28 research outputs found

    Projetos de carbono em terras indígenas do Médio Purus, sul do estado do Amazonas

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    Orientadora: Profª. PhD. Ana Milena Plata FajardoMonografia (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Agrárias, Curso de Especialização em Projetos Sustentáveis, Mudanças Climáticas e Mercado de CarbonoInclui referênciasResumo: Os povos indígenas e seus territórios vêm contribuindo significativamente para a manutenção do clima e da biodiversidade mundiais. A alteração no uso do solo e o desmatamento foram responsáveis por 64% das emissões brasileiras. Nessa perspectiva, a redução das emissões brasileiras deve focar na redução do desmatamento e os povos indígenas e tradicionais devem ter destaque na proposição destes projetos. Esta pesquisa tem o objetivo de analisar a viabilidade de projetos de REDD na região do médio rio Purus, sul do estado do Amazonas, analisando a metodologia utilizada na primeira iniciativa dessa natureza em Terras Indígenas utilizada pelo povo Surui. Analisando a metodologia em três diferentes cenários de projetos, evidencia-se que essa tem grande importância para a realidade de muitas Terras Indígenas e também a necessidade de elaboração de novas metodologias que creditem a degradação evitada e os serviços ambientais prestados pelos povos e Terras Indígenas

    Transvaginal ligation of descending branch of uterine artery: could be the first surgical attempt to control post-partum haemorrhage?

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    Post-partum haemorrhage is the major cause of maternal death worldwide. This severe clinical condition can cause also physical morbidity and psychological distress (anemia, coagulopathy, blood transfusion, anterior pituitary ischemia with delay or failure of lactation, myocardial ischemia, postpartum depression). To date several efforts have been made to prevent and treat this severe condition mainly in three ways: medical, surgical, and interventional radiology even in combination. The surgical approach, needs the knowledge of anatomy of vascular distribution of the uterus. According to Palacios-Jaraquemada the feeding vessels of the body of the uterus is defined S1 area and the lower segment, uterine cervix and upper part of the vagina, S2 area. We report three cases in which the ligation of the descending branch of uterine artery (S2 area) helped the surgeon in the treatment of severe primary post-partum haemorrhage causing a significant reduction in blood loss

    Aprender o nome das árvores na língua dos yara: Relato de experiência do curso técnico em florestas para o povo Jarawara

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    The Technical Course in Forests concomitant with High School for the Jarawara people stands out as a special experience in the context of the struggle for formal education conducted by indigenous peoples in the Middle Purus region. This article aims to socialize the challenges and perspectives for the construction and implementation of the referred course. Therefore, we historically situate the path taken by the Jarawara and methodological strategies used to carry out the course proposal, considering the classes in Casa Nova village, located in Jarawara/Jamamadi/ Kanamati Indigenous Land. Such experience is situated in a dialogical process, of making differentiated, intercultural and bilingual education, which opens possibilities for pedagogical dialogues about this subject and so that the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Amazonas - campus Lábrea meets other demands of the traditional peoples and communities of the Middle Purus region. Keywords: Jarawara people; Formal education; Technical course; Differentiated education; Pedagogical dialogues.El Curso Técnico en Bosques simultáneamente con la Escuela Secundaria para el pueblo Jarawara se destaca como una experiencia única en el contexto de la lucha por la educación formal guiada por los pueblos indígenas de la región denominada Médio Purus. Este artículo tiene como objetivo socializar los desafíos y perspectivas para la construcción e implementación de dicho curso. Para eso, ubicamos históricamente el camino recorrido por los Jarawara y las estrategias metodológicas utilizadas para llevar a cabo la propuesta del curso, considerando las clases en la aldea Casa Nova, em la Tierra Indígena Jarawara/Jamamadi/Kanamati. Esta experiencia se sitúa en un proceso dialógico, de hacer una educación diferenciada, intercultural y bilingüe, que abre posibilidades para los diálogos pedagógicos sobre el tema y para que el Instituto Federal de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología de Amazonas - campus Lábrea responda otras demandas de los pueblos y comunidades tradicionales de la región del Médio Purus. Palabras llave: Pueblo Jarawara; Educación formal; Curso técnico; Educación diferenciada; Diálogos pedagógicos.O Curso Técnico em Florestas concomitante ao Ensino Médio para o povo Jarawara se destaca como uma experiência singular no contexto da luta por educação formal pautada pelos povos indígenas na região denominada Médio Purus. Este artigo tem por objetivo socializar os desafios e perspectivas para a construção e efetivação do referido curso. Para tanto, situamos historicamente o caminho percorrido pelos Jarawara e as estratégias metodológicas utilizadas para a efetivação da proposta do curso, considerando-se as aulas na aldeia Casa Nova, Terra Indígena Jarawara/Jamamadi/Kanamati. Tal experiência se situa num processo dialógico, de se fazer educação diferenciada, intercultural e bilíngue, a qual abre possibilidades para que haja diálogos pedagógicos acerca do assunto e para que o Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Amazonas - campus Lábrea atenda a outras demandas dos povos e comunidades tradicionais da região do Médio Purus. Palavras-chave: Povo Jarawara; Educação formal; Curso técnico; Educação diferenciada; Diálogos pedagógicos

    Interleukin-17 (IL-17) triggers systemic inflammation, peripheral vascular dysfunction, and related prothrombotic state in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is one of the most prevalent forms of neurodegenerative disorders. Previously, we have shown that in vivo administration of an IL-17 neutralizing antibody (IL-17Ab) rescues amyloid-β-induced neuro-inflammation and memory impairment, demonstrating the pivotal role of IL-17 in AD-derived cognitive deficit. Recently, AD has been recognized as a more intriguing pathology affecting vascular networks and platelet function. However, not much is known about peripheral vascular inflammation and how pro-inflammatory circulating cells/mediators could affect peripheral vessels' function. This study aimed to evaluate whether IL-17Ab treatment could also impact peripheral AD features, such as systemic inflammation, peripheral vascular dysfunction, and related pro-thrombotic state in a non-genetic mouse model of AD. Mice were injected intracerebroventricularly with Aβ1-42 peptide (3 μg/3 μl). To evaluate the systemic/peripheral protective profile of IL-17Ab, we used an intranasal administration of IL-17Ab (1 μg/10 μl) at 5, 12, and 19 days after Aβ1-42 injection. Circulating Th17/Treg cells and related cyto-chemokines, haematological parameters, vascular/endothelial reactivity, platelets and coagulation function in mice were evaluated. IL-17Ab treatment ameliorates the systemic/peripheral inflammation, immunological perturbance, vascular/endothelial impairment and pro-thrombotic state, suggesting a key role for this cytokine in fostering inflammatory processes that characterize the multifaced aspects of AD. </p


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    This paper presents a model of design management and coordination system, oriented towards construction and real estate companies, that has as objective to contribute for the search of “operational excellence of the company” throughout the quality improvement of the design process. Some concepts, which are not always properly used by the majority of the design coordinators, are adopted, such as the knowledge management, risk analysis, communication management, among others, that, if used in a proper way, can contribute for the company success reaching. The model was developed from the premise that the design coordinator must be the main facilitator in the process, integrating the several other actors, since the decision to start the project until the post-occupation evaluation, using all the available tools, mainly the knowledge management, and having his action guided by the strategic plan of the company. For accomplishment of the research work it was adopted the case study method, having been elaborated a “preliminary model of design management system”, which was applied in the company where the author acts and later improved through case studies carried out involving seven construction and real estate companies in the São Paulo market. Key-words: coordination, management, quality, building desig


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    This paper presents a model of design management and coordination system, oriented towards construction and real estate companies, that has as objective to contribute for the search of “operational excellence of the company” throughout the quality improvement of the design process. Some concepts, which are not always properly used by the majority of the design coordinators, are adopted, such as the knowledge management, risk analysis, communication management, among others, that, if used in a proper way, can contribute for the company success reaching. The model was developed from the premise that the design coordinator must be the main facilitator in the process, integrating the several other actors, since the decision to start the project until the post-occupation evaluation, using all the available tools, mainly the knowledge management, and having his action guided by the strategic plan of the company. For accomplishment of the research work it was adopted the case study method, having been elaborated a “preliminary model of design management system”, which was applied in the company where the author acts and later improved through case studies carried out involving seven construction and real estate companies in the São Paulo market. Key-words: coordination, management, quality, building desig