75 research outputs found

    Complementary and alternative medicine: The challenges of ethical justification: A philosophical analysis and evaluation of ethical reasons for the offer, use and promotion of complementary and alternative medicine

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    With the prevalence of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) increasing in western societies, questions of the ethical justification of these alternative health care approaches and practices have to be addressed. In order to evaluate philosophical reasoning on this subject, it is of paramount importance to identify and analyse possible arguments for the ethical justification of CAM considering contemporary biomedical ethics as well as more fundamental philosophical aspects. Moreover, it is vital to provide adequate analytical instruments for this task, such as separating ‘CAM as belief system', and ‘CAM as practice', Findings show that beneficence and non-maleficence are central issues for an ethical justification of CAM as practice, while freedom of thought and religion are central to CAM as belief system. Many justification strategies have limitations and qualifications that have to be taken into account. Singularly descriptive premises in an argument often prove to be more problematic than universal ethical principles. Thus, non-ethical issues related to a general philosophical underpinning - e.g. epistemology, semantics, and ontology - are highly relevant for determining a justification strategy, especially when strong metaphysical assumptions are involved. Even if some values are shared with traditional biomedicine, axiological differences have to be considered as well. Further research should be done about specific CAM positions. These could be combined with applied qualitative social research method

    Kriteriologische Unterdetermination von Ethik durch Empirie : Normgeltungskriterien fĂŒr die Verwendung empirischer Evidenz bei moralischen Normen

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    Die zunehmende Anzahl von Projekten in der Medizinethik, in denen empirische Forschung mit normativ-ethischer Analyse und Bewertung kombiniert werden („empirische Ethik“), wirft die Frage auf, anhand welcher Kriterien rational entschieden werden kann, ob eine moralische Norm aufgrund relevanter empirischer Evidenz modifiziert, verworfen oder beibehalten werden soll. Ohne solche Kriterien besteht das Problem einer kriteriologischen Unterdetermination moralischer Normen durch empirische Evidenz (KUNE). FĂŒr die Definition entsprechender Kriterien und damit fĂŒr die mögliche Lösung des Problems der KUNE ist es erforderlich a) die Begriffe „moralische Norm“ und „empirische Evidenz“ festzulegen, b) verschiedene Arten der Geltung einer moralischen Norm zu differenzieren, c) zu untersuchen, welchen Einfluss empirische Evidenz auf verschiedene Arten der Geltung haben kann, d) zu prĂŒfen, ob etablierte metaethische Positionen und die Literatur zur empirischen Ethik die gesuchten Kriterien bereits enthalten, und e) die Kriterien auszuformulieren, zu untersuchen, auf welche Weise sie gerechtfertigt werden können, und ihre Anwendungsbedingungen zu klĂ€ren. Abschließend f) kann beurteilt werden, inwiefern sie das Problem der KUNE lösen können

    Values, decision-making and empirical bioethics: a conceptual model for empirically identifying and analyzing value judgements

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    It can be assumed that value judgements, which are needed to judge what is ‘good’ or ‘better’ and what is ‘bad’ or ‘worse’, are involved in every decision-making process. The theoretical understanding and analysis of value judgements is, therefore, important in the context of bioethics, for example, to be able to ethically assess real decision-making processes in biomedical practice and make recommendations for improvements. However, real decision-making processes and the value judgements inherent in them must first be investigated empirically (‘empirical bioethics’). For this to succeed, what exactly a ‘value judgement’ is and of what components it might consist must initially be theoretically clarified. A corresponding conceptual model can then support or even enable empirical data collection and analysis and, above all, subsequent ethical analysis and evaluation. This paper, therefore, presents a value judgement model with its theoretical derivation. It also illustrates its application in an interview study of decision-making between animal experimentation and alternative methods in the context of biomedical research. Though the model itself can be theoretically deepened and extended, the application of the model works in general and helps to uncover what value judgements can enter into decision-making. However, the empirical methods, for example, qualitative interviews, can also be better oriented towards eliciting value judgements (as understood according to the model). Further applications of the model to other topics or by means of other empirical methods are conceivable

    Transformative medical ethics: a framework for changing practice according to normative–ethical requirements

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    We propose a step-by-step methodological framework of translational bioethics that aims at changing medical practice according to normative–ethical requirements, which we will thus call “transformative medical ethics.” The framework becomes especially important when there is a gap between widely acknowledged, ethically justified normative claims and their realization in the practice of biomedicine and technology (ought–is gap). Building on prior work on translational bioethics, the framework maps a process with six different phases and 12 distinct translational steps. The steps involve various research activities including conceptual philosophical inquiry and (socio-)empirical research. On the one hand, the framework can be used as a heuristic tool to identify barriers to the transformation process. On the other hand, it can provide guidance for researchers and practitioners to develop appropriate (conceptual action and practice) models, which are then implemented and evaluated in specific practice contexts. We use the example of realizing the norm of respect for autonomy in the practice of medical decision-making to illustrate the framework. Further research is required, for example, to theoretically underpin the framework, to apply it to other ought–is gaps, and to evaluate its feasibility and effectiveness in various practice areas. Overall, the framework of transformative medical ethics suggests a strategic process to investigate and promote practice change that is ethically informed in all phases

    Digitale Selbstbestimmung

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    Die fortschreitende Digitalisierung verĂ€ndert die Gesellschaft und viele Lebensbereiche grundlegend. Beachtlichen Nutzungspotenzialen der sich stetig weiterentwickelnden Sammlung, Auswertung und Verwendung von personenbezogenen Daten steht die Gefahr gegenĂŒber, dass die Entscheidungs- und Handlungsfreiheit der Menschen eingeschrĂ€nkt wird. FĂŒr Nutzer digitaler Medien wird es zunehmend schwieriger, selbstbestimmt zu handeln. Ein Konzept der „digitalen Selbstbestimmung“ sowie verwandte Begriffe wie etwa „digitale Autonomie“ werden daher in der öffentlichen und wissenschaftlichen Diskussion immer bedeutsamer. Es fehlt bisher jedoch ein ausgearbeitetes theoretisches Konzept, welches „digitale Selbstbestimmung“ als normativen Begriff klĂ€rt und empirische Bedingungen fĂŒr die Möglichkeit digitaler Selbstbestimmung systematisiert. Ausgehend von der Leitfrage „Was ist ‚digitale Selbstbestimmung‘?“ wird in dieser Studie anhand einer explorativen Literaturrecherche und einer philosophischen Begriffsanalyse ein Konzept der digitalen Selbstbestimmung entwickelt. Dieses Konzept expliziert digitale Selbstbestimmung anhand der sieben Begriffskomponenten Kompetenz, Informiertheit, Werte, Wahlmöglichkeit, Freiwilligkeit, Willensbildung und Handlung. DarĂŒber hinaus werden technische, soziokulturelle und personenbezogene Determinanten identifiziert, d.h. Bedingungen und Faktoren, welche empirisch mitbestimmen, inwieweit eine Person digital selbstbestimmt ist. Der empirische Teil der Studie stellt Erkenntnisse ĂŒber die Einstellungen von deutschen Nutzerinnen und Nutzer hinsichtlich des Umgangs mit personenbezogenen Daten vor. Die reprĂ€sentative sozialwissenschaftliche Erhebung wurde mit Hilfe eines standardisierten Fragebogens durchgefĂŒhrt, der auf der Basis des theoretischen Konzeptes entwickelt wurde. Es wird deutlich, dass die Sicherheit persönlicher Daten im Internet angezweifelt wird, dass die Möglichkeiten, sich ĂŒber gespeicherte persönliche Daten und ihre Weitergabe zu informieren, als unzureichend beurteilt werden, und dass Nutzer sich eine stĂ€rkere Einflussnahme auf die Speicherung und Verwendung persönlicher Daten wĂŒnschen. Ein mittel- bis langfristiges Ziel der Studie ist es, die wissenschaftliche Erforschung von digitaler Selbstbestimmung zu stimulieren und letztlich zur Förderung digitaler Selbstbestimmung beizutragen

    Klinische Ethik als Partnerschaft - oder wie eine ethische Leitlinie fĂŒr den patientengerechten Einsatz von Ressourcen entwickelt und implementiert werden kann

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    Zusammenfassung: Ethische Leitlinien fĂŒr die klinische Praxis erfreuen sich zunehmender Beliebtheit. Damit klinisch-ethische Leitlinien aber ĂŒberhaupt erfolgreich wirksam werden können, ist noch Pionierarbeit zu leisten. Solche Leitlinien mĂŒssen wissenschaftlich stĂ€rker fundiert und ihre praktische Anwendbarkeit muss verbessert werden. In dieser Arbeit werden die ersten Schritte des Projekts METAP zur methodischen Entwicklung und praktischen Implementierung einer Leitlinie fĂŒr eine patientengerechte Versorgung am Krankenbett beschrieben und zur Diskussion gestellt. Das Projekt orientiert sich methodisch an der Entwicklung medizinischer Leitlinien und generiert damit eine forschungs- und konsensgestĂŒtzte Leitlinie, die systematischer Evaluation und Modifikation unterliegt und Rechenschaft ĂŒber ihre wissenschaftliche Fundierung gibt. ZusĂ€tzlich zur Leitlinie bietet das Projekt in der Form eines Handbuchs ein Entscheidungsfindungsverfahren an, welches unter anderem deliberative Aspekte unterstĂŒtzt. Das Handbuch konzentriert sich auf ethische Fragen der Mikroallokation und liefert darĂŒber hinaus Informationen ĂŒber empirische, ethische und rechtliche Grundlagen fĂŒr Therapieentscheidungen. Anhand eines Eskalationsmodells können unterschiedliche Instrumente nach Bedarf als ethische Lösungsstrategien eingesetzt werden, von der Kurzfassung im Kitteltaschenformat ("Leporello") mit den wichtigsten Fakten, weiterfĂŒhrenden Texten und Empfehlungen mit normativen und prozeduralen Hinweisen, ĂŒber stationsinterne Lösungsversuche bis hin zum Ethikkonsil. Klinische Partner sind von Beginn an aktiv in den Entwicklungsprozess eingebunden und verbessern so die Praxistauglichkeit und Akzeptanz sowie die Ausrichtung des Instrumentariums an den tatsĂ€chlichen BedĂŒrfnissen. Dieses partnerschaftliche, partizipative Vorgehen scheint eine wichtige Voraussetzung dafĂŒr zu sein, dass METAP in der Klinik Fuß fassen konnt

    Hepatic stellate cells suppress NK cell-sustained breast cancer dormancy

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    The persistence of undetectable disseminated tumour cells (DTCs) after primary tumour resection poses a major challenge to effective cancer treatment; 1-3; . These enduring dormant DTCs are seeds of future metastases, and the mechanisms that switch them from dormancy to outgrowth require definition. Because cancer dormancy provides a unique therapeutic window for preventing metastatic disease, a comprehensive understanding of the distribution, composition and dynamics of reservoirs of dormant DTCs is imperative. Here we show that different tissue-specific microenvironments restrain or allow the progression of breast cancer in the liver-a frequent site of metastasis; 4; that is often associated with a poor prognosis; 5; . Using mouse models, we show that there is a selective increase in natural killer (NK) cells in the dormant milieu. Adjuvant interleukin-15-based immunotherapy ensures an abundant pool of NK cells that sustains dormancy through interferon-Îł signalling, thereby preventing hepatic metastases and prolonging survival. Exit from dormancy follows a marked contraction of the NK cell compartment and the concurrent accumulation of activated hepatic stellate cells (aHSCs). Our proteomics studies on liver co-cultures implicate the aHSC-secreted chemokine CXCL12 in the induction of NK cell quiescence through its cognate receptor CXCR4. CXCL12 expression and aHSC abundance are closely correlated in patients with liver metastases. Our data identify the interplay between NK cells and aHSCs as a master switch of cancer dormancy, and suggest that therapies aimed at normalizing the NK cell pool might succeed in preventing metastatic outgrowth

    Appropriateness of antibiotic treatment in intravenous drug users, a retrospective analysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Infectious disease is often the reason for intravenous drug users being seen in a clinical setting. The objective of this study was to evaluate the appropriateness of treatment and outcomes for this patient population in a hospital setting.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Retrospective study of all intravenous drug users hospitalized for treatment of infectious diseases and seen by infectious diseases specialists 1/2001–12/2006 at a university hospital. Treatment was administered according to guidelines when possible or to alternative treatment program in case of patients for whom adherence to standard protocols was not possible. Outcomes were defined with respect to appropriateness of treatment, hospital readmission, relapse and mortality rates. For statistical analysis adjustment for multiple hospitalizations of individual patients was made by using a generalized estimating equation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The total number of hospitalizations for infectious diseases was 344 among 216 intravenous drug users. Skin and soft tissue infections (n = 129, 37.5% of hospitalizations), pneumonia (n = 75, 21.8%) and endocarditis (n = 54, 15.7%) were most prevalent. Multiple infections were present in 25%. Treatment was according to standard guidelines for 78.5%, according to an alternative recommended program for 11.3%, and not according to guidelines or by the infectious diseases specialist advice for 10.2% of hospitalizations. Psychiatric disorders had a significant negative impact on compliance (compliance problems in 19.8% of hospitalizations) in multiple logistic regression analysis (OR = 2.4, CI 1.1–5.1, p = 0.03). The overall readmission rate and relapse rate within 30 days was 13.7% and 3.8%, respectively. Both non-compliant patient behavior (OR = 3.7, CI 1.3–10.8, p = 0.02) and non-adherence to treatment guidelines (OR = 3.3, CI 1.1–9.7, p = 0.03) were associated with a significant increase in the relapse rate in univariate analysis. In 590 person-years of follow-up, 24.6% of the patients died: 6.4% died during hospitalization (1.2% infection-related) and 13.6% of patients died after discharge.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Appropriate antibiotic therapy according to standard guidelines in hospitalized intravenous drug users is generally practicable and successful. In a minority alternative treatments may be indicated, although associated with a higher risk of relapse.</p

    The BET inhibitor JQ1 selectively impairs tumour response to hypoxia and downregulates CA9 and angiogenesis in triple negative breast cancer

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    The availability of bromodomain and extra-terminal inhibitors (BETi) has enabled translational epigenetic studies in cancer. BET proteins regulate transcription by selectively recognizing acetylated lysine residues on chromatin. BETi compete with this process leading to both downregulation and upregulation of gene expression. Hypoxia enables progression of triple negative breast cancer (TNBC), the most aggressive form of breast cancer, partly by driving metabolic adaptation, angiogenesis and metastasis through upregulation of hypoxia-regulated genes (for example, carbonic anhydrase 9 (CA9) and vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF-A). Responses to hypoxia can be mediated epigenetically, thus we investigated whether BETi JQ1 could impair the TNBC response induced by hypoxia and exert anti-tumour effects. JQ1 significantly modulated 44% of hypoxia-induced genes, of which two-thirds were downregulated including CA9 and VEGF-A. JQ1 prevented HIF binding to the hypoxia response element in CA9 promoter, but did not alter HIF expression or activity, suggesting some HIF targets are BET-dependent. JQ1 reduced TNBC growth in vitro and in vivo and inhibited xenograft vascularization. These findings identify that BETi dually targets angiogenesis and the hypoxic response, an effective combination at reducing tumour growth in preclinical studies
