13,660 research outputs found

    Vortex macroscopic superpositions in ultracold bosons in a double-well potential

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    We study macroscopic superpositions in the orbital rather than the spatial degrees of freedom, in a three-dimensional double-well system. We show that the ensuing dynamics of NN interacting excited ultracold bosons, which in general requires at least eight single-particle modes and (N+7N){N+7 \choose N} Fock vectors, is described by a surprisingly small set of many-body states. An initial state with half the atoms in each well, and purposely excited in one of them, gives rise to the tunneling of axisymmetric and transverse vortex structures. We show that transverse vortices tunnel orders of magnitude faster than axisymmetric ones and are therefore more experimentally accessible. The tunneling process generates macroscopic superpositions only distinguishable by their orbital properties and within experimentally realistic times.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Volume change of bulk metals and metal clusters due to spin-polarization

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    The stabilized jellium model (SJM) provides us a method to calculate the volume changes of different simple metals as a function of the spin polarization, ζ\zeta, of the delocalized valence electrons. Our calculations show that for bulk metals, the equilibrium Wigner-Seitz (WS) radius, rˉs(ζ)\bar r_s(\zeta), is always a n increasing function of the polarization i.e., the volume of a bulk metal always increases as ζ\zeta increases, and the rate of increasing is higher for higher electron density metals. Using the SJM along with the local spin density approximation, we have also calculated the equilibrium WS radius, rˉs(N,ζ)\bar r_s(N,\zeta), of spherical jellium clusters, at which the pressure on the cluster with given numbers of total electrons, NN, and their spin configuration ζ\zeta vanishes. Our calculations f or Cs, Na, and Al clusters show that rˉs(N,ζ)\bar r_s(N,\zeta) as a function of ζ\zeta behaves differently depending on whether NN corresponds to a closed-shell or an open-shell cluster. For a closed-shell cluster, it is an increasing function of ζ\zeta over the whole range 0≤ζ≤10\le\zeta\le 1, whereas in open-shell clusters it has a decreasing behavior over the range 0≤ζ≤ζ00\le\zeta\le\zeta_0, where ζ0\zeta_0 is a polarization that the cluster has a configuration consistent with Hund's first rule. The resu lts show that for all neutral clusters with ground state spin configuration, ζ0\zeta_0, the inequality rˉs(N,ζ0)≤rˉs(0)\bar r_s(N,\zeta_0)\le\bar r_s(0) always holds (self-compression) but, at some polarization ζ1>ζ0\zeta_1>\zeta_0, the inequality changes the direction (self-expansion). However, the inequality rˉs(N,ζ)≤rˉs(ζ)\bar r_s(N,\zeta)\le\bar r_s(\zeta) always holds and the equality is achieved in the limit N→∞N\to\infty.Comment: 7 pages, RevTex, 10 figure

    Particle density and non-local kinetic energy density functional for two-dimensional harmonically confined Fermi vapors

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    We evaluate analytically some ground state properties of two-dimensional harmonically confined Fermi vapors with isotropy and for an arbitrary number of closed shells. We first derive a differential form of the virial theorem and an expression for the kinetic energy density in terms of the fermion particle density and its low-order derivatives. These results allow an explicit differential equation to be obtained for the particle density. The equation is third-order, linear and homogeneous. We also obtain a relation between the turning points of kinetic energy and particle densities, and an expression of the non-local kinetic energy density functional.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Symmetry breaking and singularity structure in Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We determine the trajectories of vortex singularities that arise after a single vortex is broken by a discretely symmetric impulse in the context of Bose-Einstein condensates in a harmonic trap. The dynamics of these singularities are analyzed to determine the form of the imprinted motion. We find that the symmetry-breaking process introduces two effective forces: a repulsive harmonic force that causes the daughter trajectories to be ejected from the parent singularity, and a Magnus force that introduces a torque about the axis of symmetry. For the analytical non-interacting case we find that the parent singularity is reconstructed from the daughter singularities after one period of the trapping frequency. The interactions between singularities in the weakly interacting system do not allow the parent vortex to be reconstructed. Analytic trajectories were compared to the actual minima of the wavefunction, showing less 0.5% error for impulse strength of (v=0.00005). We show that these solutions are valid within the impulse regime for various impulse strengths using numerical integration of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation. We also show that the actual duration of the symmetry breaking potential does not significantly change the dynamics of the system as long as the strength is below (v=0.0005).Comment: 14 pages, 10 figure

    Tunneling, self-trapping and manipulation of higher modes of a BEC in a double well

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    We consider an atomic Bose-Einstein condensate trapped in a symmetric one-dimensional double well potential in the four-mode approximation and show that the semiclassical dynamics of the two ground state modes can be strongly influenced by a macroscopic occupation of the two excited modes. In particular, the addition of the two excited modes already unveils features related to the effect of dissipation on the condensate. In general, we find a rich dynamics that includes Rabi oscillations, a mixed Josephson-Rabi regime, self-trapping, chaotic behavior, and the existence of fixed points. We investigate how the dynamics of the atoms in the excited modes can be manipulated by controlling the atomic populations of the ground states.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure
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