306 research outputs found

    A new approach to the study of quasi-normal modes of rotating stars

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    We propose a new method to study the quasi-normal modes of rotating relativistic stars. Oscillations are treated as perturbations in the frequency domain of the stationary, axisymmetric background describing a rotating star. The perturbed quantities are expanded in circular harmonics, and the resulting 2D-equations they satisfy are integrated using spectral methods in the (r,theta)-plane. The asymptotic conditions at infinity, needed to find the mode frequencies, are implemented by generalizing the standing wave boundary condition commonly used in the non rotating case. As a test, the method is applied to find the quasi-normal mode frequencies of a slowly rotating star.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Formation of Dark Matter Haloes in a Homogeneous Dark Energy Universe

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    Several independent cosmological tests have shown evidences that the energy density of the Universe is dominated by a dark energy component, which cause the present accelerated expansion. The large scale structure formation can be used to probe dark energy models, and the mass function of dark matter haloes is one of the best statistical tools to perform this study. We present here a statistical analysis of mass functions of galaxies under a homogeneous dark energy model, proposed in the work of Percival (2005), using an observational flux-limited X-ray cluster survey, and CMB data from WMAP. We compare, in our analysis, the standard Press-Schechter (PS) approach (where a Gaussian distribution is used to describe the primordial density fluctuation field of the mass function), and the PL (Power Law) mass function (where we apply a nonextensive q-statistical distribution to the primordial density field). We conclude that the PS mass function cannot explain at the same time the X-ray and the CMB data (even at 99% confidence level), and the PS best fit dark energy equation of state parameter is ω=−0.58\omega=-0.58, which is distant from the cosmological constant case. The PL mass function provides better fits to the HIFLUGCS X-ray galaxy data and the CMB data; we also note that the ω\omega parameter is very sensible to modifications in the PL free parameter, qq, suggesting that the PL mass function could be a powerful tool to constrain dark energy models.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Latex. Accepted for publication in the International Journal of Modern Physics D (IJMPD)

    The metal and dust yields of the first massive stars

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    We quantify the role of Population (Pop) III core-collapse supernovae (SNe) as the first cosmic dust polluters. Starting from a homogeneous set of stellar progenitors with masses in the range [13 - 80] Msun, we find that the mass and composition of newly formed dust depend on the mixing efficiency of the ejecta and the degree of fallback experienced during the explosion. For standard Pop III SNe, whose explosions are calibrated to reproduce the average elemental abundances of Galactic halo stars with [Fe/H] < -2.5, between 0.18 and 3.1 Msun (0.39 - 1.76 Msun) of dust can form in uniformly mixed (unmixed) ejecta, and the dominant grain species are silicates. We also investigate dust formation in the ejecta of faint Pop III SN, where the ejecta experience a strong fallback. By examining a set of models, tailored to minimize the scatter with the abundances of carbon-enhanced Galactic halo stars with [Fe/H ] < -4, we find that amorphous carbon is the only grain species that forms, with masses in the range 2.7 10^{-3} - 0.27 Msun (7.5 10^{-4} - 0.11 Msun) for uniformly mixed (unmixed) ejecta models. Finally, for all the models we estimate the amount and composition of dust that survives the passage of the reverse shock, and find that, depending on circumstellar medium densities, between 3 and 50% (10 - 80%) of dust produced by standard (faint) Pop III SNe can contribute to early dust enrichment.Comment: Accepted by MNRAS, 22 pages, 12 figures, 12 table

    Where does galactic dust come from?

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    Here we investigate the origin of the dust mass (Mdust) observed in the Milky Way (MW) and of dust scaling relations found in a sample of local galaxies from the DGS and KINGFISH surveys. To this aim, we model dust production from Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) stars and supernovae (SNe) in simulated galaxies forming along the assembly of aMW-like halo in a well-resolved cosmic volume of 4 cMpc using the GAMESH pipeline. We explore the impact of different sets of metallicity and mass-dependent AGB and SN dust yields on the predicted Mdust. Our results show that models accounting for grain destruction by the SN reverse shock predict a total dust mass in the MW, that is a factor of ~4 less than observed, and cannot reproduce the observed galaxy-scale relations between dust and stellar masses, and dust-togas ratios and metallicity, with a smaller discrepancy in galaxies with low metallicity (12 + log(O/H) &lt; 7.5) and low stellar masses (Mstar &lt; 107 M⊙). In agreement with previous studies, we suggest that competing processes in the interstellar medium must be at play to explain the observed trends. Our result reinforces this conclusion by showing that it holds independently of the adopted AGB and SN dust yields

    New Constraints on the Variable Equation of State Parameter from X-Ray Gas Mass Fractions and SNe Ia

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    Recent measurements are suggesting that we live in a flat Universe and that its present accelerating stage is driven by a dark energy component whose equation of state may evolve in time. Assuming two different parameterizations for the function ω(z)\omega(z), we constrain their free parameters from a joint analysis involving measurements from X-Ray luminosity of galaxy clusters and SNe type Ia data.Comment: paper, 6 pages, 1 figure Accepted by Int. Journal of Modern Physics D (IJPMD

    Liposomes characterization for market approval as pharmaceutical products: Analytical methods, guidelines and standardized protocols

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    Liposomes are nano-sized lipid-based vesicles widely studied for their drug delivery capabilities. Compared to standard carries they exhibit better properties such as improved site-targeting and drug release, protection of drugs from degradation and clearance, and lower toxic side effects. At present, scientific literature is rich of studies regarding liposomes-based systems, while 14 types of liposomal products have been authorized to the market by EMA and FDA and many others have been approved by national agencies. Although the interest in nanodevices and nanomedicine has steadily increased in the last two decades the development of documentation regulating and standardizing all the phases of their development and quality control still suffers from major inadequacy due to the intrinsic complexity of nano-systems characterization. Many generic documents (Type 1) discussing guidelines for the study of nano-systems (lipidic and not) have been proposed while there is a lack of robust and standardized methods (Type 2 documents). As a result, a widespread of different techniques, approaches and methodologies are being used, generating results of variable quality and hard to compare with each other. Additionally, such documents are often subject to updates and rewriting further complicating the topic. Within this context the aim of this work is focused on bridging the gap in liposome characterization: the most recent standardized methodologies suitable for liposomes characterization are here reported (with the corresponding Type 2 documents) and revised in a short and pragmatical way focused on providing the reader with a practical background of the state of the art. In particular, this paper will put the accent on the methodologies developed to evaluate the main critical quality attributes (CQAs) necessary for liposomes market approval

    Correlation of Ac-impedance and in situ X-ray spectra of LiCoO2

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    In-situ X-ray and AC-impedance spectra have been obtained simultaneously during the deintercalation of lithium from LiCoO2 using a specially designed electrochemical cell. The AC-dispersions have been correlated with the cell parameters obtained from the X-ray spectra. The correlation confirms previous hypothesis on the interpretation of the AC-dispersions in terms of an equivalent circuit comprising an element that relates the change of the intrinsic electronic conductivity, occurring at the early stages of deintercalation, to the semiconductor to metal transition caused by the change of the cell parameters

    Perturbative approach to the structure of rapidly rotating neutron stars

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    We construct models of rotating stars using the perturbative approach introduced by J. Hartle in 1967, and a set of equations of state proposed to model hadronic interactions in the inner core of neutron stars. We integrate the equations of stellar structure to third order in the angular velocity and show, comparing our results to those obtained with fully non linear codes, to what extent third order corrections are needed to accurately reproduce the moment of inertia of a star which rotates at rates comparable to that of the fastest isolated pulsars.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, minor changes to match version accepted by Phys. Rev.
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