52 research outputs found

    Groundwater contamination by pesticides: preliminary evaluation

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    A discussion about groundwater contamination is presented in this work. Contamination by agricultural activity, more specifically by pesticides is emphasized. Indirect and direct estimates could be used to predict pesticide behavior in soil, and consequently, to evaluate the potential of groundwater contamination. These results could be applied to advise about the possibility of groundwater contamination by pesticides, and to provide subsidies for making decisions more quickly and efficiently.68869

    Caracterización y desarrollo del “saber luchar”: contenidos de un modelo integrado para la enseñanza de las artes marciales y de los deportes de combate

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es definir los principios y contenidos técnico‐tácticos que caracterizan el “saber luchar” en el ámbito de las artes marciales y deportes de combate entendidos en su sentido global. Desde el punto de vista metodológico, buscamos detectar los límites práxicos del conjunto de las diferentes disciplinas de las artes marciales y deportes de combate a través del análisis de puntos de convergencia que puedan conferirles consistencia como grupo de prácticas, y a partir de los cuales resulte posible desarrollar un proceso de enseñanza‐aprendizaje coherente. Los principios y contenidos que consideramos desde esta perspectiva integrada establecen las posibilidades de acción independientemente de los condicionantes técnicos institucionalizados por las diferentes modalidades de combate. Sobre la base de la “estructura técnico‐táctica del saber luchar”, se propone desarrollar el “saber luchar” enfatizando la importancia de incidir sobre la “intención táctica” de los aprendices. La distribución y categorización de las acciones luctatorias que presentamos busca ofrecer herramientas y criterios para ayudar en el proceso de iniciación a las artes marciales y deportes de combate

    Antimicrobianos Veterinários: Uso na Avicultura e Ocorrência em Cama de Frango

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    The concern with the entry and exit of veterinary antimicrobials in the environment is rising, taking into account the expressive increase of intensive systems of poultry farming. The presence of several classes of antimicrobials in poultry litter, material with a varying composition which is distributes over the floor of sheds, and that has been thrown in agricultural soil after prohibition of its use in animal feed, has contributed to increase the presence of these compounds in soil and surface water. Although Brazil is the third largest producer of chicken meat, only few studies that investigate the presence of these compounds in poultry litter and in the environment have been described. Considering these aspects, this paper aims to present a discussion about poultry litter as a source of antimicrobials to the environment, as well as levels of these compounds found in other matrices, based on a literature research performed between 1999 to 2013 in the databases Web of Science, SciFinder, and Scopus. Gaps in this knowledge area are pointed out as suggestions for future studies, which could provide tools to improve decision for treatment and/or final disposal of waste generated by poultry farming.A preocupação com a entrada e destino de antimicrobianos veterinários no ambiente é crescente, considerando o aumento expressivo da criação intensiva de frango de corte. A presença de diversas classes de antimicrobianos em cama de frango, material de composição diversa distribuído sobre o piso de galpões, e que tem sido lançado no solo agrícola após proibição do seu uso na ração animal, tem contribuído para aumentar a presença desses compostos em solo e água superficial. O Brasil, embora seja o terceiro maior produtor mundial de carne de frango, apresenta poucos trabalhos que investigam a presença de antimicrobianos veterinários em cama de frango e no ambiente. Considerando esses aspectos, este trabalho apresenta uma discussão sobre a entrada de antimicrobianos no ambiente pela cama de frango, assim como níveis encontrados em outras matrizes, tendo como base um levantamento bibliográfico realizado no período de 1999 a 2013 nas bases de dados Web of Science, SciFinder e Scopus. Apontam-se lacunas ainda existentes nessa área e que merecem atenção em estudos futuros para fornecer ferramentas que visem à melhor tomada de decisão para tratamento e/ou destinação final dos resíduos gerados pela avicultura

    Projeto ExPOSE: criação de protocolos para avaliação da exposição ocupacional ao microbiota em ambientes clínicos

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    FCT - 02/SAICT/2016 – Project nº 23222Nas últimas décadas, tem sido enfatizada a importância dos bioaerossóis em ambientes interiores, pelos efeitos adversos que causam na saúde humana e consequente impacto na saúde pública. Os hospitais e restantes unidades de saúde, pelas caraterísticas inerentes aos mesmos podem potenciar a contaminação microbiana, pelo que requerem uma atenção e intervenção especial para proteger, não só os pacientes mas também os profissionais de saúde, das infeções associadas aos cuidados de saúde e das doenças profissionais. O projeto ExPOSE tem como objetivo avaliar a exposição dos trabalhadores ao microbiota em unidades de cuidados de saúde e consequente elaboração de orientações para a redução dessa exposição.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Spinnability and characteristics of polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF)-based bicomponent fibers with a carbon nanotube (CNT) modified polypropylene core for piezoelectric applications

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    Biodiesel production has received considerable attention in the recent past as a nonpolluting fuel. However, this assertion has been based on its biodegradability and reduction in exhaust emissions. Assessments of water and soil biodiesel pollution are still limited. Spill simulation with biodiesel and their diesel blends in soils were carried out, aiming at analyzing their cytotoxic and genotoxic potentials. While the cytotoxicity observed may be related to diesel contaminants, the genotoxic and mutagenic effects can be ascribed to biodiesel pollutants. Thus, taking into account that our data stressed harmful effects on organisms exposed to biodiesel-polluted soils, the designation of this biofuel as an environmental-friendly fuel should be carefully reviewed to assure environmental quality. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Matrix Effects on Water Analysis for Alkylphenols Using Solid Phase Extraction Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry

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    Gas chromatography with mass spectrometry is frequently used for the quantification of many classes of substances, including alkylphenols. Alkylphenol polyethoxylates are nonionic surfactants used in a wide variety of industrial and consumer applications. Alkylphenol polyethoxylates can degrade to alkylphenols, which are endocrine disruptors. In analytical validation procedures, the most common parameters studied are the detection and quantification limits, linearity, and recovery; however, the matrix effects are sometimes neglected. Although some investigators have evaluated matrix effects, there is no consensus on how to evaluate them during method validation. In this study, the matrix effects of alkylphenol polyethoxylates (nonylphenol monoethoxylate, nonylphenol diethoxylate, octylphenol monoethoxylate, octylphenol diethoxylate) and alkylphenols (nonylphenol and octylphenol) were studied using solid phase extraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis. For alkylphenol polyethoxylates, the matrix effects ranged from 16 to 4692%, whereas for alkylphenols (nonylphenol and octylphenol), the effects were insignificant. Therefore, constructing an analytical curve in the matrix for alkylphenol polyethoxylates is essential. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC

    Influence of sugar cane vinasse on the sorption and degradation of herbicides in soil under controlled conditions

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    This study reports the influence of sugar cane vinasse on the persistence, sorption and leaching potential of diuron (3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea), hexazinone (3-cyclohexyl-6-(dimethylamino)-1-methyl-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-dione) and tebuthiuron (1-(5-tert-butyl-1,3,4-thiadiazol-2-yl)-1,3-dimethylurea) in both a clay and sandy soil from a tropical area of Brazil. The experiments were conducted out under controlled laboratory conditions. The addition of sugarcane vinasse to soil influenced the persistence and sorption of the herbicides in both the studied clay and sandy soils, with a considerable decrease in the diuron DT50 values in clay soil. The Ground Water Ubiquity Score (GUS) Index classifies the herbicides as leachers in both soils and treatments, with the exception of diuron, which is classified as a non-leacher in clay soil-vinasse and as a transient herbicide in sandy soil. These results suggest that special attention should be given to areas such as those where the sandy soil was collected in this study, which is a recharge area of the Guarani Aquifer and is likely to experience groundwater contamination due to the high leaching potential of the applied pesticides.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Desenvolvimento e aplicação de método GC-MS/MS para análise simultânea de 17 HPAs em material particulado atmosférico

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    Os hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos (HPAs) estão associados ao aumento da incidência de diversos tipos de cânceres no homem. Essas moléculas são formadas principalmente na queima incompleta de matéria orgânica, sendo encontradas em todos os compartimentos ambientais. Órgãos regulamentadores das áreas ambiental e de saúde ocupacional consideram 17 HPAs como contaminantes atmosféricos prioritários. Este trabalho apresenta um método para análise simultânea destes HPAs utilizando-se a cromatografia a gás acoplada à espectrometria de massas operando no modo tandem (GC-MS/MS). Os limites de detecção e quantificação do método mostraram-se até 5 vezes inferiores aos obtidos no método GC-MS (SCAN). O método mostrou-se seletivo para análise de HPAs em extratos de amostras de material particulado atmosférico. Uma análise comparativa de dois sistemas de solventes (diclorometano/metanol 4:1 v/v e hexano/acetona 1:1 v/v) para a extração de HPAs, utilizando amostras de material particulado atmosférico, revelou que ambas as misturas de solventes possuem poder de extração semelhante. Os resultados sugerem que é possível realizar extração de HPAs de material particulado atmosférico em ultra-som com a mistura hexano/acetona (1:1), que é menos tóxica em relação à mistura diclorometano/metanol (4:1), bastante utilizada nestas análises, sem perdas significativas na exatidão do método.Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are associated with increased incidence of various types of cancers in humans. These molecules are formed mainly in the incomplete burning of organic matter and can be found in all environmental compartments. North American regulatory agencies for environmental and occupational health areas consider 17 PAHs as air contaminants having priority. This work presents a method for simultaneous analysis of these PAHs using gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry, operating in tandem mode (GC-MS/MS). The limits of detection and quantification of this method were 5 times lower than that obtained with GC-MS (SCAN) method. The method was selective in analysis of PAHs from airborne particulate matter. A comparative analysis of two systems of solvents (dichloromethane/methanol (4:1 v / v) and hexane/acetone (1:1 v / v)) for PAHs extraction, using samples of airborne particulate matter, shows that both mixtures of solvents have similar extraction ability. The results pointed out that it is possible to extract PAHs from airborne particulate matter using a mixture hexane/acetone (1:1), which is less toxic in than dichloromethane/methanol (4:1), usually used in these analyses, without significant losses in the accuracy of the method

    Determination of sugar cane herbicides in soil and soil treated with sugar cane vinasse by solid-phase extraction and HPLC-UV

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    This Work reports oil the development and validation of a small-scale and efficient SPE-HPLC-UV method for the simultaneous determination of the most used herbicides (diuron, hexazinone, and tebuthiuron) applied to soil and soil treated with sugar cane vinasse (soil-vinasse) in areas where Sugar cane crops are grown in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. The analytical procedure was optimized for solvent extraction and HPLC-UV conditions. Extraction and clean-LIP were combined in a single step employing solid-phase extraction, avoiding sophisticated techniques, organic-solvent-water mixtures and consequently a longer concentration step. Recovery studies with soil and soil-vinasse samples spiked at two herbicides levels (around 0.25 and 2.0 mg kg(-1)) and sample stability (sample frozen for 20 days before analysis) were applied as parameters to control the efficiency of the method. Good accuracy and precision were achieved with average recoveries ranging from 78% to 120% and relative standard deviations less than 10% throughout the whole recovery test. The method's limit of detection ranged between 0.025 and 0.050 mg kg(-1) for diuron, hexazinone, and tebuthiuron in soil and soil-vinasse. The feasibility of this method was applied to determine the herbicide half-lives (t(1/2)) in soil and soil-vinasse in a laboratory Study. Sugar cane vinasse added to soil increased the degradation of diuron and tebuthiuron (p < 0.05), reducing the t(1/2) from 80 to 7 days and 128 to 73 days, respectively. This method is presented as an alternative which could be applied to assess herbicide behavior in soil in order to prevent water contamination and to contribute to establish pesticide limits in soil. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq