32 research outputs found

    Investigation on the Incidence, Diagnostic, Possibilities and Design of Prophylactic Treatment in an Outbreak of Bacterial Haemorrhagic Septicemia of Carp

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    The investigations carried out on a sample of 53 breeders (31 females and 22 males), in a fishing farm of Suatu village, County of Cluj, concerning the incidence of hemorrhagic bacterial septicaemia, diagnosis and profilactico-therapeutic possibilities. Results highlights a incidence of bacteriosis differentiated according to the category of breeders, 54.8% in females and 36.3% in males. Necropsy examination carried out on 3 specimen of suspected bacteriosis, highlights the presence of hemorrhagic skin lesions, which are dotted or diffuse, respectively musculo-cutaneous necrosis and ulcers. Regarding the internal injuries, opening of the body cavity, revealed consistency changes and septicemy form in major internal organs, as well as the presence of a liquid hollow looking sanguinolent.The bacterioscopic examination of smears from the pathologic material (skin surface end internal samples) and colored with the Gram method, reveled bacterial microflora, represented by coccobacillus and straight bacilli or slightly curved, both Gram negative. Furthermore, the bacteriological (culture) exam performed on usual and selective culture mediae, distinguishes the isolation of pure culture bacteriae belonging to the genus Aeromonas. The exam of biochemical traits, with the aid of API 20 E multitest determines that the isolated strains of Aeromonas spp. belong to the species Aeromonas hydrophila, indicted in the emergence and evolution of the bacterial of haemorrhagic septicaemia. Testing strains sensitivity to antibiotics and chemotherapy (through antibiograma level), reflects the isolated bacteria’s values of sensitivity in decreasing order: amoxicillin, oxytetracycline, florfenicol and enrofloxacilin. However, reduced sensitivity was recorded to tetracycline and ampicillin and resistance to erythromycin.Â

    Cyber-Cosmos: A New Citizen Science Concept in A Dark Sky Destination

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    Astrotourism and related citizen science activities are becoming a major trend of a sustainable, high-quality tourism segment, core elements to the protection of Dark skies in many countries. In the Summer of 2020, in the middle of COVID pandemics, we started an initiative to train young students - Cyber-Cosmos - using an Unistellar eVscope, a smart, compact and user-friendly digital telescope that offers unprecedented opportunities for deep-sky observation and citizen science campaigns. Sponsored by the Ci\^encia Viva Summer program, this was probably the first continuous application of this equipment in a pedagogical and citizen-science context, and in a pandemic context. Pampilhosa da Serra, home to a certified Dark Sky destination (Aldeias do Xisto) in central Portugal, was the chosen location for this project, where we expect astrotourism and citizen science to flourish and contribute to space sciences education.Comment: Manuscript presented at the International Astronautical Congress, IAC 2021, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 25 - 29 October 2021. Copyright by IA

    Prácticas excelentes en la docentia universitaria

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    Hay muchas formas de mejorar la práctica docente. Una de ellas es aprender de los que lo hacen mejor. Además, hay muchos docentes que necesitan de la inspiración de ejemplos concretos para mejorar sus prácticas en la clase. A partir de estas creencias, hemos planteado como objetivo general del proyecto de innovación proporcionar a los docentes de los grados de Comunicación (i.e., periodismo, comunicación audiovisual, publicidad y relaciones públicas) ejercicios que han demostrado funcionar en la enseñanza universitaria

    Lina Bo Bardi: do pré-artesanato ao design

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    Conseqüência de uma busca para o entendimento da arte e, mais especificamente, do projeto de produtos no Brasil; este trabalho encontrou na experiência da produção da arquiteta Lina Bo Bardi (1914-1992) um caminho possível para uma resposta. Tendo vindo da Itália para o Brasil em 1946 a arquiteta utilizou seu olhar estrangeiro para interpretar a arte popular do sertão da Bahia como uma metodologia antropológica e, tendo absorvido estas informações as transformou em exposições, arquiteturas e produtos que são uma das tantas possibilidades para o entendimento da história do produto no Brasil.The research is the consequence of seeking for the understanding of art and design in Brazil. This work met (found) in the experience and the creations of the architect Lina Bo Bardi, a possible way to an answer. Coming from Italy to Brazil in 1946, the architect used her foreign look to analyze the popular art of Bahias sertão (north-east of Brazil) with an anthropologic method and, having absorbed the information she transformed it in exhibitions, architecture and products, which are one of the possibilities to understand the evolution (story) of the design product in Brazil


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    El COVID-19 es una situación emergente que evoluciona rápidamente a medida que la evidencia científica cambia al entender mejor su fisiopatología, clínica y particularmente, la terapéutica, con el fin de encontrar las estrategias y fármacos más efectivos, que representen el menor riesgo posible. Se realizó una revisión de la literatura durante marzo y abril del 2020, relacionada a los tratamientos contra el SARS-CoV-2, disponibles y en estudio para ese momento, en los motores de búsqueda: PubMed, Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Salud y el Instituto Nacional de Salud de los Estados Unidos, reflejándose los resultados en la infografía elaborada. Se concluye que hasta la fecha ningún tratamiento ha demostrado ser efectivo, por lo que es necesario la continuación de los ensayos clínicos, produciendo evidencia científica de alta calidad para brindar la mejor atención a los pacientes

    Species-specific detection of processed animal proteins in feed by Raman spectroscopy

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    The existing European Regulation (EC n° 51/2013) prohibits the use of animals meals in feedstuffs in order to prevent Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy infection and diffusion, however the legislation is rapidly moving towards a partial lifting of the "feed ban" and the competent control organisms are urged to develop suitable analytical methods able to avoid food safety incidents related to animal origin products. The limitations of the official methods (i.e. light microscopy and Polymerase Chain Reaction) suggest exploring new analytic ways to get reliable results in a short time. The combination of spectroscopic techniques with optical microscopy allows the development of an individual particle method able to meet both selectivity and sensitivity requirements (0.1%w/w). A spectroscopic method based on Fourier Transform micro-Raman spectroscopy coupled with Discriminant Analysis is here presented. This approach could be very useful for in-situ applications, such as customs inspections, since it drastically reduces time and costs of analysis

    A quantitative real time polymerase chain reaction approach for estimating processed animal proteins in feed: preliminary data

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    Lifting of the ban on the use of processed animal proteins (PAPs) from non-ruminants in non-ruminant feed is in the wind, avoiding intraspecies recycling. Discrimination of species will be performed through polymerase chain reaction (PCR), which is at a moment a merely qualitative method. Nevertheless, quantification of PAPs in feed is needed. The aim of this study was to approach the quantitative determination of PAPs in feed through Real Time (RT)-PCR technique; three different protocols picked up from the literature were tested. Three different kind of matrices were examined: pure animal meals (bovine, chicken and pork); one feed sample certified by the European reference laboratory on animal proteins (EURL AP) in feed spiked with 0.1% bovine meal; and genomic DNAs from bovine, chicken and pork muscles. The limit of detection (LOD) of the three protocols was set up. All the results obtained from the three protocols considered failed in the quantification process, most likely due to the uncertain copy numbers of the analytical targets chosen. This preliminary study will allow us to address further investigations, with the purpose of developing a RT-PCR quantitative method

    Multiresidue confirmatory method for determination of quinolones in milk by HPLC: method development and validation according to the criteria of Commission Decision 2002/657/EC

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    Veterinary drugs have become an integral part of the livestock production and play an important role in maintaining animal welfare. The use of veterinary medicines may be cause of the presence of drug residues in animal food products if appropriate withdrawal periods are not respected or if contaminated feeds are used. This work presents the development of an high performance liquid chromatography with postcolumn fluorescence derivatization (HPLC-FLD) method for the quantitative detection of eight quinolones – norfloxacin, ciprofloxacin, danofloxacin, enrofloxacin, difloxacin, oxolinic acid, nalidixic acid, and flumequine – in bovine milk. After deproteination and extraction with a metaphosphoric acid 1% w/v/methanol/acetonitrile (60/20/20 v/v/v) solution, the sample is partially evaporated and cleaned up on a reversed phase solid phase extraction (SPE) cartridge. The extract is analyzed using an HPLC-FLD. Mean recovery ranged between 65-88%. The method is validated as a confirmatory method according to Decision 2002/657/EC. All the verified parameters (linearity, selectivity/specificity, trueness, precision, CC, ruggedness and stability) were satisfactory and the method is able to quantify all the analytes in milk in the concentration range 15-60 μg/Kg for danofloxacin and 25-150 μg/Kg for the other quinolones