19 research outputs found

    Exercise training and DNA methylation profile in post-bariatric women: Results from an exploratory study

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    [Abstract]: Exercise training and bariatric surgery have been shown to independently modulate DNA methylation profile in clusters of genes related to metabolic and inflammatory pathways. This study aimed to investigate the effects of a 6-month exercise training program on DNA methylation profile in women who underwent bariatric surgery. In this exploratory, quasi-experimental study, we analyzed DNA methylation levels by array technology in eleven women who underwent Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass and a 6-month, three-times-a-week, supervised exercise training program. Epigenome Wide Association Analysis showed 722 CpG sites with different methylation level equal to or greater than 5% (P < 0.01) after exercise training. Some of these CpGs sites were related to pathophysiological mechanisms of inflammation, specially Th17 cell differentiation (FDR value < 0.05 and P < 0.001). Our data showed epigenetic modification in specific CpG sites related to Th17 cell differentiation pathway in post-bariatric women following a 6-months exercise training program.This study was supported by São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) (grants #2015/18669–0, #2016/05638–1, #2017/13552–2) and Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pesquisa de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES (grant #88887.473556/2020–00)

    Usability of Computerized Lung Auscultation–Sound Software (CLASS) for learning pulmonary auscultation

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    The mastering of pulmonary auscultation requires complex acoustic skills. Computer-assisted learning tools (CALTs) have potential to enhance the learning of these skills; however, few have been developed for this purpose and do not integrate all the required features. Thus, this study aimed to assess the usability of a new CALT for learning pulmonary auscultation. Computerized Lung Auscultation-Sound Software (CLASS) usability was assessed by eight physiotherapy students using computer screen recordings, think-aloud reports, and facial expressions. Time spent in each task, frequency of messages and facial expressions, number of clicks and problems reported were counted. The timelines of the three methods used were matched/synchronized and analyzed. The tasks exercises and annotation of respiratory sounds were the ones requiring more clicks (median 132, interquartile range [23-157]; 93 [53-155]; 91 [65-104], respectively) and where most errors (19; 37; 15%, respectively) and problems (n = 7; 6; 3, respectively) were reported. Each participant reported a median of 6 problems, with a total of 14 different problems found, mainly related with CLASS functionalities (50%). Smile was the only facial expression presented in all tasks (n = 54). CLASS is the only CALT available that meets all the required features for learning pulmonary auscultation. The combination of the three usability methods identified advantages/disadvantages of CLASS and offered guidance for future developments, namely in annotations and exercises. This will allow the improvement of CLASS and enhance students' activities for learning pulmonary auscultation skills

    Aplicación del sistema de gestión energética en el sector hotelero

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    Excessive consumption of energy resources and environmental problems led to an energy diagnosis in the hotel sector applying the NTE INEN ISO 50001: 2012 (Energy Management System) standard. The development of the project is aimed at identifying and proposing the most viable technical and economic alternatives for the operational improvement and use of energy resources; this involved the collection of historical data on energy consumption. Later the global analysis of the energy consumption was carried out, with Pareto diagrams the critical equipment was identified in order of priority to the present problems. The ASME PTC 4.0: 2008 (Code of Tests for Steam Generator Performance) was also used; as the procedure for determining the efficiency of the boiler. Finally, the energy efficiency index (IEE) of the luminaire system was determined, obtaining results in accordance with the NTE INEN standard 1152: 84 (Natural lighting in buildings). It was evidenced that the teams are not working in optimal conditions; this is due to not meeting minimum standards of quality and qualified technical advice. With the participation of qualified personnel and the incorporation of the suggested improvements, an energy saving of up to 50% is expected. Keywords: energy efficiency; energy management system (NTE INEN ISO 50001: 2012); Performance Test Code (ASME PTC 4.0: 2008); environmental problem; hotel sector.O consumo excessivo do recursos energéticos e problemas ambientais levou a fazer um diagnóstico energético no sector hoteleiro, aplicando o padrão NTE inen ISO 50001: 2012 (Gestão de Energia do Sistema). O projeto tem como escopo identificar e propor a técnica, econômica mais viável para a melhoria operacional e utilização dos recursos de energia alternativa; Isto envolveu a coleta de dados históricos de consumo de energia. Posteriormente análise de consumo global de energia com gráficos de Pareto equipamentos críticos identificados em ordem de prioridade para os problemas atuais foi feito. ASME PTC 4.0 eo padrão também foi utilizada: 2008 (Código de Teste de Desempenho do gerador de vapor); como o método de determinar a eficiência da caldeira. 84 (iluminação natural em edifícios): Por fim determinou-se o sistema de índice de eficiência energética (IEE) luminária obtenção de resultados em conformidade com NTE inen 1152 padrão. Era evidente que as equipes não estão funcionando em condições ideais, esta é dada por não cumprir as normas mínimas de qualidade e de aconselhamento técnico qualificado. Com a participação de pessoal qualificado e incorporando melhorias sugeridas, a poupança de energia são esperados até 50%.El consumo excesivo de recursos energéticos y la problemática medio ambiental motivaron realizar un diagnóstico energético en el sector hotelero aplicando la norma NTE INEN ISO 50001:2012 (Sistema de Gestión de la Energía). El desarrollo del proyecto tiene como alcance identificar y proponer las alternativas técnicas, económicas más viables para el mejoramiento operacional y aprovechamiento de recursos energéticos; esto implicó la recopilación de datos históricos del consumo energético. Posteriormente se realizó el análisis global del consumo energético, con diagramas de Pareto se identificaron los equipos críticos por orden de prioridad a los problemas presentes. Así también se utilizó la norma ASME PTC 4.0:2008 (Código de Pruebas para el Rendimientos de Generadores de Vapor); como el procedimiento para determinar la eficiencia de la caldera. Por último se determinó el índice de eficiencia energética (EEI) del sistema de luminarias obteniendo resultados en concordancia con la norma NTE INEN 1152:84 (Iluminación natural en edificios). Se evidenció que los equipos no están trabajando en óptimas condiciones, esto se da por no cumplir estándares mínimos de calidad y asesoría técnica calificada. Con la participación de personal calificado y la incorporación de las mejoras sugeridas, se espera un ahorro energético de hasta un 50%.    

    Modelización CFD para determinar el comportamiento del fluido en tuberías de PVC

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    The main objective in this study is to develop a CFD model (Computational Fluid Dynamics) for the analysis and simulation of the velocity profiles in the Loss Bank of the Hydraulic Turbomachinery laboratory. The velocity profile is the simulation of the behavior of the internal fluid in the PVC pipe bank. The model developed for the simulation of velocity profiles is based on Navier's equations -Stokes of incompressible flow, which have the principle of conservation of mass and momentum. For the solution of these equations ANSYS CFX was used based on three stages of computer simulation; Pre-processing, processing and post-processing. The pre-process includes the study of the physical model and the variables that intervene with the purpose of a simulation that is closest to reality. In the stage of the processing results in steady state the flow of the fluid are generated. The validation of results was carried out with the analytical calculation of the velocity profile by means of the data acquired in the test bench and with the results obtained in the simulation using ANSYS CFX, with an engineering judgment criterion using the minimum error percentage.O principal objetivo deste estudo é desenvolver um modelo CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) para análise e simulação de perfis de velocidade no banco de perdas do laboratório Turbomaquinaria Hidráulica. O perfil de velocidade é a simulação do comportamento do fluido interno no banco de tubos de PVC. O modelo desenvolvido para a simulação dos perfis de velocidade baseia-se nas equações de Navier. As sondas de fluxo incompressível, que têm o princípio de conservação de massa e momentum. Para a solução dessas equações, o ANSYS CFX foi utilizado com base em três estágios de simulação computacional; Pré-processamento, processamento e pós-processamento. O pré-processo inclui o estudo do modelo físico e as variáveis que intervêm com o objetivo de uma simulação mais próxima da realidade. Na fase dos resultados do processamento em estado estacionário, o fluxo do fluido é gerado. A validação dos resultados foi realizada com o cálculo analítico do perfil de velocidade por meio dos dados adquiridos no banco de teste e com os resultados obtidos na simulação usando ANSYS CFX, com um critério de julgamento de engenharia usando a porcentagem mínima de erro.El objetivo principal en este estudio es desarrollar un modelo CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) para el análisis y simulación de los perfiles de velocidad en el banco de pérdidas del laboratorio de Turbo maquinaría Hidráulica. El perfil de velocidad es la simulación del comportamiento del fluido interno en el banco de tuberías de PVC. El modelo desarrollado para la simulación de los perfiles de velocidad se fundamenta en las ecuaciones de Navier -Stokes de flujo incompresible, que tienen el principio de la conservación de masa y cantidad de movimiento. Para la solución de estas ecuaciones se utilizó ANSYS CFX basado en tres etapas de simulación por ordenador; Pre-procesamiento, procesamiento y post-procesamiento. El pre-proceso comprende el estudio del modelo físico y las variables que intervienen con la finalidad de una simulación lo más próxima a la realidad. En la etapa del procesamiento se generan resultados en estado estacionario el flujo del fluido. La validación de resultados, se realizó con el cálculo analítico del perfil de velocidades mediante los datos adquiridos en el banco de pruebas y con los resultados obtenidos en la simulación mediante ANSYS CFX, con un criterio del juicio de la ingeniería utilizando el mínimo porcentaje de error

    Quadratic Non-Linear Optical Properties of the poly(2,5-bis(but-2-ynyloxy) Benzoate Containing the 2-(ethyl(4-((4-nitrophenyl)buta-1,3-diynyl)phenyl)amino)ethanol) Chromophore

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    Excellent quadratic non-linear optical (ONL-2) properties of the poly(2,5-bis(but-2-ynyloxy) benzoate, containing a polar diacetylene as a chromophore, were found. According with the Maker fringes method, oriented polymer films showing an order parameter of &sim;0.23 can display outstanding and stable Second Harmonic Generation (SHG) effects under off-resonant conditions (SHG-532 nm). Also, the macroscopic non-linear optical (NLO)-coefficients were evaluated under the rod-like molecular approximation, obtaining: &chi;zzz(2) and &chi;zxx(2) in the order of 280 &plusmn; 10 and 100 &plusmn; 10 pm V&minus;1, respectively. The mechanical and chemical properties, in addition to the large ONL-2 coefficients exhibited by this polymer, make it a promising organic material in the development of optoelectronic/photonic devices