14 research outputs found

    Réduction de la production de boues activées

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    RÉSUMÉ Les procĂ©dĂ©s biologiques par boues activĂ©es pour le traitement secondaire des eaux usĂ©es gĂ©nĂšrent des quantitĂ©s importantes de boues en excĂšs. Plusieurs procĂ©dĂ©s biologiques, physiques et chimiques sont envisagĂ©s pour la rĂ©duction de la production de boues. Les procĂ©dĂ©s CannibalÂź et d’ozonation des boues sont efficaces pour la rĂ©duction de la production de boues. Les mĂ©canismes de rĂ©duction de la production de boues de ces procĂ©dĂ©s demeurent toutefois mal connus. Une meilleure comprĂ©hension des mĂ©canismes de ces procĂ©dĂ©s permettrait d’optimiser leur conception et leur application. L’objectif gĂ©nĂ©ral de cette thĂšse Ă©tait de dĂ©terminer les mĂ©canismes de rĂ©duction de la production de boues activĂ©es par les procĂ©dĂ©s opĂ©rĂ©s Ă  des temps de rĂ©tention de boues (TRB) trĂšs Ă©levĂ©s et d’ozonation des boues. La dĂ©gradabilitĂ© des matiĂšres particulaires non biodĂ©gradables a Ă©tĂ© considĂ©rĂ©e pour des TRB conventionnels, Ă©levĂ©s et trĂšs Ă©levĂ©s et suite Ă  l’ozonation des boues. Des essais de rĂ©tention complĂšte des boues en biorĂ©acteur Ă  membrane (BRM) de taille dĂ©monstration alimentĂ© par des eaux usĂ©es rĂ©elles, en alternance avec des pĂ©riodes de famine, ont permis de dĂ©terminer les paramĂštres stoechiomĂ©triques et cinĂ©tiques associĂ©s Ă  la production de boues sur une grande plage de taux de charge (food to microorganism ratio; F/M) et de TRB. Deux jeux de paramĂštres frĂ©quemment employĂ©s en pratique pour la conception de centres de rĂ©cupĂ©ration des ressources en eaux (CRRE, le nouveau terme pour dĂ©signer les stations d’épuration STEP) en AmĂ©rique du Nord ont Ă©tĂ© comparĂ©s pour la calibration de la production de boues des essais Ă  rĂ©tention complĂšte en termes de demande chimique en oxygĂšne (DCO), de matiĂšres volatiles en suspension (MVES) et de biomasse active (XH).----------ABSTRACT The secondary treatment of wastewaters by the activated sludge process generates large quantities of excess sludge. Many biological, physical and chemical processes are being studied to reduce excess sludge production. The CannibalÂź and the sludge ozonation processes are two promising sludge reduction processes. The mechanisms involved in the sludge reduction by these processes remains not well understood. A better knowledge of the mechanisms involved in these processes would allow to improve their design and implementation. The general objective of this thesis was to determine the mechanisms for the reduction of excess sludge production from the activated sludge in processes operated at a very long sludge retention time (SRT) and from the sludge ozonation process. Complete sludge retention experiments were conducted in a demonstration scale membrane bioreactor (MBR) fed with a real municipal wastewater and subjected to growth and famine periods to determine the stoichiometric and kinetic parameters related to sludge production over wide-ranging loading rates (food to microorganism ratio; F/M) and SRTs. The default model parameter values (YH, bH and ƒ) from two well-accepted models were compared to determine which parameter set better fitted the COD, VSS and active biomasse accumulation. These two models were selected because of their broad application by practitioners in water resource recovery facilities (WRRFs, the new designation for wastewater treatment plant, WWTPs) design and very similar sludge production and oxygen demand predictions despite dissimilar default parameter values, but different active biomass proportions

    Mechanisms for Reduced Excess Sludge Production in the Cannibal Process

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    Reducing excess sludge production is increasingly attractive as a result of rising costs and constraints with respect to sludge treatment and disposal. A technology in which the mechanisms remain not well understood is the Cannibal process, for which very low sludge yields have been reported. The objective of this work was to use modeling as a means to characterize excess sludge production at a full-scale Cannibal facility by providing a long sludge retention time and removing trash and grit by physical processes. The facility was characterized by using its historical data, from discussion with the staff and by conducting a sampling campaign to prepare a solids inventory and an overall mass balance. At the evaluated sludge retention time of 400 days, the sum of the daily loss of suspended solids to the effluent and of the waste activated sludge solids contributed approximately equally to the sum of solids that are wasted daily as trash and grit from the solids separation module. The overall sludge production was estimated to be 0.14 g total suspended solids produced/g chemical oxygen demand removed. The essential functions of the Cannibal process for the reduction of sludge production appear to be to remove trash and grit from the sludge by physical processes of microscreening and hydrocycloning, respectively, and to provide a long sludge retention time, which allows the slow degradation of the “unbiodegradable” influent particulate organics (XU,Inf) and the endogenous residue (XE). The high energy demand of 1.6 kWh/m3 of treated wastewater at the studied facility limits the niche of the Cannibal process to small- to medium-sized facilities in which sludge disposal costs are high but electricity costs are low

    Compact secondary treatment train combining a lab-scale moving bed biofilm reactor and enhanced flotation processes

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    High-rate wastewater processes are receiving a renewed interest to obtain energy positive/efficient water resource recovery facilities. An innovative treatment train combining a high-rate moving bed biofilm reactor (HR-MBBR) with an enhanced flotation process was studied. The two objectives of this work were 1) to maximize the conversion of soluble organics to particulate matter in an HR-MBBR and 2) to maximize the particulate matter recovery from the HR-MBBR effluent by green chemicals to enhance biogas production by anaerobic digestion. To achieve these objectives, lab-scale MBBRs fed with synthetic soluble wastewater were operated at organic loading rates (OLRs) between 4 and 34 kg COD m−3 reactor d−1 corresponding to hydraulic retention times (HRTs) between 6 and 54 min. Colloidal and soluble chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal efficiency in the HR-MBBR increased with HRT to reach a plateau of 85% at an HRT longer than 27 min. Carrier clogging observed at an OLR higher than 16 kg COD m−3 d−1 (HRT < 13 min) resulted in about 23% loss in colloidal and soluble COD removal efficiency. Thus, the recommended parameters were between 22 and 37 min and between 6 and 10 kg COD m−3 d−1 for the HRT and the OLR, respectively, to maximize the conversion of soluble organics to particulate matter. Total suspended solids (TSS) recovery of 58–85% and 90–97% were achieved by enhanced flotation using green and unbiodegradable chemicals, respectively, corresponding to a TSS effluent concentration below 14 and 7 mg TSS/L. Among the synthetic polymers tested, a high molecular weight and low charge density cationic polyacrylamide was found to give the best results with less than 2 mg TSS/L in the clarified effluent (97% TSS recovery). Green chemicals, although performing slightly less for solids separation than unbiodegradable chemicals, achieved a mean TSS concentration of 10 ± 3 mg/L in the clarified effluent

    Effect of ozonation on anaerobic digestion sludge activity and viability

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    The effect of ozonation of anaerobic digested sludge on methane production was studied as a means of increasing the capacity of municipal anaerobic digesters. Ozone doses ranging from 0 to 192 mg O3/g sludge COD were evaluated in batch tests with a bench scale ozonation unit. Ozonation initially, and temporarily, reduced biomass viability and acetoclastic methanogenic activity, resulting in an initial lag phase ranging from 0.8 to 10 days. Following this lag phase, ozonation enhanced methane production with an optimal methane yield attained at 86 mg O3/g COD. Under these conditions, the yield of methane and the rate of its formation were 52% and 95% higher, respectively, than those factors measured without ozonation. A required optimal ozone dose could be feasible to improve the anaerobic digestion performance by increasing the methane production potential with a minimum impact on microbial activity; thus, an optimal ozone dose would enable an increase in the capacity of anaerobic digesters

    Ozonation of Primary Sludge and Digested Sludge to Increase Methane Production in a Chemically Enhanced Primary Treatment Facility

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    The purpose of this research was the investigation of the ozonation of sludge as a method to improve anaerobic digestion performance in a chemically enhanced primary treatment facility. Batch tests were conducted to evaluate the effect of ozonation on the physicochemical characteristics of both primary and digested sludge. Then, the performance of semi-continuous anaerobic digesters in combination with ozone treatment was investigated (pre-ozonation and post-ozonation). Ozonation of primary sludge did not increase the soluble COD nor the biodegradable COD, but resulted in the mineralization of a fraction of the organic matter into CO2. However, the ozonation of anaerobic digested sludge resulted in an increase in soluble COD and biodegradable COD and in a small level of mineralization at the dose of 90 mg O3/g COD. Pre-ozonation of primary sludge was not effective in enhancing the performance of the anaerobic digester. The coupling of ozonation and anaerobic digestion by means of the post-ozonation of digested sludge was found to be effective in improving methane production (+16%), for COD removal efficiency and for the dewaterability of anaerobic digesters compared to the control digester

    Retreat into scientism, paradoxes of transparency, and corruption in education

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    Um dos sintomas da razĂŁo indolente (SANTOS, 2006) Ă© o recuo ao cientificismo, o qual tem sido, particularmente, acentuado nas polĂ­ticas, cada vez mais hegemĂŽnicas, de avaliação, de prestação de contas e de responsabilização. Por isso, um dos objetivos deste texto Ă© o de colocar em causa este aparente consenso cientificista (ou este consenso supostamente transideolĂłgico) e fazer uma breve incursĂŁo exploratĂłria ao que aqui se designa de paradoxos da transparĂȘncia. Considera-se que esses paradoxos traduzem a existĂȘncia de tensĂ”es e contradiçÔes relativas a uma dimensĂŁo central dos discursos polĂ­ticos e educacionais contemporĂąneos. Com isso, o artigo pretende dar continuidade a uma linha de pesquisa que tem procurado sublinhar a relevĂąncia da necessidade de complexificar e dar maior rigor teĂłrico-conceptual Ă  accountability em educação. Finalmente, tentando abrir caminho para o desenvolvimento de novas articulaçÔes e anĂĄlises, chama-se a atenção para a corrupção na educação cuja complexidade ainda Ă© insuficientemente conhecida e pesquisada, nomeadamente, nas suas relaçÔes com as problemĂĄticas da transparĂȘncia e da accountability. Admite-se que as prĂĄticas de corrupção em educação, em muitas situaçÔes, sĂŁo (paradoxalmente) induzidas pela necessidade de dar resposta Ă  governação baseada nos nĂșmeros, nos rankings e nas (supostas) evidĂȘncias, anulando completamente as expectativas legĂ­timas em torno da transparĂȘncia dos processos educacionais e das decisĂ”es polĂ­ticas.One symptom of “indolent reason” (SANTOS, 2006) is the retreat into scientism, which is especially marked in the increasingly hegemonic policies surrounding assessment, reporting and accountability. As such, one of the aims of this paper is to call into question this apparent consensus on scientism (a supposedly trans-ideological consensus), and briefly explore what we define as the paradoxes of transparency. These paradoxes are found to reveal the existence of tensions and contradictions concerning a central aspect of current political and educational discourse. In doing so, the article seeks to continue a line of study which has aimed to emphasize the significance of the need for a more complex, and theoretically and conceptually rigorous understanding of accountability in education. Finally, in an attempt to pave the way for further discussion and analysis, attention is drawn to corruption in education, the complex nature of which remains insufficiently understood and studied, notably in terms of its relationship with the problems of transparency and accountability. It is acknowledged that practices of corruption within education are, in many situations, (paradoxically) caused by the need to answer to a system of governance based on numbers, league tables, and (supposed) truths, completely nullifying legitimate expectations about the transparency of educational processes and policy decisions.Trabalho financiado por Fundos Nacionais atravĂ©s da FCT – Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e a Tecnologia – no Ăąmbito do Projeto PEst-OE/CED/UI1661/2014.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Optimisation d'un bioprocédé de dénitrification d'un systÚme aquacole marin en circuit fermé au BiodÎme de Montréal

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    Le Saint-Laurent marin -- SystÚmes en circuits fermés -- Dénitrification -- Dénitrification d'eaux salées -- La production d'oxyde nitreux -- ContrÎle des RBS -- Contraintes dues au milieu récepteur -- Stoechiométrie -- Eau de mer -- Caractérisation des bioréacteurs -- Essais en chemostat -- Essais en cuvées -- Modélisation avec GPS-X -- Efficacité énergétique de la biomasse -- Taux de dénitrification -- Avantages et désavantages des alimentations en chemostat et séquentielle -- Améliorations au systÚme à pleine échelle -- Prévisions de l'évolution des nitrates -- Contribution scientifique originale

    Anionic and Ampholytic High-Amylose Starch Derivatives as Excipients for Pharmaceutical and Biopharmaceutical Applications: Structure-Properties Correlations

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    Many chemical modifications of starch are realized in organic (mostly methanol) phase, allowing high degrees of substitution (DS). Some of these materials are used as disintegrants. To expand the usage of starch derivative biopolymers as drug delivery system, various starch derivatives obtained in aqueous phase were evaluated with the aim to identify materials and procedures which would generate multifunctional excipients providing gastro-protection for controlled drug delivery. Chemical, structural and thermal characteristics of anionic and ampholytic High Amylose Starch (HAS) derivatives under powder (P), tablet (T) and film (F) forms were evaluated by X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Fourier Transformed Infrared (FTIR) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) methods and correlated with the behavior of tablets and films in simulated gastric and intestinal media. At low DS, the HAS carboxymethylation (CMHAS) in aqueous phase, generated tablets and films that were insoluble at ambient conditions. The CMHAS filmogenic solutions, with a lower viscosity, were easier to cast and gave smooth films without the use of plasticizer. Correlations were found between structural parameters and the properties of starch excipients. Compared to other starch modification procedures, the aqueous modification of HAS generated tunable multifunctional excipients that may be recommended for tablets and functional coatings for colon-targeted formulations

    Synthesis of Metal-Loaded Carboxylated Biopolymers with Antibacterial Activity through Metal Subnanoparticle Incorporation

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    Carboxymethyl starch (CMS) and carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) loaded by highly dispersed metal subnanoparticles (MSNPs) showed antibacterial activity against E. coli and B. subtilis strains. Copper and silver were found to act in both cationic and zero-valence forms. The antibacterial activity depends on the metal species content but only up to a certain level. Silver cation (Ag+) showed higher antibacterial activity as compared to Ag0, which was, however, more effective than Cu0, due to weaker retention. The number of carboxyl groups of the biopolymers was found to govern the material dispersion in aqueous media, the metal retention strength and dispersion in the host-matrices. Cation and metal retention in both biopolymers was found to involve interactions with the oxygen atoms of both hydroxyl and carboxyl groups. There exists a ternary interdependence between the Zeta potential (ZP), pH induced by the biocidal agent and its particle size (PS). This interdependence is a key factor in the exchange processes with the surrounding species, including bacteria. Clay mineral incorporation was found to mitigate material dispersion, due to detrimental competitive clay:polymer interaction. This knowledge advancement opens promising prospects for manufacturing metal-loaded materials for biomedical applications