110 research outputs found

    A Proposed New Index for Clinical Evaluation of Interproximal Soft Tissues: The Interdental Pressure Index

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    The interdental pressure index (IPI) is introduced to specifically evaluate clinical interproximal-tissue conditions and assess the effect of interproximal hygiene stimulation. This index scores clinical responses of periodontal tissues to the apical pressure of a horizontally placed periodontal probe. It is negative when gingival tissues are firm, bleeding-free, and slightly ischemic by the stimulation; otherwise it is positive. The clinical validation showed high intraoperator agreement (0.92; 95% CI: 0.82\u20130.96; ) and excellent interoperator agreement (0.76; 95% CI: 0.14\u20131.38; ). High internal consistency with bleeding on probing () and gingival index (Cronbach\u2019s ) was obtained. Histological validation obtained high sensitivity (100%) and specificity (80%) for IPI+ toward inflammatory active form. The same results were recorded for IPI 12 toward chronic inactive form. IPI results as a simple and noninvasive method with low error probability and good reflection of histological condition that can be applied for oral hygiene motivation. Patient compliance to oral hygiene instructions is essential in periodontal therapy and IPI index can be a practical and intuitive tool to check and reinforce this important aspect

    Il ruolo del Terzo settore nei processi di governance dei Patti educativi di comunitĂ 

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    Questo contributo intende analizzare alcune dinamiche legate allo sviluppo dei Patti educativi di comunità introdotti con il Piano Scuola 2020-2021, come strumenti operativi attraverso cui scuole, enti locali, istituzioni pubbliche e private, Terzo settore e anche cittadini possano cooperare insieme. Attraverso una revisione della letteratura in materia e un’analisi sui recenti dispositivi normativi, a partire dal Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR), si restituisce un quadro prospettico favorevole alla diffusione di queste pratiche nel territorio. La governance dei Patti educativi va pertanto presidiata come ulteriore opportunità strategica per l’attuazione dei progetti previsti nel PNRR e un efficace utilizzo delle risorse

    Bone Modeling after Orthodontic Extrusion: A Histomorphometric Pilot Study

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    During osteogenesis and bone modeling, high vascularity and osteoblastic/osteoclastic cell activity have been detected. A decrease in this activity is a sign of complete bone formation and maturation. Alveolar bone maturation seems to occur within weeks and months; however, the precise timing of the alveolar bone modeling is still unknown. The aim of this clinical pilot study was to investigate the bone modeling of neo-apposed tissue during orthodontic extrusive movements, through a histomorphometric analysis of human biopsies. This study was conducted on third mandibular molars sockets, and all teeth were extracted after orthodontic extrusion between 2010 and 2014. After different stabilization timings, extractions were performed, and a specimen of neo-deposed bone was harvested from each socket for the histomorphometric analysis. Histological parameters were evaluated to identify bone quantity and quality. This study included 12 teeth extracted from 9 patients. All specimens were composed of bone tissue. Bone samples taken after 1 and 1.5 months of stabilization presented remarkable percentages of woven bone, while after 2 months, a relevant decrease was observed. Histomorphometric analysis suggested that after orthodontic extrusion, a period of stabilization of 2 months allows the neo-deposed bone to mature

    Is autopsy tissue a valid control for epilepsy surgery tissue in microRNA studies?

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are differentially expressed in the brain under pathologic conditions and may therefore represent both therapeutic targets and diagnostic or prognostic biomarkers for neurologic diseases, including epilepsy. In fact, miRNA expression profiles have been investigated in the hippocampi of patients with epilepsy in comparison with control, nonepileptic cases. Unfortunately, the interpretation of these data is difficult because surgically resected epileptic tissue is generally compared with control tissue obtained from autopsies. To challenge the validity of this approach, we performed an miRNA microarray on the laser microdissected granule cell layer of the human hippocampus obtained from surgical samples of patients with epilepsy, autoptic nonepileptic controls, and patients with autoptic epilepsy, using the latter as internal control. Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult to collect autopsy material from documented epilepsy individuals who died of non–epilepsy-related causes—we found only two such cases. However, hierarchical clustering of all samples showed that those obtained from autopsies of patients with epilepsy segregated with the other autoptic samples (controls) and not with the bioptic tissues from the surgery patients, suggesting that the origin of the tissue (surgery or autopsy) may be prevalent over the underlying pathology (epilepsy or not epilepsy). Even taking into account the limitations due to the small number of cases, this observation arises concerns on the use of autopsy tissue as control for this kind of studies

    Assessment of the Impact of the Percentage Tax Designations: Past, Present, Future

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    The subject of this study is the percentage tax designation system as a phenomenon in the nexus of public finance allocation, public benefit/civil society realm and taxation. Its focus is Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), where the system has remained to be a popular policy instrument over twenty years.This research had been prepared in 2014 and was conducted during 2015 in five CEE countries that use the percentage tax designation system: Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Slovakia. It focused on four areas: 1) What the percentage tax designation system actually is and what it is not, 2) What is its role in funding of the non-profit sector, 3) What are its side effects and 4) What is the connection between the policy making and the results? The research had a form of expert panel through country research associates that worked according to the unified methodology, using secondary quantitative and qualitative data. The data including the expert opinion were organized into the project's database

    L’immigrazione nella trasformazione dei contesti urbani: il caso siciliano, l’esigenza del recupero culturale ed il rifiuto della marginalizzazione

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    The issue of the immigration leads to reorganize the whole social architecture of the societies in which it occurs. Considering the urban environment as a microcosm which has a great deal of influence on global dynamics, it is right to think about the living conditions of urban citizens who live in the multicultural present societies, often suffering marginalization. As the last researches claim, the local government system is the one that could help to deal with the immigration matter in the best way and this also needs to be urgently addressed, as the “Immigration in Sicily” case study could show

    The Collaborative for the Research on Black Women and Girls

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    <p>Seven patients per group. **P<0.01 Mann-Whitney U test. Representative granule cell layer hippocampal sections from patients without granule cell pathology (B) or with type-2 GCP (C) exhibiting DAB-labeled ANTXR1-like immunoreactivity (LI). Omitting the primary antibody to estimate nonspecific signal yielded completely negative labeling (data not shown). Note a widespread increase in ANTXR1-LI in granule cells from patients with type-2 GCP (C).</p

    Regulation of Gene Expression and Signaling Pathway Activity in Mammalian Cells by Automated Microfluidics Feedback Control

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    Gene networks and signaling pathways display complex topologies and, as a result, complex nonlinear behaviors. Accumulating evidence shows that both static (concentration) and dynamical (rate-of-change) features of transcription factors, ligands and environmental stimuli control downstream processes and ultimately cellular functions. Currently, however, methods to generate stimuli with the desired features to probe cell response are still lacking. Here, combining tools from Control Engineering and Synthetic Biology (cybergenetics), we propose a simple and cost-effective microfluidics-based platform to precisely regulate gene expression and signaling pathway activity in mammalian cells by means of real-time feedback control. We show that this platform allows (i) to automatically regulate gene expression from inducible promoters in different cell types, including mouse embryonic stem cells; (ii) to precisely regulate the activity of the mTOR signaling pathway in single cells; (iii) to build a biohybrid oscillator in single embryonic stem cells by interfacing biological parts with virtual in silico counterparts. Ultimately, this platform can be used to probe gene networks and signaling pathways to understand how they process static and dynamic features of specific stimuli, as well as for the rapid prototyping of synthetic circuits for biotechnology and biomedical purposes

    Definition of miRNAs expression profile in glioblastoma samples: the relevance of non-neoplastic brain reference.

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    Glioblastoma is the most aggressive brain tumor that may occur in adults. Regardless of the huge improvements in surgery and molecular therapy, the outcome of neoplasia remains poor. MicroRNAs are small molecules involved in several cellular processes, and their expression is altered in the vast majority of tumors. Several studies reported the expression of different miRNAs in glioblastoma, but one of the most critical point in understanding glioblastoma miRNAs profile is the comparison of these studies. In this paper, we focused our attention on the non-neoplastic references used for determining miRNAs expression. The aim of this study was to investigate if using three different non-neoplastic brain references (normal adjacent the tumor, commercial total RNA, and epileptic specimens) could provide discrepant results. The analysis of 19 miRNAs was performed using Real-Time PCR, starting from the set of samples described above and the expression values compared. Moreover, the three different normal RNAs were used to determine the miRNAs profile in 30 glioblastomas. The data showed that different non-neoplastic controls could lead to different results and emphasize the importance of comparing miRNAs profiles obtained using the same experimental condition

    miRNAs expression analysis in paired fresh/frozen and dissected formalin fixed and paraffin embedded glioblastoma using real-time pCR.

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    miRNAs are small molecules involved in gene regulation. Each tissue shows a characteristic miRNAs epression profile that could be altered during neoplastic transformation. Glioblastoma is the most aggressive brain tumour of the adult with a high rate of mortality. Recognizing a specific pattern of miRNAs for GBM could provide further boost for target therapy. The availability of fresh tissue for brain specimens is often limited and for this reason the possibility of starting from formalin fixed and paraffin embedded tissue (FFPE) could very helpful even in miRNAs expression analysis. We analysed a panel of 19 miRNAs in 30 paired samples starting both from FFPE and Fresh/Frozen material. Our data revealed that there is a good correlation in results obtained from FFPE in comparison with those obtained analysing miRNAs extracted from Fresh/Frozen specimen. In the few cases with a not good correlation value we noticed that the discrepancy could be due to dissection performed in FFPE samples. To the best of our knowledge this is the first paper demonstrating that the results obtained in miRNAs analysis using Real-Time PCR starting from FFPE specimens of glioblastoma are comparable with those obtained in Fresh/Frozen samples
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