159 research outputs found

    Immune-related genes in gastropods and bivalves: a comparative overview

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    The biological diversity of molluscs and their adaptation to highly diverse environments offer a unique opportunity for studying the evolution of the innate immune system in invertebrates. This review provides an updated account about the progresses made over the past few years in the study of the molecular players involved in the recognition of pathogen associated molecular patters (PAMPs), in the transduction of immune signaling and in the elimination of potentially pathogenic microbes in gastropod and bivalve molluscs. A major focus will be put on the differences and peculiarities of the molecular immune system of the two major molluscan classes, which have developed specific adaptations to cope with diverse living environments, pathogenic and non-pathogenic microbes over the course of several hundred million years of independent evolution. Intriguing but still poorly understood aspects, such as antiviral response and immune priming, will be also explored, highlighting the present challenges and opportunities connected to the application of modern genomics techniques to the study of the immune system in these fascinating metazoans

    First Insights into the Repertoire of Secretory Lectins in Rotifers

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    Due to their high biodiversity and adaptation to a mutable and challenging environment, aquatic lophotrochozoan animals are regarded as a virtually unlimited source of bioactive molecules. Among these, lectins, i.e., proteins with remarkable carbohydrate-recognition properties involved in immunity, reproduction, self/nonself recognition and several other biological processes, are particularly attractive targets for biotechnological research. To date, lectin research in the Lophotrochozoa has been restricted to the most widespread phyla, which are the usual targets of comparative immunology studies, such as Mollusca and Annelida. Here we provide the first overview of the repertoire of the secretory lectin-like molecules encoded by the genomes of six target rotifer species: Brachionus calyciflorus, Brachionus plicatilis, Proales similis (class Monogononta), Adineta ricciae, Didymodactylos carnosus and Rotaria sordida (class Bdelloidea). Overall, while rotifer secretory lectins display a high molecular diversity and belong to nine different structural classes, their total number is significantly lower than for other groups of lophotrochozoans, with no evidence of lineage-specific expansion events. Considering the high evolutionary divergence between rotifers and the other major sister phyla, their widespread distribution in aquatic environments and the ease of their collection and rearing in laboratory conditions, these organisms may represent interesting targets for glycobiological studies, which may allow the identification of novel carbohydrate-binding proteins with peculiar biological properties

    Independent acquisition of short insertions at the RIR1 site in the spike N-terminal domain of the SARS-CoV-2 BA.2 lineage

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    Although the major SARS-CoV-2 omicron lineages share over 30 non-synonymous substitutions in the spike glycoprotein, they show several unique mutations that were acquired after their ancestral split. One of the most intriguing mutations associated with BA.1 is the presence of the inserted tripeptide Glu-Pro-Glu within the N-terminal domain, at a site that had previously independently acquired short insertions in several other SARS-CoV-2 lineages. Although the functional implications of the small nucleotide sequences found at this insertion hotspot, named RIR1, are still unclear, we have previously hypothesized that they may play a compensatory role in counterbalancing minor fitness deficits associated with other co-occurring spike non-synonymous mutations. Here, we show that similar insertion events have independently occurred at RIR1 at least 20 times in early 2022 within the BA.2 lineage, being occasionally associated with significant community transmission. One of these omicron sublineages, characterized by a Ser-Gly-Arg insertion in position 212, has been responsible for over 4000 documented COVID-19 cases worldwide between January and July 2022, for the most part concentrated in Denmark, where it reached a national prevalence close to 4% (10% in the Nordjylland region) in mid-May. Although the concurrent spread of the BA.2.12.1, BA.4 and BA.5 lineages led to the rapid decline of this BA.2 sublineage, the independent acquisition of several other RIR1 insertions on a BA.2 genomic background suggests that these events may provide a slight fitness advantage. Therefore, they should be carefully monitored in the upcoming months in other emerging omicron-related lineages, including BA.5

    An updated molecular basis for mussel immunity

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    Non-self recognition with the consequent tolerance or immune reaction is a crucial process to succeed as living organisms. At the same time the interactions between host species and their microbiome, including potential pathogens and parasites, significantly contribute to animal life diversity. Marine filter-feeding bivalves, mussels in particular, can survive also in heavily anthropized coastal waters despite being constantly surrounded by microorganisms. Based on the first outline of the Mytilus galloprovincialis immunome dated 2011, the continuously growing transcript data and the recent release of a draft mussel genome, we explored the available sequence data and scientific literature to reinforce our knowledge on the main gene-encoded elements of the mussel immune responses, from the pathogen recognition to its clearance. We carefully investigated molecules specialized in the sensing and targeting of potential aggressors, expected to show greater molecular diversification, and outlined, whenever relevant, the interconnected cascades of the intracellular signal transduction. Aiming to explore the diversity of extracellular, membrane-bound and intracellular pattern recognition receptors in mussel, we updated a highly complex immune system, comprising molecules which are described here in detail for the first time (e.g. NOD-like receptors) or which had only been partially characterized in bivalves (e.g. RIG-like receptors). Overall, our comparative sequence analysis supported the identification of over 70 novel full-length immunity-related transcripts in M. galloprovincialis. Nevertheless, the multiplicity of gene functions relevant to immunity, the involvement of part of them in other vital processes, and also the lack of a refined mussel genome make this work still not-exhaustive and support the development of more specific studies

    Extensive Tandem Duplication Events Drive the Expansion of the C1q-Domain-Containing Gene Family in Bivalves

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    C1q-domain-containing (C1qDC) proteins are rapidly emerging as key players in the innate immune response of bivalve mollusks. Growing experimental evidence suggests that these highly abundant secretory proteins are involved in the recognition of microbe-associated molecular patterns, serving as lectin-like molecules in the bivalve proto-complement system. While a large amount of functional data concerning the binding specificity of the globular head C1q domain and on the regulation of these molecules in response to infection are quickly accumulating, the genetic mechanisms that have led to the extraordinary lineage-specific expansion of the C1qDC gene family in bivalves are still largely unknown. The analysis of the chromosome-scale genome assembly of the Eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica revealed that the 476 oyster C1qDC genes, far from being uniformly distributed along the genome, are located in large clusters of tandemly duplicated paralogs, mostly found on chromosomes 7 and 8. Our observations point out that the evolutionary process behind the development of a large arsenal of C1qDC lectin-like molecules in marine bivalves is still ongoing and likely based on an unequal crossing over

    Un approccio trascrittomico per delineare i meccanismi molecolari alla base della risposta del mitilo Mytilus galloprovincialis a patogeni e alla contaminazione da biotossine algali

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    2010/2011L’avvento delle tecniche di sequenziamento di nuova generazione ha reso recentemente disponibile l’opportunità di analizzare su scala genomica e trascrittomica organismi non modello, anche nel caso in cui virtualmente non sia disponibile alcuna informazione pregressa. Il mitilo mediterraneo Mytilus galloprovincialis è un organismo di grande importanza economica ed è considerato un utile bioindicatore, ma nonostante ciò fino a questo momento gli studi molecolari sono stati fortemente limitati proprio dalla limitata conoscenza genomica di questo importante bivalve. In questa tesi sono state utilizzate tecniche di sequenziamento di nuova generazione per analizzare la risposta del mitilo a biotossine algali paralitiche (PSP) su scala trascrittomica a livello della ghiandola digestiva. L’enorme mole di dati di sequenza ottenuti ha permesso di studiare in modo approfondito alcune famiglie di geni di grande importanza nella risposta immune del mitilo. In particolare sono state individuate e descritte l’ampia famiglia di lectine C1q-like, coinvolte nel riconoscimento dei patogeni, e due nuove famiglie di peptidi antimicrobici, le big defensine e le mitimacine.XXIV Ciclo198

    Emergence of a recurrent insertion in the N-terminal domain of the {SARS}-{CoV}-2 spike glycoprotein

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    Tracking the evolution of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) through genomic surveillance programs is undoubtedly one of the key priorities in the current pandemic situation. Although the genome of SARS-CoV-2 acquires mutations at a slower rate compared with other RNA viruses, evolutionary pressures derived from the widespread circulation of SARS-CoV-2 in the human population have progressively favored the global emergence, though natural selection, of several variants of concern that carry multiple nonsynonymous mutations in the spike glycoprotein. These are often placed in key sites within major antibody epitopes and may therefore confer resistance to neutralizing antibodies, leading to partial immune escape, or otherwise compensate infectivity deficits associated with other non-synonymous substitutions. As previously shown by other authors, several emerging variants carry recurrent deletion regions (RDRs) that display a partial overlap with antibody epitopes located in the spike N-terminal domain (NTD). Comparatively, very little attention had been directed towards spike insertion mutations prior to the emergence of the B.1.1.529 (omicron) lineage. This manuscript describes a single recurrent insertion region (RIR1) in the N-terminal domain of SARSCoV- 2 spike protein, characterized by at least 49 independent acquisitions of 1–8 additional codons between Val213 and Leu216 in different viral lineages. Even though RIR1 is unlikely to confer antibody escape, its association with two distinct formerly widespread lineages (A.2.5 and B.1.214.2), with the quickly spreading omicron and with other VOCs and VOIs warrants further investigation concerning its effects on spike structure and viral infectivity

    The genome of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas brings new insights on the massive expansion of the C1q gene family in Bivalvia

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    C1q domain-containing (C1qDC) proteins are regarded as important players in the innate immunity of bivalve mollusks and other invertebrates and their highly adaptive binding properties indicate them as efficient pathogen recognition molecules. Although experimental studies support this view, the molecular data available at the present time are not sufficient to fully explain the great molecular diversification of this family, present in bivalves with hundreds of C1q coding genes. Taking advantage of the fully sequenced genome of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas and more than 100 transcriptomic datasets, we: (i) re-annotated the oyster C1qDC loci, thus identifying the correct genomic organization of 337 C1qDC genes, (ii) explored the expression pattern of oyster C1qDC genes in diverse developmental stages and adult tissues of unchallenged and experimentally treated animals; (iii) investigated the expansion of the C1qDC gene family in all major bivalve subclasses.Overall, we provide a broad description of the functionally relevant features of oyster C1qDC genes, their comparative expression levels and new evidence confirming that a gene family expansion event has occurred during the course of Bivalve evolution, leading to the diversification of hundreds of different C1qDC genes in both the Pteriomorphia and Heterodonta subclasses

    Molecular Diversity of Mytilin-Like Defense Peptides in Mytilidae (Mollusca, Bivalvia)

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    The CS-\u3b1\u3b2 architecture is a structural scaffold shared by a high number of small, cationic, cysteine-rich defense peptides, found in nearly all the major branches of the tree of life. Although several CS-\u3b1\u3b2 peptides involved in innate immune response have been described so far in bivalve mollusks, a clear-cut definition of their molecular diversity is still lacking, leaving the evolutionary relationship among defensins, mytilins, myticins and other structurally similar antimicrobial peptides still unclear. In this study, we performed a comprehensive bioinformatic screening of the genomes and transcriptomes available for marine mussels (Mytilida), redefining the distribution of mytilin-like CS-\u3b1\u3b2 peptides, which in spite of limited primary sequence similarity maintain in all cases a well-conserved backbone, stabilized by four disulfide bonds. Variations in the size of the alpha-helix and the two antiparallel beta strand region, as well as the positioning of the cysteine residues involved in the formation of the C1\u2013C5 disulfide bond might allow a certain degree of structural flexibility, whose functional implications remain to be investigated. The identification of mytilins in Trichomya and Perna spp. revealed that many additional CS-\u3b1\u3b2 AMPs remain to be formally described and functionally characterized in Mytilidae, and suggest that a more robust scheme should be used for the future classification of such peptides with respect with their evolutionary origi

    IL-17 signaling components in bivalves: Comparative sequence analysis and involvement in the immune responses

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    The recent discovery of soluble immune-regulatory molecules in invertebrates takes advantage of the rapid growth of next generation sequencing datasets. Following protein domain searches in the transcriptomes of 31 bivalve spp. and in few available mollusk genomes, we retrieved 59 domains uniquely identifying interleukin 17 (IL-17) and 96 SEFIR domains typical of IL-17 receptors and CIKS/ACT1 proteins acting downstream in the IL-17 signaling pathway. Compared to the Chordata IL-17 family members, we confirm a separate clustering of the bivalve domain sequences and a consistent conservation pattern of amino acid residues. Analysis performed at transcript and genome level allowed us to propose an updated view of the components outlining the IL-17 signaling pathway in Mytilus galloprovincialis and Crassostrea gigas (in both species, homology modeling reduced the variety of IL-17 domains to only two 3D structures). Digital expression analysis indicated more heterogeneous expression levels for the mussel and oyster IL-17 ligands than for IL-17 receptors and CIKS/CIKSL proteins. Besides, new qPCR analyses confirmed such gene expression trends in hemocytes and gills of mussels challenged with heat-killed bacteria. These results uphold the involvement of an ancient IL-17 signaling pathway in the bivalve immune responses and, likewise in humans, suggest the possibility of distinctive modulatory roles of individual IL-17s/IL-17 receptors. Overall, the common evidence of pro-inflammatory cytokines and inter-related intracellular signaling pathways in bivalves definitely adds complexity to the invertebrate immunity
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