11 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Hotel Performance Based on Financial Management, Marketing and Operations and Management Practices Issues: Case Study on Erbil International Hotel

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    This Erbil International Hotel plays on important in Iraq tourism industry. It offers many facilities and services for travelers and tourists from domestic and international market. Erbil International Hotel has ten storey and attractive building located in the heart of the city of Erbil (the capital city of Kurdistan Region). It is a private ownership hotel. The main revenues of Erbil International are room, food and beverage.  Its main investment had in property, workforces, and equipment’s. From the financial performance of Erbil International Hotel from 2005 to 2010, it indicates that total revenue of the Hotel was not enough to compensate the rising cost. Besides, the hotel has high fixed cost in the salaries and wages, cost of utilities and depreciations are the major items that have affected on costs and low profit margin. For five consecutive years from 2006 to 2010, the hotel has suffered a loss. This was due to the shortage of liquidity and low profit margin. The management failed to operate and managed the hotel efficiently based on the financial management, marketing issue and operations and management practices issues. Thus, this consultation project intends to provide Erbil International hotel with plans and strategies after carefully examine and analyze their financial performance problems by using financial ratio analysis, 4P’s analysis, SWOT analysis, internal and external factors analysis summary, and TOWS matrix. Keywords: Hotel performance, financial management, marketing issue and operations and management practices issue

    Analyzing Growth Strategies of Banking Sectors: A case study on Kurdistan International Bank

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    Time to time, the banking sector around the world face difficulties and challenges whether it is a locally or internationally. The Iraqi banking sector has been shifted to a new era after the development and rebuilding the country since 2005, which acquired new technology - provide better services and products. Within the growth rate in Iraq as a whole and Kurdistan region in particular, a massive number of companies entered Iraq through opening its branches and offices in Kurdistan region. Kurdistan international bank was the first bank opened it’s headquarter in Erbil (the capital city of Kurdistan region) which benefit from the increased attraction to the region’s booming economy. But without practicing the strategic management, Kurdistan international bank could not reach its objectives, and with low experience in stock market, weak public relations, luck of coordination with financial institutes and intermediates, the bank suffered from low share traded percentage, low share volume, low market capitalization and low turnover ratio each year in 2006-2008. After the industry and competitors been analyzed by using PESTLE analysis and Porter’s five force model of analysis, then the environmental factors (internal and external) has also been analyzed through using SWOT analysis, Internal factors analysis summary (IFAS), External factors analysis summary (EFAS), TOWS matrix, and Strategic factors analysis summary (SFAS). Thus, the top management must overcome with firstly a clear vision shared with its employees in various organizational levels, improving its human resources, increasing the marketing awareness, using marketing strategies like marketing relationships, using penetration strategy to enter new markets, improving the current services, products, creating unique products and services which differ from rivals lead to better growth in market share, market capitalization, shares traded volume and percentages, and turnover ratio. Keywords: Bank Performance, Financial Analysis, PESTLE analysis, SWOT analysis

    Determine the Role of Customer Engagement on Relationship Quality and Relationship Performance

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    This conceptual paper aims to investigating the potential effect of relationship market orientation upon buyer-seller relationship with particular emphases on customer engagement, relationship quality, and relationship performance. Engagement is a central concept in the social psychology/exchange literature. Customer engagement explains how social relationships initiate, endure and develop. The literature on buyer-seller relationships has been inspired by social psychology/exchange, adopting concepts such as trust and commitment, but overlooking the concept of customer engagement. In this study we propose a conceptual perspective on customer engagement that is based on the principle of social exchange. We demonstrate the relevance of customer engagement by linking it to relationship quality and relationship performance. More specifically, it is argued that the outcome of relationship quality from a lack of customer engagement by moderating effects of relationship involvement. Purpose of study to provide insight into customer engagement when viewed through perspective of social exchange lens. Objective of study to determine the major customer engagement is really matter in relationship quality and relationship performance. To determine the relationship involvement moderate between customer engagement and relationship quality Key words: Engagement, Relationship Quality, Relationship Involvement, Relationship Performance

    The Influence of Organizational Culture, Innovation Drivers, and Information Technology Capability on Innovation Capability of Manufacturing Firms in Iraq

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    The study examines the mediating role of information technology capability on the influence of organizational culture and innovation drivers on innovation capabilities in manufacturing sectors in Iraq. The framework for this study was developed by combining the resource based view (RBV) and contingency theory and inspired by the congruence model. Findings of this study supported these theories and the process of making strategic decisions. Manufacturing sector in Iraq came under pressure and challenges and face competition that are increasingly global and technological advance. Over the past decade there has been a growing realization of the important contribution of organizational culture, innovation drivers and information technology capabilities to innovation capabilities. Both academics and practitioners agree that the effectiveness in these three factors can lead to sustainable competitive advantage and better innovation capabilities. The samples were chosen from Federation of Iraq Manufacturing (FIM) Directory of 2010. A questionnaire was designed and mailed to one thousand two hundred companies selected randomly. Organizational leaders were the respondents of the study. To analyze the data, SPSS software was used. Findings showed the role of information technology capabilities as mediation variable in the relationship between organizational culture and innovation capabilities, and between innovation drivers and innovation capabilities. Specifically, the organizational culture (adhocracy and clan) had significant relationship with innovation capabilities and both of them were partially mediated by the information technology capabilities. Meanwhile, the innovation drivers (technological advance, globalization and shorting product life cycle) had significant relationship with innovation capabilities and both of them were partially mediated by the information technology capabilities.The results of the study are expected to contribute to research literatures on innovation to which knowledge was added, and to the field practices, where organizational leaders are seeking keys to the general behavior of their firms and their ability to innovate

    Vécu du gut feeling dans le dépistage de la maltraitance infantile par les médecins généralistes en Isère, Savoie et Haute-Savoie

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    Context: Child abuse is a subject that concerns all social and cultural backgrounds. General practitioners are regularly faced with complex situations and are in the centre of child abuse detection. However, today only 5% of reports come from the medical sector. The gut feeling is a tool that relies on the intuition of clinicians. It is frequently used in complex and/or uncertain situations. Objective: The aim of this study is to analyze the experience of gut feeling by general practitioners towards the detection of child abuse in Isère, Savoie and Haute-Savoie. Methods: A qualitative study was carried out with general practitioners in these three departments to share their experience of these situations of child abuse, focusing on screening. They were recruited via a preliminary questionnaire. Twelve individual semi-directed interviews were conducted from July to September 2021 and then analyzed according to the phenomenological interpretive model by the two investigators. Results: Three men and nine women were interviewed. The results of this study can be presented along two main lines: the relationship with abuse and the experience of gut feeling. Thirty-two themes were grouped into ten superordinate themes. Firstly, it appears that doctors' investment in screening is inhomogeneous. The physicians interviewed rated their screening abilities. They describe how this trust relationship with the patient is central and how it is involved in screening for child maltreatment. The exploration of the physicians' decision-making process assessed their experience of gut feeling, which they have all experienced, from taming to regular handling/use. This process leads to decisions, sometimes opposite, to alert child protection structures. It is influenced by the reflection on the impact of society and the place attributed to the doctor on detection of child abuse. The participants’ assessment of the gut feeling varied greatly, but this did not affect their confidence in it. Some participants even suggested evaluating it as a screening tool. This reflects the ambivalence of doctors towards this tool. This pathway leads to the initiative of alerting child protection measures, which is sometimes opposed among the participants. Finally, the doctors reflect on the impact of society and the place attributed to the doctor on the detection of child abuse. Conclusion: The experiences of the general practitioners interviewed were heterogeneous depending on their training and experience. Most participants were ambivalent about the validity of gut feeling and their confidence in it to screen child maltreatment in general practice, even though they all experience this tool instinctively. It is proposed to evaluate the validity of the gut feeling in screening for child maltreatment in general practice and to consider training students in the gut feeling as a non-analytical decision-making process.Contexte : La maltraitance infantile est un sujet qui concerne tous les milieux sociaux et culturels. Les médecins généralistes font régulièrement face à des situations complexes et sont au cœur du dépistage de la maltraitance infantile. Pourtant, aujourd’hui seulement 5% des signalements proviennent du secteur médical. Aussi le gut feeling est un outil qui s’appuie sur l’intuition des cliniciens. Il est fréquemment utilisé dans des situations complexes et/ou d’incertitude. Objectif : L’objectif de cette étude est d’analyser le vécu gut feeling par des médecins généralistes dans le dépistage de la maltraitance infantile en Isère, Savoie et Haute-Savoie. Méthode : Une étude qualitative a été menée auprès de médecins généralistes de ces trois départements pour transmettre leur expérience sur ces situations de maltraitance infantile, centrée sur le dépistage. Ils ont été recrutés via un questionnaire préalable. Les deux enquêtrices ont mené…Douze entretiens individuels semi-dirigés ont été menés de juillet à septembre 2021 puis analysés selon le modèle interprétatif phénoménologique. Résultats : Trois hommes et neuf femmes ont été interrogés. Les résultats de cette étude peuvent être présentés selon deux grands axes : le rapport à la maltraitance et le vécu du gut feeling. Trente-deux thèmes ont été regroupés en dix thèmes superordonnés. En premier lieu, il apparaît que l'investissement des médecins est inhomogène dans le dépistage. Les médecins interrogés ont évalué leurs capacités de dépistage. Ils ont décrit comment le lien de confiance avec le patient a une place centrale, et comment il intervient dans le dépistage de la maltraitance infantile. L’exploration du processus décisionnel des médecins a permis d’évaluer leur vécu du gut feeling qu’ils ont tous expérimenté, de l'apprivoisement au maniement régulier. Ce cheminement mène à des décisions, parfois opposées, d’alerte des structures de protection de l’enfance. Il est influencé par la réflexion autour de l’impact de la société et de la place attribuée au médecin sur le dépistage de la maltraitance infantile. Les participants font une évaluation très disparate du gut feeling, sans pour autant que cela conditionne la confiance qu’ils lui accordent. Certains ont même proposer de l’évaluer comme outil de dépistage. Ceci traduit une ambivalence des médecins vis-à-vis de cet outil. Conclusion : Le vécu des médecins généralistes interrogé est hétérogène en fonction de leur formation et de leur expérience. Il existe une ambivalence chez la grande majorité des participants concernant la validité et la confiance portée au gut feeling pour dépister la maltraitance infantile alors même que tous expérimentent cet outil instinctivement. Il est proposé d’évaluer la validité du gut feeling dans le dépistage de la maltraitance infantile en médecine générale et d’envisager la formation des étudiants au gut feeling comme processus décisionnel non analytique

    Influência dietética na química cerebral

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    Neurotransmissores são unidades básicas da comunicação química com o Sistema Nervoso, cuja deficiência pode levar a desordens físicas e mentais como fadiga e depressão. Incluem a dopamina, norepinefrina, epinefrina, serotonina, melatonina, acetilcolina, colecistocinina, dentre outros. Muitos desses neurotransmissores são sintetizados através de precursores providos pela alimentação, sendo desta forma influenciados pelo padrão alimentar. Evidências científicas atuais indicam que além do crescimento e manutenção dos processos vitais, a alimentação pode estar envolvida no padrão de sono, percepção da dor e humor dentre outros. Dessa forma, os componentes básicos dos alimentos, as proteínas, carboidratos e lipídios serviriam não somente como alicerce energético, mas também como precursores de uma variedade de compostos neuroreativos, que influenciariam a química cerebral para, no limite, impulsionar comportamentos reconhecidos como normais ou no caso de suporte inadequado ou desequilibrado desses precursores causar comportamentos de abuso de álcool, drogas e excessos alimentares. Essa revisão bibliográfica aborda através do acompanhamento da literatura científica, as fontes alimentares que subsidiam a síntese de neurotransmissores, a descrição da química de formação desses compostos e com isso desenvolver e ampliar as competências do aluno que permitam a integração do conhecimento na combinação fármaco-alimentos

    The Influence of Human Development, Institutional Quality and ?ISIS Emergence on Foreign Direct Investment in Iraq ?

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    This study investigates the influence of human development and institutional quality on the foreign direct investment net inflows on the gross domestic product in Iraq for the period (2004-2016) by using OLS regression. The empirical results show that governance sub-indicators do not actually matter much in attracting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) inflows in Iraq. This variable shows fixed results with a different sign; the Political Stability (PS), Government Effectiveness (GE) and Rule of Law (RL) are the sub-indicators of the governance with a positive sign which is insignificant, while the Voice and Accountability (VA), Regulatory Quality (RQ) and Control of Corruption (CC) are the sub-indicators of the governance index with a negative sign and an insignificant impact on FDI inflows. The value of Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) coefficient is negative and significant at 10% level. Hence it has been concluded that the explanatory variables are negatively associated with the dependent variable FDI. In contrast, the Human Development Index (HDI) has a positive and significant impact on FDI inflows. This study found that Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) emergence after (2013) had a significant coefficient, meaning that ISIS has affected the level of FDI inflows

    Análise das prevalências de doenças detectadas pelo programa nacional de triagem neonatal no município de Araraquara no ano de 2009

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    The National Neonatal Screening Program (NNSP) set up in all Brazil, aims, through planned phases of local implementation, to detect diseases such as phenylketonuria, congenital hypothyroidism, hemoglobinopathies and cystic fibrosis. The aim of this study was to assess, through a cross-sectional observational study, the prevalence of the diseases detected by the NNSP in the city of Araraquara, in records issued by the São Paulo APAE laboratory in the period between April and December 2009.The results show that Araraquara had a prevalence of phenylketonuria and congenital hypothyroidism 0.06% above the national averages of 0.01% and 0.03% respectively. With respect to hemoglobinopathies, the prevalence of sickle cell trait was 2.15% below the national average of 2.6%. The prevalence of Hb C in the city was 0.57%, similar to national values reported in the literature. Confirmed Hb Bart's had a prevalence of 0.13% in Araraquara, below the average of 0.38% for the surrounding region. The neonatal screening by heel-prick test and counseling for caregivers are important factors in reducing morbidity related to the evolution of these diseases.O Programa Nacional de Triagem Neonatal (PNTN) implantado no Brasil tem como objetivo, considerando cada fase de execução local, detectar doenças como fenilcetonúria, hipotereoidismo congênito, hemoglobinopatias e fibrose cística. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar, através de um estudo transversal e observacional, a prevalência das doenças detectadas pelo PNTN no município de Araraquara emitidas pela APAE de São Paulo no período compreendido entre abril e dezembro de 2009. Os resultados mostram que o município apresentou, no ano de 2009, prevalência de fenilcetonúria e hipotireoidismo congênito de 0,06% acima da média nacional, que é de 0,01% e 0,03%, respectivamente. Com relação às hemoglobinopatias, encontrou-se prevalência do traço para anemia falciforme de 2,15% abaixo da média nacional, que é de 2,6%. A prevalência do traço C no município foi de 0,57%, semelhante a valores nacionais disponíveis na literatura. FA BART’S confirmado apresentou valor de 0,13% abaixo da média de 0,38% da região do município de Araraquara. A realização do teste do pezinho e o aconselhamento aos cuidadores são fatores importantes para redução de morbidades relacionadas à evolução dessas doenças. Palavras-chave: Triagem neonatal. Teste do pezinho. Anemia falciforme. Fenilcetonúria. Fibrose cística. Hipotireoidismo congênito