23 research outputs found

    Spontaneous eruption of severely impacted teeth : the report of two cases

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    The unerupted and impacted tooth is a common problem and the reason for many orthodontic and pediatric dental referrals, yet the approach to their management is still an area of controversy. This article presents two cases of severely impacted teeth that spontaneously erupted in the maxillary and mandibular arches. The first patient, a 9-year-old girl, presented a severe impaction of mandibular right and left second premolars. The second patient, a 7-year-old girl, presented with a severely impacted maxillary central incisor. In both cases, the teeth spontaneously erupted into excellent positions without surgical procedures and orthodontic traction. This raises important questions concerning the possible treatment options for such teeth as well as the timing of any interceptive treatment. In cases of unerupted or impacted teeth, a multidisciplinary approach is indicated involving orthodontics, paedodontics and oral surgery to establish the optimal treatment plan

    In vitro quantitative comparison of erosive potential of infant mouthwashes on glass ionomer cement

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    The widespread use of mouthwashes, specially in children, is a concern, since the long-term use may modify the topography of dental materials. However, this process still unclear regarding the wear related to infant mouthwashes on glass ionomer cement. Thus, the purpose of this investigation was evaluate the erosive potential of infant mouthwashes on glass ionomer cement specimens. Forty round-shaped specimens were divided into 4 groups (N=10) and submitted to erosive cycling for 15 days, being exposed 2X/day in the following children?s active agents mouthwash solutions: G1- cetylpyridinium chloride, G2- xylitol and triclosan and G3 - Malva sylvestris and xylitol. Prior to cycling, the specimens were submitted to the surface roughness measurement. After erosive cycling, the specimens were reanalyzed, and calculated the increase of roughness (?Ra). Additionally, it was adopted distilled water as a negative control (G4). As an extra analysis, the mouthwashes had their pH values measured. The results were submitted to T-test and ANOVA followed by Tukey test at 5%. In relation to pH values, G2 presented the most acidic pH value (pH = 6.83) in comparison to other substances. Regarding the comparison of the final roughness values (R) among the groups, it was verified that the mouthwashes showed significant roughness increase in comparison to control group, especially to G3 group (Rf = 1.67 ± 0.14) as well the ?Ra values with statistical difference in comparison to distilled water. Still, with exception of control group outcome, an increase of roughness of each mouthwash was verified after the studied period. Active agents present in infant mouthwashes were capable of roughness increased of glass ionomer cement surface, demonstrating an erosive potential of this material largely used in pediatric dentistry

    Whitening toothpastes effect on nanoparticle resin composite roughness after a brushing challenge : an in vitro study

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    Nowadays, the use of whitening toothpastes is a common habit, especially among young adults, due to aesthetic appeal. On the other hand, little is known regarding the effects of brushing with those newly dentifrices on wear properties of resin composites. Thirty specimens of nanoparticle composite resin were fabricated and stored in distilled water for 24 h at 370C. After this, the roughness analysis was performed and submitted to the simulated brushing technique using three types of toothpastes: conventional (GI), and two with whitening effect (GII and GIII) for a period of 15 days, with 2 brushing sessions per day for 2 minutes each. The final surface roughness was analyzed after completing all the brushing cycles and stereoscopic images were taken for each group. The data was analyzed by one-way ANOVA and Tukey-test post hoc for intergroup comparison and the T-test for dependent samples as well (? = 0.05). However showing an increase of roughness for all groups after the brushing cycles (p = 0.01), no statistically significant differences among the groups after simulated brushing was verified (p = 0.17). Yet, just some cracks of the stereoscopic images were shown, demonstrating no distinct visual effects among the studied groups. After simulated brushing with the whitening toothpastes, similar degree of roughness was verified on the composite resin tested

    Fluoride release profile of a nanofilled resin-modified glass ionomer cement

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    The present study aimed to compare the fluoride (F-) release pattern of a nanofilled resin-modified glass ionomer cement (GIC) (Ketac N100 - KN) with available GICs used in dental practice (resin-modified GIC - Vitremer - V; conventional GIC - Ketac Molar - KM) and a nanofilled resin composite (Filtek Supreme - RC). Discs of each material (n=6) were placed into 4 mL of deionized water in sealed polyethylene vials and shaken, for 15 days. F- release (μg F-/cm²) was measured each day using a fluoride-ion specific electrode. Cumulative F- release means were statistically analyzed by linear regression analysis. In order to analyze the differences among materials and the influence of time in the daily F- release, 2-way ANOVA test was performed (α=0.05). The linear fits between the cumulative F- release profiles of RC and KM and time were weak. KN and V presented a strong relationship between cumulative F- release and time. There were significant differences between the daily F- release overtime up to the third day only for GICs materials. The daily F- release means for RC were similar overtime. The results indicate that the F- release profile of the nanofilled resin-modified GIC is comparable to the resin-modified GIC.O presente estudo teve como objetivo comparar o padrão de liberação de fluoreto (F-) de um cimento de ionômero de vidro (CIV) nanoparticulado modificado por resina (Ketac N100 - KN) com CIVs disponíveis na prática clínica (CIV modificado por resina - Vitremer - V; CIV convencional - Ketac Molar - KM) e uma resina composta nanoparticulada (Filtek Supreme - RC). Discos de cada material (n=6) foram imersos em 4 mL de água deionizada em frascos de polietileno e agitados durante 15 dias. A liberação de F- (μg F-/cm²) foi medida a cada dia utilizando um eletrodo de F- específico. Os valores de liberação cumulativa de F- foram analisados estatisticamente por análise de regressão linear. Com o objetivo de analisar as diferenças entre os materiais e a influência do tempo na liberação diária de F- foi aplicado o teste ANOVA a dois critérios (α=0,05). A relação entre os padrões de liberação de cumulativo de F- da RC e KM e o tempo foram fracas. Os materiais KN e V apresentaram uma relação forte entre a liberação cumulativa de F- e o tempo. Diferenças significativas foram observadas entre a liberação diária de F- até o terceiro dia somente para os cimentos ionoméricos. Os resultados indicam que o padrão de liberação de F- do CIV modificado por resina nanoparticulado é semelhante ao CIV modificado por resina

    High Power Laser and Photobiomodulation in Oral Surgery: Case Report

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    Introduction: The labial frenum is a fold of mucous membrane that attaches the lip and the cheek to the alveolar mucosa, the gingiva, and the underlying periosteum. In some cases, its presence can cause a midline diastema, periodontal diseases related to food impaction, or retention of biofilm, among others. In such cases, lip frenectomy is indicated as treatment, which can be performed with a scalpel (conventional method), an electric scalpel, or a surgical laser.Objective: To show a clinical case performed at Laser Extension Project in Dentistry, Federal University of Maranhão grounded in a literature review.Case Presentation: A laser frenectomy was performed on a female patient, aged 20, who had a diastema between the upper central incisors and an indication for frenum removal. The high-power diode laser is excellent for procedures in soft tissue because its wavelength is well absorbed by hemoglobin and other pigments; its use also allows a reduction in the amount of anesthetic and medicines used. The parameters used were 2 W, in a continuous mode, 808 nm infrared emission; with delivery of the beam through optical fiber 300 μM; energy of 120 J; 20 pps.Conclusion: the high power diode laser allowed a satisfactory result, the procedure was safe, the technique was a simple one and of reduced clinical time, as mentioned in the literature. It is worth noting that the technique is dependent on the skill of the professional performing it

    In vitro evaluation of the photodynamic therapy effects on the cariogenic microrganisms in saliva of infants

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    O surgimento de resistência bacteriana aos tratamentos convencionais tem proporcionado o desenvolvimento de novas modalidades terapêuticas para o tratamento e/ou controle da cárie dentária. Nesse contexto, a utilização da terapia fotodinâmica (TFD) é sugerida como alternativa para a inativação de microrganismos patogênicos envolvidos na gênese da cárie. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar in vitro o efeito antimicrobiano da terapia fotodinâmica (TFD) sobre três culturas de S. mutans: uma cepa padrão de S. mutans (ATCC 25175) e dois isolados clínicos (43513 e 47513) oriundos da saliva de crianças. O corante (C) azul de orto-toluidina (TBO) foi utilizado associado à iluminação com LEDs (L) no comprimento de onda vermelho. Estas suspensões foram transferidas para placas de 96 orifícios, tratadas com quatro concentrações de TBO (0,25; 2,5; 25 e 250 µg/mL) e expostas a quatro dosimetrias (12; 24; 36 e 48 J/cm2) constituindo o grupo C+L+ (TFD). Suspensões adicionais foram tratadas somente com as quatro concentrações de TBO (C+L-) ou apenas com as quatro dosimetrias (C-L+). Amostras não submetidas ao tratamento com a fonte de luz nem ao corante, constituíram a condição C-L- (controle positivo). Alíquotas de 100 µL de cada orifício foram transferidas para tubos de ensaio para se verificar a presença ou ausência de crescimento microbiológico. Adicionalmente, alíquotas de 25 µL do grupo correspondente a TFD (C+L+) foram semeadas em placas de Petri, as quais foram incubadas a 370C por 48 horas para posterior visualização de halos de inibição e/ou crescimento microbiológico correspondente a efetividade ou ineficiência da TFD, respectivamente. Com o intuito de confirmar os achados, essas mesmas amostras foram submetidas à análise pela microscopia confocal a laser. Os resultados demonstraram que a TFD, em determinadas condições experimentais, foi efetiva no controle do crescimento microbiológico das espécies de S. mutans usadas neste estudo. A concentração mínima de TBO necessária para a inativação in vitro das três culturas de S. mutans foi de 2,5 µg/mL associada à dosimetria mínima de 24 J/cm2 da fonte de luz LED utilizada no estudo.The increase of bacterias resistance to conventional treatment resulted in the development of new therapeutic modalities for dental caries treatment and/or prevention. In this field, the use of photodynamic therapy (PDT) is suggested as an alternative for inactivation of patogenic microrganisms involved in the etiology of tooth decay. The aim of this study was to evaluate in vitro the antimicrobian effect of the photodynamic therapy (PDT) on bacteria suspensions of S. mutans (ATCC 25175) and two suspensions (43513 and 47513) from infants saliva. Toluidine blue O (TBO) (D) and a red light-emmiting diodes (LEDs) (L) were used in association. Samples were inserted into 96 well-plate and treated with four TBO concentrations (0.25; 2.5; 25 e 250 µg/mL) and exposed to four dosimetries (12; 24; 36 e 48 J/cm2) defining the D+L+ group (PDT). Additional samples were treated only with TBO (D+L-) or only with red LEDs (D-L+). The treatment without dye and none red LED constituted the D-L- condition (positive control). Aliquots from D+L+ (TFD group) were inserted in Petri dishes, which were incubated at 370C for 48 hours. Posterior analysis of microbiologic growth, corresponding to PDT effectivity, was conducted. These samples were also submitted to laser confocal microscopy analysis for microbiologic data confirmation. The results showed PDT effectiveness for S. mutans inactivation in particular conditions. It was demonstrated that PDT was efficient to kill S. mutans species in the presence of the TBO at 2.5 µg/mL (minimum concentration) associated to 24 J/cm2 dosimetry

    Photodynamic antimicrobial chemotherapy for prevention and treatment of dental caries: a critical review

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    Introduction: Photodynamic antimicrobial chemotherapy studies regarding dental caries have been present more frequently in the literature. However, photodynamic antimicrobial chemotherapy depends on the adjustment of variables such as the type of light source and, photosensitisers target microorganism; this makes it difficult to draw meaningful comparisons. The purpose of this paper was to provide a critical review related to this coadjuvant approach in the prevention and treatment of dental caries. Materials and Methods: A database search was made via Medline/PubMed (keywords: photodynamic therapy and dental caries) and 33 articles were found. Results: Twelve articles were included after using the filter tool, being excluded reviews and manuscripts reporting works not related to the studied area. Conclusion: The manuscripts showed that photodynamic therapy presents optimal results against dental caries, even though better understanding of photodynamic antimicrobial chemotherapy and its components are necessary before the clinical application of this alternative modality in the dental practice

    Photodynamic antimicrobial chemotherapy on streptococcus mutans using curcumin and toluidine blue activated by a novel LED device

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    Photodynamic antimicrobial chemotherapy (PACT) is an antimicrobial approach that uses photosensitizers (PS) in combination with light sources at specific wavelengths aiming the production of reactive oxygen species. The long illumination time necessary to active PS is a challenge in PACT. Thus, this study investigated the antimicrobial effect of a novel single source of light-emitting diode (LED) light that covers the entire spectrum of visible light beyond interchangeable probes at high power intensity. Blue and red LED probes were used into different exposure times to active different concentrations of curcumin (C) and toluidine blue (T) on planktonic suspensions of Streptococcus mutans UA 159 (S. mutans). S. mutans were standardized and submitted to (1) PACT treatment at three concentrations of C and T exposure at three radiant exposures of a blue LED (BL) (C+BL+) and a red LED (RL) (T+RL+), (2) C (C+BL−) or T alone (T+RL−), (3) both LED lights (C−BL+ and T−RL+), and (4) neither PS nor LED illumination (control group: C−BL− and T−RL−). Aliquots of the suspensions were diluted and cultured on blood agar plates. The number of colony-forming units was calculated after 48 h. The groups submitted to PACT presented a lethal photokilling rate to all PS concentrations at tested dosimetries. The comparison to control group when PS and LED lights used alone demonstrated no decrease in the number of viable bacterial counts. The novel LED device in combination with curcumin and toluidine blue promoted an effective photoinactivation of S. mutans suspensions at ultrashort light illumination times.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Limitations of enamel microabrasion technique applied in a pediatric patient: case report

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    Enamel microabrasion is a non-invasive method that removes intrinsic and superficial defects from teeth aimed to improve dental esthetic with minimal loss of dental tissue. This case presentation describes the attempt for teeth color correction utilizing that conservative technique in a young girl whose upper central incisor presented an opaque white stain. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was conducted in order to illustrate the glasslike luster and a smooth texture of microabraded enamel surface. The correct diagnosis of defect is a difficult task, when consider this conservative approach.A microabrasão do esmalte é um método não-invasivo que remove defeitos intrínsecos e superficiais dos dentes objetivando melhorar a estética dentária com mínimo de perda estrutural. Este relato de caso descreve uma tentativa para a correção da cor dentária utilizando esta técnica conservativa numa paciente jovem cujo incisivo central superior apresentou uma mancha branco-opaca. Microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) foi realizada de modo a ilustrar o aspecto de vidro lustrado e uma textura lisa da superfície do esmalte microabrasionado. O correto diagnóstico do defeito é uma tarefa difícil ao se considerar esta abordagem conservativa