55 research outputs found
Effects of Post-Fire Salvage Logging on Cavity-Nesting Birds and Small Mammals in Southeastern Montana
We investigated how post-fire salvage logging of Ponderosa Pine (Pinus ponderosa) affected populations of cavity-nesting birds and small mammals in southeastern Montana in 2004 and 2005. We examined two salvage and two control plots with three point-count stations and one small mammal trap site randomly distributed across each plot. We used point counts and distance sampling methods to estimate density of cavity-nesting birds on each treatment. We also searched each plot for nests and used program MARK to construct a set of candidate models to investigate variations in nest survival related to treatment, year, and time. We used live traps arranged in webs centered on trapping sites and distance sampling methods to estimate small mammal density. Habitat characteristics were also quantified on each plot. Density of all cavity-nesting birds combined and of Hairy Woodpeckers (Picoides villosus) in particular were higher on the control than the salvage treatment. Density of large trees and abundance of active cavities were higher on the control treatment. Nest cavities on the salvage treatment were most often located in non-logged watersheds. Nest survival estimates were uniformly high, with only marginal variations attributed to treatment and year. Density of Deer Mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) was higher on the salvage than the control treatment, reflecting the amount of downed woody debris created during harvest
The Emerging Conflict of Common Ravens Roosting on Electric Power Transmission Line Towers in Montana, USA
Bird interactions with electric power lines can cause faults (e.g., disruption of electrical service). Faults on 500kV transmission lines in Montana, USA, which are integral to the Northwest USA power grid, became concerning during winter 2016–2017. In 2017 we found insulators contaminated with bird droppings and discovered a large nocturnal roost of common ravens (Corvus corax). To assess the potential magnitude of the impact of raven roosts on electric power transmission, we summarized fault data obtained from the Energy Management System and raven abundance data obtained from the Christmas Bird Count in central Montana from 2005 to 2020. We also conducted counts at 7 roosts in the study area in winter 2019–2020. We detected a positive relationship between the number of faults reported and raven abundance. The 3 largest roosts we surveyed peaked at 1,000–1,500 ravens on single evenings. The number of faults reported in winter 2019–2020 decreased after use of silicon-coated insulators, perch deterrents, and periodic washing of insulators. Increased raven populations throughout their range may cause similar conflicts for other electric utilities. Long-term management of ravens will need to integrate approaches at both local and landscape scales
Migratory Movements and Mortality of Peregrine Falcons Banded in Greenland, 1972–97
In 1972 we initiated a long-term study of Peregrine Falcons Falco peregrinus in West Greenland to evaluate population status and describe general breeding ecology. The study area encompassed approximately 6050 km2, spanning the area from the edge of the inland ice cap westward to the coast. From 1972 to 1997, we banded 1896 peregrines (1771 nestlings, 125 adults). Encounters of banded peregrines (n = 114) outside the study area occurred at locations from Greenland to Uruguay. In contrast to the equal sex ratio recorded in broods at banding, the sex ratio of nestling encounters was significantly skewed toward females. The majority (54%) of encounters involved capture and release by other falcon researchers, particularly those operating banding stations along the Eastern Seaboard and in southern Texas. Peregrines from Greenland appeared to reach wintering areas by late October or early November. Although male peregrines wintered significantly farther south than females, there was no significant difference in the mean date of capture along the East Coast of the United States in the hatch year (mean = 9 October ± 2.5 days for males and 9 October ± 1 day for females). Spring migration appeared to commence in early April, with breeding birds back on the study area by late May or early June. Despite the extensive recent use of satellite telemetry, long-term banding continues to play an important role in studies of peregrine migration, natal dispersal, and survival.En 1972, nous avons entrepris l’étude à long terme des faucons pèlerins Falco peregrinus dans l’ouest du Groenland dans le but d’évaluer l’état de la population et de décrire l’écologie générale de la reproduction. L’aire visée par l’étude comptait environ 6 050 km2, s’étendant ainsi du bord de la calotte glaciaire de l’arrière-pays jusqu’à la côte ouest. Entre 1972 et 1997, nous avons bagué 1 896 faucons pèlerins (1 771 oisillons, 125 adultes). Des faucons pèlerins bagués (n = 114) ont été repérés à l’extérieur de l’aire visée par l’étude, dans des endroits allant du Groenland jusqu’en Uruguay. En contraste avec la proportion égale des sexes enregistrée dans les nichées au moment du baguage, la proportion des sexes chez les oisillons repérés tendait considérablement plus du côté des femelles. La majorité (54 %) des repérages ont fait l’objet de captures et libérations de la part d’autres chercheurs spécialisés dans les faucons, surtout ceux situés aux postes de baguage du littoral est et du sud du Texas. Les faucons pèlerins du Groenland semblaient atteindre les aires d’hivernage vers la fin d’octobre ou le début de novembre. Même si les mâles hivernaient beaucoup plus au sud que les femelles, aucune différence importante n’a été relevée dans la date moyenne de capture sur le littoral est des États-Unis pendant l’année de l’éclosion (moyenne = 9 octobre ± 2,5 jours chez les mâles et 9 octobre ± 1 jour chez les femelles). La migration printanière semblait commencer vers le début d’avril, les oiseaux reproducteurs étant de retour dans l’aire visée par l’étude vers la fin de mai ou le début de juin. Malgré l’utilisation récente et fréquente de la télémétrie satellitaire, le baguage à long terme continue du jouer un rôle important dans l’étude de la migration, de la dispersion natale et de la survie du faucon pèlerin.В 1972 мы начали программу мониторинга сокола-сапсана Falco peregrinus в западной Гренландии с целью оценить состояние популяции и описать экологию размножения вида. Район исследований составил примерно 6050 кв. км от края ледникового щита до западного побережья. С 1972 по 1997 год мы окольцевали 1896 птиц (1771 птенцов и 125 взрослых особей). Эти птицы были встречены от Гренландии до Уругвая (n = 114). По сравнению с сбалансированным соотношением самцов и самок при кольцевании, на гнездовьях впоследствии отмечались преимущественно самки. 54% находок были отловлены и отпущены на станциях вдоль восточного побережья Северной Америки и в южном Техасе. Сапсаны из Гренландии достигают зимовок к концу октября или началу ноября. Хотя самцы сапсана отмечались на зимовках существенно южнее самок, мы не отметили достоверной разницы в средней дате их появления вдоль восточного побережья США в их год вылупления (в среднем 9 октября ± 2,5 дня для самцов и 9 октября ± 1 день для самок). Весенний перелет начинается в раннем апреле и птицы появляются в местах гнездования в конце мая или начале июня. Несмотря на широкое использование спутниковой телеметрии, многолетние наблюдения окольцованных птиц остается одним из главных методов отслеживания миграции, разлета и выживания соколов-сапсанов
Citizen Scientist Monitoring of Osprey Distribution and Reproductive Success Along the Yellowstone River, MT
The Yellowstone Valley Audubon Society monitors ospreys (Pandion haliaetus) nesting along the Yellowstone River 1) to increase science literacy by engaging volunteers and undergraduate interns in conservation, 2) to reduce conflicts between utility companies and ospreys nesting on power poles, and 3) to rescue nestlings entangled in baling twine used in nest construction. Trained volunteers surveyed the study area and determined reproductive success for occupied nests from April through August 2012-2015. All nests were located on anthropogenic substrates: platforms on poles, bridge spans, power poles, and cell towers. Mean (SE) number of young fledged per occupied nest was above that needed to sustain the local population: 1.87 (0.22) in 2012 (n = 30 nests), 1.35 (0.18) in 2013 (n = 48 nests), 1.51 (0.16) in 2014 (n = 55 nests), and 1.48 (0.17) in 2015 (n = 62 nests). Although some nest sites consistently produced more fledglings than others, reproductive success was unrelated to distance to nearest neighbor, density of breeding pairs within 5 km, and location along the river. From 2012-2015, 11 nestlings and one adult became entangled in baling twine: three died, one was euthanized, and eight nestlings fledged normally after being freed. A disease of unknown etiology appeared to affect nearly 50% of nestlings in 2015. Carcasses tested by the National Wildlife Health Center were negative for Avian Influenza, West Nile Virus, and Newcastle Disease. The discovery of new nests annually, robust reproductive success, and relatively low density suggested the population was in the growth phase
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Final Technical Report
The Center of Excellence for Hazardous Materials Management award was used to establish the organization and initiate investigations of hazardous waste issues along the U.S.-Mexico border. Scientific investigations conducted during the execution of this grant contributed significant data and established new sampling protocols to the dimension, frequency and severity of hazardous materials (e.g., heavy metals) along the U.S.-Mexico border. Additionally, new protocols and assessments with distinct Homeland Security implications were embedded thus establishing a baseline that will be significant for related investigations in the future
Thinking Like a Raven: Restoring Integrity, Stability, and Beauty to Western Ecosystems
Common ravens (Corvus corax; ravens) are generalist predators that pose a threat to several rare wildlife species in the western United States. Recent increases in raven populations, which are fueled by increased human subsidies—notably food, water, and nest sites—are concerning to those seeking to conserve rare species. Due to the challenges and inefficiencies of reducing or eliminating subsidies, managers increasingly rely on lethal removal of ravens. Over 125,000 ravens were killed by the U.S. Government from 1996 to 2019, and annual removals have increased 4-fold from the 1990s to mid-2010s. We contend that lethal removal of ravens, while capable of improving the reproduction of rare species, is at best a short-term and ethically untenable solution to a problem that will continue to grow until subsidies are meaningfully reduced or made inaccessible to ravens. In part because of ravens’ abilities to track natural and anthropogenic resources across unfamiliar and expansive areas, the removal of subsidies can lead to sustained shifts in raven abundance, which can have long-lasting benefits for sensitive species. In the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, USA, for example, we documented extensive use of human subsidies during fall/winter, daily 1-way commutes regularly in excess of 50 km by territorial birds to such subsidies, and dispersals of \u3e700 km by nonbreeders that exploited food and roost subsidies. We call for managers to embrace new approaches to subsidy reduction including: increased involvement of conservation social scientists; increased enforcement of local, state, and federal laws; and increased deployment of a diversity of new technologies to haze and aversively condition ravens. Tackling the hard job of reducing subsidies over the expansive area exploited by ravens is right because it will increase the integrity, stability, and beauty of western ecosystems
Unilateral Application of Cathodal tDCS Reduces Transcallosal Inhibition and Improves Visual Acuity in Amblyopic Patients
Objective: Amblyopia is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by visual acuity and contrast sensitivity loss, refractory to pharmacological and optical treatments in adulthood. In animals, the corpus callosum (CC) contributes to suppression of visual responses of the amblyopic eye. To investigate the role of interhemispheric pathways in amblyopic patients, we studied the response of the visual cortex to transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) applied over the primary visual area (V1) contralateral to the "lazy eye." Methods: Visual acuity (logMAR) was assessed before (T0), immediately after (T1) and 60' following the application of cathodal tDCS (2.0 mA, 20') in 12 amblyopic patients. At each time point, Visual Evoked Potentials (VEPs) triggered by grating stimuli of different contrasts (K90%, K20%) were recorded in both hemispheres and compared to those obtained in healthy volunteers. Results: Cathodal tDCS improved visual acuity respect to baseline (p < 0.0001), whereas sham polarization had no significant effect. At T1, tDCS induced an inhibitory effect on VEPs amplitudes at all contrasts in the targeted side and a facilitation of responses in the hemisphere ipsilateral to the amblyopic eye; compared with controls, the facilitation persisted at T2 for high contrasts (K90%; Holm-Sidak post hoc method, p < 0.001), while the stimulated hemisphere recovered more quickly from inhibition (Holm-Sidak post hoc method, p < 0.001). Conclusions: tDCS is a promising treatment for amblyopia in adults. The rapid recovery of excitability and the concurrent transcallosal disinhibition following perturbation of cortical activity may support a critical role of interhemispheric balance in the pathophysiology of amblyopia
Re-Assembled Botulinum Neurotoxin Inhibits CNS Functions without Systemic Toxicity
The therapeutic potential of botulinum neurotoxin type A (BoNT/A) has recently been widely recognized. BoNT/A acts to silence synaptic transmission via specific proteolytic cleavage of an essential neuronal protein, SNAP25. The advantages of BoNT/A-mediated synaptic silencing include very long duration, high potency and localized action. However, there is a fear of possible side-effects of BoNT/A due to its diffusible nature which may lead to neuromuscular blockade away from the injection site. We recently developed a “protein-stapling” technology which allows re-assembly of BoNT/A from two separate fragments. This technology allowed, for the first time, safe production of this popular neuronal silencing agent. Here we evaluated the re-assembled toxin in several CNS assays and assessed its systemic effects in an animal model. Our results show that the re-assembled toxin is potent in inhibiting CNS function at 1 nM concentration but surprisingly does not exhibit systemic toxicity after intraperitoneal injection even at 200 ng/kg dose. This shows that the re-assembled toxin represents a uniquely safe tool for neuroscience research and future medical applications
Scientific Opinion related to a notification from DuPont Nutrition Biosciences Aps on behenic acid from mustard seeds to be used in the manufacturing of certain emulsifiers pursuant to Article 21(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011 – for permanent exemption from labelling
Following a request from the European Commission, the Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition andAllergies (NDA) was asked to deliver a scienti\ufb01c opinion related to a noti\ufb01cation from DuPont NutritionBiosciences Aps on behenic acid from mustard seeds to be used in the manufacturing of certainemulsi\ufb01ers pursuant to Article 21(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011 \u2013 for permanent exemptionfrom labelling. Behenic acid is produced from rapeseed\u2013mustard seed variants prevalent in India,namely Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. (oriental mustard), Brassica rapa (L.) (brown/yellow Sarson orToria), Brassica napus (L.) (rapeseed) and Brassica nigra (L.) W.D.J.Koch (black mustard). No humanor animal allergenicity data were provided by the applic ant for either behenic acid or the emulsi\ufb01ersmanufactured from beheni c acid. Based on enzyme-linke d immunosorbent assay (ELISA) data, thePanel considers that proteins and peptides may not be carried over into behenic acid after the twodistillation steps reported in the manufacturing process in amounts beyond 1 mg/kg. The Panel notesthat the maximum amount of mustard protein that could be consumed from emulsi\ufb01ers manufacturedfrom behenic acid (E 470a, E 471 and E 477) on a single occasion by an adult under the proposedconditions of use would be around 0.00119 mg, which is about 1,000 times lower than the proteindoses repo rted to trigger allergic reactions in mustard-allergic individuals (around 1 mg). On the basisof the data presented, the Panel concludes that oral consumption of emulsi\ufb01ers manufactured usingbehenic acid from mustard seeds (E 470a, E 471 and E 477) are unli kely to trigger an allergic reactionin susceptible individuals (i.e. mustard-allergic individuals) under the proposed conditions of use
Evaluation of the Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Raisins (Vitis vinifera L.) in Human Gastric Epithelial Cells: A Comparative Study
Raisins (Vitis vinifera L.) are dried grapes largely consumed as important source of nutrients and polyphenols. Several studies report health benefits of raisins, including anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, whereas the anti-inflammatory activity at gastric level of the hydro-alcoholic extracts, which are mostly used for food supplements preparation, was not reported until now. The aim of this study was to compare the anti-inflammatory activity of five raisin extracts focusing on Interleukin (IL)-8 and Nuclear Factor (NF)-\u3baB pathway. Raisin extracts were characterized by High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Diode Array Detector (HPLC-DAD) analysis and screened for their ability to inhibit Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)\u3b1-induced IL-8 release and promoter activity in human gastric epithelial cells. Turkish variety significantly inhibited TNF\u3b1-induced IL-8 release, and the effect was due to the impairment of the corresponding promoter activity. Macroscopic evaluation showed the presence of seeds, absent in the other varieties; thus, hydro-alcoholic extracts from fruits and seeds were individually tested on IL-8 and NF-\u3baB pathway. Seed extract inhibited IL-8 and NF-\u3baB pathway, showing higher potency with respect to the fruit. Although the main effect was due to the presence of seeds, the fruit showed significant activity as well. Our data suggest that consumption of selected varieties of raisins could confer a beneficial effect against gastric inflammatory disease
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