674 research outputs found

    Three level atom optics via the tunneling interaction

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    Three level atom optics (TLAO) is introduced as a simple, efficient and robust method to coherently manipulate and transport neutral atoms. The tunneling interaction among three trapped states allows to realize the spatial analog of the stimulated Raman adiabatic passage (STIRAP), coherent population trapping (CPT), and electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) techniques. We investigate a particular implementation in optical microtrap arrays and show that under realistic parameters the coherent manipulation and transfer of neutral atoms among dipole traps could be realized in the millisecond range.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    On Galilean invariance and nonlinearity in electrodynamics and quantum mechanics

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    Recent experimental results on slow light heighten interest in nonlinear Maxwell theories. We obtain Galilei covariant equations for electromagnetism by allowing special nonlinearities in the constitutive equations only, keeping Maxwell's equations unchanged. Combining these with linear or nonlinear Schroedinger equations, e.g. as proposed by Doebner and Goldin, yields a Galilean quantum electrodynamics.Comment: 12 pages, added e-mail addresses of the authors, and corrected a misprint in formula (2.10

    Coherent Patterning of Matter Waves with Subwavelength Localization

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    We propose the Subwavelength Localization via Adiabatic Passage (SLAP) technique to coherently achieve state-selective patterning of matter waves well beyond the diffraction limit. The SLAP technique consists in coupling two partially overlapping and spatially structured laser fields to three internal levels of the matter wave yielding state-selective localization at those positions where the adiabatic passage process does not occur. We show that by means of this technique matter wave localization down to the single nanometer scale can be achieved. We analyze in detail the potential implementation of the SLAP technique for nano-lithography with an atomic beam of metastable Ne* and for coherent patterning of a two-component 87Rb Bose-Einstein condensate.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    The response of a neutral atom to a strong laser field probed by transient absorption near the ionisation threshold

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    We present transient absorption spectra of an extreme ultraviolet attosecond pulse train in helium dressed by an 800 nm laser field with intensity ranging from 2times10122times10^{12} W/cm2^2 to 2times10142times10^{14} W/cm2^2. The energy range probed spans 16-42 eV, straddling the first ionisation energy of helium (24.59 eV). By changing the relative polarisation of the dressing field with respect to the attosecond pulse train polarisation we observe a large change in the modulation of the absorption reflecting the vectorial response to the dressing field. With parallel polarized dressing and probing fields, we observe significant modulations with periods of one half and one quarter of the dressing field period. With perpendicularly polarized dressing and probing fields, the modulations of the harmonics above the ionisation threshold are significantly suppressed. A full-dimensionality solution of the single-atom time-dependent Schr odinger equation obtained using the recently developed ab-initio time-dependent B-spline ADC method reproduce some of our observations

    Dark States and Coherent Control of Spin States in Molecular Magnets

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    We propose a scheme to realize coherent control of spin states of molecule magnet, Ni4_4. We introduce transverse magnetic fields with special frequencies. When the frequencies of transverse magnetic fields match in some conditions, we obtain dark states in Ni4_4 molecules. Through adjusting the magnitude of magnetic fields, we can obtain any arbitrary superposition of the two ground spin states of Ni4_4 molecules.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures. To appear in Physical Review

    Enhancement of Kerr nonlinearity via multi-photon coherence

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    We propose a new method of resonant enhancement of optical Kerr nonlinearity using multi-level atomic coherence. The enhancement is accompanied by suppression of the other linear and nonlinear susceptibility terms of the medium. We show that the effect results in a modification of the nonlinear Faraday rotation of light propagating in an Rb87 vapor cell by changing the ellipticity of the light.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures Submitted to Optics Letter