980 research outputs found

    Flavor Techniques for LFV Processes: Higgs Decays in a General Seesaw Model

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    Lepton flavor violating processes are optimal observables to test new physics, since they are forbidden in the Standard Model while they may be generated in new theories. The usual approach to these processes is to perform the computations in the physical basis; nevertheless this may lose track of the dependence on some of the fundamental parameters, in particular on those at the origin of the flavor violation. Consequently, in order to obtain analytical expressions directly in terms of these parameters, flavor techniques are often preferred. In this work, we focus on the mass insertion approximation technique, which works with the interaction states instead of the physical ones, and provides diagrammatic expansions of the observables. After reviewing the basics of this technique with two simple examples, we apply it to the lepton flavor violating Higgs decays in the framework of a general type-I seesaw model with an arbitrary number of right-handed neutrinos. We derive an effective vertex valid to compute these observables when the right-handed neutrino masses are above the electroweak scale and show that we recover previous results obtained for low scale seesaws. Finally, we apply current constraints on the model to conclude on maximum Higgs decay rates, which unfortunately are far from current experimental sensitivitiesThis work was supported by the European Union through the ITN ELUSIVES H2020-MSCA-ITN-2015//674896 and the RISE INVISIBLESPLUS H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015//690575, by the CICYT through the project FPA2016-78645-P, and by the Spanish MINECO's Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa Programme under grant SEV-2016-059

    Radiative corrections to MhM_h from three generations of Majorana neutrinos and sneutrinos

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    In this work we study the radiative corrections to the mass of the lightest Higgs boson of the MSSM from three generations of Majorana neutrinos and sneutrinos. The spectrum of the MSSM is augmented by three right handed neutrinos and their supersymmetric partners. A seesaw mechanism of type I is used to generate the physical neutrino masses and oscillations that we require to be in agreement with present neutrino data. We present a full one-loop computation of these Higgs mass corrections, and analyze in full detail their numerical size in terms of both the MSSM and the new (s)neutrino parameters. A critical discussion on the different possible renormalization schemes and their implications is included.Comment: 42 pages, 39 figures, 1 appendix, version published in AHE

    3D CFD Modeling Investigation of Potential Vortex Formation at the Intakes of Caruachi Powerhouse

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    In this paper, the 3-D CFD simulation of the free-surface flow approaching the intakes of Caruachi Powerhouse is presented. The aim of the investigation is to determine whether or not vortex structures are likely to appear from the water surface through the intakes, as the result of the presence of cofferdams placed few meters upstream of the intakes. The presence of cofferdams was a note of concern with regard to the effects they might have on the turbine intakes once the hydroelectric central starts operating. In all the considered conditions, results did not show neither strong surface vortices in the proximities of the Power House intakes, nor air entrainment-entrapment towards the intakes, which reflects the safe operation of the turbines in the presence of the cofferdams. The latter added in decision taking on leaving the cofferdams submerged instead of removing them, which resulted in cost savings for the projec

    3D CFD Modeling Investigation of Potential Vortex Formation at the Intakes of Caruachi Powerhouse

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    In this paper, the 3-D CFD simulation of the free-surface flow approaching the intakes of Caruachi Powerhouse is presented. The aim of the investigation is to determine whether or not vortex structures are likely to appear from the water surface through the intakes, as the result of the presence of cofferdams placed few meters upstream of the intakes. The presence of cofferdams was a note of concern with regard to the effects they might have on the turbine intakes once the hydroelectric central starts operating. In all the considered conditions, results did not show neither strong surface vortices in the proximities of the Power House intakes, nor air entrainment-entrapment towards the intakes, which reflects the safe operation of the turbines in the presence of the cofferdams. The latter added in decision taking on leaving the cofferdams submerged instead of removing them, which resulted in cost savings for the projec

    Production of vector resonances at the LHC via WZ-scattering: a unitarized EChL analysis

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    In the present work we study the production of vector resonances at the LHC by means of the vector boson scattering WZWZWZ \to WZ and explore the sensitivities to these resonances for the expected future LHC luminosities. We are assuming that these vector resonances are generated dynamically from the self interactions of the longitudinal gauge bosons, WLW_L and ZLZ_L, and work under the framework of the electroweak chiral Lagrangian to describe in a model independent way the supposedly strong dynamics of these modes. The properties of the vector resonances, mass, width and couplings to the WW and ZZ gauge bosons are derived from the inverse amplitude method approach. We implement all these features into a single model, the IAM-MC, adapted for MonteCarlo, built in a Lagrangian language in terms of the electroweak chiral Lagrangian and a chiral Lagrangian for the vector resonances, which mimics the resonant behavior of the IAM and provides unitary amplitudes. The model has been implemented in MadGraph, allowing us to perform a realistic study of the signal versus background events at the LHC. In particular, we have focused our study on the ppWZjjpp\to WZjj type of events, discussing first on the potential of the hadronic and semileptonic channels of the final WZWZ, and next exploring in more detail the clearest signals. These are provided by the leptonic decays of the gauge bosons, leading to a final state with 1+12+νjj\ell_1^+\ell_1^-\ell_2^+\nu jj, =e,μ\ell=e,\mu, having a very distinctive signature, and showing clearly the emergence of the resonances with masses in the range of 1.5-2.5 TeV, which we have explored.Comment: Revised version accepted for publication in JHEP. Enlarged analysis. References added. 44 pages, 23 figures, 3 table

    Search for Light Exotic Fermions in Double-Beta Decays

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    The Standard Model of Particle Physics predicts the double-β decay of certain nuclei with the emission of two active neutrinos. In this letter, we argue that double-β decay experiments could be used to probe models with light exotic fermions through the search for spectral distortions in the electron spectrum with respect to the Standard Model expectations. We consider two concrete examples: models with light sterile neutrinos, singly produced in the double-β decay, and models with a light -odd fermion, pair produced due to a symmetry. We estimate the discovery potential of a selection of double-β decay experiments and find that future searches will test for the first time a new part of the parameter space of interest at the MeV-mass scale

    Longitudinal Model Predictive Control with comfortable speed planner

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    Guaranteeing simplicity and safety is a real challenge of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), being these aspects necessary for the development of decision and control stages in highly automated vehicles. Considering that a human-centered design is generally pursued, exploring comfort boundaries in passenger vehicles has a significant importance. This work aims to implement a simple Model Predictive Control (MPC) for longitudinal maneuvers, considering a bare speed planner based on the curvature of a predefined geometrical path. The speed profiles are constrained with a maximum value at any time, in such way that total accelerations are lower than specified constraint limits. A double proportional with curvature bias control was employed as a simple algorithm for lateral maneuvers. The tests were performed within a realistic simulation environment with a virtual vehicle model based on a multi-body formulation. The results of this investigation permits to determine the capabilities of simplified control algorithms in real scenarios, and comprehend how to improve them to be more efficient.Authors want to acknowledge their organization. This project has received funding from the Electronic Component Systems for European Leadership Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No 737469 (AutoDrive Project). This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Unions Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and Germany, Austria, Spain, Italy, Latvia, Belgium, Netherlands, Sweden, Finland, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Romania, Norway. This work was developed at Tecnalia Research & Innovation facilities supporting this research

    Controlled transport of solitons and bubbles using external perturbations

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    We investigate generalized soliton-bearing systems in the presence of external perturbations. We show the possibility of the transport of solitons using external waves, provided the waveform and its velocity satisfy certain conditions. We also investigate the stabilization and transport of bubbles using external perturbations in 3D-systems. We also present the results of real experiments with laser-induced vapor bubbles in liquids.Comment: 26 pages, 24 figure