247 research outputs found

    Work-Life Balance and Firm Performance

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    Treballs Finals del Màster de Recerca en Empresa, Facultat d'Economia i Empresa, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2019-2020, Tutors: Josep Maria Argiles Bosch ; Yuliya KasperskayaThis paper analyzes the relationship between work-life balance programs (WLB) and corporate financial performance (CFP). Using a large sample of Spanish firms, we expect to find a positive relationship between work-life balance and corporate financial performance. However, we expect the magnitude of this relationship to vary over time and to find a greater magnitude in the long run. Furthermore, we examine the impact of corporate governance (CG) on this relationship and anticipate finding a negative relationship in companies with poor corporate governance. We expect to contribute to several strands of literature. First, we aim to add to the growing employeewellbeing literature by examining the impact of WLB programs on firm financial performance. Second, we extend the literature on governance by showing that the positive relation between WLB and financial performance is only pronounced in firms with high-quality governance mechanisms. Third, we contribute to CSR literature that examines the link between CSR and financial performance. Despite a positive association being documented by prior literature, little evidence is provided on the channels through which CSR enhances firm performance

    Project Network Implementation of Infrastructure System Restoration

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    Infrastructure system restoration at shortest time became a paramount demand to retain system’s functionality to normal performance and avoid services from being ceased for a long time. Enormous studies elucidated the effect of project planning in the restoration problem, aspect studied as schedule, cost, and quality helped in organizing the efforts to restore disrupted networks efficiently with lowest time and costs. However, urging necessities to expedite system restoration affects the validity of normal restoration plans, post optimization model is needed to compress restoration schedule. Method presented in this work is applying crashing on network restoration as a schedule compression technique, this is attained by allocating more resources to recover the network, thus adding additional costs to restoration activities. Two cases were studied, first is allocating the same available human resources for additional working units, second is allocating external human resources to restore the network, both cases resulted in partial crashing, additional costs, and time reduction. Implications of crashing the network are represented by a cost benefit analysis for a set of solutions, these solutions provide decision makers with the tradeoffs between time and cost to adjust their plans according to project priorities and available budget. Example presented in this work used Shelby County, Tennessee USA data

    Avaliação da resistência à fadiga ciclíca de limas reciprocantes na instrumentação de canais curvos : estudo in vitro

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    Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Universitário Egas MonizO objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar in vitro, num bloco de aço inox, a resistência à fadiga cíclica de três sistemas de limas endodônticas reciprocantes de níquel-titânio durante o movimento rotoatório: Reverso Silver®, WaveOne Gold® e Reciproc® Método: Seis grupos de oito instrumentos foram utilizados num canal artificial, que foi feito com um raio de curvatura de 5mm e comprimento de arco com 6 mm, 60 curvatura. Os instrumentos foram testados de acordo com as recomendações do fabricante. O Reciproc Blueâ R25 foi usado a uma velocidade de 300rpm, enquanto o Reverso Silver® F2 300 rpm e o Wave OneGold® Primary com 350 rpm. O número de ciclos para fratura foi calculado medindo o tempo até à fratura. As características topográficas das superfícies dos instrumentos quebrados foram digitalizadas com um microscópio eletrónico. Os resultados obtidos foram submetidos ao teste de normalidade Shapiro Wilk, que indicou uma distribuição normal da amostra. Com base neste achado, estes dados foram submetidos à análise de variância de duas vias (two-way ANOVA), com teste complementar de Tukey para comparações múltiplas. Resultados: Os instrumentos Reciproc Blue apresentaram um número significativamente maior de ciclos até à falha, do que os outros instrumentos Conclusão: - A fratura ocorre no ponto de flexão máxima, curvatura - A resistência à fadiga dos instrumentos RB® foi melhor que a dos instrumentos WOG® e Reverso Silver®. - A resistência das limas WOG® foi melhor que as limas Reverso silver® - Existe uma diferença significativa entre os dois movimentos testados, no entanto, os limas RB® permanecem mais eficientes em todos os casos - A fadiga cíclica dos RB® testados no movimento reciprocante é maior que os outros instrumentos em ambos os movimentos. Deixando a conclusão de que a transformação térmica e o movimentos das liga são dois fatores igualmente importantes.The aim of this study was to estimate, in vitro, with a stainless bloc, the cyclic fatigue resistance of three systems of nickel-titanium reciprocating endodontic files : Reverso Silver®, WaveOne® and Reciproc Blue® in two different movements Method : Six groups of seven instruments were used in an artificial canal, which was made with a radius of curvature of 5mm and arc length of 6 mm, 60 curvature. The files were tested according to manufacturers recommendations. Reciproc Blue® R25 was used at a rate of 300 rpm, while ReversoSilver® 300 rpm, and Wave OneGold Primary® files 350 rpm. The number of cycles to fracture was calculated, measuring the time until fracture. The topographic features of the surfaces of broken instruments was scanned with an electronic microscope. The results were submitted to the Shapiro Wilk normality test, which indicated a normal distribution of the sample (p> 0.05). Based on this finding, these data were submitted to two-way ANOVA, with Tukey's complementary test for multiple comparisons Results: Reciproc blue® instruments had a significantly greater number of cycles to failure than the others instruments in all groups; Conclusion: - the fracture takes place in the point of maximum flexion, in curvature - The fatigue resistance of RBâ instruments was higher than that of WOG® e Reverso Silver® instruments. - The fatigue resistance of WOG® was higher that that of reverse silver - Existe uma diferença significativa between the two movements tested, reciproc blue files remain more efficient in all cases - the cyclic fatigue of wires RB® tested in reciprocatin movement is higher than in other wires in both movements. Leaving conclusion that transformation termic of the alloy and movments rotatório are two equally importante facto

    Multivariate Post-copulatory Selection and Quantitative Genetics of Drosophila simulans Sex Comb

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    This thesis is concerned with investigations into the influence of Drosophila simulans sex comb characteristics on male fertilization success. Sex comb is a complex trait that has length, depth, and tooth number. Predicting the outcome of selection on a complex trait comprising of several traits requires an estimation of the impact of selection on both traits variances and covariances. The influence of multivariate post-copulatery selection on Drosophila simulans sex comb components has been investigated where the effect of offensive and defensive bouts of selection on males sex comb have been estimated by scoring both the proportion of offspring fathered by the focal male when he is the first to mate with the female (P1), and proportion of offspring fathered by the focal male when he is the second to mate with the female (P2). The heritablities for all sex comb components as well as their underpinning G matrix were calculated. Although Drosophila simulans sex comb components were all significantly heritable, constraints have been found to affect the comb and impede its evolution as a response to post-copulatory sexual selection. These constraints arise mainly due to: 1) the absence of directional post-copulatory selection. 2) The positive genetic correlation between sex comb components. 3) Physical constraints. All of the above constraints could also explain the high additive genetic variance underlying D. simulans sex comb components

    Regeneração óssea no desenvolvimento do local implantar

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    Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Universitário Egas MonizO sucesso da terapia com implantes depende da obtenção de uma posição tridimensional ideal do implante, dentro das dimensões ósseas disponíveis, com o objetivo de alcançar um perfil de emergência adequado à restauração final, sendo o apoio ósseo fundamental. Portanto, o conhecimento dos mecanismos de reabsorção óssea pós-extração é essencial para o planeamento do tratamento. Existem e são descritas diferentes estratégias de preservação do rebordo ósseo para minimizar a reabsorção óssea após a extração dentária e otimizar a disponibilidade de volume ósseo, bem como reduzir a necessidade de procedimentos de aumento ósseo. Mas os defeitos podem ser tão severos que a colocação do implante pode ser difícil ou impossível sem o uso de procedimentos de regeneração óssea. O aumento ósseo prévio ou simultâneo com a colocação do implante pode permitir uma melhor posição do implante. Se após o diagnóstico o defeito tiver sido classificado, será mais fácil selecionar a técnica cirúrgica mais apropriada para tratar o defeito. Os métodos atuais mais eficazes para modelar a arquitetura óssea essencial para apoiar a reabilitação do implante têm em conta a extensão da insuficiência óssea, bem como sua situação anatómica. Muitas técnicas foram descritas para o aumento do rebordo ósseo: aposição óssea de enxerto, regeneração óssea guiada, distração e expansão da crista. As principais técnicas serão descritas com o objetivo de definir os benefícios e limitações de cada uma, de comparar a sua eficiência, e orientar o clínico para a técnica cirúrgica mais adequada para cada caso.The success of implant therapy depends on obtaining an ideal three-dimensional position of the implant within the available bone dimensions in order to achieve a suitable emergency profile for the final restoration; bone support is critical. Therefore, knowledge of the mechanisms of post-extraction bone resorption is essential for treatment planning. There are different bone preservation strategies described to minimize bone resorption after tooth extraction and optimize bone volume availability, as well as reduce the need for bone augmentation procedures. But defects can be so severe that implant placement can be difficult or impossible without the use of bone regeneration procedures. Bone augmentation before or simultaneously with implant placement may allow a better implant position. Once a defect has been classified following the diagnosis, it will be easier to select the most appropriate surgical technique to treat the defect. Currently the most effective methods for modeling the essential bone architecture to support implant rehabilitation take into account the extent of bone insufficiency as well as its anatomical situation. Many techniques have been described to increase the bony ridge: bone graft apposition, guided bone regeneration, distraction, ridge expansion. The main techniques will be described, with the objective of defining the benefits and limitations of each technique and comparing their efficiency. In order to guide the practitioner to the most suitable surgical technique for each case

    Refugees as planners : Palestinian refugees in Jordan and UNRWA, 1950-1957

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    Thesis (M.C.P.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Urban Studies and Planning, 2006.Vita.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 100-104).This research is an institutional ethnography that documents a case for planning from the middle and planning from below. It looks at the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) in Jordan between 1950 and 1957. UNRWA started its operations in 1950 with plans for economic development. By 1957 there had been a clear shift in the agency's mandate to human development. There are many possible reasons for this shift, one of which is the refugees' involvement in the planning process, which was carried out by thousands of refugees working with the agency and performing simultaneously the role of the planner and that of the beneficiary. Refugee staff members included top administration staff as well as street-level bureaucrats. Other refugees participated also in the planning process through spontaneous uprisings, forming local action groups, networking, and building alliances.by Hania Nabil Maraqa.M.C.P

    Vom ›Fremdling‹ zum ›Maßstab‹. Zum Einzug der westlichen Musiktheorie in die arabische Welt bis ins frühe 20. Jahrhundert

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    Europäische Musik wurde im 19. Jahrhundert in den arabischen Ländern zum Symbol für Fortschritt und das Besitzen, Lernen und Spielen von europäischen Musikinstrumenten zu einem Statussymbol, das die Zugehörigkeit zu einer höheren gesellschaftlichen Schicht ausdrückte. Im Zuge der umfangreichen Staatsreformen und Modernisierungsprogramme – insbesondere in Ägypten – wurden ab 1820 Militärkapellen und -musikschulen nach europäischem Vorbild gegründet. Somit drang die europäische Musik auch in die ärmeren Bevölkerungsschichten ein. Mit der Gründung zahlreicher Missionsschulen in Syrien und Ägypten und der zunehmenden Aktivität europäischer wie amerikanischer Missionare, für die Musik ein wichtiges Mittel darstellte, das Evangelium zu verkündigen, wurden viele christliche wie nicht-christliche Araber aus einfachen Verhältnissen weiteren Formen westlicher Musik ausgesetzt. Für die Unterweisung in der westlichen Musik waren somit arabischsprachige Schriften zur westlichen Musiktheorie unentbehrlich (Taʿlīmcibaşı; Edwin Lewis; Rizqallāh Šiḥāta; Don Angelo Bormida; Aḥmad Amīn ad-Dīk). Der vorliegende Aufsatz widmet sich zuerst diesen Schriften und zielt darauf, ihre Entstehungsbedingungen und ihren Inhalt zum ersten Mal systematisch darzulegen. Daraufhin wird dem parallel dazu zu beobachtenden Einfluss westlicher Musiktheorie auf die Theorien arabischer Musik nachgegangen (Mīḫāʾīl Mušāqa/Louis Ronzevalle; Ibrāhīm Beg Muṣṭafā; Muḥammad Ḏākir Beg). Der Text liefert damit umfangreiches Material für eine Erforschung der Geschichte der Verbreitung, Rezeption und Aneignung westlicher Musiktheorie in den arabischen Ländern. // In the nineteenth century European music became a symbol of progress in the Arab world. Possessing, learning, and playing a European musical instrument became a status symbol that expressed an affiliation with a higher social class. In connection with state reforms and programs of modernization – especially in Egypt – military music bands and schools were established from 1820 onwards based on European models. As a consequence, European music was introduced to the poorer segments of the population. With the founding of many missionary schools in Syria and Egypt and the growing activity of European and American missionaries, who considered music an important medium for spreading the gospel, many Christian and non-Christian Arabs from poor backgrounds were exposed to other forms of Western music. Thus, for instruction in Western music Arabic writings on Western music theory became essential (Taʿlīmcibaşı; Edwin Lewis; Rizqallāh Šiḥāta; Don Angelo Bormida; Aḥmad Amīn ad-Dīk). The first part of the present article focuses on these writings and aims to systematically describe their contents and the circumstances in which they were created for the first time. Subsequently, the observable parallel influence of Western music theory on theories of Arab music is traced (Mīḫāʾīl Mušāqa/Louis Ronzevalle; Ibrāhīm Beg Muṣṭafā; Muḥammad Ḏākir Beg). The article provides extensive material for the study of the history of the dissemination, reception, and adoption of Western music theory in the Arab world

    The Influence of SMS Advertising by Jordanian Commercial Companies on Mobile Phone Users' Consuming Behaviour

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    This research aims to study the influence of SMS advertising used by Jordanian commercial companies on the behaviour of a number of mobile phones users. It is an empirical study on a sample of consumers in Jordan. A random sample of 250 Jordanians living in the various provinces was selected and a questionnaire was distributed, while a descriptive analytical approach was used to analyse the data collected from the questionnaires. Results have shown that the majority of participants agreed that SMS ads are important to them and that it influences their purchase behaviour. The results also indicated that there is a significant correlation between the use of SMS advertising and all consumer purchase behaviour variable, though weak. In addition, results have shown that there is a statistically significant correlation between the 'use of SMS ads' variable and consumer purchase motivations. Its interpretation ability was larger than its influence on purchase behaviour variables combined. The research arrived at a set of recommendations. Key words:  SMS ads, Jordanian Commercial, mobile phones, Consuming Behaviour