159 research outputs found

    When and in which patients can anticoagulation be resumed after intracerebral haemorrhage?

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    Whether to resume the anticoagulant or the antiaggregant therapy after an episode of major haemorrhage is a difficult dilemma for the physician. The physician has to take into consideration two major questions: whether the benefits of restarting anticoagulation outweigh the risk, and if so, when and how should anticoagulation be restarted. Although some case reports suggest that anticoagulation can be withheld safely for short periods after ICH, even in patients with mechanical heart valves, it is still not clear if long-term anticoagulation can be safely reinstituted after haemorrhage, for example in patients with atrial fibrillation. In fact, no large and well-conducted randomised clinical trials are available, and there is lack of strong evidence on which guidelines recommendations can be based. The article summarise the available literature findings. Finally, a protocol is suggested which may represent a useful tool for assessing treatment options

    When and in which patients can anticoagulation be resumed after intracerebral haemorrhage?

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    Whether to resume the anticoagulant or the antiaggregant therapy after an episode of major haemorrhage is a difficult dilemma for the physician. The physician has to take into consideration two major questions: whether the benefits of restarting anticoagulation outweigh the risk, and if so, when and how should anticoagulation be restarted. Although some case reports suggest that anticoagulation can be withheld safely for short periods after ICH, even in patients with mechanical heart valves, it is still not clear if long-term anticoagulation can be safely reinstituted after haemorrhage, for example in patients with atrial fibrillation. In fact, no large and well-conducted randomised clinical trials are available, and there is lack of strong evidence on which guidelines recommendations can be based. The article summarise the available literature findings. Finally, a protocol is suggested which may represent a useful tool for assessing treatment options

    Unexpected role of the L-domain of calpastatin during the autoproteolytic activation of human erythrocyte calpain.

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    Autoproteolysis of human erythrocyte calpain-1 proceeds in vitro at high [Ca2+], through the conversion of the 80kDa catalytic subunit to a 75kDa activated enzyme that requires lower [Ca2+] for catalysis. Importantly, here we detect a similar 75kDa calpain-1 form also in vivo, in human meningiomas. Although calpastatin is so far considered the specific inhibitor of calpains, we have previously identified in rat brain a calpastatin transcript truncated at the end of the L-domain (cast110, L-DOM), coding for a protein lacking the inhibitory units. Aim of this study was to characterize the possible biochemical role of the L-DOM during calpain-1 autoproteolysis in vitro, at high (100 \ub5M) and low (5 \ub5M) [Ca2+]. Here we demonstrate that the L-DOM binds the 80kDa proenzyme in the absence of Ca2+. Consequently, we have explored the ability of the 75 kDa activated protease to catalyze at 5 \ub5M Ca2+ the intermolecular activation of native calpain-1 associated with the L-DOM. Notably, this [Ca2+] is too low to promote the autoproteolytic activation of calpain-1 but enough to support the catalysis of the 75kDa calpain. We show for the first time that the L-DOM preserves native calpain-1 from the degradation mediated by the 75kDa form. Taken together our data suggest that the free L-domain of calpastatin is a novel member of the calpain/calpastatin system endowed with a function alternative to calpain inhibition. For this reason, it will be crucial to define the intracellular relevance of the L-domain in controlling calpain activation/activity in physio-pathological conditions having altered Ca2+ homeostasis

    Are the Reasons Why Patients Are Referred for an Orthodontic Visit Correct?

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    Abstract: Who does refer patients for an orthodontic consultation? Which are the main reasons for the referral? Does the visit of the orthodontic specialist confirm these reasons or reveal undiagnosed problems? Is there the risk that only evident dental problems are addressed, while craniofacial malformations remain underdiagnosed? This cross-sectional epidemiologic study aims to answer these questions, analysing the clinical data collected during the orthodontic visits of 500 Caucasian young patients referred to a public health structure of northern Italy. All patients were visited by the same expert specialist in orthodontics. Clinical data were collected, analysing both dental and skeletal features. The reasons for the referral of the visit were analysed and compared with the specialistic diagnoses. In our sample, dentists, relatives/friends and paediatricians were the major source of the referrals, followed by family doctors and other facial specialists. In most cases, the reasons for the referral were dental irregularities, but approximately 80% of dental irregularities were associated with undiagnosed facial dysmorphism. Skeletal facial anomalies need an early diagnosis to prevent the development of severe facial malformations that would require invasive and expensive treatments. These findings reveal poor diagnostic skills regarding skeletal anomalies in dentists and paediatricians and the need for better specific training

    Does Head Orientation Influence 3D Facial Imaging? A Study on Accuracy and Precision of Stereophotogrammetric Acquisition

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    This study investigates the reliability and precision of anthropometric measurements collected from 3D images and acquired under different conditions of head rotation. Various sources of error were examined, and the equivalence between craniofacial data generated from alternative head positions was assessed. 3D captures of a mannequin head were obtained with a stereophotogrammetric system (Face Shape 3D MaxiLine). Image acquisition was performed with no rotations and with various pitch, roll, and yaw angulations. On 3D images, 14 linear distances were measured. Various indices were used to quantify error magnitude, among them the acquisition error, the mean and the maximum intra- and inter-operator measurement error, repeatability and reproducibility error, the standard deviation, and the standard error of errors. Two one-sided tests (TOST) were performed to assess the equivalence between measurements recorded in different head angulations. The maximum intra-operator error was very low (0.336 mm), closely followed by the acquisition error (0.496 mm). The maximum inter-operator error was 0.532 mm, and the highest degree of error was found in reproducibility (0.890 mm). Anthropometric measurements from alternative acquisition conditions resulted in significantly equivalent TOST, with the exception of Zygion (l)–Tragion (l) and Cheek (l)–Tragion (l) distances measured with pitch angulation compared to no rotation position. Face Shape 3D Maxiline has sufficient accuracy for orthodontic and surgical use. Precision was not altered by head orientation, making the acquisition simpler and not constrained to a critical precision as in 2D photographs

    Calpain digestion and HSP90-based chaperone protection modulate the level of plasma membrane F508del-CFTR

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    AbstractWe are here showing that peripheral mononuclear blood cells (PBMC) from cystic fibrosis (CF) patients contain almost undetectable amounts of mature 170 kDa CF-transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) and a highly represented 100 kDa form. This CFTR protein, resembling the form produced by calpain digestion and present, although in lower amounts, also in normal PBMC, is localized in cytoplasmic internal vesicles. These observations are thus revealing that the calpain-mediated proteolysis is largely increased in cells from CF patients. To characterize the process leading to the accumulation of such split CFTR, FRT cells expressing the F508del-CFTR mutated channel protein and human leukaemic T cell line (JA3), expressing wild type CFTR were used. In in vitro experiments, the sensitivity of the mutated channel to the protease is identical to that of the wild type, whereas in Ca2+-loaded cells F508del-CFTR is more susceptible to digestion. Inhibition of intracellular calpain activity prevents CFTR degradation and leads to a 10-fold increase in the level of F508del-CFTR at the plasma membrane, further indicating the involvement of calpain activity in the maintenance of very low levels of mature channel form. The higher sensitivity to calpain of the mutated 170 kDa CFTR results from a reduced affinity for HSP90 causing a lower degree of protection from calpain digestion. The recovery of HSP90 binding capacity in F508del-CFTR, following digestion, explains the large accumulation of the 100 kDa CFTR form in circulating PBMC from CF patients

    Digital planning for immediate implants in anterior esthetic area: immediate result and follow-up after 3 years of clinical outcome - case report

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    In this case report, we demonstrate how the correct positioning of implants, associated with optimal gingival conditioning, and the correct choice of biomaterial can yield very predictable and fantastic aesthetic results. Objective: We aimed to use dental implants to rehabilitate the area of elements #11 and #21 in a satisfactory surgical and prosthetic manner, using guided surgery, connective tissue, nano-biomaterials, and a porcelain prosthesis. Case Report: A 32-year-old male patient presented with bone loss of elements #11 and #21, which was proven radiographically and clinically. Thus, oral rehabilitation with the use of dental implants was required. It was decided to proceed via digital planning with the DSD program (Digital smile design) and with the software Exoplan, (Smart Dent-Germany) whenever it was possible to plan immediate provisional and accurate dental implant positioning through reverse diagnostics (Software Exoplan, Smart Dent-German). The dental elements were extracted atraumatically; then, a guide was established, the implants were positioned, the prosthetic components were placed, the conjunctive tissue was removed from the palate and redirected to the vestibular wall of the implants, the nano-graft (Blue Bone®) was conditioned in the gaps between the vestibular wall and the implants, and, finally, the cemented provision was installed. Results: After a 5-month accompaniment, an excellent remodeling of the tissues had been achieved by the implants; consequently, the final prosthetic stage could begin, which also achieved a remarkable aesthetic result. Conclusions: This report demonstrates that the correct planning of dental implants, which is associated with appropriate soft tissue and bone manipulation, allows for the achievement of admirable clinical results.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    La tutela dei diritti umani in Europa tra sovranit\ue0 statale e ordinamenti sovranazionali

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    Il Volume si propone di offrire una visione dei sistemi di tutela dei diritti umani esistenti a livello europeo, pur nella consapevolezza che gli argomenti trattati non permettono di delineare un quadro esaustivo delle diverse problematiche. Nella scelta degli argomenti si \ue8 comunque tenuto conto di alcune delle principali questioni che animano l\u2019attuale dibattito scientifico. Nella redazione dell\u2019opera, a cui hanno partecipato diversi studiosi italiani e stranieri, si \ue8 perseguito l\u2019intento di coniugare il rigore dell\u2019indagine critica ad un\u2019attenzione particolare per le esigenze della didattica, al fine di offrire uno strumento rivolto non solo agli operatori giuridici, ma anche agli studenti universitari. In particolare, allo scopo di agevolare l\u2019uso didattico del Volume, si \ue8 ritenuto opportuno articolare l\u2019opera in cinque parti distinte, impiegabili indipendentemente l\u2019una dall\u2019altra ovvero secondo differenti combinazioni

    Fleets of robots for environmentally-safe pest control in agriculture

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    Feeding the growing global population requires an annual increase in food production. This requirement suggests an increase in the use of pesticides, which represents an unsustainable chemical load for the environment. To reduce pesticide input and preserve the environment while maintaining the necessary level of food production, the efficiency of relevant processes must be drastically improved. Within this context, this research strived to design, develop, test and assess a new generation of automatic and robotic systems for effective weed and pest control aimed at diminishing the use of agricultural chemical inputs, increasing crop quality and improving the health and safety of production operators. To achieve this overall objective, a fleet of heterogeneous ground and aerial robots was developed and equipped with innovative sensors, enhanced end-effectors and improved decision control algorithms to cover a large variety of agricultural situations. This article describes the scientific and technical objectives, challenges and outcomes achieved in three common crops
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