6,359 research outputs found

    Finite element models applied in active structural acoustic control

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    This paper discusses the modeling of systems for active structural acoustic control. The finite element method is applied to model structures including the dynamics of piezoelectric sensors and actuators. A model reduction technique is presented to make the finite element model suitable for controller design. The reduced structural model is combined with an acoustic model which uses the radiation mode concept. For a test case consisting of a rectangular plate with one piezo patch the model reduction technique is validated. The results show that the an accurate prediction of both the structural and acoustic response is predicted by the reduced model. The model is compact requiring small simulation times, which makes it attractive for control system design. Finally the control performances for both structural and acoustic error criteria are presented

    Optimization strategy for actuator and sensor placement in active structural acoustic control

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    In active structural acoustic control the goal is to reduce the sound radiation of a structure by means of changing the vibrational behaviour of that structure. The performance of such an active control system is to a large extent determined by the locations of the actuators and sensors. In this work an approach is presented for the optimization of the actuator and sensor locations. The approach combines a numerical modelling technique, for predicting the control performance, and genetic optimization, to find the optimal actuator and sensor locations. The approach is tested for a setup consisting of clamped rectangular plate with a piezoelectric actuator and either structural or acoustic sensors. The results show that a control system with optimal actuator and sensor configuration outperforms an arbitrary chosen configuration in terms of reduction in radiated sound power

    Economic consequences of intifada: a sequel

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    We give an assessment of the loss in the nominal gross domestic product (GDP) and nominal gross national income (GNI) due to twenty- seven months of intifada. It is based on the modest growth scenario given by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (WB) in their first assessment of the economic developments in 2006 in Palestine. It turns out that the assessed loss is equivalent to the GDP of 1997 and the GNI in 1999: one year on two (and a quarter). Moreover, we show that our 2004 estimates of macro figures of 2002, based on a static computable general equilibrium model, are closer to the 2007 consensus estimates by IMF and WB than the 2003 estimates of IMF, based on an income-expenditure model. We argue that the shortening of the time horizon and the quantity adjustment following the dramatic shock explain why our model performs better

    Introducing the indirect addilog system in a computable general equilibrium model: a case study for Palestine

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    A popular functional form for modeling the consumption block of a computable general equilibrium model (CGE) is the Linear Expenditure System (LES) for which the Engel curves are straight lines. To allow for more general shapes two other systems have been proposed in recent literature: An Implicitly Directly Additive Demand System (AIDADS, a generalization of LES) and the Specialized Constant Differences of Elasticities (CDE) system. To calibrate the parameters outside information on all income elasticities and all own price elasticities is needed, whereas LES only requires information on income elasticities and the Frisch parameter. In this paper we consider a special case of CDE, the Indirect Addilog System (IAS) that allows for non-straight Engel curves, whereas its outside data requirement is the same as for LES. The only disadvantage is that all cross price elasticities of a particular price are the same. In many developing countries there is hardly any information on price responses so that the AIDADS and CDE cannot be used. We propose the use of IAS rather than LES. In the empirical part we use IAS in a CGE model for Palestine and show that predictions of macro-economic indicators are remarkably close to those of IMF

    Estimation of income elasticities and their use in a CGE model in Palestine

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    A popular functional form for modeling the consumption block of a computable general equilibrium model (CGE) is the Linear Expenditure System (LES) for which the Engel curves are straight lines. The LES does not allow for the existence of inferior commodities, elastic demand and for gross substitution. To calibrate the parameters outside information on income elasticities and on the expenditure elasticity of the marginal utility of expenditure (Frisch parameter) is needed. In this paper we propose to use the Indirect Addilog System (IAS) that allows for non-straight Engel curves, inferior commodities, elastic demand and gross substitution, and for which the outside data requirement is the same as for LES. In the empirical part we estimate the income elasticities of the IAS from the 1998 Palestinian Expenditure and Consumption Survey (PECS). We replace the LES consumption block with a priori fixed income elasticities of the CGE model, that we previously constructed for Palestine based on the 1998 Social Accounting Matrix (SAM), by the IAS with estimated income elasticities and perform a sensitivity analysis for the choice of the Frisch parameter. A comparison with the results obtained by the LES-model with the same income elasticities makes it possible to further clarify the importance of using a IAS to represent consumption behaviors

    Economic consequences of intifada

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    In 2003 the World Bank (WB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) published estimates of macro-economic indicators for 2002 of the economy of Palestine. WB used a micro-founded recursive dynamic computable general equilibrium (CGE) model, calibrated on the 1998 Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) of Palestine, to which shocks were applied, whereas IMF based its estimates on a macro-founded income-expenditure model relying on more recent data. It turned out that there were substantial differences: the estimate by WB of the real Gross National Income (at 1998 prices) was 25% less than the corresponding figure calculated by IMF. This huge difference is not only relevant for a full understanding of the economic consequences of the intifada, but also for the size of the international community intervention. In this paper we propose our own evaluation with the help of a static CGE model, based on the 1998 SAM and the so-called intifada shock derived from data of WB, that we constructed for the analysis of some forms of emergency assistance in a previous article. It turns out that our estimates, based on an entirely different methodology, are remarkably close to those of IMF

    Stability of Ligand-induced Protein Conformation Influences Affinity in Maltose-binding Protein

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    Our understanding of what determines ligand affinity of proteins is poor, even with high-resolution structures available. Both the non-covalent ligand-protein interactions and the relative free energies of available conformations contribute to the affinity of a protein for a ligand. Distant, non-binding site residues can influence the ligand affinity by altering the free energy difference between a ligand-free and ligand-bound conformation. Our hypothesis is that when different ligands induce distinct ligand-bound conformations, it should be possible to tweak their affinities by changing the free energies of the available conformations. We tested this idea for the maltose-binding protein (MPB) from Escherichia coli. We used single-molecule Förster resonance energy transfer (smFRET) to distinguish several unique ligand-bound conformations of MBP. We engineered mutations, distant from the binding site, to affect the stabilities of different ligand-bound conformations. We show that ligand affinity can indeed be altered in a conformation-dependent manner. Our studies provide a framework for the tuning of ligand affinity, apart from modifying binding site residues