373 research outputs found

    An algorithm based on response time and traffic demands to scale containers on a cloud computing system

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    Este trabalho propõe uma arquitetura de computação em nuvem baseada em containers e um algoritmo de auto elasticidade. O algoritmo promove a otimização do processamento das requisições por meio da alocação eficiente do número de containers para alcançar tempos esperados de resposta no processamento de requisições. Para avaliar arquitetura proposta foi utilizada uma carga de trabalho caracterizada com base em uma série temporal real resultante das requisições de um sistema Web da Controladoria Geral da União (CGU). O sistema foi submetido a diferentes testes de carga e os resultados mostram que a solução proposta apresenta um forte potencial dado que consegue cumprir os requerimentos de desempenho alocando containers de forma mais eficiente do que outras propostas

    Analysis of risk factors associated with cerebral angiography headache

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    Background Despite previous studies indicating a moderate/high incidence of angiography headache (AH), there is still limited data about the risk factors associated with its occurrence. Objective The present study aimed to assess the associations among demographic, clinical, and technical characteristics of cerebral digital subtraction angiography (DSA) and the occurrence of AH. Methods Cross-sectional analytical observational study with a sample comprised of individuals with a recommendation for elective DSA. Clinical interviews were conducted to assess the occurrence of AH, using a standardized questionnaire. Results Among 114 subjects, the mean age was 52.8 (±13.8) years old, 75.4% (86/114) were women, 29.8% (34/114) had a history of migraines, and 10.5% (12/114) had chronic headaches. The overall frequency of AH was 45.6% (52/114). Of those, 88.4% (46/52) underwent 3D angiography, 7.7% (4/52) underwent aortography, and 1.9% (1/52) underwent both procedures. There was a statistically significant association between AH and previous history of migraine (odds ratio [OR]: 4.9; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.62–14.7; p = 0.005) and 3D angiography (OR 6.62; 95%CI: 2.04–21.5; p = 0.002). Conclusions 3D angiography is strongly associated with the occurrence of AH, which has never been reported before. The association between a previous history of migraine and AH confirms the results of previous studies


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    QUANDO O CONTEXTO IMPORTA. Análise do turnover ministerial na Argentina e no Brasil após a redemocratização

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    Why do presidents fail? political leadership and the Argentine crisis (1999–2001)

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    This article explores why Argentine president Fernando de la Rúa (1999–2001) failed to govern and the factors that prevented him from completing his constitutional mandate. This study draw on current literature about leadership. We argue that President De la Rúa’s ineffective performance was characteristic of an inflexible tendency towards unilateralism, isolationism, and an inability to compromise and persuade. Moreover, we examine how de la Rúas performance, in the context of severe political and economic constraints, discouraged cooperative practices among political actors, led to decision-making paralysis, and ultimately to a crisis of governance.This work seeks to make four contributions. First, it conceptualizes political leadership by providing an analytical framework that integrates individual action, institutional resources and constraints, and policy context, thus filling a gap in the literature. Second, it explains the importance of effective leadership in building up and maintaining multiparty coalitions in presidential systems. Third, it complements existing institutional approaches to improve our understanding of a new type of instability in Latin America: the failure of more than a dozen of presidents to complete their constitutional mandates. Fourth, it analyzes the way political and economic variables interact in times of crisis

    Opinião pública e política externa do Brasil do Império a João Goulart: um balanço historiográfico

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    Este artigo avalia a relação existente entre opinião pública e política externa no Brasil, desde o Império, em que se evidenciam os interesses das elites letradas enunciados no Parlamento, até a presidência de Jânio Quadros, quando se verifica o apogeu do populismo no Brasil. Procura estabelecer quais eram as correntes de opinião expressa que representavam a política externa nos diversos períodos da historiografia brasileira de relações internacionais. Pretende, também, avaliar a extensão da repercussão que teria a política internacional brasileira sobre a opinião nacional no mesmo período.<br>The purpose of this article is to evaluate the rapport between public opinion and Brazilian foreign policy. It proposes a historiographic analysis of the period going from the country's independence to the apogee of populism under João Goulart's presidency. It also aims to determine the groups which most evidently represented public opinion in the various periods of Brazilian history of international relations, as well as the importance of their expressed points of view in relation to the foreign policy decision-making process. Also pertinent is the comprehension of the impact which international relations may have had in society in the same period


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