43 research outputs found

    Improvements and validation of the IRI UP method under moderate, strong, and severe geomagnetic storms

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    This work describes several important improvements made to the International Reference Ionosphere UPdate (IRI UP) method, and a careful validation of its performances under disturbed conditions. The IRI UP method has been improved developing an algorithm capable to properly filter wrongly autoscaled ionosonde data to be assimilated, avoiding the use of these in the assimilation process. Furthermore, the preliminary quality check used to choose the variogram model in the Universal Kriging method has been replaced with a new quality check routine (NQCR), based on statistical tests carried out using the variables Q1, Q2, and cR, built on variogram's residuals. NQCR objectively identifies the best variogram model from which to get more reliable effective indices maps to be ingested in the IRI model to obtain updated foF2 and hmF2 maps. IRI UP has been applied on 30 different time intervals, between January 1, 2004, and December 31, 2016, characterized by moderate, strong, and severe geomagnetic conditions, over the European region. A statistical comparison between IRI UP and IRI at the truth sites located at Fairford (51.7°N, 1.5°W, UK) and San Vito (40.6°N, 17.8°E, Italy), for foF2 and hmF2, has been performed. From the statistical validation clearly emerges how IRI UP, for foF2, performs significantly better than IRI, for each of the 30 geomagnetic storms considered. Regarding hmF2, IRI UP performances are lower than those for foF2, although still better than IRI ones. In the light of the results achieved in this investigation, the IRI UP method represents an interesting approach to Space Weather forecast in the ionospheric domain. Open image in new windo

    Magnetic and solar effects on ionospheric absorption at high latitude

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    Some periods of intense solar events and of strong magnetic storms have been selected and their effects on the ionospheric D region have been investigated on the basis of ionospheric absorption data derived from riometer measurements made at the Italian Antarctic Base of Terra Nova Bay (geographic coordinates: 74.69 S, 164.12 E; geomagnetic coordinates: 77.34 S, 279.41 E). It was found that sharp increases in ionospheric absorption are mainly due to solar protons emission with an energy greater than 10 MeV. Moreover, the day to night ratios of the ionospheric absorption are greater than 2 in the case of strong events of energetic protons emitted by the Sun, while during magnetic storms, these ratios range between 1 and 2

    Comparative 454 pyrosequencing of transcripts from two olive genotypes during fruit development

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Despite its primary economic importance, genomic information on olive tree is still lacking. 454 pyrosequencing was used to enrich the very few sequence data currently available for the <it>Olea europaea </it>species and to identify genes involved in expression of fruit quality traits.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Fruits of <it>Coratina</it>, a widely cultivated variety characterized by a very high phenolic content, and <it>Tendellone</it>, an oleuropein-lacking natural variant, were used as starting material for monitoring the transcriptome. Four different cDNA libraries were sequenced, respectively at the beginning and at the end of drupe development. A total of 261,485 reads were obtained, for an output of about 58 Mb. Raw sequence data were processed using a four step pipeline procedure and data were stored in a relational database with a web interface.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Massively parallel sequencing of different fruit cDNA collections has provided large scale information about the structure and putative function of gene transcripts accumulated during fruit development. Comparative transcript profiling allowed the identification of differentially expressed genes with potential relevance in regulating the fruit metabolism and phenolic content during ripening.</p

    Could we find any signal of the stratosphere-ionosphere coupling in Antarctica?

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    An investigation searching for a possible coupling between the lower ionosphere and the middle atmosphere in Antarctica is here performed on the basis of stratospheric vertical temperature profiles and ionospheric absorption data observed at the Antarctic Italian Base of Terra Nova Bay (74.69°S, 164.12°E) during local summer time. The result obtained by applying a multi-regression analysis and a Superimposed Epoch Analysis (SEA) shows a statistically significant ionosphere-stratosphere interaction. In particular, by selecting stratospheric temperature maxima occurring at different heights as the referring epoch («zero day») for the SEA approach, the ionospheric absorption is found to show a positive and/or negative trend (several days) around it. The tendency for an increasing/decreasing absorption is obtained for temperature maxima occurring below/above the stratospheric level of about 17-19 km, respectively

    Cross Cultural Adaptation and Validation of Italian Version of the Leeds Assessment of Neuropathic Symptoms and Signs Scale and Pain DETECT Questionnaire for the Distinction between Nociceptive and Neuropathic Pain

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    Objective. This study aimed to validate Italian versions of Leeds Assessment of Neuropathic Symptoms and Signs (LANSS) scale and Pain DETECT questionnaire (PD-Q) and evaluate the ability of these questionnaires to discriminate between nociceptive and neuropathic pain. Design. Multicenter prospective validation cohort study. Subjects and Setting. One hundred patients were included with a diagnosis formulated by a specialist in outpatient settings (50 affected by knee osteoarthritis as nociceptive pain and 50 affected by trigeminal or postherpetic neuralgia as neuropathic pain). Methods. The Italian versions of both questionnaires according to Italian cultural characteristics were performed according to the following steps: (1) translation of the questionnaires from English into Italian; (2) review by a bilingual individual for consistency; (3) proposed version after a mail round between experts; (4) backward translation; (5) comparison with the original English version by the experts; (6) approved version of the questionnaires. One hundred patients were enrolled and completed the two questionnaires administered by a specialist or blinded nursing staff, at the baseline and after 24/48 hours. Internal consistency, stability, validity, and discriminative power were analyzed. Results. Statistically significant differences were reported about the ability of both questionnaires to discriminate between patients affected by neuropathic or nociceptive pain. Internal consistency for the Italian version of the LANSS was 0.76, and for PD-Q, it was 0.80, assessed by Cronbach’s α; LANSS showed a good test-retest reliability with an ICC of 0.76, and PD-Q showed a high test-retest reliability with an ICC of 0.96. For interrater reliability, there was a concordance rate of 83.3% between reference diagnosis and LANSS (Cohen’s kappa = 0.67, CI 95% 0.52–0.75). Conclusions. This study validated the Italian versions of LANSS and PD-Q as reliable instruments with good psychometric characteristics, for pain evaluation, discriminating between nociceptive and neuropathic pain. Our findings were similar to those observed in the original study. Furthermore, we have reported the test-retest reliability for both questionnaires, not addressed in original validation studies

    Nowcasting, forecasting and warning for ionospheric propagation: tools and methods

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    The paper reviews the work done in the course of the COST 271 Action concerned with the development of tools and methods for forecasting, nowcasting and warning of ionospheric propagation conditions. Three broad categories of work are covered. First, the maintenance and enhancement of existing operational services that provide forecast or nowcast data products to end users; brief descriptions of RWC Warsaw and the STIF service are given. Second, the development of prototype or experimental services; descriptions are given of a multi-datasource system for reconstruction of electron density profiles, and a new technique using real-time IMF data to forecast ionospheric storms. The third category is the most wide-ranging, and deals with work that has presented new or improved tools or methods that future operational forecasting or nowcasting system will rely on. This work covers two areas - methods for updating models with prompt data, and improvements in modelling or our understanding of various ionospheric-magnetospheric features - and ranges over updating models of ionospheric characteristics and electron density, modelling geomagnetic storms, describing the spatial evolution of the mid-latitude trough, and validating a recently-proposed technique for deriving TEC from ionosonde observations

    Towards a Real-Time Description of the Ionosphere: A Comparison between International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) and IRI Real-Time Assimilative Mapping (IRTAM) Models

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    This paper focuses on a detailed comparison, based on the F2-layer peak characteristics foF2 and hmF2, between the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI), which is a climatological empirical model of the terrestrial ionosphere, and the IRI Real-Time Assimilative Mapping (IRTAM) procedure, which is a real-time version of IRI based on data assimilation from a global network of ionosondes. To perform such a comparison, two different kinds of datasets have been considered: (1) foF2 and hmF2 as recorded by 40 ground-based ionosondes spread all over the world from 2000 to 2019; (2) foF2 and hmF2 from space-based COSMIC/FORMOSAT-3 radio occultation measurements recorded from 2006 to 2018. The aim of the paper is to understand whether and how much IRTAM improves IRI foF2 and hmF2 outputs for different locations and under different diurnal, seasonal, solar and magnetic activity conditions. The main outcomes of the study are: (1) when ionosonde observations are considered for validation, IRTAM significantly improves the IRI foF2 modeling both in accuracy and precision, while a slight improvement in the IRI hmF2 modeling is observed for specific locations and conditions; (2) when COSMIC observations are considered for validation, no noticeable improvement is observed from the IRTAM side for both foF2 and hmF2. Indeed, IRTAM can improve the IRI foF2 description only nearby the assimilated ionosonde locations, while the IRI hmF2 description is always more accurate and precise than IRTAM one