1,318 research outputs found
An alternative index to ESP to explain dispersion occurring in Australian soils when Na content is low
Re-use of industrial and agricultural wastewater for irrigation can increase the concentration of potassium in
soil and affect soil structure. However, investigations of clay dispersion have traditionally focused on soils with high exchangeable sodium, therefore exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) has been used to assess soil structural stability. Currently, Australian soils have been considered non-sodic or non-dispersive when the soil ESP <6. However, a few studies have demonstrated that potassium (K) ions in the exchange complex of soil can also assist clay dispersion even when the exchangeable sodium (Na) levels are minimal.
The dispersion (as turbidity) and ESP were measured on 74 Australian soils. 17 of those soils showed a considerable level of dispersion, despite ESP <4.5. In all of these soils the Na to K ratio was <1. The relationships between ESP and turbidity were poor (R2= 0.23) indicating limitations of using the ESP for identifying potentially dispersive soils when K is present on the soil exchange sites. Therefore, we used exchangeable cation ratio (ECR), as an index alternative to ESP, but which takes into account effects of exchangeable K on clay dispersion. The good correlation obtained between ECR and the parameters like turbidity and zeta potential support its use in assessing soil structural stability when the appreciable amount of K present on exchange sites
The unique charoite mineralization, established on the Murun alkaline massif in the northwestern part of the Aldan shield on the border of the Irkutsk region and Yakutia, is still of great interest to some of researchers (geologists, crystallographers, geochemists, etc.). The outcrops of charoite-bearing rocks at the “Sirenevyi Kamen” deposit are noted both in the indigenous outcrops and in eluvial clatters [Bondarenko, 2009].The unique charoite mineralization, established on the Murun alkaline massif in the northwestern part of the Aldan shield on the border of the Irkutsk region and Yakutia, is still of great interest to some of researchers (geologists, crystallographers, geochemists, etc.). The outcrops of charoite-bearing rocks at the “Sirenevyi Kamen” deposit are noted both in the indigenous outcrops and in eluvial clatters [Bondarenko, 2009]
Methods for prevention of functional disorders of the kidneys in students
In recent years there has been growth in the number of students who have kidney and urogenital system, in connection with which they are forced to engage in physical culture in special medical group or be exempt from the practical exercises. Proper application of gymnastic exercises in combination with a healthy lifestyle prevents progression of the diseaseВ последние годы наблюдается рост количества студентов, имеющих заболевания почек и мочеполовой системы, в связи, с чем они вынуждены заниматься физической культурой в специальной медицинской группе или быть освобожденными от практических занятий. Правильное применение гимнастических упражнений в сочетании со здоровым образом жизни предупреждает прогрессирование заболевани
Modern information technologies in formation of physical education of the students
The use of information technologies in the study of discipline "Physical culture" will allow to raise interest of students to acquire knowledge and to activate cognitive activity, will contribute to the formation of physical education and cultural competencesИспользование информационных технологий при изучении дисциплины «Физическая культура» позволит повысить интерес у студентов к получению знаний, активизировать познавательную деятельность, будет способствовать формированию физкультурной образованности и общекультурных компетенци
Influence of Physical Education on Mental Activity of Students
Изучение влияния физической активности на психические процессы студентов, имеет актуальное значение, так как связано с их механизмом влияния на успешность учебной деятельности в период обучения в вузе. Целью работы явилось изучение особенностей влияния физкультуры на мыслительные процессы студентов. Рассмотрены факторы, оказывающие прямое и косвенное влияние на мыслительную деятельность студента. Выявленные особенности позволили предложить рекомендации повышения уровня познавательных процессов у молодых людей.The study of the influence of physical activity on the mental processes of students is of current importance, as it is associated with their mechanism of influence on the success of educational activities during their studies at the university. The purpose of the work was to study the features of the influence of physical education on the thought processes of students. The factors that have a direct and indirect influence on the student’s mental activity are considered. The identified features made it possible to propose recommendations for increasing the level of cognitive processes in young people
Model of monitoring of physical preparedness of students
Monitoring can be as an information tool of educational process on physical culture and a means of process control applied physical training of students at the universityМониторинг может являться как информационным средством учебного процесса по физической культуре, так и средством управления процессом прикладной физической подготовки студентов в вуз
Quantum Transparency of Barriers for Structure Particles
Penetration of two coupled particles through a repulsive barrier is
considered. A simple mechanism of the appearance of barrier resonances is
demonstrated that makes the barrier anomalously transparent as compared to the
probability of penetration of structureless objects. It is indicated that the
probabilities of tunnelling of two interacting particles from a false vacuum
can be considerably larger than it was assumed earlier.Comment: Revtex, 4 pages, 4 figure
Переходная кривая зуба эвольвентной передачи с заданной формой
The paper contains a new methodology to set and optimize parameters of easement curve of involute gear tooth. The methodology is based on the principles of generalized parameter method. Shape of easement curve is invariant to tool parameters. Easement curve described by elliptical equation is investigated. The methodology is recommended for optimization of gearing design with improved parameters.Предлагается новая методика для назначения и оптимизации параметров переходной кривой зуба эвольвентной передачи, основанная на принципах метода обобщающих параметров. Форма переходной кривой при этом инвариантна к параметрам инструмента. Исследована переходная кривая, описанная уравнением эллипса. Рекомендуется для оптимизирования конструкций зубчатых передач с улучшенными параметрами
Innovative ways to build skills in students professional and educational institution in athletic activities
В статье представлены общекультурные компетенции выпускника по направлению подготовки «Профессиональное обучение» (по отраслям) и их дескрипторное описание. Предложены образовательные технологии формирования компетенций в процессе физического воспитанияThis paper presents the general cultural competence of the graduate in the field of training Vocational training (by industry) and their description of the descriptor. Proposed educa-tional technology to build skills in physical educatio
Построение и анализ области существования зубчатой передачи в координатах углов профиля при вершине зубьев
The paper proposes a methodology which is recommended for plotting and analysis of involute external gearing (blocking circuit). This methodology is based on the principles of combined parameter method. As the paper states plotting and analysis of existence region in the coordinates of combined parameters αα1,2 (profile angles at tooth points) is more convenient analogue in respect of the coordinates ϑ1,2 . This paper is recommended for optimization of gearing design with improved parameters.Предложена методика построения и анализа области существования (блокирующего контура) эвольвентной зубчатой передачи внешнего зацепления, основанная на принципах метода обобщающих параметров. Построение и анализ области существования в координатах обобщающих параметров αα1,2 (углов профиля при вершине зубьев) является, по мнению автора, более удобным аналогом по отношению к координатам ϑ1,2. Рекомендуется для оптимизирования конструкций зубчатых передач с улучшенными параметрами
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