117 research outputs found

    Palliation of complex cardiac anomalies with subaortic obstruction: New operative approach

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    AbstractThe modified Fontan operation for complex cardiac anomalies associated with subaortic obstruction entails a high surgical risk. It is likely that ventricular hypertrophy secondary to chronic pressure overload plays a significant role. This problem was approached with a new type of palliative operation comprising both a proximal pulmonary artery to ascending aorta anastomosis and a bidirectional cavopulmonary anastomosis.This operation was performed in six children ranging in age from 26 to 63 months. There was one intraoperative death due to hemorrhage. In one patient, a pulmonary to aorta conduit caused compression of the right coronary artery; the problem was solved by lengthening the conduit with a second period of cardiopulmonary bypass.The five survivors experienced an uneventful postoperative course. Repeat cardiac catheterization in these five patients showed low pressure in the cavopulmonary system (mean 10 mm Hg), absence of a gradient at rest between the systemic ventricle and aorta and fair arterial oxygenation (mean 82%). A technetium-99m perfusion lung scan visualized a slight prevalence of pulmonary blood flow ipsilateral to the shunt in three cases, whereas in one case preferential flow to the right lung was associated with a narrowing at the site of the cavopulmonary anastomosis. Mild hypoperfusion of the anterior pulmonary segments was observed in two cases.Both pressure and volume overload are abolished with this procedure and a satisfactory oxygenation is provided. Low venous pressure in the coronary, hepatic and renal areas as well as the short bypass time may explain the smoothness of the postoperative course in our patients. It is conceivable that oxygenation can be improved by a modified Fontan operation at a lower operative risk than is obtained with a single stage procedure because of regression of ventricular hypertrophy. Long-term follow-up indicates the value of this operation as a form of definitive palliation

    1H-NMR metabolite fingerprinting analysis reveals a disease biomarker and a field treatment response in xylella fastidiosa subsp. Pauca-infected olive trees

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    Xylella fastidiosa subsp. pauca is a xylem-limited bacterial phytopathogen currently found associated on many hectares with the “olive quick decline syndrome” in the Apulia region (Southern Italy), and the cultivars Ogliarola salentina and Cellina di Nardò result in being particularly sensitive to the disease. In order to find compounds showing the capability of reducing the population cell density of the pathogen within the leaves, we tested, in some olive orchards naturally-infected by the bacterium, a zinc-copper-citric acid biocomplex, namely Dentamet®, by spraying it to the crown, once per month, during spring and summer. The occurrence of the pathogen in the four olive orchards chosen for the trial was molecularly assessed. A 1H NMR metabolomic approach, in conjunction with a multivariate statistical analysis, was applied to investigate the metabolic pattern of both infected and treated adult olive cultivars, Ogliarola salentina and Cellina di Nardò trees, in two sampling periods, performed during the first year of the trial. For both cultivars and sampling periods, the orthogonal partial least squares discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA) gave good models of separation according to the treatment application. In both cultivars, some metabolites such as quinic acid, the aldehydic form of oleoeuropein, ligstroside and phenolic compounds, were consistently found as discriminative for the untreated olive trees in comparison with the Dentamet®-treated trees. Quinic acid, a precursor of lignin, was confirmed as a disease biomarker for the olive trees infected by X. fastidiosa subsp. pauca. When treated with Dentamet®, the two cultivars showed a distinct response. A consistent increase in malic acid was observed for the Ogliarola salentina trees, whereas in the Cellina di Nardò trees the treatments attenuate the metabolic response to the infection. To note that in Cellina di Nardò trees at the first sampling, an increase in γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) was observed. This study highlights how the infection incited by X. fastidiosa subsp. pauca strongly modifies the overall metabolism of olive trees, and how a zinc-copper-citric acid biocomplex can induce an early re-programming of the metabolic pathways in the infected trees

    Clinical Significance of Thrombosis in an Intracardiac Blind Pouch After a Fontan Operation

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    The univentricular heart after the Fontan operation may have a blind pouch formed by the pulmonary stump or rudimentary ventricle according to the anatomy before surgery. Thrombosis in an intracardiac blind pouch of patients with a univentricular heart is a hazardous complication. Because only a few reports have described this complication, the authors evaluated the clinical significance of thrombosis in an intracardiac blind pouch of a univentricular heart. They performed a retrospective review of medical records from August 1986 to December 2007. Four patients were confirmed as having thrombosis in a pulmonary artery stump and one patient as having thrombosis in a rudimentary ventricle shown by cardiac computed tomography (CT). This represents 1.85% (5/271) of patients with ongoing regular follow-up evaluation after the Fontan operation. The median age at diagnosis was 14.2 years. Two of the five patients were taking aspirin and one patient was taking warfarin when they were identified for the development of thrombosis. None of the patients demonstrated thrombosis in the Fontan tract or venous side of the circulation. Brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed that three patients had cerebral infarction and one patient had suggestive old ischemia. Three patients with thrombus in the pulmonary stump underwent pulmonary artery stump thrombectomy and pulmonary valve obliteration. One patient with thrombus in the rudimentary ventricle underwent ventricular septal defect (VSD) closure with thrombectomy. Thrombus in a blind pouch could cause systemic thromboembolism despite little blood communication. Therefore, surgical modification of the pulmonary stump and VSD closure of the rudimentary ventricle are required to reduce the risk of later thrombus formation. Clinicians should not overlook the possibility of thrombus in a ligated pulmonary artery stump or a rudimentary ventricle after the Fontan operation, which may increase the risk of embolic stroke for patients with single-ventricle physiology

    Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae (PSA) Isolates from Recent Bacterial Canker of Kiwifruit Outbreaks Belong to the Same Genetic Lineage

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    Intercontinental spread of emerging plant diseases is one of the most serious threats to world agriculture. One emerging disease is bacterial canker of kiwi fruit (Actinidia deliciosa and A. chinensis) caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae (PSA). The disease first occurred in China and Japan in the 1980s and in Korea and Italy in the 1990s. A more severe form of the disease broke out in Italy in 2008 and in additional countries in 2010 and 2011 threatening the viability of the global kiwi fruit industry. To start investigating the source and routes of international transmission of PSA, genomes of strains from China (the country of origin of the genus Actinidia), Japan, Korea, Italy and Portugal have been sequenced. Strains from China, Italy, and Portugal have been found to belong to the same clonal lineage with only 6 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 3,453,192 bp and one genomic island distinguishing the Chinese strains from the European strains. Not more than two SNPs distinguish each of the Italian and Portuguese strains from each other. The Japanese and Korean strains belong to a separate genetic lineage as previously reported. Analysis of additional European isolates and of New Zealand isolates exploiting genome-derived markers showed that these strains belong to the same lineage as the Italian and Chinese strains. Interestingly, the analyzed New Zealand strains are identical to European strains at the tested SNP loci but test positive for the genomic island present in the sequenced Chinese strains and negative for the genomic island present in the European strains. Results are interpreted in regard to the possible direction of movement of the pathogen between countries and suggest a possible Chinese origin of the European and New Zealand outbreaks

    Interleukin-10 Mediated Autoregulation of Murine B-1 B-Cells and Its Role in Borrelia hermsii Infection

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    B cells are typically characterized as positive regulators of the immune response, primarily by producing antibodies. However, recent studies indicate that various subsets of B cells can perform regulatory functions mainly through IL-10 secretion. Here we discovered that peritoneal B-1 (B-1P) cells produce high levels of IL-10 upon stimulation with several Toll-like receptor (TLR) ligands. High levels of IL-10 suppressed B-1P cell proliferation and differentiation response to all TLR ligands studied in an autocrine manner in vitro and in vivo. IL-10 that accumulated in cultures inhibited B-1P cells at second and subsequent cell divisions mainly at the G1/S interphase. IL-10 inhibits TLR induced B-1P cell activation by blocking the classical NF-κB pathway. Co-stimulation with CD40 or BAFF abrogated the IL-10 inhibitory effect on B-1P cells during TLR stimulation. Finally, B-1P cells adoptively transferred from the peritoneal cavity of IL-10−/− mice showed better clearance of Borrelia hermsii than wild-type B-1P cells. This study described a novel autoregulatory property of B-1P cells mediated by B-1P cell derived IL-10, which may affect the function of B-1P cells in infection and autoimmunity

    Extracardiac Fontan in apicocaval juxtaposition

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