1,625 research outputs found

    Molecular correlations and solvation in simple fluids

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    We study the molecular correlations in a lattice model of a solution of a low-solubility solute, with emphasis on how the thermodynamics is reflected in the correlation functions. The model is treated in Bethe-Guggenheim approximation, which is exact on a Bethe lattice (Cayley tree). The solution properties are obtained in the limit of infinite dilution of the solute. With h11(r)h_{11}(r), h12(r)h_{12}(r), and h22(r)h_{22}(r) the three pair correlation functions as functions of the separation rr (subscripts 1 and 2 referring to solvent and solute, respectively), we find for r≥2r \geq 2 lattice steps that h22(r)/h12(r)≡h12(r)/h11(r)h_{22}(r)/h_{12}(r) \equiv h_{12}(r)/h_{11}(r). This illustrates a general theorem that holds in the asymptotic limit of infinite rr. The three correlation functions share a common exponential decay length (correlation length), but when the solubility of the solute is low the amplitude of the decay of h22(r)h_{22}(r) is much greater than that of h12(r)h_{12}(r), which in turn is much greater than that of h11(r)h_{11}(r). As a consequence the amplitude of the decay of h22(r)h_{22}(r) is enormously greater than that of h11(r)h_{11}(r). The effective solute-solute attraction then remains discernible at distances at which the solvent molecules are essentially no longer correlated, as found in similar circumstances in an earlier model. The second osmotic virial coefficient is large and negative, as expected. We find that the solvent-mediated part W(r)W(r) of the potential of mean force between solutes, evaluated at contact, r=1r=1, is related in this model to the Gibbs free energy of solvation at fixed pressure, ΔGp∗\Delta G_p^*, by (Z/2)W(1)+ΔGp∗≡pv0(Z/2) W(1) + \Delta G_p^* \equiv p v_0, where ZZ is the coordination number of the lattice, pp the pressure, and v0v_0 the volume of the cell associated with each lattice site. A large, positive ΔGp∗\Delta G_p^* associated with the low solubility is thus reflected in a strong attraction (large negative WW at contact), which is the major contributor to the second osmotic virial coefficient. In this model, the low solubility (large positive ΔGp∗\Delta G_p^*) is due partly to an unfavorable enthalpy of solvation and partly to an unfavorable solvation entropy, unlike in the hydrophobic effect, where the enthalpy of solvation itself favors high solubility, but is overweighed by the unfavorable solvation entropy.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Quantum density anomaly in optically trapped ultracold gases

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    We show that the Bose-Hubbard Model exhibits an increase in density with temperature at fixed pressure in the regular fluid regime and in the superfluid phase. The anomaly at the Bose-Einstein condensate is the first density anomaly observed in a quantum state. We propose that the mechanism underlying both the normal phase and the superfluid phase anomalies is related to zero point entropies and ground state phase transitions. A connection with the typical experimental scales and setups is also addressed. This key finding opens a new pathway for theoretical and experimental studies of water-like anomalies in the area of ultracold quantum gases

    Multiple liquid-liquid critical points and anomalies in core-softened potentials

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    The relation between liquid-liquid phase transitions and waterlike density anomalies in core-softened potentials of fluids was investigated in an exactly solvable one dimensional lattice model and a in a three dimensional fluid with fermi-like potential, the latter by molecular dynamics. Both systems were shown to present three liquid phases, two liquid-liquid phase transitions closely connected to two distinct regions of anomalous density increase. We propose that an oscillatory behavior observed on the thermal expansion coefficient as a function of pressure can be used as a signature of the connection between liquid-liquid phase and density

    Solution of an associating lattice gas model with density anomaly on a Husimi lattice

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    We study a model of a lattice gas with orientational degrees of freedom which resemble the formation of hydrogen bonds between the molecules. In this model, which is the simplified version of the Henriques-Barbosa model, no distinction is made between donors and acceptors in the bonding arms. We solve the model in the grand-canonical ensemble on a Husimi lattice built with hexagonal plaquettes with a central site. The ground-state of the model, which was originally defined on the triangular lattice, is exactly reproduced by the solution on this Husimi lattice. In the phase diagram, one gas and two liquid (high density-HDL and low density-LDL) phases are present. All phase transitions (GAS-LDL, GAS-HDL, and LDL-HDL) are discontinuous, and the three phases coexist at a triple point. A line of temperatures of maximum density (TMD) in the isobars is found in the metastable GAS phase, as well as another line of temperatures of minimum density (TmD) appears in the LDL phase, part of it in the stable region and another in the metastable region of this phase. These findings are at variance with simulational results for the same model on the triangular lattice, which suggested a phase diagram with two critical points. However, our results show very good quantitative agreement with the simulations, both for the coexistence loci and the densities of particles and of hydrogen bonds. We discuss the comparison of the simulations with our results.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Groupoid symmetry and constraints in general relativity

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    When the vacuum Einstein equations are cast in the form of hamiltonian evolution equations, the initial data lie in the cotangent bundle of the manifold M\Sigma\ of riemannian metrics on a Cauchy hypersurface \Sigma. As in every lagrangian field theory with symmetries, the initial data must satisfy constraints. But, unlike those of gauge theories, the constraints of general relativity do not arise as momenta of any hamiltonian group action. In this paper, we show that the bracket relations among the constraints of general relativity are identical to the bracket relations in the Lie algebroid of a groupoid consisting of diffeomorphisms between space-like hypersurfaces in spacetimes. A direct connection is still missing between the constraints themselves, whose definition is closely related to the Einstein equations, and our groupoid, in which the Einstein equations play no role at all. We discuss some of the difficulties involved in making such a connection.Comment: 22 pages, major revisio

    Waterlike density anomaly in fermions

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    In this work we explore the one-dimensional extended Hubbard model as a fluid system modelling liquid phases of different densities. This model naturally displays two length scales of interaction, which are connected with waterlike anomalies. We analyze the density anomaly as a function of the model parameters, namely the hopping, on-site and first neighbor interactions. We show that this anomaly is present for a wide range of model parameters and is connected to a ground-state liquid-liquid critical point.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    i-Rheo: determining the linear viscoelastic moduli of colloidal dispersions from step-stress measurements

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    We report on the application of a Fourier transform based method, `i-Rheo', to evaluate the linear viscoelastic moduli of hard-sphere colloidal dispersions, both in the fluid and glass states, from a direct analysis of raw step-stress (creep) experimental data. We corroborate the efficacy of i-Rheo by comparing the outputs of creep tests performed on homogenous complex fluids to conventional dynamic frequency sweeps. A similar approach is adopted for a number of colloidal suspensions over a broad range of volume fractions. For these systems, we test the limits of the method by varying the applied stress across the materials' linear and non-linear viscoelastic regimes, and we show that the best results are achieved for stress values close to the upper limit of the materials' linear viscoelastic regime; where the signal-to-noise ratio is at its highest and the non-linear phenomena have not appeared yet. We record that, the range of accessible frequencies is controlled at the higher end by the relative weight between the inertia of the instrument and the elasticity of the complex material under investigation; whereas, the lowest accessible frequency is dictated by the extent of the materials' linear viscoelastic regime. Nonetheless, despite these constrains, we confirm the effectiveness of i-Rheo for gaining valuable information on the materials' linear viscoelastic properties even from creep ringing data, confirming its potency and general validity as an accurate method for determining the material's rheological behaviour for a variety of complex systems
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