258 research outputs found

    Koinzidenz von Patientenverfügung und Zustimmung zur Organspende: was wünschen die Betroffenen? Eine Befragung deutscher Senioren [Coincidence of Advance Directive and Organ Donor Consent: What Do The Persons Concerned Want? A Survey of German Elderly Citizens]

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    In the case of acute brain injury, decision-making uncertainties can arise when both an advance decision to refuse treatment and a prior consent to post-mortem organ donation are present. It is yet unknown how the persons concerned view this potential conflict. The present study aims to investigate how frequent this situation is, whether the persons concerned are aware of the potential conflict and what they would prioritize. Semi-quantitative cross-sectional survey of senior citizens of a metropolitan region in Germany using a literature-based questionnaire. A total of 236 senior citizens participated in the survey, amounting to 52% of those invited. While 54% of the participants reported to have written advance directives, 46% had expressed their consent to post-mortem organ donation in written or oral form. Altogether, 29% of all participants had issued both types of written documents. The consent to organ donation correlated significantly with the presence of an advance directive. Only 47% of the advance directives contained, according to their authors, statements about organ donation. Dying outside of intensive care was the priority for 51%, while 17% favored donating their organs. About half of the participants accepted transient intensive care measures in the case of presumed or expected brain death, but only a fourth also accepted cardiopulmonary resuscitation in those situations. Knowledge about brain death was scant and the attitudes towards it were rather critical. The coincidence of advance directives and organ donation consent is not uncommon in senior citizens and could contribute to low organ donation rates. The heterogeneous attitudes of the surveyed persons as well as their poor knowledge about brain death and the potential conflict studied here underscore the necessity of a high-quality advance care planning process

    A complex regional intervention to implement advance care planning in one town's nursing homes: Protocol of a controlled inter-regional study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Advance Care Planning (ACP) is an emerging strategy to ensure that well-reflected, meaningful and clearly documented treatment preferences are available and respected when critical decisions about life-sustaining treatment need to be made for patients unable to consent. In Germany, recent legislation confirms that advance directives (AD) have to be followed if they apply to the medical situation, but implementation of ACP has not yet been described.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>In a longitudinal controlled study, we compare 1 intervention region (4 nursing homes [n/hs], altogether 421 residents) with 2 control regions (10 n/hs, altogether 985 residents). Inclusion went from 01.02.09 to 30.06.09, observation lasted until 30.06.10. Primary endpoint is the prevalence of ADs at follow-up, 17 (12) months after the first (last) possible inclusion. Secondary endpoints compare relevance and validity of ADs, process quality, the rate of life-sustaining interventions and, in deceased residents, location of death and intensity of treatment before death. The regional multifaceted intervention on the basis of the US program Respecting Choices<sup>® </sup>comprises training of n/h staff as facilitators, training of General Practitioners, education of hospital and ambulance staff, and development of eligible tools, including Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment in case of Emergency (POLST-E).</p> <p><it>Participation data: </it>Of 1406 residents reported to live in the 14 n/hs plus an estimated turnover of 176 residents until the last possible inclusion date, 645 (41%) were willing to participate. Response rates were 38% in the intervention region and 42% in the control region. Non-responder analysis shows an equal distribution of sex and age but a bias towards dependency on nursing care in the responder group. <it>Outcome analysis </it>of this study will become available in the course of 2011.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>Implementing an ACP program for the n/hs and related health care providers of a region requires a complex community intervention with the effect of nothing less than a cultural shift in this health care sector. This study is to our knowledge the first to develop a strategy for regional implementation of ACP, and to evaluate its feasibility in a controlled design.</p> <p>Trial Registration</p> <p>ISRCTN: <a href="http://www.controlled-trials.com/ISRCTN99887420">ISRCTN99887420</a></p

    Preparing n-of-1 antisense oligonucleotide treatments for rare neurological diseases in Europe: genetic, regulatory, and ethical perspectives

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    Antisense oligonucleotide (ASO) therapies present a promising disease-modifying treatment approach for rare neurological diseases (RNDs). However, the current focus is on "more common" RNDs, leaving a large share of RND patients still without prospect of disease-modifying treatments. In response to this gap, n-of-1 ASO treatment approaches are targeting ultrarare or even private variants. While highly attractive, this emerging, academia-driven field of ultimately individualized precision medicine is in need of systematic guidance and standards, which will allow global scaling of this approach. We provide here genetic, regulatory, and ethical perspectives for preparing n-of-1 ASO treatments and research programs, with a specific focus on the European context. By example of splice modulating ASOs, we outline genetic criteria for variant prioritization, chart the regulatory field of n-of-1 ASO treatment development in Europe, and propose an ethically informed classification for n-of-1 ASO treatment strategies and level of outcome assessments. To accommodate the ethical requirements of both individual patient benefit and knowledge gain, we propose a stronger integration of patient care and clinical research when developing novel n-of-1 ASO treatments: each single trial of therapy should inherently be driven to generate generalizable knowledge, be registered in a ASO treatment registry, and include assessment of generic outcomes, which allow aggregated analysis across n-of-1 trials of therapy.Genetics of disease, diagnosis and treatmen

    Effect of Vitamin D Supplementation on Markers of Vascular Function: A Systematic Review and Individual Participant Meta- Analysis

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    Background-—Low 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels are associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular events, but the effect of vitamin D supplementation on markers of vascular function associated with major adverse cardiovascular events is unclear. Methods and Results-—We conducted a systematic review and individual participant meta-analysis to examine the effect of vitamin D supplementation on flow-mediated dilatation of the brachial artery, pulse wave velocity, augmentation index, central blood pressure, microvascular function, and reactive hyperemia index. MEDLINE, CINAHL, EMBASE, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and http://www.ClinicalTrials.gov were searched until the end of 2016 without language restrictions. Placebo-controlled randomized trials of at least4 weeks duration were included. Individual participant data were sought from investigators on included trials. Trial-level metaanalysis was performed using random-effects models; individual participant meta-analyses used a 2-stage analytic strategy, examining effects in prespecified subgroups. 31trials (2751 participants) were included; 29 trials (2641participants) contributed data to trial-level meta-analysis, and24trials (2051 participants) contributed to individual-participant analyses. VitaminD3daily dose equivalents ranged from 900 to 5000 IU; duration was 4 weeks to12 months. Trial-level meta-analysis showed no significant effect of supplementation on macrovascularmeasures(flow-mediateddilatation,0.37%[95%confidenceinterval, 0.23to0.97]; carotid-femoralpulsewavevelocity, 0.00 m/s [95% confidence interval, 0.36 to 0.37]); similar results were obtained from individual participant data. Microvascular function showed a modest improvement in trial-level data only. No consistent benefit was observed in subgroup analyses or between different vitamin D analogues. Conclusions-—Vitamin D supplementation had no significant effect on most markers of vascular function in this analysis

    Image quality and diagnostic accuracy of unenhanced SSFP MR angiography compared with conventional contrast-enhanced MR angiography for the assessment of thoracic aortic diseases

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the image quality and diagnostic accuracy of three-dimensional (3D) unenhanced steady state free precession (SSFP) magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) for the evaluation of thoracic aortic diseases. Fifty consecutive patients with known or suspected thoracic aortic disease underwent free-breathing ECG-gated unenhanced SSFP MRA with non-selective radiofrequency excitation and contrast-enhanced (CE) MRA of the thorax at 1.5 T. Two readers independently evaluated the two datasets for image quality in the aortic root, ascending aorta, aortic arch, descending aorta, and origins of supra-aortic arteries, and for abnormal findings. Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) were determined for both datasets. Sensitivity, specificity, and diagnostic accuracy of unenhanced SSFP MRA for the diagnosis of aortic abnormalities were determined. Abnormal aortic findings, including aneurysm (n = 47), coarctation (n = 14), dissection (n = 12), aortic graft (n = 6), intramural hematoma (n = 11), mural thrombus in the aortic arch (n = 1), and penetrating aortic ulcer (n = 9), were confidently detected on both datasets. Sensitivity, specificity, and diagnostic accuracy of SSFP MRA for the detection of aortic disease were 100% with CE-MRA serving as a reference standard. Image quality of the aortic root was significantly higher on SSFP MRA (P &lt; 0.001) with no significant difference for other aortic segments (P &gt; 0.05). SNR and CNR values were higher for all segments on SSFP MRA (P &lt; 0.01). Our results suggest that free-breathing navigator-gated 3D SSFP MRA with non-selective radiofrequency excitation is a promising technique that provides high image quality and diagnostic accuracy for the assessment of thoracic aortic disease without the need for intravenous contrast material

    Defining myocardial tissue abnormalities in end-stage renal failure with cardiac magnetic resonance imaging using native T1 mapping

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    Noninvasive quantification of myocardial fibrosis in end-stage renal disease is challenging. Gadolinium contrast agents previously used for cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are contraindicated because of an association with nephrogenic systemic fibrosis. In other populations, increased myocardial native T1 times on cardiac MRI have been shown to be a surrogate marker of myocardial fibrosis. We applied this method to 33 incident hemodialysis patients and 28 age- and sex-matched healthy volunteers who underwent MRI at 3.0T. Native T1 relaxation times and feature tracking–derived global longitudinal strain as potential markers of fibrosis were compared and associated with cardiac biomarkers. Left ventricular mass indices were higher in the hemodialysis than the control group. Global, Septal and midseptal T1 times were all significantly higher in the hemodialysis group (global T1 hemodialysis 1171 ± 27 ms vs. 1154 ± 32 ms; septal T1 hemodialysis 1184 ± 29 ms vs. 1163 ± 30 ms; and midseptal T1 hemodialysis 1184 ± 34 ms vs. 1161 ± 29 ms). In the hemodialysis group, T1 times correlated with left ventricular mass indices. Septal T1 times correlated with troponin and electrocardiogram-corrected QT interval. The peak global longitudinal strain was significantly reduced in the hemodialysis group (hemodialysis -17.7±5.3% vs. -21.8±6.2%). For hemodialysis patients, the peak global longitudinal strain significantly correlated with left ventricular mass indices (R = 0.426), and a trend was seen for correlation with galectin-3, a biomarker of cardiac fibrosis. Thus, cardiac tissue properties of hemodialysis patients consistent with myocardial fibrosis can be determined noninvasively and associated with multiple structural and functional abnormalities

    Research cardiac magnetic resonance imaging in end stage renal disease - incidence, significance and implications of unexpected incidental findings

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    Objectives: Left ventricular mass (LVM) at cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMR) is a frequent end point in clinical trials in nephrology. Trial participants with end stage renal disease (ESRD) may have a greater frequency of incidental findings (IF). We retrospectively investigated prevalence of IF in previous research CMR and reviewed their subsequent impact on participants. Methods: Between 2002 and 2006, 161 ESRD patients underwent CMR in a transplant assessment study. Images were used to assess LV mass and function. In the current study a radiologist reviewed the scans for IF. Review of patient records determined the subsequent clinical significance of IF. Results: There were 150 IF in 95 study participants. Eighty-four (56 %) were new diagnoses. One hundred and two were non-cardiac. Fifteen were suspicious of malignancy. There was a clinically significant IF for 14.9 % of the participants. In six cases earlier identification of an IF may have improved quality of life or survival. Conclusions: Without radiology support clinically important IF may be missed on CMR. Patients undergoing CMR in trials should be counselled about the frequency and implications of IF. Patients with ESRD have a higher prevalence of IF than reported in other populations. Nephrology studies require mechanisms for radiologist reporting and strategies for dealing with IF

    Imaging in the time of NFD/NSF: do we have to change our routines concerning renal insufficiency?

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    To date there are potential chronology-based but not conclusive reasons to believe that at least some of the gadolinium complexes play a causative role in the pathophysiology of nephrogenic systemic fibrosis (NSF) or nephrogenic fibrosing dermopathy (NFD). Still, the exact pathogenesis and the risk for patients is unclear beside the obvious connection to moderate to severe renal insufficiency. So far, MR imaging with Gd-enhancement was regarded as the safest imaging modality in these patients—the recent development creates tremendous uncertainty in the MR-community. Nevertheless, one should remember that, despite the over 200 cases of NSF and about 100 with proven involvement of Gd3+, the vast majority of over 200 million patients exposed to gadolinium since the 1980s have tolerated these agents well. Importantly, NSF is a rare disease and does not appear to occur in patients without renal impairment. Many patients and researchers have undergone MR investigations with Gd exposure in the past. For those, it is essential to know about the safety of the agents at normal renal function. We can hope that pharmacoepidemiological and preclinical studies will allow us to better understand the pathophysiology and role of the various MR contrast agents in the near future

    Elevated Peripheral Neutrophils and Matrix Metalloproteinase 9 as Biomarkers of Functional Outcome Following Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

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    There is growing evidence supporting the role of inflammation in early brain injury and cerebral vasospasm following subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are released by inflammatory cells and can mediate early brain injury via disruption of the extracellular matrix and mediate vasospasm by cleaving endothelin-1 into vasoactive fragments. We hypothesize that inflammation marked by neutrophil elevation and MMP-9 release in human SAH is associated with vasospasm and with poor clinical outcome. We enrolled consecutive SAH subjects (N = 55), banked serial blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples, and evaluated their 3-month modified Rankin scores (mRS). Vasospasm was defined as >50% vessel caliber reduction on angiography 6–8 days post-SAH. A poor outcome was defined as mRS > 2. We compared blood leukocyte and neutrophil counts during post-SAH days 0–14 with respect to vasospasm and 3-month outcome. In a subset of SAH subjects (N = 35), we compared blood and CSF MMP-9 by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) on post-SAH days 0–1, 2–3, 4–5, 6–8, and 10–14 with respect to vasospasm and to 3-month outcome. Persistent elevation of blood leukocyte (p = 0.0003) and neutrophil (p = 0.0002) counts during post-SAH days 0–14 are independently associated with vasospasm after adjustment for major confounders. In the same time period, blood neutrophil count (post-SAH days 2–3, p = 0.018), blood MMP-9 (post-SAH days 4–5, p = 0.045), and CSF MMP-9 (post-SAH days 2–3, p = 0.05) are associated with poor 3-month SAH clinical outcome. Neutrophil count correlates with blood MMP-9 (post-SAH days 6–8, R = 0.39; p = 0.055; post-SAH days 10–14, R = 0.79; p < 0.0001), and blood MMP-9 correlates with CSF MMP-9 (post-SAH days 4–5, R = 0.72; p = 0.0002). Elevation of CSF MMP-9 during post-SAH days 0–14 is associated with poor 3-month outcome (p = 0.0078). Neither CSF nor blood MMP-9 correlates with vasospasm. Early rise in blood neutrophil count and blood and CSF MMP-9 are associated with poor 3-month SAH clinical outcome. In blood, neutrophil count correlates with MMP-9 levels, suggesting that neutrophils may be an important source of blood MMP-9 early in SAH. Similarly, CSF and blood MMP-9 correlate positively early in the course of SAH, suggesting that blood may be an important source of CSF MMP-9. Blood and CSF MMP-9 are associated with clinical outcome but not with vasospasm, suggesting that MMP-9 may mediate brain injury independent of vasospasm in SAH. Future in vitro studies are needed to investigate the role of MMP-9 in SAH-related brain injury. Larger clinical studies are needed to validate blood and CSF MMP-9 as potential biomarkers for SAH outcome

    Contrast medium-induced nephropathy. Aspects on incidence, consequences, risk factors and prevention

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    Contrast media-induced nephropathy (CIN) is a well-known complication of radiological examinations employing iodine contrast media (I-CM). The rapid development and frequent use of coronary interventions and multi-channel detector computed tomography with concomitant administration of relatively large doses of I-CM has contributed to an increasing number of CIN cases during the last few years. Reduced renal function, especially when caused by diabetic nephropathy or renal arteriosclerosis, in combination with dehydration, congestive heart failure, hypotension, and administration of nephrotoxic drugs are risk factors for the development of CIN. When CM-based examinations cannot be replaced by other techniques in patients at risk of CIN, focus should be directed towards analysis of number and type of risk factors, adequate estimation of GFR, institution of proper preventive measures including hydration and post-procedural observation combined with surveillance of serum creatinine for 1-3 days. For the radiologist, there are several steps to consider in order to minimise the risk for CIN: use of “low-“ or “iso-osmolar” I-CM and dosing the I-CM in relation to GFR and body weight being the most important as well as utilizing radiographic techniques to keep the I-CM dose in gram iodine as low as possible below the numerical value of estimated GFR. There is as yet no pharmacological prevention that has been proven to be effective