26 research outputs found

    Searching for better business models assessment methods

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    [EN] Purpose The purpose of this paper is to provide a more useful business models assessment method than the traditional intuitive one. The paper also compares both methods, in order to display what does the intuitive assessment method really assess. Design/methodology/approach An experimental approach allows the authors to generate a set of business models, in order to assess them and to compare alternative assessment methods in a quantitative manner. Findings The work proposes a scale for ex ante business models assessment consisting on eight indicators. This provides an ex ante assessment that takes into consideration a wider range of factors than the traditional intuitive assessment. The comparison between both methods shows which factors are intuitively taken into account and which are not. Research limitations/implications The research contributes to expand the business model creation framework. Practical implications A more accurate assessment will show the most promising business models that will result in higher chances of success of new business ventures. Social implications As companies and entrepreneurs hardly have the possibility to implement more than one business model, to choose the best option becomes essential. This selection could mark the threshold between success and failure, and between wealth creation and destruction. Originality/value Little research has been conducted in a field that might be really fruitful, the field of business model ex ante assessment. The work faces the challenge using an experimental methodology that allows to broaden the range of situations to study.Mateu Céspedes, JM.; March Chordà, I. (2016). Searching for better business models assessment methods. Management Decision. 54(10):2433-2446. doi:10.1108/MD-07-2015-0325S24332446541

    Analysing the Impact of the Glass Ceiling in a Managerial Career: The Case of Spain

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    [EN] The need to break down the barriers facing women in the labour market arouses great interest for reasons of social and sustainability justice. This study breaks new ground on the topic of the "glass ceiling" by assessing the evolution of gender inequality in the proportion of individuals reaching high managerial positions. The application of the csQCA method to a survey of two cohorts of Spanish graduates in management sharing the same starting conditions reveals two factors: job variety and additional education, as conditions that are usually present in a successful managerial career. Our findings confirm the prevalence of the gender gap with little progress in recent years. Women find it more difficult to promote to high managerial positions whereas being a man turns out to almost be a guarantee for eluding low managerial positions. In the context of Spain, and for sure in most other countries, the few women attaining high managerial positions still need to make a greater effort in their professional career than their male counterparts.Yagüe-Perales, RM.; Pérez Ledo, P.; March-Chordà, I. (2021). Analysing the Impact of the Glass Ceiling in a Managerial Career: The Case of Spain. Sustainability. 13(12):1-18. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13126579118131

    Analysing the impact of the glass ceiling in a managerial career: the case of spain

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    The need to break down the barriers facing women in the labour market arouses great interest for reasons of social and sustainability justice. This study breaks new ground on the topic of the 'glass ceiling' by assessing the evolution of gender inequality in the proportion of individuals reaching high managerial positions. The application of the csQCA method to a survey of two cohorts of Spanish graduates in management sharing the same starting conditions reveals two factors: job variety and additional education, as conditions that are usually present in a successful managerial career. Our findings confirm the prevalence of the gender gap with little progress in recent years. Women find it more difficult to promote to high managerial positions whereas being a man turns out to almost be a guarantee for eluding low managerial positions. In the context of Spain, and for sure in most other countries, the few women attaining high managerial positions still need to make a greater effort in their professional career than their male counterparts

    The unexpected profile of agricultural innovators: evidence from an empirical study

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    [EN] Innovation capacity is essential for farmers to remain competitive and overcome the challenges facing Mediterranean agricultural systems. Based on an extensive empirical study, this paper elucidates the common attributes of innovative farmers in the Region of Valencia (Spain). The model presented in this study investigates whether an innovative attitude can be explained by market-entrepreneurial orientation, learning orientation, individual profile traits and farm size. The findings provide insights into how age and experience affect innovation in agricultural smallholdings. The study shows that the most innovative farmers run large farms and have a strong market-entrepreneurial orientation. Farm size and learning orientation are key requirements to enhance the innovative attitude of farmers.Yagüe-Perales, RM.; Pérez Ledo, P.; March-Chordà, I. (2020). The unexpected profile of agricultural innovators: evidence from an empirical study. New Medit. Mediterranean Journal of Economics, Agriculture and Environment. 1(2):84-100. https://doi.org/10.30682/nm2002fS841001

    Modelos de Negocio en las Empresas de Biotecnología: Análisis Comparativo entre España y los Países Líderes

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    Biotechnology is still an emergent industry in Spain with no business models well defined yet. However, in Canada, a leading country for this industry, three models can be already depicted, two of them clearly dominant. Our empirical fieldwork, based on practically the whole population of Dedicated Biotechnological Firms in Spain, is intended to figure out the significant disparities encountered in the Spanish biotechnology firms in comparison to their Canadian counterparts, in most of the indicators and variables shaping the business models. Our study concludes the Spanish biotechnological industry overwhelmingly compiles services-based companies with low to medium innovative levels. This profile diverges from the most commonly displayed by this industry in Canada.En el emergente sector de la biotecnología en España, los modelos de negocio todavía no están definidos. No obstante, en un país considerado un referente para el sector como es Canadá, despuntan ya con cierta claridad dos modelos dominantes. Nuestro trabajo empírico corroborará las significativas diferencias que separan el tejido empresarial biotecnológico español de su homónimo canadiense, en la gran mayoría de variables que definen los modelos de negocio más implantados. Nuestro trabajo concluye que el sector biotecnológico español avanza por un camino distinto y divergente del marcado en Canadá, uno de los países que se sitúan a la vanguardia en esta industria.Biotechnology is still an emergent industry in Spain with no business models well defined yet. However, in Canada, a leading country for this industry, three models can be already depicted, two of them clearly dominant. Our empirical fieldwork, based on practically the whole population of Dedicated Biotechnological Firms in Spain, is intended to figure out the significant disparities encountered in the Spanish biotechnology firms in comparison to their Canadian counterparts, in most of the indicators and variables shaping the business models. Our study concludes the Spanish biotechnological industry overwhelmingly compiles services-based companies with low to medium innovative levels. This profile diverges from the most commonly displayed by this industry in Canada

    Impacto social y económico de las aceleradoras de emprendimiento: análisis de factores condicionantes e implicaciones para la innovación social

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    Accelerators are still an emerging tool pointed to speed up the birth and growth of innovative start-ups. The Seed Accelerator programs (SAP) usually provide entrepreneurs with accommodation, mentoring and training during a short period of three to six months, and are believed to be useful for a more effective launch of start-ups. Due to their emergent nature, the impact and expectations of Seed Accelerators remains largely unknown. The main purpose of this study is to approximately assess, for the first time, the Seed Accelerators capacity to make a social contribution in terms of employment generated by the new ventures participating in the acceleration programs. The originality lies in being pioneer in identifying the factors underlying a higher impact of these initiatives in terms of employment and other key performance indicators. This objective will be empirically fulfilled through a sample of Seed Accelerators, assembled from an online Global Seed Accelerator survey with data on SAs and the accelerated companies that have participated in Accelerator Programs.; Este estudio indaga de forma pionera y exploratoria en el desempeño de las Aceleradoras y las start-ups albergadas en ellas en términos del empleo que generan. Los emprendedores que participan en una Aceleradora viven una experiencia que es crucial para la supervivencia, desarrollo y expansión de su start-up. Las Aceleradoras están generando una enorme expectación en España con Valencia a la cabeza, pero son un fenómeno muy reciente por lo que las evidencias empíricas existentes a día de hoy son poco concluyentes o inexistentes. De ahí el carácter pionero de nuestro estudio, el cual ofrece a partir de una muestra de 116 aceleradoras una aproximación al alcance del empleo generado por las start-ups ubicadas en ellas. Las evidencias empíricas encontradas aportan valiosas implicaciones prácticas a tener en cuenta a la hora de generar expectativas realistas acerca de estos instrumentos. Los resultados, de carácter exploratorio, demuestran que las Aceleradoras localizadas en EEUU estimulan la creación de un mayor número de start-ups que en otros países, así como de puestos de trabajo. El estudio identifica las variables que más intensamente inciden en la creación de nuevas empresas y sus niveles de empleo

    New evidence on accelerator performance based on funding and location

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    Purpose Seed accelerators (SAs) appear as a more advanced version of business incubators. These for-profit organizations in exchange of equity, help setting new start-ups by providing mentoring and funding during its first months. Due to their emergent nature, the impact and expectations of SAs remains largely unknown. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to throw new light on this field by empirically assessing for the first time the performance and prospects of these organizations through a survey of 116 SAs. Design/methodology/approach A model based on the Business Incubators literature is built with four categories covering size, location, age and profitability variables, leading to two hypotheses to be tested empirically over a survey of 116 SAs. Findings Some remarkable findings arise after implementation of both bivariate and multivariate analysis. The results confirm a higher size and performance in the US and in the oldest SAs at statistically significant levels. Research limitations/implications The study is not free from limitations but the findings make a contribution to the still scarce existing literature on SAs, and provide some managerial implications to their stockholders, to investors and to entrepreneurs. Practical implications The findings concerning performance indicators are especially helpful for investors, primarily concerned with the percentage return on investment factor, the period and the investment rounds needed to achieve exit. Another key issue is the SA's role as an employment seedbed. At first glance, the amount of employment, both overall and per company, might seem small given the young age of these firms. The impact of SAs on the generation of new employment is difficult to measure as it usually takes place in further stages of development of the tenant companies, the so-called scale-up process. Nonetheless, at present, the number of new companies being born is remarkable and, in terms of employment, the results are indeed promising. Our findings also offer important implications for entrepreneurs, venture investors and policy-makers. To entrepreneurs, our findings offer insight on the expectations to hold in the accelerator programs. Social implications For policy-makers and would-be accelerator founders, our results support the idea shared in the literature that accelerators can be an effective entrepreneurial intervention, even in small entrepreneurial ecosystems, compared to the strongest entrepreneurial hubs (Hallen et al., 2017). Originality/value SAs are a very recent phenomenon which is blooming all over the world, especially in developed countries. SAs are therefore considered a key agent in the prospects of any entrepreneurial ecosystem. However, no studies have so far analysed the impact and performance of this emerging instrument. This is precisely the main purpose of this paper, to offer for the first time an approximate and exploratory assessment on the impact and prospects of SAs, based on a database

    Analysing the impact of the glass ceiling in a managerial career: the case of Spain

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    The need to break down the barriers facing women in the labour market arouses great interest for reasons of social and sustainability justice. This study breaks new ground on the topic of the “glass ceiling” by assessing the evolution of gender inequality in the proportion of individuals reaching high managerial positions. The application of the csQCA method to a survey of two cohorts of Spanish graduates in management sharing the same starting conditions reveals two factors: job variety and additional education, as conditions that are usually present in a successful managerial career. Our findings confirm the prevalence of the gender gap with little progress in recent years. Women find it more difficult to promote to high managerial positions whereas being a man turns out to almost be a guarantee for eluding low managerial positions. In the context of Spain, and for sure in most other countries, the few women attaining high managerial positions still need to make a greater effort in their professional career than their male counterparts

    Desempeño económico de las empresas de base tecnológica en el sector salud humana

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    Este trabajo analiza el desempeño empresarial desde una perspectiva diferente a los enfoques teóricos predominantes. El énfasis recae en las dis-paridades de desempeño que emanan entre la modalidad empresarial más emprendedora e innovadora, formada por las denominadas Empresas de Base Tecnológica (EBTs) frente a las demás, y las asociadas a la pertenencia a diferentes subsectores. Para ello se ha construido un modelo con 10 variables aplicado a una muestra de empresas representativa del sector de Salud Humana con orientación I+D en la Comunidad Valenciana. Los resultados obtenidos, fácilmente extrapolables a otros territorios a nivel europeo, confirman un com-portamiento diferencial en el conjunto de compañías calificadas como EBTs