44 research outputs found

    Electrical tuning of the oscillator strength in type II InAs/GaInSb quantum wells for active region of passively mode-locked interband cascade lasers

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    This project has received funding from the European Commission's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme iCspec under grant agreement No. 636930 and has also been supported by the National Science Centre of Poland within Grant No. 2014/15/B/ST7/04663.Two designs of active region for an interband cascade laser, based on double or triple GaInSb/InAs type II quantum wells (QWs), were compared with respect to passive mode-locked operation in the mid-infrared range around 4 碌m. The layer structure and electron and hole wavefunctions under external electric field were engineered to allow controlling the optical transition oscillator strength and the resulting lifetimes. As a result, the investigated structures can mimic absorber-like and gain-like sections of a mode-locked device when properly polarized with opposite bias. A significantly larger oscillator strength tuning range for triple QWs was experimentally verified by Fourier-transform photoreflectance.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Interface intermixing in type II InAs/GaInAsSb quantum wells designed for active regions of mid-infrared-emitting interband cascade lasers

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    The work has been supported by Project Widelase (no. 318798) of the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Commission.The effect of interface intermixing in W-design GaSb/AlSb/InAs/Ga0.665 In0.335 AsxSb1鈥夆垝鈥墄/InAs/AlSb/GaSb quantum wells (QWs) has been investigated by means of optical spectroscopy supported by structural data and by band structure calculations. The fundamental optical transition has been detected at room temperature through photoluminescence and photoreflectance measurements and appeared to be blueshifted with increasing As content of the GaInAsSb layer, in contrast to the energy-gap-driven shifts calculated for an ideally rectangular QW profile. The arsenic incorporation into the hole-confining layer affects the material and optical structure also altering the InAs/GaInAsSb interfaces and their degree of intermixing. Based on the analysis of cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy images and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, we could deduce the composition distribution across the QW layers and hence simulate more realistic confinement potential profiles. For such smoothed interfaces that indicate As-enhanced intermixing, the energy level calculations have been able to reproduce the experimentally obtained trend.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    A hybrid system with regression trees in steel-making process.

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    Abstract. The paper presents a hybrid regresseion model with the main emphasis put on the regression tree unit. It discusses input and output variable transformation, determining the final decision of hybrid models and node split optimization of regression trees. Because of the ability to generate logical rules, a regression tree maybe the preferred module if it produces comparable results to other modules, therefore the optimization of node split in regression trees is discussed in more detail. A set of split criteria based on different forms of variance reduction is analyzed and guidelines for the choice of the criterion are discussed, including the trade-off between the accuracy of the tree, its size and balance between minimizing the node variance and keeping a symmetric structure of the tree. The presented approach found practical applications in the metallurgical industry

    Liquid levothyroxine in the treatment of myxoedema coma

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    Wp艂yw hormonalnej terapii zast臋pczej lub terapii statyn膮 na poziom nadtlenk贸w lipidowych osocza, podatno艣膰 na oksydacj臋 i fenotyp lipoprotein o niskiej g臋sto艣ci

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    Wst臋p: Hormonalna terapia zast臋pcza zmniejsza cz臋sto艣膰 choroby niedokrwiennej serca u kobiet w okresie menopauzalnym. Uznane mechanizmy ochronnego dzia艂ania estrogen贸w dotycz膮 poprawy funkcji 艣r贸db艂onka z udzia艂em czynnik贸w innych ni偶 cholesterol frakcji LDL. Cel pracy: Zbadanie wp艂ywu hormonalnej terapii zast臋pczej, jak r贸wnie偶 terapii statyn膮 na poziom nadtlenk贸w lipidowych osocza, podatno艣膰 na oksydacj臋 i fenotyp lipoprotein o niskiej g臋sto艣ci u kobiet w okresie menopauzy. Materia艂 i metody: Badaniami obj臋to 34 niemiesi膮czkuj膮ce pacjentki; 24 z nich otrzymywa艂y przezsk贸rnie 17b-estradiol (HTZ) (Estraderm MX 50, 50 mg/3 dni), a 10 pacjentek przyjmowa艂o inhibitor reduktazy HMG-CoA symvastatyn臋 (Zocor, 20 mg/d.). W osoczu krwi badano st臋偶enie trwa艂ych produkt贸w oksydacji lipid贸w malonylodialdehyd (MDA), obraz podklas (fenotyp) LDL oraz podatno艣膰 LDL na oksydacj臋 ex vivo (pole pod kinetyczn膮 krzyw膮 oksydacji LDL in vitro pod wp艂ywem jon贸w Cu++ -SUMMDA). Wp艂yw terapii oceniono na podstawie jednoczynnikowej analizy wariancji. Wyniki: Obydwa rodzaje terapii po 6 miesi膮cach znamiennie zmniejszy艂y podatno艣膰 LDL na oksydacj臋 bez zasadniczej zmiany ich fenotypu. Terapia Zocorem i HTZ nie zmieni艂a st臋偶enia trigliceryd贸w osocza. Obserwowano przej艣ciowy znaczny spadek cz臋sto艣ci aterogennego fenotypu B LDL po 3 miesi膮cach trwania obydwu terapii, kt贸ry nie wynika艂 ze zmiany st臋偶enia trigliceryd贸w osocza - znanej determinanty pojawienia si臋 fenotypu B LDL. Terapia Zocorem znamiennie obni偶y艂a st臋偶enie nadtlenk贸w lipidowych osocza. Podobn膮 tendencj臋 bez znamienno艣ci statystycznej stwierdzono w przypadku stosowania hormonalnej terapii zast臋pczej. Wnioski: Obydwa rodzaje terapii prowadzi艂y do znamiennego obni偶enia podatno艣ci LDL na oksydacj臋 ex vivo z okresow膮 korzystn膮 zmian膮 fenotypu B LDL na mniej aterogenny fenotyp A. Wynikiem dzia艂ania statyny by艂o znaczne obni偶enie poziomu nadtlenk贸w osocza i st臋偶enia cholesterolu frakcji LDL. Podobn膮 tendencj臋 zaobserwowano w trakcie 6-miesi臋cznego stosowania hormonalnej terapii zast臋pcze