2,761 research outputs found

    Optimal Persistent Currents for Interacting Bosons on a Ring with a Gauge Field

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    We study persistent currents for interacting one-dimensional bosons on a tight ring trap, subjected to a rotating barrier potential, which induces an artificial U(1) gauge field. We show that, at intermediate interactions, the persistent current response is maximal, due to a subtle interplay of effects due to the barrier, the interaction and quantum fluctuations. These results are relevant for ongoing experiments with ultracold atomic gases on mesoscopic rings.Comment: 5 pages + supplemental material, 6 figure

    Many candidates for a single chair: a critical review of the genetic determinant of flat fruit shape trait in peach (Prunus persica L. Batsch)

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    AbstractKnown since ancient times, flat-shaped peach (Prunus persica L. Batsch) fruits have aroused considerable research interest. Breeding activities for this trait have expanded since the 1980s of the last century in several countries, in parallel with research into its genetic basis. Following the need for molecular markers to assist selection, linkage mapping studies have positioned the flat shape S locus at the end of chromosome 6. Recently, a series of independent studies focused on detailed characterization of the genomic region harbouring the S locus and different hypotheses about the candidate gene or variant were proposed: from a constitutively activated cell death 1 protein (PpCAD1) to a Brassinosteroid insensitive 1-associated receptor kinase 1 group (PpLRR-RLK) until the discovery of large structural variant (a chromosomal inversion of about 1.7 Mb) putatively affecting an OVATE Family Protein (PpOFP1) and a homolog of sucrose non-fermenting 1-related kinase (PpSNF4), respectively, located at the proximal and distal breakpoints. This short review revises historical studies and recent literature, integrating reanalysis of available genetic and genomic data, to provide a critical overview of the topic and highlight avenues for further research

    The XYZ chain with Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interactions: from spin-orbit-coupled lattice bosons to interacting Kitaev chains

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    Using the density-matrix renormalization-group algorithm (DMRG) and a finite-size scaling analysis, we study the properties of the one-dimensional completely-anisotropic spin-1/2 XYZ model with Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya (DM) interactions. The model shows a rich phase diagram: depending on the value of the coupling constants, the system can display different kinds of ferromagnetic order and Luttinger-liquid behavior. Transitions from ferromagnetic to Luttinger-liquid phases are first order. We thoroughly discuss the transition between different ferromagnetic phases, which, in the absence of DM interactions, belongs to the XX universality class. We provide evidence that the DM exchange term turns out to split this critical line into two separated Ising-like transitions and that in between a disordered phase may appear. Our study sheds light on the general problem of strongly-interacting spin-orbit-coupled bosonic gases trapped in an optical lattice and can be used to characterize the topological properties of superconducting nanowires in the presence of an imposed supercurrent and of interactions.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figure

    The monetary policy transmission mechanism under financial dollarization: the case of Peru 1996-2006

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    This paper analyzes the changes in the monetary policy transmission mechanism in Peru. A strong conclusion that emerges from this research is that both, the direct interest rate channel and the expectations channel have become more important in the recent years, especially after the Inflation Targeting adoption. The research further explores the implications of financial dollarization for the practice of monetary policy by performing two exercises. First, it compares different degrees of exchange rate flexibility and finds out that the more flexible the exchange rate is, the quicker but weaker the exchange rate pass-through becomes. Second, since financial dollarization may trigger contractionary depreciations, the document studies implications for monetary policy. The conclusion is that the effectiveness of monetary policy can be further improved if the economy becomes less dollarized.Transmission Channels, Financial dollarization, Monetary Policy, Emerging Markets.

    El mecanismo de transmisión de la política monetaria en un entorno de dolarización financiera: El caso del Perú entre 1996 y 2006

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    El presente estudio analiza los cambios en el mecanismo de transmisión de la política monetaria en el Perú. Una conclusión resaltante que surge a partir de esta investigación es que tanto el canal directo de la tasa de interés como el canal de expectativas han adquirido mayor importancia en los últimos años, especialmente desde que se adoptó el esquema de Metas Explícitas de Inflación. La investigación explora asimismo las implicancias de la dolarización financiera para la práctica de la política monetaria, realizando dos ejercicios con este propósito. En primer lugar, se comparan distintos niveles de flexibilidad del tipo de cambio, observándose que a medida que éste es más flexible, el traspaso del tipo de cambio a precios se hace más rápido pero a la vez se debilita. En segundo lugar, ya que la dolarización financiera generalmente supone depreciaciones contractivas, se estudian las implicancias tanto de las depreciaciones expansivas como de las contractivas. La conclusión es que la efectividad de la política monetaria puede mejorarse aun más si la economía está menos dolarizada.

    Teodicea e Trinità in BonaventuraUnde ergo habet zizania?

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    Teodicea e relazione. La teologia come garanzia di giustizia nella dialettica tra ordine e libero arbitrio. Teodicy and relationship. The theology as guarantee of justice in the dialectics between order and free will

    Un desiderio che si fa conoscenzaNote per una rilettura di J. Leclercq

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    A proposito di Cultura umanistica e desiderio di Dio, Sansoni, Firenze 1983 [1a edizione Editions du Cerf, Paris, 1957