297 research outputs found

    Quelle place l’enseignement a-t-il parmi les motivations et projets professionnels des étudiants en Education physique?

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    peer reviewedIl est commun de considérer que les études en éducation physique conduisent exclusivement à une carrière dans l’enseignement. Toutefois, les recherches portant sur les aspirations professionnelles des étudiants entrant dans ce type de formation sont relativement rares et il n’est pas possible actuellement de déterminer si tous les étudiants possèdent réellement cette vocation «pédagogique». En Communauté française de Belgique, la présence et le succès de 12 établissements de formation en éducation physique a incité le Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche scientifique à commander une étude portant sur les motivations des jeunes qui s’engagent dans cette orientation de formation

    L’apport de l’analyse morphologique, microscopique et chimique des scories en forme de culot à la restitution des activités de forge

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    Si les différents travaux réalisés dans une forge sont assez bien connus, il est difficile de les retrouver au travers de l’analyse des seuls déchets. Ce sont pourtant ceux-ci que l’on retrouve presque exclusivement sur les ateliers dégagés au cours de fouilles archéologiques. Pour en extraire un maximum de renseignements, il est nécessaire de mettre en place une méthodologie rigoureuse d’étude, depuis l’échantillonnage sur le terrain jusqu’aux analyses chimiques en laboratoire. Les notions de quantification et de représentativité sont extrêmement importantes pour tenter de qualifier et quantifier les travaux effectués par le forgeron, pour déterminer la nature des matériaux employés et pour tenter d’estimer une quantité minimale de fer travaillé. L’étude, bien que ciblée sur les scories en culot, montre que l’ensemble des déchets produits dans un atelier doit être pris en considération lors des études paléométallurgiques si l’on veut réellement appréhender l’atelier. L’exemple du site du Puy-de-Grâce (La Tène finale) permet de documenter les apports de cette méthodologie.If the different works produced in a smithing workshop are well known, it is difficult to identify them only from the analyses from the wastes. However, these wastes are generally the only remnants that can be found during excavation of archaeological ironworkshops. To obtain the maximum of informations of these wastes, it is necessary to propose a rigorous methodology, from the sampling in the archaeological site to chemical analyses in laboratory. The quantification and representativeness notions are very important to qualify and quantify the works operated by the blacksmith, to determine the nature of used materials and to estimate the minimal quantity of worked iron. This study, although targeted on the tape slags, shows that it is necessary to take into account the totality of the wastes found in the archaeological smithy during the archeaometallurgical studies for a good comprehension of this smithy functioning. The Puy-de-Grâce example (France) allows documenting the contribution of this methodology

    Relationships between radiographic parameters and spinopelvic muscles in adult spinal deformity patients

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    Introduction While the clinical impact of coronal and sagittal alignment in adult spinal deformity (ASD) patients (pts) is established, there is a paucity of data in terms of axial plane deformity and potential association between muscle degenera- tion and 3D deformity. The purpose of this study was to analyze spinopelvic muscles characteristics in association with the 3D deformity of ASD patients. Methods This is a prospective cohort study; primary lumbar scoliosis patients (Cobb > 20°) were enrolled and sustained a low-dose X-rays with 3D spinal reconstructions and a fat/water separation MRI (from C7 to the knee). Volumetric 3D reconstructions and fat infiltration (FI) of 6 muscles groups were performed. Relationships between muscular data, radio- graphic parameters and health-related quality of life were investigated. Patients were stratified and compared based on the SRS classification, the odontoid-hip axis (ODHA) angle (> or 0.05). Pts with ODHA > 6.1° or pelvic incidence minus lumbar lordosis > 10° had significantly higher FI for the 6 muscular groups, patients with pelvic tilt > 20° had significantly higher FI for erector spinae, hip flexors and extensors (p < 0.05). SF36-PCS significantly correlated with the muscular volume; SRS and Oswestry disability index correlated with the erectors spinae volume (p < 0.05). Conclusion This study analyzed for the first time the relationship between 3D radiographic parameters and muscular charac- teristics in ASD. Sagittal malalignment is associated with increased FI and decreased muscle volumes with poor outcomes

    Parathyroid Carcinoma: A Review with Three Illustrative Cases

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    Parathyroid carcinoma is a rare disease, which accounts for less than 1% of all case of primary hyperparathyroidism and is usually not detected until the time of surgery or thereafter. For most patients preoperative staging is not available. A radical excision remains the standard management; the place of adjuvant radiotherapy is not well established yet. Local recurrence and/or the metastases are unfortunately frequent. The present paper presents an up to date review of the literature illustrated by three clinical cases

    Nouvelles données sur l’importance des vestiges de sidérurgie ancienne en Puisaye

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    Des prospections pédestres, conduites depuis une dizaine d’années dans la région naturelle de la Puisaye, dans le sud-ouest du département de l’Yonne (France, Bourgogne), ont entraîné l’identification et la localisation de près de 2500 amas et aires de concentrations de déchets sidérurgiques anciens relevant du procédé de production du fer en bas fourneau par la méthode directe. Trois datations 14C réalisées sur des charbons prélevés dans les amas et dans les scories confirment l’existence d’ateliers de la période gallo-romaine, associés à des amas de volume considérable témoignant d’une grosse production de fer et à des déchets scorifiés fortement vitreux contenant des billes de fer.Searches conducted on foot over the last ten years or so in the Puisaye, in the south-west of the department of the Yonne (Burgundy), have resulted in the identification and localisation of approximately 2500 piles and areas of ancient iron-working scrap. These are the remains of bloomeries that used the direct method for iron production. Carbon-dating on three pieces of coal taken from the piles and the slag confirm the existence of iron-making workshops during the Gallo-Roman period. Large piles of highly vitreous slag containing iron-ore pellets attest extensive iron production.Seit ungefähr 10 Jahren werden in der Puisaye, im Südwesten des Departements Yonne (Frankreich, Region Bourgogne) Feldbegehungen durchgeführt. Sie haben zur Identifizierung und Lokalisierung von fast 2500 Schlackenhalden und –Konzentrationen von Eisenverhüttungsabfällen geführt, die bei der Gewinnung von Eisen in Rennöfen durch die direkte Reduktionsmethode angefallen waren. Drei 14C-Datierungen von Kohleresten aus den Halden und Schlacken bestätigen die Existenz von Werkstätten in gallo-römischer Zeit. Große Schlackenhalden und stark glasige verschlackte Abfälle mit Eisenperlen zeugen vom Umfang der Eisenproduktion

    An interdisciplinary study around the reliquary of the late cardinal Jacques de Vitry

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    The reliquary of Jacques de Vitry, a prominent clergyman and theologian in the early 13th century, has experienced several transfers over the last centuries, which seriously question the attribution of the remains to the late Cardinal. Uncertainty about the year of his birth poses an additional question regarding his age at death in 1240. The reliquary, located in the Saint Marie d'Oigines church, Belgium, was reopened in 2015 for an interdisciplinary study around his relics as well as the Treasure of Oignies, a remarkable cultural heritage notably built from Jacques de Vitry's donation. Anthropological, isotopic and genetic analyses were performed independently on the remains found in the reliquary. Results of the analyses provided evidence that the likelihood that these remains are those of Jacques de Vitry is very high: the remains belong to the same human male individual and the historical tradition about his age is confirmed. In addition, a separate relic (left tibia) was analysed and found to match with the remains of the reliquary (right tibia). The unique Jacques de Vitry's mitre, made of parchment, was sampled non-destructively and the extracted parchment collagen was analysed by a proteomic method in order to determine the animal species. The results showed that, surprisingly, not all parts of the mitre were made from the same species. All together, these findings are expected to fertilize knowledge carried by historical tradition around the relics of Jacques de Vitry and his related cultural heritage

    Volume of spinopelvic muscles: comparison between adult spinal deformity patients and asymptomatic subjects

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    Purpose: Spinal muscles are a major component of posture in spinal pathologies and changes to the spine with aging. Specifically, spinopelvic muscles may compensate for underlying anomalies such as pelvic retroversion, knee flexion, and cervical or thoracic spinal balance abnormalities. To increase understanding between muscular characteristics and compensatory mechanisms, this study aimed to compare the volume of spinopelvic muscles in adults with a spinal deformity (ASD) to a control group of well-aligned adult subjects. Methods: Twenty-eight lumbar ASD patients [Cobb angle > 20°, > 40 years old (yo)] were prospectively included and compared to 35 normal subjects divided into 2 different groups: one group of young (Y) subjects (n = 23,  40 yo). All subjects had a fat/water separation MRI (from C7 to the knees). Volumetric 3D reconstructions of 30 spinopelvic muscles were performed and muscles volumes were compared. Results: Mean age was 60 ± 16 yo, without significant differences between the ASD and O groups (57 ± 11 yo). Age and BMI were smaller in the young group. Mean Cobb angle of the ASD group was 45 ± 11°. Comparing the ASD and O groups, total muscular volume was similar; however, erector spinae (0.24 ± 0.06 vs 0.68 ± 0.08 dm3, p = 0.001), iliopsoas (0.49 ± 0.09 vs 0.60 ± 0.09 dm3, p = 0.001) and obliquus (0.42 ± 0.08 vs 0.50 ± 0.08 dm3, p = 0.02) were significantly smaller in the ASD group. Comparing the Y and the ASD groups, total muscular volume was higher in the Y group than the ASD group (+ 3.3 dm3, p = 0.003) and erector spinae (0.24 ± 0.06 vs 0.74 ± 0.08, p = 0.0001), gluteus medius (0.51 ± 0.07 vs 0.62 ± 0.13, p = 0.01) and vastus lateralis (1.33 ± 0.21 vs 2.08 ± 0.29, p = 0.001) were significantly bigger in the Y group. Conclusion: This is the first study to compare volume of spinopelvic muscles between ASD patients and a control group without spinal deformity. Our results demonstrate that muscular degeneration has a double origin: aging and deformity. Erector spinae, iliopsoas, and obliquus are the muscles most affected by degeneration

    Les ateliers du hameau Les Noires Terres à Messein (Meurthe-et-Moselle, Lorraine, France) :

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    L’occupation altomédiévale (VIe-VIIIe s.) au lieu-dit Les Noires Terres sur la commune de Messein, au sud de Nancy (Meurthe-et-Moselle, France, fouille 2003-2004), associe des unités composées d’un bâtiment d’habitation et de structures de type agricole (greniers, silos, enclos, cabanes excavées…) à des ateliers de production et de travail du fer (préparation du minerai, fabrication du charbon de bois, fourneaux de réduction, forgeage du fer). La présence des déchets relevant d’une chaîne opératoire complète (de la préparation du minerai à l’élaboration de produits finis), documentée par l’étude paléométallurgique, ainsi que le volume de production estimé au vu de leur quantité (plusieurs dizaines de tonnes de fer), suggèrent qu’il s’agit de l’activité principale des occupants et non pas d’une activité d’appoint aux pratiques agricoles. La nature de l’occupation est donc discutée : les vestiges découverts correspondraient aux unités d’habitation d’artisans spécialisés, avec leurs ateliers, comportant l’ensemble des installations et équipements nécessaires à leur subsistance et à leur vie quotidienne. On peut ainsi émettre l’hypothèse qu’il s’agit d’une des formes d’organisation de la production du fer dans le monde franc au cours du premier Moyen Âge, et qu’elle correspond peut-être à ce que nous laissent entrevoir les polyptiques de la période carolingienne.The Altomedieval occupation (6th-8th c.) at Les Noires Terres in Messein, to the south of Nancy (Meurthe-et-Moselle, France, excavation 2003-2004), associates elements composed of a dwelling and agricultural structures (granaries, silos, enclosures, excavated huts, etc.) with iron production and transformation workshops (iron ore preparation, wood charcoal production, reduction furnaces, iron forging). The presence of waste products corresponding to a complete chaîne opératoire (production sequence) (from iron ore preparation to finished products), documented by the paleo-metallurgical study and the production volume estimated from their quantity (several dozen tons of iron), suggest that this was the main activity of the occupants, rather than an activity secondary to agricultural activities. The nature of the occupation is thus discussed : the remains discovered could correspond to the dwellings of the specialized artisans, with their workshops, including all the installations and equipment necessary for their subsistence and daily life. We can thus propose the hypothesis that this was one of the forms of iron production organization employed by the Franks during the Early Middle Ages, and that if might correspond to that which is suggested by the polyptyques of the Carolingian period.Die frühmittelalterliche Besiedlung (6.-8. Jh.) von Les Noires Terres auf dem Gebiet der Gemeinde Messein, südlich von Nancy (Departement Meurthe-et-Moselle, Frankreich, Ausgrabung 2003-2004), besteht aus Siedlungseinheiten, die sich jeweils aus einem Wohnbau mit landwirtschaftlichen Einrichtungen (Speicherbauten, Silos, Einfriedungen, Grubenhäuser…) und Werkstätten für die Eisengewinnung und -verarbeitung (Erzaufbereitung, Holzkohlengewinnung, Rennöfen, Eisenschmieden) zusammensetzen. Die Abfälle, die von einem kompletten, durch die paläometallurgische Studie dokumentierten Verhüttungsprozess (von der Erzaufbereitung bis hin zur Formgebung der Endprodukte) zeugen, sowie das anhand der Abfälle geschätzte Produktionsvolumen (mehrere Dutzend Tonnen Eisen) legen nahe, dass es sich hier um die Hauptbeschäftigung der Bewohner handelte und nicht um eine Nebentätigkeit. Demzufolge steht die Art der Besiedlung zur Diskussion: Die Funde und Befunde würden einer auf die Eisengewinnung und -verarbeitung spezialisierte Handwerkersiedlung entsprechen mit allen für die Arbeit und den Alltag der Bewohner notwendigen Anlagen und Einrichtungen, Wohnhäusern und Werkstätten. So können wir die Hypothese vorlegen, dass es sich um eine der Organisationsformen der frühmittelalterlichen fränkischen Eisenmetallurgie handelt, welche die Urbare der karolingischen Periode erahnen lassen
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