22 research outputs found

    Budding of Taenia crassiceps Cysticerci In Vitro Is Promoted by Crowding in Addition to Hormonal, Stress, and Energy-Related Signals

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    Taenia crassiceps cysticerci (cysts) reproduce by budding. The cysts' production of buds was measured in vitro to explore parasite and environmental-related factors involved in the extreme individual variation in parasite loads of inbred mice. Cysts were placed in in vitro culture for 10 days at initial parasite densities of 1, 5, 10 cysts/well in 1 ml of RPMI Medium 1640 without serum. Results showed that there is considerable intrinsic initial variation among inoculated cysts in their production of buds and that increasing parasite density (crowding) stimulates the overall production of buds and recruit into budding most of the cysts. Identical cultures were then subjected to various treatments such as heating and exposure to peroxide to induce stress, or to 17ß-estradiol, insulin, glucose, or insulin+glucose to supplement putatively limiting hormonal and energy resources. All treatments increased budding but the parasites' strong budding response to crowding alone overshadows the other treatments

    The Long Road to the Immunodiagnosis of Neurocysticercosis: Controversies and Confusions

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    To date, even widely studied, there is not a standard diagnostic method to detect neurocysticercotic patients. The later due to the complex nature of cysticercosis disease and the simplicity of common immunological assumptions involved in explaining the low scores and reproducibility of immunotests in the diagnosis of neurocysticercosis. To begin with, the few studies dealing with the immune response during neurocysticercosis are not conclusive, which of course it is crucial to develop an immunodiagnostic test. Their full recognition should clear confusion and reduce controversy as well as provide avenues of research and technological design. In here, logical arguments add that even under common immunological assumptions, serology of neurocysticercosis will always include false negative and positive results. Thus, serology is no strong support for medical diagnosis of neurocysticercosis (NC). In contrast, immunotests performed in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of neurological patients should have fewer false positive and fewer false negatives than in serum. To conclude, it is argued that high scores in serology for NC will not yield to usual approaches and that success needs of a concerted worldwide effort. A more punctilious strategy based on the design of panels of confirmed positive and negative sera needs to be construed, shared and tested by all interested groups to obtain comparable results. The identification of a set of specific and representative antigens of Taenia solium (T. solium) and a thorough compilation of the many forms of antibody response of humans to the many forms of T. solium disease are also to be considered as one of the most importants factors to the disease

    Ciencia, Tecnología y Salud en la Atención de los Adolescentes

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    El Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Médicas (CICMED) de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, institución que se distingue por su preocupación en el desarrollo de proyectos de investigación, actividades académicas y de vinculación encaminadas a la detección y tratamiento de aquellos problemas que aquejan a los adolescentes, se ha distinguido por la promoción de la salud del adolescente, además de un trabajo intenso a través de redes de investigación con otras instituciones con lo cual se han enriquecido nuestros proyectos de investigación, permitiendo establecer convenios con instituciones tanto nacionales como internacionales. Los temas que se tratan en este libro, han dado lugar a una gran cantidad de reflexiones, mitos, estrategias y propuestas para la cuidado del adolescente, motivo por el cual se invitó tanto a docentes como a investigadores a participar en este libro y poder mostrar lo que se está haciendo actualmente en relación con la atención de la salud del adolescente desde diferentes perspectivas temáticas, con el propósito de difundir ampliamente los hallazgos que como investigadores se han encontrado a través del trabajo clínico y de campo, aportar información relevante para la prevención y tratamiento de la problemática más frecuente en el adolescente y abrir un espacio de intercambio y actualización, basado en el trabajo interdisciplinario para entender mejor y ampliar la visión de los diferentes factores que inciden en la salud integral del adolescente. El adolescente concebido como la persona que está en la transición de la niñez a la vida adulta, ha existido siempre. Sin embargo, la adolescencia entendida como un proceso bio-psico-social con entidad propia y, en consecuencia, con características necesidades y problemas específicos, es una realidad que apenas ha comenzado a tenerse en cuenta recientemente. La adolescencia es el período de tiempo en el que se producen los cambios desde la inmadurez propia del niño a la madurez propia del adulto. Entendiendo al individuo maduro como: aquel que es capaz de orientar su propia vida según el sentido de la existencia, con criterios propios. Desde el punto de vista intelectual o mental, el individuo maduro es aquel que es capaz de juzgar con independencia y objetividad, con sentido crítico. Desde la vertiente afectiva, posee autocontrol de las emociones y es capaz de aceptar los fracasos sin grandes conmociones interiores. Desde el aspecto social, está dispuesto a colaborar en las tareas colectivas, es tolerante con los demás y es capaz de asumir su propia responsabilidad. Esta etapa de la vida de los seres humanos es importante ya que depende del desarrollo armónico de ésta, obliga al futuro adulto en su mundo globalizado lleno de exigencias y riesgos, que los profesionales de la salud reconsideren su actuar con estas personas, dado que hoy en día no hay especialistas o posgraduados que atiendan de manera específica a los adolescentes. En este sentido la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, a través del Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Médica adquiere la responsabilidad y el compromiso de motivar a padres, educadores, profesionales de la salud y a los mismos adolescentes para que se conviertan en promotores de la salud física y mental que bajo la misma meta en la escuela y el hogar promuevan una conducta saludable. Por lo que brindamos nuestro agradecimiento a los autores por su valiosa participación y confianza al dejar en nuestras manos su trabajo profesional, comprometido y entusiasta, con el propósito de aportar a la sociedad una perspectiva general sobre el adolescente y sus trastornos para ubicarnos después en un contexto de salud integral

    Implementación de la metodología para el desarrollo de animales quiméricos a través de la microinyección de células stem en blastocistos de ratón

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    Tesis (Ingeniería Biotecnológica), Instituto Politécnico Nacional, UPIBI, 2006, 1 archivo PDF, (105 páginas). tesis.ipn.m

    Crosstalk among Taenia crassiceps (ORF Strain) Cysts Regulates Their Rates of Budding by Ways of Soluble and Contact Signals Exchanged between Them

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    Herein we report that in vitro experiments with different initial parasite densities (1, 5, and 10 cysts per mL of culture medium) show that cysts at densities of 10 and 5 grow faster than those at 1, and that they release into the culture medium factors which increase the budding rates of the slower lower-density ones. Close contact among the incubated cysts also favors budding, thus suggesting the participation of surface sensors of parasite crowding. Thus, contact signals, together with the release of soluble growth factors, could endow cysts with the capacity to sense and regulate their numbers inside their habitat in relation to their population density

    The Network of Antigen-Antibody Reactions in Adult Women with Breast Cancer or Benign Breast Pathology or without Breast Pathology

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    <div><p>The Immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibody response to different protein antigens of the mammary ductal carcinoma by adult women affected by Breast Cancer (BC) distinguishes at least 103 proteins that differ in their molecular weights (MW). The IgG producing cell clones (nodes) coexist with each other in each individual organism and share energy resources among themselves, as well as factors that control the level of expression and Specificity of their IgG antibodies. So, it can be proposed that among them there is a Network of interconnections (links) unveiled by the antigens, which specifically react with the IgG antibodies produced by the clones. This Network possibly regulates IgG antibodies' activity and effectiveness. We describe the Network of nodes and links that exists between the different antigens and their respective IgG producing cell clones against the extracted protein antigens from the cells of the T47D Cell-Line, in 50 women with BC, 50 women with Benign Breast Pathology (BBP) and 50 women without breast pathology (H). We have found that women with BBP have the highest number of Links, followed by the H group and, lastly, the women with BC, a finding which suggests that cancer interferes with the Connectivity between the IgG producing cell clones and blocks the expression of 322 links in women with BBP and 32 links in women with H. It is also plausible that the largest number of links in the women with BBP indicates the Network’s state of arousal that provides protection against BC. On the other hand, there were many missing links in the BC group of women; the clone which lost more links in the BC group was the hub 24, which point to some of the antigens of T47D as potentially useful as vaccines, as the immune system of women with BBP is well aware of them.</p></div