1,168 research outputs found

    Structural compliance, misfit strain and stripe nanostructures in cuprate superconductors

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    Structural compliance is the ability of a crystal structure to accommodate variations in local atomic bond-lengths without incurring large strain energies. We show that the structural compliance of cuprates is relatively small, so that short, highly doped, Cu-O-Cu bonds in stripes are subject to a tensile misfit strain. We develop a model to describe the effect of misfit strain on charge ordering in the copper oxygen planes of oxide materials and illustrate some of the low energy stripe nanostructures that can result.Comment: 4 pages 5 figure

    Inverse spectral problems for Sturm--Liouville operators with matrix-valued potentials

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    We give a complete description of the set of spectral data (eigenvalues and specially introduced norming constants) for Sturm--Liouville operators on the interval [0,1][0,1] with matrix-valued potentials in the Sobolev space W21W_2^{-1} and suggest an algorithm reconstructing the potential from the spectral data that is based on Krein's accelerant method.Comment: 39 pages, uses iopart.cls, iopams.sty and setstack.sty by IO

    Bunching Transitions on Vicinal Surfaces and Quantum N-mers

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    We study vicinal crystal surfaces with the terrace-step-kink model on a discrete lattice. Including both a short-ranged attractive interaction and a long-ranged repulsive interaction arising from elastic forces, we discover a series of phases in which steps coalesce into bunches of n steps each. The value of n varies with temperature and the ratio of short to long range interaction strengths. We propose that the bunch phases have been observed in very recent experiments on Si surfaces. Within the context of a mapping of the model to a system of bosons on a 1D lattice, the bunch phases appear as quantum n-mers.Comment: 5 pages, RevTex; to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    The production of short-lived radionuclides by new non-rotating and rotating Wolf-Rayet model stars

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    It has been speculated that WR winds may have contaminated the forming solar system, in particular with short-lived radionuclides (half-lives in the approximate 10^5 - 10^8 y range) that are responsible for a class of isotopic anomalies found in some meteoritic materials. We revisit the capability of the WR winds to eject these radionuclides using new models of single non-exploding WR stars with metallicity Z = 0.02. The earlier predictions for non-rotating WR stars are updated, and models for rotating such stars are used for the first time in this context. We find that (1) rotation has no significant influence on the short-lived radionuclide production by neutron capture during the core He-burning phase, and (2) 26Al, 36Cl, 41Ca, and 107Pd can be wind-ejected by a variety of WR stars at relative levels that are compatible with the meteoritic analyses for a period of free decay of around 10^5 y between production and incorporation into the forming solar system solid bodies. We confirm the previously published conclusions that the winds of WR stars have a radionuclide composition that can meet the necessary condition for them to be a possible contaminating agent of the forming solar system. Still, it remains to be demonstrated from detailed models that this is a sufficient condition for these winds to have provided a level of pollution that is compatible with the observations.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Solar Spectral Irradiance Variability in Cycle 24: Model Predictions and OMI Observations

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    Utilizing the excellent stability of the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI), we characterize both short-term (solar rotation) and long-term (solar cycle) changes of the solar spectral irradiance (SSI) between 265-500 nanometers during the ongoing Cycle 24. We supplement the OMI data with concurrent observations from the GOME-2 (Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment - 2) and SORCE (Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment) instruments and find fair-to-excellent agreement between the observations and predictions of the NRLSSI2 (Naval Research Laboratory Solar Spectral Irradiance - post SORCE) and SATIRE-S (the Naval Research Laboratory's Spectral And Total Irradiance REconstruction for the Satellite era) models

    Biomechanics aspects of technique of high jump

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    The purpose of work consists in the theoretical ground of optimum biomechanics descriptions in high jumps. A mathematical model is developed for determination of influence on the height of jump: speed and corner of flight of centre-of-mass during pushing away, positions of centre-of-mass body of sportsman in the phases of pushing away and transition through a slat, forces of resistance of air environment, influences of moment of inertia of body. The basic technical run-time errors of sportsman are selected exercises. To biomechanics descriptions, to the step-up effectiveness of high jumps belong: speed of flight of centre-of-mass sportsman (4.2-5.8 meters in a second), corner of flight of centre-of-mass body (50-58 degrees), height of flight of centre-of mass body (0.85-1.15 meter). Directions of choice of necessary biomechanics descriptions which a sportsman can realize are shown. Offered recommendation on the increase of effectiveness of high jumps

    Biomechanics aspects of technique of high jump

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    The purpose of work consists in the theoretical ground of optimum biomechanics descriptions in high jumps. A mathematical model is developed for determination of influence on the height of jump: speed and corner of flight of centre-of-mass during pushing away, positions of centre-of-mass body of sportsman in the phases of pushing away and transition through a slat, forces of resistance of air environment, influences of moment of inertia of body. The basic technical run-time errors of sportsman are selected exercises. To biomechanics descriptions, to the step-up effectiveness of high jumps belong: speed of flight of centre-of-mass sportsman (4.2-5.8 meters in a second), corner of flight of centre-of-mass body (50-58 degrees), height of flight of centre-of mass body (0.85-1.15 meter). Directions of choice of necessary biomechanics descriptions which a sportsman can realize are shown. Offered recommendation on the increase of effectiveness of high jumps

    Qualitative features of periodic solutions of KdV

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    In this paper we prove new qualitative features of solutions of KdV on the circle. The first result says that the Fourier coefficients of a solution of KdV in Sobolev space HN,N0H^N,\, N\geq 0, admit a WKB type expansion up to first order with strongly oscillating phase factors defined in terms of the KdV frequencies. The second result provides estimates for the approximation of such a solution by trigonometric polynomials of sufficiently large degree

    Electric-field induced capillary interaction of charged particles at a polar interface

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    We study the electric-field induced capillary interaction of charged particles at a polar interface. The algebraic tails of the electrostatic pressure of each charge results in a deformation of the interface uρ4u\sim \rho ^{-4}. The resulting capillary interaction is repulsive and varies as ρ6\rho ^{-6} with the particle distance. As a consequence, electric-field induced capillary forces cannot be at the origin of the secondary minimum observed recently for charged PMMA particles at on oil-water interface.Comment: June 200

    Absence of the Transition into Abrikosov Vortex State of Two-Dimensional Type-II Superconductor with Weak Pinning

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    The resistive properties of thin amorphous NbO_{x} films with weak pinning were investigated experimentally above and below the second critical field H_{c2}. As opposed to bulk type II superconductors with weak pinning where a sharp change of resistive properties at the transition into the Abrikosov state is observed at H_{c4}, some percent below H_{c2} (V.A.Marchenko and A.V.Nikulov, 1981), no qualitative change of resistive properties is observed down to a very low magnetic field, H_{c4} < 0.006 H_{c2}, in thin films with weak pinning. The smooth dependencies of the resistivity observed in these films can be described by paraconductivity theory both above and below H_{c2}. This means that the fluctuation superconducting state without phase coherence remains appreciably below H_{c2} in the two-dimensional superconductor with weak pinning. The difference the H_{c4}/H_{c2} values, i.e. position of the transition into the Abrikosov state, in three- and two-dimensional superconductors conforms to the Maki-Takayama result 1971 year according to which the Abrikosov solution 1957 year is valid only for a superconductor with finite dimensions. Because of the fluctuation this solution obtained in the mean field approximation is not valid in a relatively narrow region below H_{c2} for bulk superconductors with real dimensions and much below H_{c2} for thin films with real dimensions. The superconducting state without phase coherence should not be identified with the mythical vortex liquid because the vortex, as a singularity in superconducting state with phase coherence, can not exist without phase coherence.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure