizando un enfoque que utiliza la función de producción y siguiendo la teoría de la visión basada en recursos - RBV, investigamos cómo la I + D interna de la empresa y el nivel de activos intangibles son moderados por el tamaño de la empresa.Originalidad: La literatura en las últimas décadas ha probado diferentes métodos para encontrar estrategias que mejoren la innovación para un gran número de empresas en diferentes países y regiones. Sin embargo, hay una gran cantidad de empresas de economías emergentes y en desarrollo que desean mejorar la productividad y el desempeño de innovación de la empresa.Principales resultados: Los resultados indican que la inversión en I + D + i es relevante para el desempeño de la empresa. Sin embargo, la relación entre I + D + i y el tamaño de la empresa arroja resultados negativos. En el caso del grado de recursos intangibles, se observó lo mismo. Sin embargo, la interacción entre el tamaño de la empresa y los activos intangibles indicó efectos positivos para el desempeño de la empresa. Finalmente, se observaron otras características importantes, como la edad e intensidad tecnológica de las empresas, que muestran una influencia positiva en el desempeño.Contribuciones teóricas: El estudio demostró que el grado de intangible es relevante para la empresa, tal y como establece la teoría. Además, los activos intangibles han demostrado ser valiosos para las empresas emergentes, ya que no todas pueden realizar actividades de I + D + i.Contribuciones sociales: Los hallazgos actualizan la comprensión de la I + D y otros activos intangibles y proporcionan nueva información para que los administradores, investigadores y responsables políticos desarrollen nuevas políticas para promover y financiar estas actividades.Objetivo: Consiste em explorar a relação entre tamanho da empresa e o conhecimento para capturar o desempenho da inovação das firmas manufatureiras brasileiras.Metodologia: Utilizando uma abordagem por meio da função da produção e seguindo a teoria da visão baseada em recursos - RBV, investigamos como a P&D interna da empresa e o nível de ativos intangíveis são moderados pelo tamanho da empresa.Originalidade: A literatura nas últimas décadas tentou métodos diferentes para encontrar estratégias que melhoram a inovação para um grande número de empresas em diferentes países e regiões. No entanto, há um grande número de empresas de economias emergentes e em desenvolvimento que desejam melhorar a produtividade e o desempenho da inovação da empresa.Principais resultados: Os resultados indicam que o investimento em P&D é relevante para o desempenho da empresa. No entanto, a relação entre P&D e o tamanho da empresa demonstra resultados negativos. No caso do grau de recursos intangíveis, o mesmo foi observado. Entretanto, a interação entre o tamanho da empresa e ativos intangíveis indicou efeitos positivos para o desempenho da empresa. Por fim, outras características importantes foram observadas, tais como a idade e a intensidade tecnológica das empresas, mostrando influência positiva sobre o desempenho.Contribuição teórica: O estudo demonstrou que o grau de ativos intangíveis é relevante para a empresa, tal como a teoria afirma. Além disso, os ativos intangíveis se revelaram valiosos para empresas emergentes, uma vez que nem todas podem realizar as atividades de P&D.Contribuição social: As conclusões atualizam o entendimento sobre a P&D e outros ativos intangíveis e fornecem novas informações aos gestores, pesquisadores e formuladores de políticas para desenvolver novas políticas para promover e financiar essas atividades

    Business group and cross-border acquisitions: evidence from multilatinas

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    Objective: This study seeks to examine how multilatinas affiliated with a business group influence the degree of ownership acquired in their cross-border acquisitions in the region. Method: We considered a sample of 342 cross-border acquisitions conducted by the 58 multilatinas from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, and Mexico during the period that extends from 2008 to 2018. To test our hypotheses, we selected the Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE), a variant estimator of GLM Generalized Linear Models (GLS). Main Results: Drawing on agency and internationalization theories, we provide evidence that the property of multilatinas in a cross-border acquisition is determined by the factors of the company–business group affiliation, international diversification and state-shareholding structure. In general, the degree of ownership in cross-border acquisitions will be determined by the degree of diversification. In addition, we conclude that multilatinas with strong state-owned capital are likely to acquire a lower degree of ownership of cross-border acquisitions within the region. Relevance / Originality: This study contributes to theory development by providing more information about multilatinas and by integrating the agency theory theoretical underpinnings in explaining the degree of ownership. Specifically, this research provided new insight to clarify our understanding of multilatinas and their affiliation with business groups as determining factors in acquired ownership in cross-border acquisitions. Theoretical / Methodological Contributions: This research empirically demonstrates the importance of the degree of ownership in the process of acquisition of foreign companies by multilatinas. This study considered several common characteristics of multilatinas in the process of international acquisition, such as business group, diversification and state ownership participation

    Effects of intellectual property rights on innovation and economic activity: A non-linear perspective from Latin America

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    This work was financed by the Coordenação ao de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior – Brasil (CAPES) – Finance Code 001 and supported by National Council for Scientific and Technological Development – CNPq (Proc. 152,060/2022–7).Acknowledgements: The authors sincerely thank the Editor Mario Pianta and anonymous referees for all comments and constructive suggestions, which significantly contributed to improving the quality of the manuscript. We would like to register our sincere thanks to Miss Maribel Guerrero for her helpful suggestions in a firsthand view of our research. The authors are also grateful for the many helpful comments at the Academy of International Business – AIB LAC 2023 Conference hosted at ESPM in São Paulo, Brazil.Intellectual property rights (IPRs) have a significant impact on facilitating the economic endeavors of countries. Nevertheless, there exists notable disparity among studies concerning the implications of IPRs within developing countries. Therefore, this study examines how stronger IPRs affect economic activity and moderate two important knowledge channels, domestic and foreign innovation activity. Using a sample of 18 Latin American countries from 2007 to 2018, we employed the Driscoll-Kraay robust standard errors, two-stage least squares (2SLS), and Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) to examine the effects of IPRs. Results confirm an inverted U-shaped relationship between IPRs and economic activity. Hence, the majority of Latin countries continue to vary in the factors of production that suport robust IPRs. Conversely, robust IPRs effectively improve the relation between domestic innovation and economic activity. Similarly, this influence holds true for foreign innovation as well. Based on this evidence, the research suggests implementing an optimal IPR policy.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio