46 research outputs found

    Extension operators on balls and on spaces of finite sets

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    We study extension operators between spaces σn(2X)\sigma_n(2^X) of subsets of XX of cardinality at most nn. As an application, we show that if BHB_H is the unit ball of a nonseparable Hilbert space HH, equipped with the weak topology, then, for any 0<λ<μ0<\lambda<\mu, there is no extension operator T:C(λBH)C(μBH)T: C(\lambda B_H)\to C(\mu B_H)

    On measures on Rosenthal compacta

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    We show that if K is Rosenthal compact which can be represented by functions with countably many discontinuities then every Radon measure on K is countably determined. We also present an alternative proof of the result stating that every Radon measure on an arbitrary Rosenthal compactum is of countable type. Our approach is based on some caliber-type properties of measures, parameterized by separable metrizable spaces.Comment: 14 page

    Would Leibniz have shared von Neumann’s logical physicalism?

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    This paper represents such an amateur approach; hence any comments backed up by professional erudition will be highly appreciated. Let me start from an attempt to sketch a relationship between professionals’ and amateurs’ contributions. The latter may be compared with the letters to the Editor of a journal, written by perceptive readers, while professionals contribute to the very content of the journal in question. Owing to such letters, the Editor and his professional staff can become more aware of the responses of educated public to the journal’s output

    P-filters and hereditary Baire function spaces

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    AbstractWe extend the results of Gul'ko and Sokolov proving that a filter F on ω, regarded as a subspace of the Cantor set 2ω, is a hereditary Baire space if and only if F is a nonmeager (i.e., second category) P-filter. We also prove related results on hereditary Baire spaces of continuous functions Cp(X)

    The Josefson--Nissenzweig theorem and filters on ω\omega

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    For a free filter FF on ω\omega, endow the space NF=ω{pF}N_F=\omega\cup\{p_F\}, where pF∉ωp_F\not\in\omega, with the topology in which every element of ω\omega is isolated whereas all open neighborhoods of pFp_F are of the form A{pF}A\cup\{p_F\} for AFA\in F. Spaces of the form NFN_F constitute the class of the simplest non-discrete Tychonoff spaces. In this paper we study them in the context of the celebrated Josefson--Nissenzweig theorem from Banach space theory, e.g., we completely describe those filters FF for which the spaces NFN_F carry sequences μn ⁣:nω\langle\mu_n\colon n\in\omega\rangle of finitely supported signed measures satisfying the following two conditions: μn=1\|\mu_n\|=1 for every nωn\in\omega, and μn(f)0\mu_n(f)\to 0 for every bounded continuous real-valued function ff on NFN_F. As a consequence, we obtain a description of a wide class of filters FF having the following properties: (1) if XX is a Tychonoff space and NFN_F is homeomorphic to a subspace of XX, then the space Cp(X)C_p^*(X) of bounded continuous real-valued functions on XX contains a complemented copy of the space c0c_0 endowed with the pointwise topology, (2) if KK is a compact Hausdorff space and NFN_F is homeomorphic to a subspace of KK, then the Banach space C(K)C(K) of continuous real-valued functions on KK is not a Grothendieck space. The latter result generalizes the well-known fact stating that if a compact Hausdorff space KK contains a non-trivial convergent sequence, then the space C(K)C(K) is not Grothendieck.Comment: 46 pages, comments are welcome

    A countable dense homogeneous topological vector space is a Baire space

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    We prove that every homogeneous countable dense homogeneous topological space containing a copy of the Cantor set is a Baire space. In particular, every countable dense homogeneous topological vector space is a Baire space. It follows that, for any nondiscrete metrizable space XX, the function space Cp(X)C_p(X) is not countable dense homogeneous. This answers a question posed recently by R. Hern\'andez-Guti\'errez. We also conclude that, for any infinite dimensional Banach space EE (dual Banach space EE^\ast), the space EE equipped with the weak topology (EE^\ast with the weak^\ast topology) is not countable dense homogeneous. We generalize some results of Hru\v{s}\'ak, Zamora Avil\'es, and Hern\'andez-Guti\'errez concerning countable dense homogeneous products.Comment: slightly modified and expanded versio