243 research outputs found

    Short Dental Implants: State of the Art and Systematic Review

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    Introduction: The success of dental implants is due to their ability to osseointegrate, with direct contact of the implant surface with the bone, without the interposition of fibrous tissue. Because many patients do not receive implant treatments because they do not have adequate or sufficient bone height, the development of shorter implants could meet the needs of these patients. Objective: To carry out a brief systematic review to present the state of the art of using short implants. Methods: The present study followed a concise systematic review model. The search was carried out in the PubMed, Embase, Ovid, Cochrane Library, Web Of Science, and Scopus databases. The quality of the studies was based on the GRADE instrument and the risk of bias was analyzed according to the Cochrane instrument. Results: Short implants are an increasingly common alternative to other surgical techniques in areas where bone availability is reduced. Despite the advantages they offer, a variety of biological repercussions have been described in the literature that can even lead to their loss. Conclusion: The studies analyzed showed that short implants are a reliable, safe, and practical alternative to be used in situations with reduced bone height. They do not present bone loss or resorption over the years, nor the risk of fracture or any damage to patients, as long as they have an adequate design, correct technique, and meticulous planning

    Produção de frutos de cafeeiros (Coffea arabica L.) em diferentes posições e orientaçoes de ramos plagiotrópicos

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    This paper aimed at to evaluate the fruit production in different positions of coffee plagiotropic shoot (Coffea arabica L.), during eight months. Measurements started in October 21 taking five different regions of eight shoots located in the central region of a plant belonging to the cultivar of Rubi MG 1192; located at the Coffee Section from the Federal University of Lavras. The experimental design used was random blocks disposed in factorial scheme, 2x 4x 8, composed by two positions(upper third and lower third), four orientations (east sunrise, west sunset, north and south) and eight evaluations time (from October 2005 to May 2006), totalizing 64 treatments, containing 10 replicates and one plant per plot. There was a reduction in fruit number per shoot during the development and this fact was more proeminent in shoots located in the inferior part of the plant and in period from December to January. The orientations North, South, East and West did not influence the number of fruits during the development. Com o objetivo de avaliar a produção de frutos em diferentes posições de ramos plagiotrópicos em cafeeiros (Coffea arabica L.) levando em consideração os pontos cardeais, foram feitas oito avaliações mensais, iniciadas em 21 de outubro, de todos os componentes de cinco rosetas centrais em oito ramos em 10 plantas em uma lavoura da cultivar Rubi MG 1192, instalada no Setor de Cafeicultura no Campus da Universidade Federal de Lavras. O experimento foi instalado utilizando o delineamento em blocos casualizados em esquema fatorial 2 x 4 x 8 constituído de duas posições (terço superior e terço inferior), quatro orientações (leste, oeste, norte e sul) e oito épocas de avaliações (de outubro de 2005 a maio de 2006), totalizando 64 tratamentos, com 10 repetições e uma planta por parcela. Houve acentuada redução no número de frutos por roseta do cafeeiro durante o desenvolvimento da planta, sendo essa redução mais proeminente nos ramos inferiores e no período de dezembro a janeiro. As orientações Norte, Sul, Leste e Oeste não influenciam o número de frutos por roseta durante o desenvolvimento.


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    Introdução: Em nosso cenário construtivo constantemente estamos em transição na busca de tornar nossos projetos mais eficazes e econômicos. Baseando-se na grande demanda de habitações e projetos governamentais, percebemos que os problemas advindos de falhas de projeto, impactando na construção tem sido um empecilho para o alcance de eficiência. Por outro lado, a modelagem da informação da construção se mostrou bastante eficiente e ágil no desenvolvimento e gerenciamento de projetos. A compatibilização de projetos, a modelagem paramétrica e a interoperabilidade se mostraram uma ferramenta bastante importante para a solução dos problemas recorrentes na construção civil. Objetivo: Este trabalho teve como objetivo comparar e analisar a plataforma BIM e a convencional, em aplicação a um projeto do Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida faixa 2 financiado pela Caixa Econômica Federal, sendo analisadas principalmente as vantagens com o uso do BIM em relação a plataforma utilizada atualmente. Metodologia ou (Material e Métodos): A metodologia aplicada embasar-se em uma analisa bibliográfica com fontes cientificas como; monografias, teses, artigos, livros e jornais, a fim de expandir o conhecimento sobre o devido tema.  Em comparativos utilizamos dados de um projeto 2D tais como: orçamento, cálculos, cronogramas e preço de venda e refizemos na plataforma BIM aplicando os materiais construtivos, gerando planilhas quantitativas, obtendo dados de custos, cronogramas executivos e toda parte de gerenciamento da obra. Considerações:  O trabalho apresentou resultados bastante significativos. Os softwares como o CAD e o Excel, demostrou certa ineficiência, retrabalho, e desperdício de tempo, já o uso dos softwares BIM, como o Revit e o Navisworks, apresentou uma melhor trabalhabilidade e desenvolvimento na geração de projetos, cronogramas, geração de planilhas além de uma interação entre softwares que possibilita a troca de dados inseridos em modelo virtual inteligente e aumenta o planejamento multidisciplinar, possibilitando a interação entre softwares durante confecção do projeto, através do formato Industry Foundation Classes (IFC)

    Use of fat graft to correct facial asymmetries in patients undergoing Orthognathic Surgery: the systematic review

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    Introduction: Orthognathic Surgery (OS) aims to correct deformities of the bones of the maxilla and mandible. In this scenario, fat grafting is a powerful tool for corrections and also for facial aesthetic improvement together or after OS. The benefits of fat grafting during orthognathic surgery; to maximize aesthetic results, minimize swelling and optimize wound healing. Objective: To analyze the main clinical studies on the benefits and risks of facial fat grafting in orthognathic surgery, to know the current state of the art. Methods: It followed a systematic literature review model on the main clinical findings of orthognathic surgery and fat grafting, according to the rules of PRISMA. The research was carried out from January 2021 to May 2021 and developed based on Google Scholar, Scopus, PubMed, Ovid, Scielo, and Cochrane Library. The quality of the studies was based on the GRADE instrument and the risk of bias was analyzed according to the Cochrane instrument. Results: 123 studies were analyzed, with only 52 medium and high-quality studies selected, according to GRADE rules, and with risks of bias that do not compromise scientific development, based on the Cochrane instrument. Studies have shown that OS aims to establish harmonious facial esthetics, excellent functional occlusion, and improved airway conditions. As an important adjunct to OS, fat grafting is becoming more and more common due to its anti-inflammatory role and effects on facial swelling. High patient satisfaction with the results. Postoperative swelling resolved at week 12 in the fat graft group and persistent edema. The edema decrease over time, with almost complete resolution within 1 year, improvement in facial morphology, function, quality, and skin texture in most of their patients. The use of assisted lipo transfers containing mesenchymal stem cells derived from adipose tissue, enables improvement in skin quality, smoothing of wrinkles, pore size, and attenuation of pigmentation and resolution of scars. Furthermore, enrichment of the lipoaspirate with stem cells derived from adipose tissue increases graft retention. Conclusion: Most of the studies analyzed in this review study showed that fat grafting in orthognathic surgery is a safe and effective tool to improve wound healing, improve aesthetic results, present an anti-inflammatory effect and reduce edema

    Osteosynthesis metal plate system for bone fixation using bicortical screws: numerical modelling

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    This work describes the numerical modelling of an immobilization system currently used to repair long bone fractures. The referred system was employed to ensure the mechanical stabilization of an oblique bone fracture by means of a dynamic compression plate (DCP) and bicortical screws. The numerical characterization of the fixation system was performed to obtain stress and strain fields in cortical bone tissue. The validation of the numerical model was performed using experimental data previously obtained in other work. Since the experimental characterization indorsed the visualization of the screw pull-out phenomenon during the loading process, damage parameters (trapezoidal law) were measured experimentally in this region. These parameters were introduced in the finite element model (FEM) to simulate the initiation and propagation of damage in bone tissue. A mixed-mode (I+II) damage law was used to mimic the mechanical behaviour of the bone fracture and the screw-bone interface

    Zygomatic Implant: State of the Art

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    Introduction: In the dental implant scenario, the rehabilitation of the maxilla severely reabsorbed with endosseous implants remains a challenge. There are less aggressive alternatives, including short implants, inclined implants, and especially zygomatic (ZI) implants. In cases where the height and width of the residual bone do not allow the placement of conventional dental implants, the ZI can be considered. Objective: Conducted a concise systematic review to analyze the main literary findings on the use of the zygomatic implant as an important alternative for a dental implant, to present the state of the art to the dental community. Methods: The present study followed a concise systematic review model. The search was carried out in the PubMed, Embase, Ovid, Cochrane Library, Web Of Science, and Scopus databases. The quality of the studies was based on the GRADE instrument and the risk of bias was analyzed according to the Cochrane instrument. Results and Conclusion: Zygomatic implants appear to be a consolidated therapeutic option for significantly atrophic maxilla, offering a promising alternative to costly heavy bone graft techniques, fewer complications, less time for rehabilitation, less required prosthodontic work, and significantly higher survival rates. Thus, the zygomatic implant is revolutionizing the implant procedure in the posterior atrophic maxilla, eliminating the complications of bone augmentation and sinus elevation, with delayed healing, showing better clinical results compared to the bone graft, pointing to a possible gold standard for a dental implant

    Main Approaches to the Use of Biomaterials in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: A Brief Systematic Review

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    Introduction: In recent years, procedures with the use of dental implants have increased worldwide, reaching approximately one million dental implants per year. In recent years, a platelet concentrate called FRP (fibrin-rich plasma) has been the subject of clinical studies. Associated with this, the biomaterial Bio-Oss® (Geistlich), as it is biodegradable, biocompatible, non-toxic, and has low immunogenicity, and bio stimulators can act in the regeneration of bone tissue, as it establishes with the cells the appropriate biological niche (favorable microenvironment) for bone growth. Objective: Therefore, the present study aimed to evaluate, through a brief systematic review, the results that involve bone formation for dental implantation, with the use of biomaterials such as fibrin-rich plasma and Bio-Oss®. Methods: The model used for the review was PRISMA. Was used databases such as Scopus, Scielo, Lilacs, Google Scholar, PubMed. Results: Fibrin-rich plasma (FRP) as an autologous biomaterial for use in oral and maxillofacial surgery presents most leukocytes, platelets, and growth factors, forming a fibrin matrix, with three-dimensional architecture. The Bio-Oss® biomaterial (Geistlich), as it is biodegradable, biocompatible, non-toxic, and has low immunogenicity and bio stimulators can act in the regeneration of bone tissue, since it establishes with the adenomatous mesenchymal stem cells the appropriate biological niche for bone growth and, thus, allowing the dental implant to be as effective as possible. Conclusion: The use of FRP associated with Bio-Oss® seems to illustrate high success rates with minimal costs, which may reduce the amount of bone graft needed to fill the sinus cavity, reducing the costs of the procedure

    Tolerância do rabanete ao transplantio de mudas

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    Objetivou-se com esse estudo, testar a tolerância do rabanete ao transplantio, em diferentes datas, comparando seus caracteres produtivos com os das túberas produzidas a partir da semeadura direta. Utilizou-se o delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com quatro tratamentos e cinco repetições. Os tratamentos foram semeadura direta no campo (SD); transplantio aos 7; 11 e 15 dias após semeadura (DAS). Avaliou-se o percentual de sobrevivência (PS), número de folhas (NF), comprimento e diâmetro de túberas (CT e DT), massa fresca de túberas (MFT) e produtividade (PROD). Com exceção da percentagem de sobrevivência, a semeadura direta proporcionou as maiores médias para comprimento, diâmetro e massa fresca total de túberas. Conclui-se que a semeadura direta no local definitivo é mais indicada para a produção de rabanete. No entanto, o rabanete tolera o transplantio até 11 DAS, o que pode ser uma alternativa interessante para o produtor que cultive a cultura em região com período chuvoso determinado. Com base no exposto, a hipótese de que a cultura tolera o transplantio pode ser aceita

    Perfil fermentativo, composição química e estabilidade aeróbia de silagens de brotos de mandioca com palma forrageira

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    Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito de níveis de palma forrageira (0, 15, 30 e 45%) em silagens de brotos de mandioca sobre o perfil fermentativo, composição química e estabilidade aeróbica. Quatro tratamentos foram testados com 5 repetições, totalizando 20 silos. A inclusão de palma forrageira nas silagens de broto de mandioca promoveu aumento nas perdas por gases (P < 0,001), capacidade tampão (P < 0,001), pH (P = 0,033), matéria mineral (P < 0,001), carboidratos totais (P < 0,001), carboidratos não fibrosos (P < 0,001) e diminuição nos teores de matéria seca (P < 0,001), matéria orgânica (P < 0,001), extrato etéreo (P = 0,002) e proteína bruta (P < 0,001). Efeito quadrático foi observado para perdas por efluentes (P < 0,001), sendo as maiores perdas por efluentes (94.78 kg/t natural matter) obtidas com a inclusão de 30% de palma forrageira nas silagens de brotos de mandioca. A inclusão de palma forrageira na silagem de brotos de mandioca promoveu redução do pH durante a exposição ao oxigênio (P = 0,008). A inclusão de palma forrageira em até 45% na silagem de brotos de mandioca provoca alterações nas características fermentativas e nutricionais, porém, os valores encontrados nas silagens estão de acordo com os padrões de silagens de boa qualidade.The aim was to evaluate the effect of the cactus pear levels (0, 15, 30, and 45%) in cassava shoot silages on the fermentation profile, chemical composition, and aerobic stability. Four treatments were tested with five repetitions, totaling 20 silos. The inclusion of cactus pear in cassava shoots silages promoted an increase in gas losses (P < 0.001), buffering capacity (P < 0.001), pH (P = 0.033), mineral matter (P < 0.001), total carbohydrates (P < 0.001), non-fiber carbohydrates (P < 0.001) and a decreasing in dry matter (P < 0.001), organic matter (P < 0.001), ether extract (P = 0.002), and crude protein (P < 0.001) content. A quadratic effect was observed for effluent losses (P < 0.001), with greater effluent losses (94.78 kg/t natural matter) obtained with the inclusion of 30% cactus pear in cassava shoots silages. Cactus pear inclusion in cassava shoots silage promoted a reduction in the pH during oxygen exposure (P = 0.008). Including cactus pear in up to 45% of cassava silage, shoots cause changes in the fermentation and nutritional characteristics. However, values found in the silages are by good quality standards