3,518 research outputs found

    Ignition of sounding rocket motors with hand-pumped air

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    Method demonstrates inexpensive, safe, and foolproof concept for solid propellant rocket motors, using simple handpump to deliver air. Flueric ignition was accomplished using system without stored energy and with complete absence of electrical energy and wiring

    Black-hole masses of type 1 AGN in the XMM-Newton bright serendipitous survey

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    We derive masses of the central super-massive black hole (SMBH) and accretion rates for 154 type1 AGN belonging to a well-defined X-ray-selected sample, the XMM-Newton Serendipitous Sample (XBS). To this end, we use the most recent "single-epoch" relations, based on Hbeta and MgII2798A emission lines, to derive the SMBH masses. We then use the bolometric luminosities, computed on the basis of an SED-fitting procedure, to calculate the accretion rates, both absolute and normalized to the Eddington luminosity (Eddington ratio). The selected AGNs cover a range of masses from 10^7 to 10^10 Msun with a peak around 8x10^8 Msun and a range of accretion rates from 0.01 to ~50 Msun/year (assuming an efficiency of 0.1), with a peak at ~1 Msun/year. The values of Eddington ratio range from 0.001 to ~0.5 and peak at 0.1.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Investigation of resonant and transient phenomena in Josephson junction flux qubits

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    We present an analytical and computational study of resonances and transient responses in a classical Josephson junction system. A theoretical basis for resonances in a superconducting loop with three junctions is presented, outlining both the direct relationship between the dynamics of single- and multi-junction systems, and the direct relationships between observations of the classical counterparts to Rabi oscillations, Ramsey fringes, and spin echo oscillations in this class of systems. We show simulations data along with analytical analyses of the classical model, and the results are related to previously reported experiments conducted on three junction loops. We further investigate the effect of off-resonant microwave perturbations to, e.g., the Rabi-type response of the Josephson system, and we relate this response back to the nonlinear and multi-valued resonance behavior previously reported for a single Josephson junction. The close relationships between single and multi-junction behavior demonstrates the underlying dynamical mechanism for a whole class of classical counterparts to expected quantum mechanical observations in a variety of systems; namely the resonant and transient behavior of a particle in an anharmonic potential well with subsequent escape.Comment: 11 pages, seven figure

    A critical analysis of the hydrino model

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    Recently, spectroscopic and calorimetric observations of hydrogen plasmas and chemical reactions with them have been interpreted as evidence for the existence of electronic states of the hydrogen atom with a binding energy of more than 13.6 eV. The theoretical basis for such states, that have been dubbed hydrinos, is investigated. We discuss both, the novel deterministic model of the hydrogen atom, in which the existence of hydrinos was predicted, and standard quantum mechanics. Severe inconsistencies in the deterministic model are pointed out and the incompatibility of hydrino states with quantum mechanics is reviewed.Comment: 9 page

    Effects of the solution and first aging treatment applied to as-built and post-HIP CM247 produced via Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF)

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    In this work CM247LC, a low weldable Ni-Based alloy, was produced using selective laser melting (SLM). Despite the initial process parameter optimization, the low defect volume fraction was still uncompliant with manufacturing standards. This condition is principally caused by the high γ’ volume fraction which strongly affects the alloy weldability. Nonetheless, a crack free condition was eventually achieved applying a γ’-sub-solvus Hot Isostatic Pressing Cycle (HIP) which lowered the defects fraction down to 0.04%. The HIP cycle also demonstrated to play an important role in the stabilization of the microstructure, considerably limiting the carbides coarsening during the following heat treatment. Apart from the effectiveness of the healing process brought by HIP, the material microstructure still needs an optimization process which will be described along this paper. In fact, the Initial microstructure obtained after the printing process (the as-built condition) as well as the one obtained after HIP (post-HIP) won’t meet the desired requirements. Namely, the dendritic and γ’ free microstructure of the asbuilt material or the one with coarse and disordered particles obtained right after HIP, still need a tailored homogenization process. This paper will show how the combined effect of the solution and first aging treatment will profoundly alter the γ’ precipitation. More specifically, here, a new heat treatment recipe was developed to promote the precipitation of ordered cuboidal primary γ’ so as to improve creep and high temperature fatigue resistance. Moreover, the use of a γ’ super-solvus temperature allowed to achieve a γ’ volume fraction as high as 73% reducing its average size to 520 nm. At the same time, such heat treatment caused a profound alteration of the crystalline structures of the material promoting a general grain coarsening and the formation of equiaxial grain

    Role of the chemical homogenization on the microstructural and mechanical evolution of prolonged heat-treated laser powder bed fused Inconel 625

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    Ni-based superalloy components for high-temperature applications rely on the long term stability of the microstructure and mechanical properties at service temperatures. Nowadays, the production of such types of components is frequently performed via Additive Manufacturing (AM) technologies. Nevertheless, few studies are dedicated to understanding the behavior of AM Ni-based superalloys upon prolonged exposure to high temperatures. This work aims at studying the effect of prolonged thermal exposures on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Inconel 625 processed by laser powder bed fusion. Thermal exposures within the range of 600 °C and 900 °C for 200 h were performed on this material. The as-built and solution annealed Inconel 625 conditions were selected. The solution annealed state implies a complete chemical homogenization, typically recommended for working at high temperatures, whereas the initial as-built state is characterized by segregations and fine dendritic structures. Upon the studied prolonged thermal exposures, the peculiar as-built microstructure formed a higher quantity of phases with smaller dimensions with respect to the solution annealed condition under thermal exposures. The smaller phases of the as-built state resulted in similar mechanical properties evolution under different temperatures. Differently, the prolonged heat-treated solution annealed conditions exhibited more marked mechanical properties variations due to coarser phases

    PARP inhibitors affect growth, survival and radiation susceptibility of human alveolar and embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma cell lines

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    PARP inhibitors (PARPi) are used in a wide range of human solid tumours but a limited evidence is reported in rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS), the most frequent childhood soft-tissue sarcoma. The cellular and molecular effects of Olaparib, a specific PARP1/2 inhibitor, and AZD2461, a newly synthesized PARP1/2/3 inhibitor, were assessed in alveolar and embryonal RMS cells both as single-agent and in combination with ionizing radiation (IR)
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