236 research outputs found

    The Role of Leptin in Antipsychotic-Induced Weight Gain: Genetic and Non-Genetic Factors

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    Schizophrenia is a chronic and disabling mental illness affecting millions of people worldwide. A greater proportion of people with schizophrenia tends to be overweight. Antipsychotic medications have been considered the primary risk factor for obesity in schizophrenia, although the mechanisms by which they increase weight and produce metabolic disturbances are unclear. Several lines of research indicate that leptin could be a good candidate involved in pathways linking antipsychotic treatment and weight gain. Leptin is a circulating hormone released by adipocytes in response to increased fat deposition to regulate body weight, acting through receptors in the hypothalamus. In this work, we reviewed preclinical, clinical, and genetic data in order to infer the potential role played by leptin in antipsychotic-induced weight gain considering two main hypotheses: (1) leptin is an epiphenomenon of weight gain; (2) leptin is a consequence of antipsychotic-induced “leptin-resistance status,” causing weight gain

    Evaluation of Orexin-A serum levels in karate athletes cohort

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    The lateral hypothalamus products various neuropeptides, among of these the Orexin-A (hypocretin-1) is a protein that regulates numerous physiological and behavioural processes involving in energy balance and metabolic status, physical activity, blood glucose levels, and food intake. Many data literature reported that the production of Orexin-A increases following regular and structured physical activity. Indeed, it improves energy metabolism and insulin sensitivity, and also modulate energy expenditure and thermogenesis. The higher Orexin-A tone is an endogenous factor that predicts physical activity, improving BMI and the energy expenditure aspect. It is well known that physical activity has positive effects on health and body weight, it improves cognitive performance increasing Orexin-A levels. Given these evidences, the aim of this study is evaluated Orexin-A serum levels in a cohort of karate athletes. Fort these reasons, were recruited 10 young karate athletes and 10 matched non-athletes as control. We evaluated biochemical and anthropometric parameters, and Orexin-A serum levels through ELISA-test. Our results showed that there is a statistical difference between karate athletes and non-athletes in BMI and in biochemical parameters such as glycaemic and lipid profile. Interestingly, Orexin-A serum levels are statistical higher in karate athletes compared to non- athletes. The differences between athlete and non-athletes in this study could be attributed to a better training-related hypothalamic activity in karate athletes. In addition, these evidences indicate that the physical activity has beneficial effects not only on anthropometric and biochemical parameters but also on orexin-A levels, and then on central nervous system

    Physical activity as protective factor against COVID-19 disease

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    The Coronavirus Pandemic has forced millions of people around the world to look at home. This resulted, as a consequence, in a remodelling of the lifestyle; in this scenario the correct nutrition combined with regular physical activity becomes fundamental for health. Although the sedentary lifestyle of a few weeks involves risks such as lowering the immune system, it favours overweight and obesity, high blood pressure, metabolic disorders, depression and anxiety, and in some subjects they react to the risk of onset of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and other diseases. The importance of healthy lifestyle is crucial to prevent also viral infection. Indeed, as reported by many data literature, during lung infections, IL-6 and TNF-a create the pathway between adipose tissue and lung system demonstrating the important involvement of adipose tissue in lung diseases. In obese condition, adipose tissue endocrine function is altered. There is an imbalance in the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-6 and TNF-a and anti-inflammatory mediators such as IL-10. In the light of these evidences, the immune response is influenced by nutritional status and by physical activity which are able to reduce pro-inflammatory mediators and increase anti-inflammatory mediators such as IL-10 . In addition, the power of viral infection is influenced by host predisposition. For these reasons, a correct lifestyle, and physical activity are a valid strategy in the prevention and treatment of not metabolic diseases also of inflammatory diseases

    Autism spectrum disorder and physical activity

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    Autism is a common developmental disorder characterized by difficulties with speech and behaviours, such as lack of social abilities and repetitive behaviours. Some studies have shown that after the intervention of physical activity, all of the social interaction ability, communication ability, stereotyped behaviour and sports skills of children and adolescents with autism have been improved, which can reduce the degree of autism. The prevalence of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has increased dramatically and is currently estimated at 1 in 68 children. ASD is defined by two symptom dimensions including social impairments and circumscribed and repetitive behaviours and interests (American Psychiatric Association). One subgroup that has increased is those with ASD without intellectual disability who currently comprise 68% of those diagnosed. Current guidelines recommend that youth engage in ≥ 60 minutes of Physical Activity daily, with the majority being moderate-to-vigorous, and muscle strengthening activities ≥ 3 days per week. Despite the significant need, few exercise programs have been developed or adapted for children with ASD, and there is a lack of evidence-based exercise treatments. Recommendations for improving exercise intervention studies in ASD include testing of treatments in function-ally-homogeneous (narrower) subgroups with ASD using larger well-characterized samples. This is necessary as children with ASD have different tolerances for activities/tasks and functional heterogeneity will likely lead to variable treatment responsiveness. Additionally, group-based treatments will be more applicable for children with ASD without intellectual disability

    Laterality of a second player position affects lateral deviation of basketball shooting

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    Asymmetrically placed visual distractors are known to cause a lateral bias in the execution of a movement directed toward a target. The aim of the present experiment was to verify if the trajectory of the ball and the trajectory of the jump for a basketshot can be affected by the sole position of a second player, who stays in front of the shooting player in one of three possible positions (centre, left or right) but too far to physically interfere with the shot. Young basketball players were asked to perform 60 shots at 6.25 m from a regular basket, with or without a second player staying in front of them in, alternately, a centre, left or right position. A computerised system measured the angular deviation of the jump direction from the vertical direction and the lateral deviation of the ball trajectory from the midline. The results showed that both the jump direction and the entry position of the ball deviated toward the opposite side from the second player’s side; however, these effects were too small to significantly affect the mean goal percentage. This result confirms that some placements of the players can have an effect as visual distractors. Further studies are necessary to find what game conditions can make such distractors harmful for the athletic performance

    Molecular and Physiological Effects of Browning Agents on White Adipocytes from Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stromal Cells

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    Two different types of adipose depots can be observed in mammals: white adipose tissue (WAT) and brown adipose tissue (BAT). The primary role of WAT is to deposit surplus energy in the form of triglycerides, along with many metabolic and hormonal activities; as thermogenic tissue, BAT has the distinct characteristic of using energy and glucose consumption as a strategy to maintain the core body temperature. Under specific stimuli—such as exercise, cold exposure, and drug treatment—white adipocytes can utilize their extraordinary flexibility to transdifferentiate into brown-like cells, called beige adipocytes, thereby acquiring new morphological and physiological characteristics. For this reason, the process is identified as the ‘browning of WAT’. We evaluated the ability of some drugs, including GW501516, sildenafil, and rosiglitazone, to induce the browning process of adult white adipocytes obtained from differentiated mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs). In addition, we broadened our investigation by evaluating the potential browning capacity of IRISIN, a myokine that is stimulated by muscular exercises. Our data indicate that IRISIN was effective in promoting the browning of white adipocytes, which acquire increased expression of UCP1, increased mitochondrial mass, and modification in metabolism, as suggested by an increase of mitochondrial oxygen consumption, primarily in presence of glucose as a nutrient. These promising browning agents represent an appealing focus in the therapeutic approaches to counteracting metabolic diseases and their associated obesity

    The Social Brain and Emotional Contagion: COVID-19 Effects

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    Background and objectives: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a highly contagious infectious disease, responsible for a global pandemic that began in January 2020. Human/COVID-19 interactions cause dierent outcomes ranging from minor health consequences to death. Since social interaction is the default mode by which individuals communicate with their surroundings, dierent modes of contagion can play a role in determining the long-term consequences for mental health and emotional well-being. We examined some basic aspects of human social interaction, emphasizing some particular features of the emotional contagion. Moreover, we analyzed the main report that described brain damage related to the COVID-19 infection. Indeed, the goal of this review is to suggest a possible explanation for the relationships among emotionally impaired people, brain damage, and COVID-19 infection. Results: COVID-19 can cause several significant neurological disorders and the pandemic has been linked to a rise in people reporting mental health problems, such as depression and anxiety. Neurocognitive symptoms associated with COVID-19 include delirium, both acute and chronic attention and memory impairment related to hippocampal and cortical damage, as well as learning deficits in both adults and children. Conclusions: Although our knowledge on the biology and long-term clinical outcomes of the COVID-19 infection is largely limited, approaching the pandemic based on lessons learnt from previous outbreaks of infectious diseases and the biology of other coronaviruses will provide a suitable pathway for developing public mental health strategies, which could be positively translated into therapeutic approaches, attempting to improve stress coping responses, thus contributing to alleviate the burden driven by the pandemic

    The Metabolic Rearrangements of Bariatric Surgery: Focus on Orexin-A and the Adiponectin System

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    The accumulation of adipose tissue represents one of the characteristics of obesity, increasing the risk of developing correlated obesity diseases such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and immune diseases. Visceral adipose tissue accumulation leads to chronic low inflammation inducing an imbalanced adipokine secretion. Among these adipokines, Adiponectin is an important metabolic and inflammatory mediator. It is also known that adipose tissue is influenced by Orexin-A levels, a neuropeptide produced in the lateral hypothalamus. Adiponectin and Orexin-A are strongly decreased in obesity and are associated with metabolic and inflammatory pathways. The aim of this review was to investigate the involvement of the autonomic nervous system focusing on Adiponectin and Orexin-A after bariatric surgery. After bariatric surgery, Adiponectin and Orexin-A levels are strongly increased independently of weight loss showing that hormone increases are also attributable to a rearrangement of metabolic and inflammatory mediators. The restriction of food intake and malabsorption are not sufficient to clarify the clinical effects of bariatric surgery suggesting the involvement of neuro-hormonal feedback loops and also of mediators such as Adiponectin and Orexin-A