3,617 research outputs found

    Présentation : Avec Mauss, et au-delà de Mauss

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    NIELSEN (Donald A.), Three Faces of God. Society, Religion, and the Categories of Totality in the Philosophy of Émile Durkheim

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    Dans ce livre, l’auteur entend proposer des clĂ©s de lecture pour la comprĂ©hension de la « mĂ©taphysique sociale » qui sous-tend la thĂ©orie de la connaissance et de la religion dans la sociologie de Durkheim. Plus particuliĂšrement, il s’agit de montrer les accointances qu’il y aurait entre le panthĂ©isme de Spinoza et la façon dont Durkheim se reprĂ©sente la rĂ©alitĂ© de la sociĂ©tĂ© conçue comme une totalitĂ© dĂ©tentrice d’un certain pouvoir, s’instituant de ce fait comme le cadre essentiel pour toute..

    Le dĂ©ploiement de la recherche au Centre d’études sociologiques (1945-1960)

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    The Development of Research in the Centre of Sociological Studies The activity of the first years of the Centre of sociological studies, under the sign of a difficult historical period and a chronic lack of means, shows a proliferation of pluridisciplinary researches led in scattered order by teams that lived together as well as possible in a structure which frontiers are uncertain. The main object was the apprenticeship of ground inquiries methods that was until then near missing in the universe of academic French sociology. In the middle of all those works that concerned different fields of research, the psychosociologists had probably a key part in passing on the methodological knowledge that they had first tried. This apprenticeship was probably done for a new generation of young sociologists in an informal way during discussions and points of view exchanges that they demanded and organized themselves

    NIELSEN (Donald A.), Three Faces of God. Society, Religion, and the Categories of Totality in the Philosophy of Émile Durkheim

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    Dans ce livre, l’auteur entend proposer des clĂ©s de lecture pour la comprĂ©hension de la « mĂ©taphysique sociale » qui sous-tend la thĂ©orie de la connaissance et de la religion dans la sociologie de Durkheim. Plus particuliĂšrement, il s’agit de montrer les accointances qu’il y aurait entre le panthĂ©isme de Spinoza et la façon dont Durkheim se reprĂ©sente la rĂ©alitĂ© de la sociĂ©tĂ© conçue comme une totalitĂ© dĂ©tentrice d’un certain pouvoir, s’instituant de ce fait comme le cadre essentiel pour toute..

    Charles-Henry Cuin, Ronan Hervouet (dir.), Durkheim aujourd’hui

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    Cet ouvrage rĂ©unit les actes d’un colloque tenu Ă  Bordeaux du 1er au 3 juin 2017. Dans une « prĂ©sentation », les directeurs arguent qu’une des raisons du regain d’intĂ©rĂȘt pour Durkheim depuis vingt ans est qu’il aiderait Ă  mieux comprendre le monde d’aujourd’hui, du fait de la similitude des contextes (crise du lien social, dĂ©faut d’intĂ©gration
) des dĂ©buts du xxe siĂšcle et du xxie siĂšcle, et pourrait aider Ă  mieux agir sur nos sociĂ©tĂ©s. Il s’agit donc d’inviter les lecteurs Ă  saisir les bĂ©nĂ©..

    « En suivant ma pente » : de Bud Powell à la Revue française de sociologie

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    Je voudrais commencer par savoir comment vous ĂȘtes devenu sociologue. En suivant ma pente et pas forcĂ©ment en montant. Au terme d’une annĂ©e d’hypokhĂągne et de khĂągne dans la minuscule khĂągne de Poitiers, oĂč venaient les bons Ă©lĂšves de la rĂ©gion (j’ai passĂ© mon enfance Ă  Niort), j’ai choisi de prĂ©parer l’ENS de St Cloud, mes rĂ©sultats en grec Ă©tant trop imprĂ©visibles. Il s’agissait surtout pour moi de « monter » Ă  Paris, dĂ©sir renforcĂ© par mon activitĂ© musicale (contrebassiste de jazz) qui m’o..

    Automated assay for screening the enzymatic release of reducing sugars from micronized biomass

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To reduce the production cost of bioethanol obtained from fermentation of the sugars provided by degradation of lignocellulosic biomass (<it>i.e</it>., second generation bioethanol), it is necessary to screen for new enzymes endowed with more efficient biomass degrading properties. This demands the set-up of high-throughput screening methods. Several methods have been devised all using microplates in the industrial SBS format. Although this size reduction and standardization has greatly improved the screening process, the published methods comprise one or more manual steps that seriously decrease throughput. Therefore, we worked to devise a screening method devoid of any manual steps.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We describe a fully automated assay for measuring the amount of reducing sugars released by biomass-degrading enzymes from wheat-straw and spruce. The method comprises two independent and automated steps. The first step is the making of "substrate plates". It consists of filling 96-well microplates with slurry suspensions of micronized substrate which are then stored frozen until use. The second step is an enzymatic activity assay. After thawing, the substrate plates are supplemented by the robot with cell-wall degrading enzymes where necessary, and the whole process from addition of enzymes to quantification of released sugars is autonomously performed by the robot. We describe how critical parameters (amount of substrate, amount of enzyme, incubation duration and temperature) were selected to fit with our specific use. The ability of this automated small-scale assay to discriminate among different enzymatic activities was validated using a set of commercial enzymes.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Using an automatic microplate sealer solved three main problems generally encountered during the set-up of methods for measuring the sugar-releasing activity of plant cell wall-degrading enzymes: throughput, automation, and evaporation losses. In its present set-up, the robot can autonomously process 120 triplicate wheat-straw samples per day. This throughput can be doubled if the incubation time is reduced from 24 h to 4 h (for initial rates measurements, for instance). This method can potentially be used with any insoluble substrate that is micronizable. A video illustrating the method can be seen at the following URL: <url>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFg6TxjuMWU</url></p
