13 research outputs found
Le criminel et l’autre : Analyse des relations interpersonnelles de l’homme criminel
THE CRIMINAL AND HIS RELATIONS WITH OTHERS : AN ANALYSIS OF INTERPERSONAL PROCESSESThis research is concerned with the problem of persistent criminal behaviour. An attempt is made to find its underlying causes and to identify characteristics which remain constant among all criminals. More specifically, these characteristics are looked for in the ways criminals communicate and interact with other people.The research uses the interpersonal conflict approach. A first hypothesis stipulates that the functions by which an individual relates to others are seriously damaged among criminals. Furthermore, the hypothesis of a precise genetic process involving the deterioration of the capacity to relate to others is formulated. A method of measurement is worked out and applied using the principles and the technique of Kelly's personal constructs theory.The study is a comparative one and is based on the differential approach. 214 subjects, of whom 121 are criminals and 93 well-adjusted, are tested. The measurement is aimed at the effectiveness of their perceptive reactions toward others. W^ith each group of criminals (recidivists, episodic criminals and juvenile delinquents), a control group is tested for purposes of comparison.The results are conclusive. At the root of persistent criminal behaviour, the presence of an incompatibility with others is confirmed. This manifests itself concretely in what is termed the feeling of interpersonal withdrawal. All the criminal groups tested show this feeling of withdrawal toward others. The nature and intensity of interpersonal failure is evaluated over three main areas of inter-action : relationship with others in general, relationship with the family of origin and relationship with antisocial peers.The study attempts to validate a new sociopathology characterizing individuals who have chosen to define themselves by continuous and serious « dissocialized » behaviour.EL CRIMINAL Y LOS DEMÂS :ANÂLISIS DE LAS RELACIONES INTERPERSONALESDEL HOMBRE CRIMINALLa présente investigaciôn aborda el problema de la conducta criminal reiterada, esforzândose en precisar lo que esta supone e identificar las carac-teristicas criminôgenas constantes de un criminal a otro. De una manera mas précisa, intenta buscar estas caracterïsticas en los modos de relaciôn con los demâs utilizados por los criminales.La problemâtica interpersonal o interhumana le sirve de base. Una primera hipôtesis estipula que las funciones de relaciôn con los demâs, que dicha problemâtica implica, estân seriamente deterioradas en los criminales. Se plantea ademâs la hipôtesis de un proceso diacrônico preciso, cuya base séria la capacidad de entrar en relaciôn con los demâs. Gracias a la contri-buciôn de la psicologia de los construidos de G. A. Kelly, ha podido elabo-rarse y aplicarse un instrumento de medida.La investigaciôn consiste en un estudio comparado basado en el método diferencial. Doscientos catorce individuos .—ciento veintiûn criminales y noventa y très individuos adaptados— fueron sometidos a la prueba de la eficacia de los modos perceptivos de relaciôn con los demâs. Por cada grupo de individuos criminales (reincidentes, criminales de ocasiôn y jôvenes delincuentes), un grupo testigo fué seleccionado con el fin de calcular con precision la influencia de la disocializaciôn.Los resultados son probantes. Queda confirmada la presencia en la base de la conducta criminal de una incompatibilidad con los demâs concre-tizada en lo que denominamos sentimiento de alejamiento entre el criminal y los otros. A través de la exploraclôn de très grandes sectores de interacciôn —sector de la relaciôn con los demâs, sector de la relaciôn con la familia de origen y sector de la relaciôn con los iguales antisociales— , son evaluadas la naturaleza y la intensidad de las carencias interrelacionales.La investigaciôn trata, en resumidas cuentas, de validar la axiomâtica de una sociopatologia inédita que caracterizaria a los individuos que han escogido el definirse por una disocializaciôn incesante.DER VERBRECHER UND SEIN MITMENSCH :ANALYSE DER ZWISCHENMENSCHLICHEN BEZIEHUNGENDES KRIMINELLEN MENSCHENDièse Untersuchung beschaeftigt sich mit dem Problem des Verhaltens von Gewohnheitsverbrechern. Sie bemueht sich, die zu Grunde liegenden Motive deutlich zu machen und alien Verbrechern eigene Charakteristiken ausfindig zu machen. Genauer gesagt, dièse Charakteristiken werden in den Beziehungen gesucht, die der Verbrecher mit seiner Umwelt pflegt.Die Untersuchung stuetzt sich auf den interpersoenlichen oder zwischen-menschlichen Konflikt. In einer ersten Hypothèse wird behauptet, dass die persoenliche Beziehung zum Mitmenschen, die diesen Konflikt mit sich bringt, beim Kriminellen wesentlich verkuemmert ist. Darueber hinaus wird die Hypothèse eines genauen genetischen Prozesses formuliert, der seinen Sinn in der Deteriorisierung der Faehigkeit, mit anderen in Beziehung zu treten, sieht. Dank des Beitrags der Psychologie des persoenlichen Aufbaus (G.A. Kelly s personal constructs theory) ist ein Messinstrument ausgearbeitet worden, das seine Anwendung findet.Es handelt sich um eine vergleichende Studie, die auf differenzierten Annaeherungen beruht. 214 Probanden, von denen 121 kriminell und 93 wiedereingegliedert sind, werden einer Pruefung unterzogen, wie wirksam die perzeptiven Arten sind, mit dem Mitmenschen in Beziehung zu treten. Fuer jede Gruppe von Kriminellen (Rueckfaellige Verbrecher, Zufallsverbrecher und jugendliche Delinguenten) wurde zu Vergleichszwecken eine Kontroll-gruppe getestet.Die Ergebnisse sind auffallend. An der Wurzel wiederholten kriminellen Verhaltens bestaetigt sich die Unvereinbarkeit mit dem Anderen, diesich in einer, wie wir sie nennen, zwischenmenschlichen Entfremdung aus-drueckt. Alle kriminellen Gruppen sind durch dieses Gefuehl der Entfremdung zwischen sich selbst und den Mitmenschen gepraegt. Die Natur und Dichte dieser zwischenmenschlichen Leere sind auf drei wichtigen Gebieten zwischenmenschlicher Beziehungen gemessen : in dem Verhaeltnis mit anderen im allgemeinen, in der Beziehung mit der eigenen Blutsverwandtschaft und in der Beziehung mit antisozialen Partnern.Die Studie bemueht sich, einer neuen Soziopathologie Geltung zu verschaffen, die Individuen danach charakterisiert, wie sie sich selbst durch fortdauerndes und schwerwiegendes dissoziales Verhalten definieren
The last interglacial in the northern North Atlantic and adjacent areas: evidence for a more zonal climate than during the Holocene
We document climate conditions from the last interglacial optimum (LIO) or marine isotope stage 5e (MIS 5e) from terrestrial and oceanic sedimentary archives. Terrestrial climate conditions are reconstructed from pollen assemblages, whereas sea-surface temperature and salinity conditions are estimated from dinocyst assemblages and foraminiferal data (both assemblages and stable isotope composition of carbonate shells). LIO data from the eastern Canadian Arctic and northern Labrador Sea led to reconstruct much higher summer air temperature and seasurface temperature than at present by about 5°C. Data from southeastern Canada and southern Labrador Sea also suggest more thermophilic vegetation and warmer conditions although the contrast between LIO and the Holocene is of lesser amplitude. On the whole, the terrestrial and marine data sets from the northwest North Atlantic and adjacent lands suggest limited influence of southward flow from Arctic waters through the east Greenland and Labrador Currents as compared to the modern situation. The compilation of sea-surface reconstructions from the northwest and northeast North Atlantic indicate much reduced longitudinal contrasts of temperatures than at present, thus a more zonal pattern of circulation. The reconstructions also indicate a lower sea-surface salinity than at present, thus stronger stratification of upper water masses, which would be compatible with a reduced North
Atlantic deep-water formation
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Can Self-thinning Be Used as a Production Control Mechanism? The Case of Mussel Farming in Quebec
A bio-economic model, based on Faustmann rotation, was developed to analyze the relevance of
removing thinning activities which are part of the dominant technology used in blue mussel production in
Canada. Removing these density control activities (thinning) seemed a profitable option to producers. It
was thought that this collector line technology would allow a part-time production, which would help
start a small local industry in Eastern Québec. Biological and economic literature show the importance of
density relationships upon mussel growth and harvest. Many advantages, such as restocking thinned
mussel and improved growth rate, would therefore be lost. These dynamics, collectively called self-thinning
in the biological literature, could be used to make this technology profitable if properly framed.
Samples were taken on 140 foot-long lines used for collecting mussels of age 0+ to 3+ from local
producers, as well as financial information. Analysis of population dynamics under this technology
showed differences in yield and variability of samples taken at deep and shallow portions of the lines.
Gompertz growth functions were fitted to these two cases. A Weibull CDF was then estimated to evaluate
risk of fall-off for deep and shallow samples, determining the proportion of harvestable lines at a given
time. Initial setting seemed more important then biomass growth to explain the large variability in yield.
Results show that maximum revenue is attained after 4 years rather then 3, which is the current practice
by local producers. In post-optimality analyses, the optimal rotation period seemed insensitive to most
production or financial changes. Parameters considered reasonable to producers yielded negative profit
while sub-standard subsidies allowed profitability. This function was more sensitive to changes on
economic variables while reducing fall-off rate is also significant. Such changes could allow economic
profit for producers
Impacts of stronger winds and less sea ice on Canadian Beaufort Sea shelf ecosystems since the late 1990s
Continuous and multi-decadal records of faunal abundance and diversity helping to identify the impacts of ongoing global warming on aquatic ecosystems are rare in the coastal Arctic. Here, we used a 50-year-long microfaunal record from a sediment core collected in the Herschel Basin (YC18-HB-GC01; 18 m water depth) to document some aspects of the environmental responses of the southern Canadian coastal Beaufort Sea to climate change. The microfaunal indicators include benthic foraminiferal assemblages, ostracods and tintinnids. The carbonate shells of two foraminiferal species were also analyzed for their stable isotope signatures (δ13C and δ18O). We compiled environmental parameters from 1970 to 2019 for the coastal region, including sea ice data (break-up date, freeze-up date, open season length and mean summer concentration), the wind regime (mean speed, direction of strong winds and the number of storms), hydrological data (freshet date, freshet discharge and mean summer discharge of the Firth and the Mackenzie rivers), and air temperature. Large-scale atmospheric patterns were also taken into consideration. Time-constrained hierarchal clustering analysis of foraminiferal assemblages and environmental parameters revealed a near-synchronous shift around the late 1990s. The microfaunal shift corresponds to an increased abundance of taxa tolerant to variable salinity, turbulent bottom water conditions, and turbid waters towards the present. The same time interval is marked by stronger easterly winds, more frequent storms, reduced sea-ice cover, and a pervasive anticyclonic circulation in the Arctic Ocean (positive Arctic Ocean Oscillation; AOO+). Deeper vertical mixing in the water column in response to intensified winds was fostered by increased open surface waters in summer leading to turbulence, increased particle loading and less saline bottom waters at the study site. Stronger easterly winds probably also resulted in enhanced resuspension events and coastal erosion in addition to a westward spreading of the Mackenzie River plume, altogether contributing to high particulate-matter transport. Increase food availability since ∼2000 was probably linked to enhanced degradation of terrestrial organic carbon, which also implies higher oxygen consumption. The sensitivity of microfaunal communities to environmental variations allowed capturing consequences of climate change on a marine Arctic shelf ecosystem over the last 50 years
Fluctuating asymmetry and mortality in cultured oysters (
Japanese cupped oysters suffer summer mortality in many culture sites along the French Atlantic coast. To ascertain whether mortality might be associated with morphological features of the shells, we estimated fluctuating asymmetry (FA) of hatchery/nursery-produced oysters kept in culture bags in the intertidal. FA is defined as random variations from a perfect symmetry plane (bilateral or radial) in some morphological trait. FA increases with disruption of homeostasy during ontogeny and has both genetic and environmental determinants. We found significant differences in FA between dead and live oysters in two of our three study groups. Therefore, lack of developmental stability may be involved in the summer mortality syndrome of oysters. We also found indirect evidence that once acquired, FA patterns of shells are retained at least partially. Since FA likely appears early during ontogeny and is recorded in the shells, we hypothesise that it might be useful for forecasting the ability of spat to resist environmental stress
Body size, population density and factors regulating suspension-cultured blue mussel (
We sampled 27 month-old mussel populations grown on collector ropes in Cascapédia Bay,
Quebec, to test whether density-dependent growth was present concomitantly to
self-thinning, a process which was previously shown to occur in this system and thought to
be driven by spatial constraints. Biomass-density curves of raw samples were curvilinear,
suggesting density-dependent growth. However, at least two cohorts were present.
Fractionating the samples on the basis of age yielded a linear relationship for the main,
2 year-old cohort. This implies density-independent growth and rules out food regulation
in these populations. Therefore, our results are consistent with inferences drawn
previously from the values of the self-thinning exponent, that is, space-regulated
self-thinning. Our results suggest that curvilinearity of the raw biomass-density curves
resulted from a bias caused by including the 1 year-old cohort and spat of the year in the
analysis. This conclusion is supported by a model showing that samples with mixed cohorts
can yield linear, concave or convex biomass-density curves without density-dependent
growth. The shape of the curves depends on the scaling relationships between cohort
abundances. It appears that the shape of biomass-density curves may be a useful
complementary criterion – in addition to the value of self-thinning exponents – for the
identification of food or space as factors regulating cultured populations
Faut-il l'histoire du Québec obligatoire au collégial?
En-tête du titre : Faut-il l'histoire du Québec obligatoire au collégial